Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыTowns and cities of Great Britain

Towns and cities of Great Britain

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The 7th  grade.  

Theme: Towns and cities of Great Britain.


1) educational

- to continue the new topic “English speaking countries”

- to present and fix the information about the main towns and cities of Great Britain, reading  on the topic  

- to teach and fix new words

-  grammar-   Past Perfect

2) developing

- to help the developing of the psychological processes( memory, mind, imagination, attention)

- develop grammar skills.

3) up bringing

 - upbringing of  interest to the foreign countries .

- forming of the positive motivation toward the studying of English

- forming of the intellectual working skills.

Equipment:  computer with multimedia projector and PC, grammar cards (Passive),  slide presentation “Past Perfect” , slide presentation about the towns and cities

Methods: critical thinking

Procedure of the lesson

Stages and time management

Teacher`s activity

Pupils` activity and form of interaction

I.Organization moment (2 m)

Greetings , questions to the pupil on duty

Greet  the teacher , answer the questions.

II. Phonetic drill(3 min)

Irregular verbs (textbooks)

Look, listen and repeat all together and then read

III. Main part (35 min





Let's begin our lesson! Look at the board Today we`ll speak on the topic- “Towns and cities of GB”

1)    Warm- up and actualization of knowledge  - checking up the home work

2)    Reading texts (cards)- Jig-Saw device (pupils work in pairs, read their texts, then make their pert of the general cluster, present it and listen to the others` presentations, make notes)

3)     Revision of the grammar  

 Past Perfect (cards)







 Texts about towns and cities






V. Reflexing

 Review what we have studied today, home task-the rule at p.200,  #6, p.204 put the verbs into Past Perfect or Past Simple.

 Estimations for the lesson.

 Listen and speak, write down the h/t



Stratford-Upon- Avon.


Stratford-Upon-Avon lies at the very heart of England. It attracts people not only by its history and connection with William Shakespeare, but also by its wonderful nature and typical English character.


Stratford stands on the river Avon and is one of the oldest market towns. It has still preserves its own character and atmosphere, as you will not see modern buildings there. The houses are small and a lot of them are very old. Some of them date back to Shakespeare’s time.


Here you can visit Shakespeare’s birthplace, the foundations of the New Place, where Shakespeare lived when he retired and died in 1616. Just round the corner there is Grammar school that the writer used to attend.


Here in Stratford there is Holy Trinity Church where William Shakespeare was buried. Thousands of people from all parts of England and foreign visitors come here on Shakespeare’s birthday (23rd April) to pay tribute to the great poet.


Among other sight connected with the name of Shakespeare there is an interesting monument with the statue of the great poet on top and with characters from his plays round it. And you should visit the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, a red-brick building standing on the banks of the Avon. It was opened in 1932 as a living memorial to the poet’s work.




1.Why does Stratford attract visitors?


2.How does it differ from many other English towns?


3.On what occasion do thousands of people come to Stratford every year?








To date back to—уходить в прошлое


To retire—уйти в отставку


Holy Trinity School—церковь Святой Троицы


Living memorial—живой памятник



The historic city of York.


In old times York was the capital of a Viking kingdom. In medieval times, York was the second city of England, then the social centre of the North, and in Victorian times, an important railway centre. Today York is the home of world-famous chocolate and one of the beautiful cities in the world. There are a lot of historic things in York: battlements, glorious churches, ancient narrow streets, old houses and cosy pubs where stories of ghosts are told around the fire.


The magnificent Minster is the largest Gothic cathedral in northern Europe and the most important church in the North of England. It is famous for its medieval stained glass windows and the interior full of colour and light. You can climb to the top of the tower and take a trip into history below ground. Where you can see the Roman remains.


In today’s York there is a festival of music and the arts every summer, which include the famous miracle plays(the religious plays performed in the streets in medieval York).


Viking kingdom—королевство викингов




In Victorian times—во времена королевы Виктории (1837-1901)


Battlements—зубчатые стены, укрепления




Stained glass windows—витражи


the Roman remains—остатки римской цивилизации




1.Why is York considered a unique city?


2.How is it connected with English history?


3.What interesting events take place in today’s York?












Cardiff the largest city of Wales became its capital in 1956. More than three hundred people live in this city. In is situated near the mouth of the river Taff, which flows into the British Channel. The site was first occupied by a Roman fort, built there about 75 A.D. By the 3th and 4th centuries there had been built a massive stone wall around the fort. The Castle now standing at the site of the Roman fort and the old fortress walls around it give a special flavor to the city.


Cardiff is an administrative and educational centre. The main streets of the city are spacious and well-planned.


Cardiff is an important industrial city and a port. Industries are concentrated in the south of the city and near the port. The port played a great role in the growth of Cardiff in the 19th and early 20th centuries, when most of the Welsh coal exports were handled by it. Light industry is also widely developed there.






Stone wall—каменная стена




Light industry—лёгкая промышленность




1.When did Cardiff become the capital of Wales?


2.What is the population of the city?


3.Where are industries concentrated in Cardiff?
















Glasgow is the largest and most populous city in the whole of Scotland and the third largest city of Great Britain with the population of over a million. Founded in the sixth century on the site of an ancient Celtic settlement, Glasgow occupies a mostly flat area of land. The city extends along both banks of the river Clyde.


Glasgow is known the world over for its ship-building. Its shipyards, lining both banks of the river, turn out all sorts of vessels.


In huge workshops and forges, Glasgow engineers design and produce a great variety of heavy steel manufactures. Glasgow-built locomotives run in every part of the world.


Glasgow is a large cultural centre of Britain. The University of Glasgow, founded in 1450, is among the oldest universities of the country.


The City centre is George Square with beautiful monuments. Here you can see the figure of Sir Walter Scott. The Statue of the Duke of Wellington is one of the finest in the city.








Vessel—корабль, судно


Heavy steel manufacture—тяжёлая промышленность








1.Where is Glasgow situated?


2.What industries are developed in the city?


3.What cultural constructions are there in the city?










Belfast became the capital of Northern Ireland in 1920. No it is the largest city and the principal seaport with almost half a million population. After Ulster had been separated from Ireland, the Belfast port began to handle most of the raw materials and fuel for Northern Ireland.


Belfast was the gateway for the English colonization of Ireland and today is the centre of major economic and political contacts with Ulster.


Belfast is a modern city, a city of the 19th century and of the industrial revolution. There are a few trim Georgian buildings and one or two houses dating from the 17th century, but the mass of the city’s buildings are late Victorian or belong to the present century.


The City Hall in Donegal Square, with its lofty dome, is one of the chief landmarks. Its height, of nearly 200 ft, is the main feature of the city’s skyline. There is an impressive war memorial in the garden of Remembrance. The city is well-known for shipbuilding and it was here that the Titanic was built and sent out on his fatal first voyage. There is a memorial to that luxury liner.


Queen’s University was founded in 1845 and has an interesting historical museum.


The famous English writers who came from Ireland—Oscar Wilde, Bernard Shaw—are known all over the world. 




Raw materials—сырьё




Major—важный, основной








1.When did Belfast become the capital of Northern Ireland?


2.What is the population of the city?


3.What outstanding people came from Northern Ireland?










































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Краткое описание документа:

Theme: Towns and cities of Great Britain.


1) educational

- to continue the  topic “English speaking countries”

- to present and fix the information about the main towns and cities of Great Britain, reading  on the topic  

- to teach and fix new words

-  grammar-   Past Perfect

2) developing

- to help the developing of the psychological processes( memory, mind, imagination, attention)

- develop grammar skills.

3) up bringing

 - upbringing of  interest to the foreign countries .

- forming of the positive motivation toward the studying of English

- forming of the intellectual working skills.

Equipment:  computer with multimedia projector and PC, grammar cards (Passive),  slide presentation “Past Perfect” , slide presentation about the towns and cities, cards with texts about the main cities of the UK

Methods: ICT, critical thinking

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