Инфоурок Английский язык Другие методич. материалыТекст для чтения "My favorite music style" (10 класс)

Текст для чтения "My favorite music style" (10 класс)

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Jane  Tastes differ. So people's musical interests range from pop and rock music, which are extremely popular nowadays, especially among young people, to classical music and opera. When I have free time I listen to their records. I also like having background music while I am working.

It's a pity that many young people like to listen only to modern music. As for me, I also enjoy listening to classical music. Classical music is always a complex of emotions. It gives me delight, pleasure and a sense of happiness. Not long ago I listened to the Polonez - Goodbye to the nature land, composed by Oginsky. This music is sad, but I like sad music too.

The music I hate is heavy metal. I find it noisy and dreadful. Though some young people are fond of this style of music, it is not to everyone's taste. To my mind, music too loud can destroy our ears. I am indifferent to other styles of music. For example, I don't mind listening to jazz.

Each generation has its own tastes.

Alexandra   My hobbies are listening to music and roller-skating. Sometimes I combine these two activities. I simply can’t imagine a day without music. Moreover, I like almost all types of music, be it classical or hard rock. The music genre that I choose depends on my mood. If I want to party with friends, I choose rock music or hip-hop. If I want to relax, I choose classical or instrumental music. Whenever I feel sad, I listen to gothic or alternative music. However, my favourite music style is jazz. It cheers me up in any situation.

Ted   As for me, I often listen to music: at home, on the way to school, in my dad’s car, when travelling, at parties and in many other occasions. Even though I like almost all types of music, my favourite style is rock. Rock music is the best remedy for me in any situation. I know that its peak of popularity was in the middle of the 20th century. However, it still attracts young people in every corner of the world. Rock is also connected with various youth subcultures, such as punks, hippie, metalheads, goths, emo. Despite its often defiant lyrics, rock music helps to express one’s personality and to release the accumulated emotions.

Nick  Music is an essential part of my life. I simply can’t imagine how people live without music. Even though I like all types of music, be it classical or pop, my favourite style is alternative rock. The bands that I listen to include Linkin Park, Radiohead, Evanescence, Muse, Placebo and some others. One of my favourite bands of all times is Evanescence. I have their several albums on my MP3 player, so I often listen to them on different occasions. I listen to their songs at home, on a way to school, when I’m sad, when I’m bored, or simply when I need to relax.

 Kate  I like listening to music. However, I only listen to it in certain situations. For example, I always switch on my player and listen to music when I have to travel somewhere far. A lot of people turn on their record players when they do some routine work. As for me, I love listening to music when I tidy up my house. I like English and Russian songs. My favourite musical style is pop. I like it because these songs are very simple and you can listen to this kind of music in any situation. It suits every mood. There are a lot of songs which I know by heart and enjoy singing them along with the singer.

 I don’t like heavy music. It makes me feel depressed. However, I like listening to the legends of classical rock, such as Scorpions. Their songs cannot be compared to modern ones. 






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