Инфоурок Иностранные языки Рабочие программыSchools in Great Britain. (6-класс) разработка урока

Schools in Great Britain. (6-класс) разработка урока

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Grade: 6                                                                                                                                                       Date:.                                                                                                                                                               The Theme of the lesson: Schools in Great Britain                                                                                              Objectives: To work on the given theme.                                                                                                               To develop the pupils’ abilities in speaking, writing, reading about schools in Great Britain.                                                  To bring up the pupils to be an educated person.                                                                                                        Goals                                                                                                                                                              • Students will learn how to use the Internet materials and analyse them.                                                                                                  • Students will understand the result of searching work.                                                                                                       Type of the lesson: getting new information.                                                                                        Visual aids: Internet materials, films.

The procedure of the lesson:

I.                   Organization moment.

Good afternoon, pupils! I’m glad to see you again.

Sit down, please!  We’ll work in 2 groups.

II.                 Warming up. A poem “ My school”

III.              Checking the homework.                                                                                                                         Group work: Represent, please, your homework, using posters.                                                              

IV.              Presentation.  1. What associations do you have with the word “Schools in Great Britain”?                                                                                                                                                  2. Active vocabulary (Types of schools)                                                                                              3. A film “Great Britain: Schools”                                                                                                                       


Schools in Great Britain


        State schools                    →  Secondary schools 

                                 ↕       ↕                               ↓             ↓            ↓ 

                        Infant        Junior                Modern    Grammar      Comprehensive

                    Private schools        

                        ↓                 ↓

                       Independent      Public  

                School    Infant   Junior  Secondary 

                 Age        5-7        7-11       11-16

V.                Practice.                                                                                                                                         (Jigso method)  1.Working in groups:  Read the part of the text and prepare a presentation.                                                         

2. Now we’ll do some exercises on the cards.

Correct the sentences.

1.In Great Britain children start going to school when they are 7.

2.Compulsary education begins at the age of 11.

3. Primary education lasts for 5 years.

4..In infant schools children learn how to write and read, and do mathematics.

5.Boys and girls study at junior schools for 6 six years.

6. .Boys and girls study together at private schools.

3. Answer the questions. 1.When do children start going to school in Great Britain?

2.How long does primary education last?

3.What do children do in infant schools?

4.When do children go to junior school?

5.How long do they study at junior school?

6.What do pupils study at secondary school?

3. Discussing question: What type of school will you choose if you live in England?   


4. Complete the sentences.

1.In Great Britain children start going to school when they _____

2. ____education lasts for six years.

3.When children are seven they go to______school.

4.Boys and girls study at ___ four years.

5. At infant schools children learn___and how_____them.

VI.              Reflection. What can you add to your scheme?

VII.           Homework. Answer the questions on the cards.

VIII.        Assessment






















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Grade: 6                                                                                                                                                       Date:.                                                                                                                                                               The Theme of the lesson: Schools in Great Britain                                                                                              Objectives: To work on the given theme.                                                                                                               To develop the pupils’ abilities in speaking, writing, reading about schools in Great Britain.                                                  To bring up the pupils to be an educated person.                                                                                                        Goals                                                                                                                                                              • Students will learn how to use the Internet materials and analyse them.                                                                                                  • Students will understand the result of searching work.                                                                                                       Type of the lesson: getting new information.                                                                                        Visual aids: Internet materials, films.

The procedure of the lesson:

I.                   Organization moment.

Good afternoon, pupils! I’m glad to see you again.

Sit down, please!  We’ll work in 2 groups.

II.                 Warming up. A poem “ My school”

III.               Checking the homework.                                                                                                                         Group work: Represent, please, your homework, using posters.                                                              

IV.              Presentation.  1. What associations do you have with the word “Schools in Great Britain”?                                                                                                                                                  2. Active vocabulary (Types of schools)                                                                                              3. A film “Great Britain: Schools”                                                                                                                       


Schools in Great Britain


        State schools                    →  Secondary schools 

                                 ↕       ↕                               ↓             ↓            ↓ 

                        Infant        Junior                Modern    Grammar      Comprehensive

                    Private schools        

                        ↓                 ↓

                       Independent      Public  

                School    Infant   Junior  Secondary 

                 Age        5-7        7-11       11-16

V.                Practice.                                                                                                                                         (Jigso method)  1.Working in groups:  Read the part of the text and prepare a presentation.                                                         

2. Now we’ll do some exercises on the cards.

Correct the sentences.

1.In Great Britain children start going to school when they are 7.

2.Compulsary education begins at the age of 11.

3. Primary education lasts for 5 years.

4..In infant schools children learn how to write and read, and do mathematics.

5.Boys and girls study at junior schools for 6 six years.

6. .Boys and girls study together at private schools.

3. Answer the questions. 1.When do children start going to school in Great Britain?

2.How long does primary education last?

3.What do children do in infant schools?

4.When do children go to junior school?

5.How long do they study at junior school?

6.What do pupils study at secondary school?

3. Discussing question: What type of school will you choose if you live in England?   


4. Complete the sentences.

1.In Great Britain children start going to school when they _____

2. ____education lasts for six years.

3.When children are seven they go to______school.

4.Boys and girls study at ___ four years.

5. At infant schools children learn___and how_____them.

VI.              Reflection. What can you add to your scheme?

VII.           Homework. Answer the questions on the cards.

VIII.         Assessment























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