Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыТест Модуль 6 Spotlight 10

Тест Модуль 6 Spotlight 10

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Variant 1

Test – 6

Variant 1

1. Вы услышите репортаж дважды. Выберите правильный ответ 1, 2 или 3.

1. Sharon is invited to speak about how

1)  her work influences her family life.

2)  she feels about working all over the world.

3)  she is bringing her children up.

How many children does Sharon have?

1)  Two.

2)  Four.

3)  Three.

What does Sharon say about her husband’s job of a computer scientist?

1)  He had to leave it.

2)  He manages to keep it.

3)  He hopes to get it.

Sharon’s husband’s name is

1)  Finnian.

2)  Rowan.

3)  Julian.

Sharon tries not to stay away from her family for more than five weeks because

1)  she thinks it’s her physical and emotional limit.

2)  she promised this to her husband.

3)  it’s general practice of the Red Cross.

2. Установите соответствие между текстами и рубриками, выбрав рубрику из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую рубрику только один раз. В задании одна рубрика лишняя.

Выпадающий список:

1.  Sports

2.  Exhibitions 

3.  Health

4.  War victims

5.  Politics

6. Sightseeing


A. Kuskovo was built between 1740 and 1780. The bulk of the construction was carriedout in the 1750s. The eighteenth-century engravings and drawings give us an idea of thespecial layout of the estate. The axis more than three kilometers long serves to link upthree component parts  — the ground beyond the lake, the formal park, and the landscapepark.


B. Last year a staggering 65 million people had to leave their homes. 23 million of them had toleave their country (are refugees). Half of those  — over 11 million  — are children. It’s the largest amount of people we know of that have had to leave their situation according to the United Nations Refugee Agency. And the children in particular haven’t done anything to bein the situation they are in.


C. The Golden State Warriors are headed to the NBA Championships after an epic comeback inthe best of 7 series against the Oklahoma City Thunder. The Warriors were down threegames to one. They had to win three games in a row under tremendous pressure. But theGolden State Warriors are proving to be no ordinary team.


D. The cold never bothered Harbin, China… in fact they thrive on it, hosting the world’slargest snow and ice festival every year. It’s under way right now. Around 7,000 sculptorsworked tirelessly to build … basically a city, complete with buildings, sculptures, and slides  — all made of ice and snow! There are replicas of the Great Wall of China as well as world-record sized sculptures.


E. Today the U.N. has 193 member countries. All are invited to attend the General Assembly. Each Assembly is given a number. This year it was the sixty-seventh session, or the 67th Assembly since the U.N. was founded in 1945. A secretary-general leads the U.N. Its current leader is Ban Ki-moon. He is a former diplomat from South Korea.

3.  Match the words/phrases in Column A with the words/phrases in Column B. Fill in the table.

Column A

Column B

1     sparkling

2     bitter

3     well-balanced

4     iron-rich

5     regular

A     meals

B     exercises

C     water

D     chocolate

E     foods

4. Choose the correct answer A, B or C.

1.       I’m making a fruit salad with apple, peach and ……. .

        A     cabbage                B     grapes                C     peas

2.        The soup is very tasty. What ……. did you use?

        A     additives                B     seeds                C     spices

3.        Is there anything to eat? My tummy is ……. .

        A     rumbling                B     moving                C     starving

4.        Andy is so …….; she sometimes eats a whole packet of biscuits without offering a single one to anyone else!

        A     greedy                B     hungry                C     starving

5.        My favourite vegetables are broccoli, cabbage and ……. .

        A     plums                B     carrots                C     pears


5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb.

1.         If I ……. (not/have) to work tonight, I would come with you to the restaurant.

2.        If only I ……. (not/cause) damage to his car! He wouldn’t be upset with me now!

3.         I wish he ……. (stop) watching TV! He’s been sitting there for four hours.

4.        If I ……. (be) you, I wouldn’t eat that.

5.        I …….(enjoy) the play if the lady behind me hadn’t been talking all the time.


6. Use the prefixes (pre-, semi-, super-, under-, re-, over-) to form compound words

1.      The ghost disappeared and ________________ after a while. (appear)

2.      The meal was _____. It was even raw. (cook)

3.      Spiderman is the most famous ________________ in the world. (hero)

4.      ___________________ children are allowed to watch this film. (age)

5.      You must _______________ the oven for 10 minutes before you put the cake in. (heat)

6.      If Milan wins the __________________ football match today, they’ll play in the final on Wednesday. (final)



Test – 6

Variant 2

1. Вы услышите репортаж дважды. Выберите правильный ответ 1, 2 или 3.

1. Sharon is invited to speak about how

1)  her work influences her family life.

2)  she feels about working all over the world.

3)  she is bringing her children up.

How many children does Sharon have?

1)  Two.

2)  Four.

3)  Three.

What does Sharon say about her husband’s job of a computer scientist?

1)  He had to leave it.

2)  He manages to keep it.

3)  He hopes to get it.

Sharon’s husband’s name is

1)  Finnian.

2)  Rowan.

3)  Julian.

Sharon tries not to stay away from her family for more than five weeks because

1)  she thinks it’s her physical and emotional limit.

2)  she promised this to her husband.

3)  it’s general practice of the Red Cross.


2. Установите соответствие между текстами и рубриками, выбрав рубрику из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую рубрику только один раз. В задании одна рубрика лишняя.

Выпадающий список:

1.  Sports

2.  Sightseeing

3.  Health

4.  War victims

5.  Exhibitions

6.  Politics


A. Kuskovo was built between 1740 and 1780. The bulk of the construction was carriedout in the 1750s. The eighteenth-century engravings and drawings give us an idea of thespecial layout of the estate. The axis more than three kilometers long serves to link upthree component parts  — the ground beyond the lake, the formal park, and the landscapepark.


B. Last year a staggering 65 million people had to leave their homes. 23 million of them had toleave their country (are refugees). Half of those  — over 11 million  — are children. It’s the largest amount of people we know of that have had to leave their situation according to the United Nations Refugee Agency. And the children in particular haven’t done anything to bein the situation they are in.


C. The Golden State Warriors are headed to the NBA Championships after an epic comeback inthe best of 7 series against the Oklahoma City Thunder. The Warriors were down threegames to one. They had to win three games in a row under tremendous pressure. But theGolden State Warriors are proving to be no ordinary team.


D. The cold never bothered Harbin, China… in fact they thrive on it, hosting the world’slargest snow and ice festival every year. It’s under way right now. Around 7,000 sculptorsworked tirelessly to build … basically a city, complete with buildings, sculptures, and slides  — all made of ice and snow! There are replicas of the Great Wall of China as well as world-record sized sculptures.


E. Today the U.N. has 193 member countries. All are invited to attend the General Assembly. Each Assembly is given a number. This year it was the sixty-seventh session, or the 67th Assembly since the U.N. was founded in 1945. A secretary-general leads the U.N. Its current leader is Ban Ki-moon. He is a former diplomat from South Korea.


3. Match the words/phrases in Column A with the words/phrases in Column B. Fill in the table.

Column A

Column B

1     regular

2     low carbohydrate

3     spicy

4     dry

5     tooth

A     food

B     skin

C     decay

D     exercise

E     diet


4. Choose the correct answer A, B or C.

1.        I’m making a vegetable salad with cucumber, tomato and ……. .

        A     lettuce                B     cherry                C     pear

2.        I want a bottle of ……. water, not sparkling.

        A             still                B     fizzy                C     spicy

3.        If you are ……., eat less and take regular exercises.

        A     skinny                B     underweight        C     overweight

4.        I have got a stomach ache, I think it’s ……. .

        A     tooth decay        B     indigestion        C     tiredness

5.        My favourite fruits are pineapples, plums and ……. .

        A     peaches                B     carrots                C     aubergines


5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb.

1.        If I ….. (know) how to cook, I would make you pasta with red sauce and tuna.

2.        If only my children ….. (eat) more fruit and vegetables.

3.        If I were you, I ….. (go) to see a dentist.

4.        I wish my skin ….. (not/be) so dry!

5.        If you hadn’t eaten cheese and fish for dinner, you ….. (not/get) red spots all over your body.


6. Use the prefixes (pre-, semi-, super-, under-, re-, over-) to form compound words

7.      The meal was _____. It was even raw. (cook)

8.      Spiderman is the most famous ________________ in the world. (hero)

9.      The ghost disappeared and ________________ after a while. (appear)

10. ___________________ children are allowed to watch this film. (age)

11. If Milan wins the __________________ football match today, they’ll play in the final on Wednesday. (final)

12. You must _______________ the oven for 10 minutes before you put the cake in. (heat)


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Аудирование для теста взято с сайта Решу ВПР-11, Вариант 11. Вы услышите репортаж дважды. Выберите правильный ответ 1, 2 или 3.1. Sharon is invited to speak about how1) her work influences her family life.2) she feels about working all over the world.3) she is bringing her children up.How many children does Sharon have?1) Two.2) Four.3) Three.What does Sharon say about her husband’s job of a computer scientist?1) He had to leave it.2) He manages to keep it.3) He hopes to get it.Sharon’s husband’s name is1) Finnian.2) Rowan.3) Julian.Sharon tries not to stay away from her family for more than five weeks because1) she thinks it’s her physical and emotional limit.2) she promised this to her husband.3) it’s general practice of the Red Cross.

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