Инфоурок Английский язык Другие методич. материалыСочинение на тему "Защита окружающей среды на Ямале"

Сочинение на тему "Защита окружающей среды на Ямале"

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            I live on the Yamal. Now let me explain: Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is situated in the North of Western Siberia, in the Tyumen region, between Baidaratskaya lips and the Ob of the Kara sea. Its length is 750 km, width of 240 km, an area of 122 km2.                                                              The nature and structure of the permafrost soil with layers and veins of underground ice, lying on the Yamal Peninsula, have no analogues neither in our country nor abroad.                                                            Maximum often exceeds 300 m. there are many lakes, many rivers, rich in delicious fish such as whitefish, whitefish, and in the Ob Bay is home to Beluga and seal. In the vast tundra in the North, in the forest-tundra in the South – the abundance of various animals and birds.                               

            On the Yamal Peninsula are inhabited and those that are rare and listed in the Red book: the Atlantic walrus, peregrine Falcon, Gyrfalcon, white-billed diver, lesser Swan, red-breasted goose, Siberian crane. Now an attempt to preserve the richness of our national wealth, which belongs also to all mankind. Created by Zoological reserve with the area of 1 million 400 thousand hectares.

            But how to protect it, if there are routes of gas pipelines and Railways? How to develop reindeer herding, fishing, hunting on Fox, the main economic activities of the natives? In my work I have tried to consider these issues, identify the main causes of ecological problems of the Northern territories and show how they are solved.

            Human intervention in nature in the North has many consequences that are not taken into account when intervention in nature, cause negative changes in the environment. This is especially true of exploration, construction, operational works for the development of mineral resources of the Yamal Peninsula.                                                                                                                                        Any change in the human environment: air pollution, soil, poor water quality, the disappearance of forests and shrubs, a reduction in species diversity of animals and birds leads to disaster vulnerable nature of the North.                                                                                                                       Forest Fund district composed of pre-tundra and taiga forests located in the zone of forest tundra, sparse taiga sub-zones and subzones Northern taiga. The greatest specific weight in the area of forest Fund lands assigned sub-tundra forests, falls on treeless space: swamps, rocky sediments. In sub-tundra forests dominated by conifers.                                                                                                               Of which about 70% are larch. These forests represented 70% Mature and overmature plantations, which are unproductive. In 1990, in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous district was burnt about 14,000 km2 of reindeer moss. Under the current environmental management practices by 2010 can be broken ecosystems on 20 – 30% of the Arctic areas, comprising substantially all of the territory of their active development.                                                                                                                                      The district has one reserve upper Taz, the number of wildlife areas of Republican and local importance. The total area of the protected area is not much more than 4 million hectares. Due to the lack of sufficient funding, they are practically not protected. Verkhne - Tazovsky reserve is forced to remove a number of cordons.                                                                                                                                   To mitigate the adverse impacts on reindeer, in addition to conventional security measures, it is necessary to strengthen the control on the migration paths of the deer. You must comply with the existing rules of hunting and the introduction of additional (a ban of shooting of migratory deer on the transitions through communication, prevention of ejection from vehicles), construction in areas where communications create mechanical obstacles to the movement of nomadic reindeer special devices (embankments, transitions) to facilitate the overcoming of these obstacles, animals.

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