Алекперова Джамиля Балабековна
4 года назад


There are many worthy and useful professions in the world. One of the most important fields nowadays is education. That’s why teachers are respected worldwide.

Being a teacher has always been a noble occupation. In my opinion, teachers of any subject are equally important. They teach us not only one particular subject but a set of rules that can be useful in our future life. All teachers are important. The teacher of History can give us sufficient knowledge about the past centuries. The teacher of Geography widens our knowledge about the world and different countries. Foreign languages’ teacher helps us to master new languages and to learn the traditions of other countries. The teacher of Literature helps us to see the beauty of language expressed in words.

Moreover, all teachers together give us the necessary code of conduct in the society. That’s why teachers are considered as an important unit of society. I still remember my first teacher, who was rather strict and fair-minded. At the same time, she was kind and tolerant to all the pupils in the class. She taught me the most important rule in the life: No pain, no gain. We never got excellent marks unless we made some effort. As the time passed, I understood that teachers are found not only at school. Some people that we meet during our life can also be good teachers.

In my opinion, it’s not only profession received at the university. Good teachers are ordinary people who have certain qualities. The most important qualities for any teacher are intelligence, fair-mindedness, good communicational skills, respect for others and most importantly positive attitude.


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Достижения: 16

Автор в друзьях: 1

У автора в друзьях: 1

Профиль репетитора
  • Английский язык
  • Опыт: преподавания более 10 лет, репетиторства более 10 лет
  • Стоимость занятия (45 мин.)
    от 1500 руб.