Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыВнеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку на тему "Famous people of Belgorod region". (8 класс)

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку на тему "Famous people of Belgorod region". (8 класс)

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Внеурочное мероприятие по английскому языку для учащихся

8- классов: «Известные люди Белгородчины»


Цель: создать условия для ознакомления учащихся на английском языке с историей Белгородчины, с её выдающимися людьми.


Образовательные: формировать знания и представления о значимых событиях и людях в истории своего родного края используя иноязычную речь.

Развивающие: развивать у обучающихся память, логическое мышление, произвольное внимание, восприятие, воображение.

Воспитательные: воспитывать любовь к своей малой родине, родному краю, чувство гордости за его героическое прошлое и настоящее, уважение к людям труда и стремление внести свой вклад в жизнь родного села, края.


Ход занятия

Мой Белый город, ты цветок из камня!                            
Ты мил и свеж и чуден, как весна.
Ты видел горе, черный дым и пламя,
Ты выстоял в годину слез и зла!

Мой Белый город возрожден, отстроен
Взметнулись в высь ажурные дома,
Как ты красив, ухожен и спокоен!
на солнце храмов купола


My White City, you are a flower made of stone!

You are sweet and fresh and wonderful, like spring.

You saw grief, black smoke and flames

You survived in the time of tears and evil!

My White City is revived, rebuilt

Openwork houses soared into the sky,

How beautiful, well-groomed and calm you are!

Domes of temples burn in the sun...


Учитель: Вы  уже знаете, что труд — одна из главных человеческих ценностей. Главное богатство Белгородчины -трудолюбивые и любящие свою землю люди .В самые трудные периоды истории страны они вставали на защиту отечества , а в мирное время обустраивали свой край, растили хлеб, воспитывали новое поколение. Белгородскую землю прославили видные деятели культуры, талантливые организаторы народного хозяйства, выдающиеся спортсмены.

 Сегодня мы свами познакомимся с прославившими нашу малую родину земляками, с некоторыми из них вы уже знакомы._____________________________

You already know that labor is one of the main human values. The main wealth of the Belgorod region is hardworking people who love their land. In the most difficult periods of the country's history, they stood up to defend the fatherland, and in peacetime they equipped their land, grew bread, and educated a new generation. The Belgorod land was glorified by prominent cultural figures, talented organizers of the national economy, and outstanding athletes. Today we will get acquainted with the fellow countrymen who glorified our small homeland, you are already familiar with some of them.



           Born on November 18 (6), 1788 in the Belgorod Territory, in the family of serfs, Count G. S. Volkenstein.

http://static.dev.maly.ru/gallery/432/5bf2be24858f0.jpg               The creative life of Mikhail Shchepkin began in the provinces, in private theaters. Once he was seen on stage by the playwright M. N. Zagoskin, who served in the office of Moscow theaters. His review was extremely brief: "The actor is a miracle Yudo." Soon, after a successful debut in Moscow, Shchepkin was invited to the Imperial Moscow Theater. In 1822 he moved to Moscow as a freelance actor. M. S. Shchepkin's entry on the stage of the Imperial Moscow Theater was the largest event in the history of stage art.

                  The arrival in Moscow coincided with a period of rising opposition sentiments among the nobility on the eve of the Decembrist uprising. Thanks to his kinship with university professor P.S. Shchepkin, Mikhail Semyonovich immediately entered the circle of professors of Moscow University known for freethinking. In the house of Professor M.P. Pogodin, he met A.S. Pushkin and A. Mickiewicz. It was at this time that A. S. Griboyedov composed his comedy "Woe from Wit", and M. S. Shchepkin turned to his work.

                     The meeting with N.V. Gogol became decisive in the artist's creative biography. It was in the plays of N.V. Gogol that the game of M.S. Shchepkin reached true heights. The plays "Inspector", "Marriage", "Litigation", "Players", presented by Shchepkin on the stage, determined the principles of art that began to dominate the theater of the second half of the 19th century.

                 Constantly toured in different cities of Russia: in St. Petersburg, Kharkov, Kyiv, Odessa, Voronezh, etc. Each visit of M.S. Shchepkina was regarded there as a great event not only in theatrical, but also in public life. Writer I.S. Turgenev, especially for Shchepkin, wrote the roles of Moshkin in The Bachelor and Kuzovkin in The Freeloader. The role of Kuzovkin was the last major work of the actor at the Maly Theater. The play, written in 1848, was allowed to be staged when Shchepkin was already 74 years old.

                 But neither age, nor fatigue, nor illness prevented the great actor from creating an integral, truthful, deeply touching image of Kuzovkin.

In April 1863, with the permission of the sovereign, Shchepkin was granted a vacation in the Crimea for the summer with maintenance. To Yalta M.S. Shchepkin arrived quite ill, suffering from terrible shortness of breath. At first he settled with his acquaintances, but soon he was transferred to a hotel.

He passed away on August 11 (23), 1863 in Yalta. He was buried in Moscow, at the Pyatnitsky cemetery.



https://media2.nekropole.info/2017/10/Nikolaj-Stankevich.jpg            Nikolai Vladimirovich Stankevich (1813-1840), a famous Russian cultural figure, was born into a wealthy landowner family in the Voronezh province. Stankevich spent the first years of his childhood in complete lordly will, in the middle of the countryside. At the age of 10, he was sent to the Ostrogozhsk school, and then to the Voronezh noble boarding school. In 1830, Nikolai Stankevich entered Moscow University and soon became the center of a whole circle of young people, whom he attracted with his feminine, tender and painfully sensitive nature and his lively and receptive mind. The popular professors of the Moscow University of that time, Nadezhdin and Pavlov, had the strongest influence on Stankevich, instilling in him with their lectures a love for aesthetics and German philosophy.

            At the end of his university course, Stankevich left for the countryside, but neither in his personal nor in his public life did he find sufficient incentives for active work there. Returning to Moscow in 1835, Nikolai Vladimirovich resumed his previous theoretical studies and completely devoted himself to them. He diligently studied German philosophy, made plans for literary works, but the developed consumption forced him to abandon his scientific activities and leave first for the Caucasus, and then abroad. Abroad, Stankevich resumed his studies in philosophy; in Berlin he listened to lectures by Werder, Renne and others, and here he became close to Granovsky. In 1839 he moved to Italy, where he died at the age of 27.




            Vladimir Grigoryevich Shukhov [16.0 8.1853, city of Graivoron, now the Belgorod region, - 2.2.1939, Moscow], Soviet engineer and scientist, honorary academician (1929; corresponding member 1928), Hero of Labor (1932). Member of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (1927). After graduating from Moscow Higher Technical School (1876) he was sent to the USA. In 1877-78 he was the head of the drawing bureau of the Warsaw Railway in St. Petersburg, since 1878 he was the chief engineer of the technical construction office in Moscow. After the October Revolution of 1917, he worked in the construction office of the Parostroy plant (Moscow), then at the plant itself.

https://orel-story.ru/gallery/albums/userpics/10001/Photo_selfportret_.jpg             https://anashina.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Vladimir_Grigoryevich_Shukhov_1891.jpg The main works on the technology of the oil industry, heat engineering and construction. Author or co-author of a number of patents for industrial installations for the processing and use of oil. In 1891, he patented an industrial plant for the distillation of oil with decomposition into fractions under the influence of high temperatures and pressures; the installation for the first time provided for the implementation of cracking in the liquid phase (Shukhov is recognized as the inventor of the cracking process). Shukhov was the first in the world to carry out industrial flare combustion of liquid fuel using the spray nozzle invented by him (1880), which made it possible to efficiently burn fuel oil, which was previously considered a waste product. He developed the design of the furnace with heating of the air supplied to the torch. He made calculations and supervised the construction of the first oil pipeline in Russia (from the Balakhani oil fields to Baku, 1878), a little later in Baku he created the world's first heated fuel oil pipeline. Under the leadership of Shukhov, the first metal oil tanker in Russia was designed and built. Shukhov introduced riveted oil storage tanks into practice. Shukhov's solution to the problem of the most advantageous tank sizes is widely used in many industries.

Shukhov's scientific and engineering activities belong to the most diverse fields of technology.


                 Stanislav Stepanovich Kosenkov was born on October 11, 1941 in the Belgorod region and until the age of 15 he lived in his native village of Rozhdestvenka. The difficult years of life in the post-war countryside accelerated the formation of character. Developed a propensity for reflection and self-deepening. I started reading and drawing at the age of 4. The passion for drawing continued at school. In the seventh grade, Kosenkov takes part in the competition for the best drawing and receives the first prize. At the end of seven classes, he enters the Kursk Art College, which he graduated in 1960.

                 After two years of work at the Belgorod depot and teaching at the art studio of the Palace of Pioneers, he became a student at the Kharkov Institute of Art and Industry. The oldest teacher of the Institute V.D. Ermilov had a significant influence on the education of his artistic taste. It wasn't easy to learn. Already from the second year, Kosenkov had to combine his studies at the institute with service in the Soviet Army, which took place in Kharkov itself. After demobilization, he began his graduation work on the graphic series "International", which was exhibited in 1967 at the republican art exhibition "Soviet Ukraine" in Kyiv and at the zonal art exhibition "The Black Earth Land" in Tula.  With this series, the formation of his creative personality began. The content reflects the theme of the solidarity of people, embraced by a single impulse to fight. Stanislav Kosenkov becomes a candidate member of the Union of Artists.




Born on December 16, 1901 in the village of Chepukhino, Valuysky district, Voronezh province (now the village of Vatutino, Belgorod region) into a large peasant family. He graduated from four classes of the Zemstvo school, where he was considered the first student.

During the Civil War (1920) he was mobilized into the Red Army, took part in the battles in the Lugansk region. In October 1922 he was sent as a platoon commander to the 23rd Rifle Division.

At the very first exercises, Vatutin showed a talent for strategy and in January 1924 he entered the Kyiv Academy of Command Staff. In 1926, he was transferred to the Moscow Military Academy named after M.V. Frunze.

I https://ar.culture.ru/attachments/attachment/preview/61b30de56d0950b39d8d886e-preview.jpgn 1937, Vatutin was appointed deputy chief of staff of the Kyiv military district, and a year later, chief of staff. His predecessors in these positions were shot during the period of mass repression in the army.

In 1939 he was already deputy chief of the General Staff; in February 1941 he was awarded the Order of Lenin.Обсудим вместе


1.       Какой вклад в культуру общества внесли люди, с которыми мы познакомились?

2.       Могут ли они стать примером для подражания?

3.       Есть ли в жизни место трудовым подвигам, или героем можно стать только на войне?

4.       Пострадала бы нравственность общества, если бы люди не думали о результатах своего труда, а заботились только о своём благе?



      1. How did the people we met contribute to the culture of the society?

      2. Can they be role models?

      3. Is there a place in life for labor exploits, or can one become a hero only in war?

      4. Would the morality of society suffer if people did not think about the results of their labor, but      cared only about their own good?

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