Инфоурок Английский язык Другие методич. материалыВопросы по теме "Yellowstone National Park"

Вопросы по теме "Yellowstone National Park"

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Form 6 Module 4 c Yellowstone National Park

What is Yellowstone?

How large is it?

Where is it located?

Why is it rich in plants?

What is the name of the most famous geyser?

How often does the geyser erupt?

How far does it send water up?

What’s the most famoua canyon?

What spectacular views can you find there?

What animals live there?

There is a supervolcano there, isn’t there?

When did it erupt last?

What could happen if it erupts?


Form 6 Module 4 c Yellowstone National Park

What is Yellowstone?

How large is it?

Where is it located?

Why is it rich in plants?

What is the name of the most famous geyser?

How often does the geyser erupt?

How far does it send water up?

What’s the most famoua canyon?

What spectacular views can you find there?

What animals live there?

There is a supervolcano there, isn’t there?

When did it erupt last?

What could happen if it erupts?


Form 6 Module 4 c Yellowstone National Park

What is Yellowstone?

How large is it?

Where is it located?

Why is it rich in plants?

What is the name of the most famous geyser?

How often does the geyser erupt?

How far does it send water up?

What’s the most famoua canyon?

What spectacular views can you find there?

What animals live there?

There is a supervolcano there, isn’t there?

When did it erupt last?

What could happen if it erupts?


Form 6 Module 4 c Yellowstone National Park

What is Yellowstone?

How large is it?

Where is it located?

Why is it rich in plants?

What is the name of the most famous geyser?

How often does the geyser erupt?

How far does it send water up?

What’s the most famoua canyon?

What spectacular views can you find there?

What animals live there?

There is a supervolcano there, isn’t there?

When did it erupt last?

What could happen if it erupts?


Form 6 Module 4 c Yellowstone National Park

What is Yellowstone?

How large is it?

Where is it located?

Why is it rich in plants?

What is the name of the most famous geyser?

How often does the geyser erupt?

How far does it send water up?

What’s the most famoua canyon?

What spectacular views can you find there?

What animals live there?

There is a supervolcano there, isn’t there?

When did it erupt last?

What could happen if it erupts?


Form 6 Module 4 c Yellowstone National Park

What is Yellowstone?

How large is it?

Where is it located?

Why is it rich in plants?

What is the name of the most famous geyser?

How often does the geyser erupt?

How far does it send water up?

What’s the most famoua canyon?

What spectacular views can you find there?

What animals live there?

There is a supervolcano there, isn’t there?

When did it erupt last?

What could happen if it erupts?


Form 6 Module 4 c Yellowstone National Park

What is Yellowstone?

How large is it?

Where is it located?

Why is it rich in plants?

What is the name of the most famous geyser?

How often does the geyser erupt?

How far does it send water up?

What’s the most famoua canyon?

What spectacular views can you find there?

What animals live there?

There is a supervolcano there, isn’t there?

When did it erupt last?

What could happen if it erupts?


Form 6 Module 4 c Yellowstone National Park

What is Yellowstone?

How large is it?

Where is it located?

Why is it rich in plants?

What is the name of the most famous geyser?

How often does the geyser erupt?

How far does it send water up?

What’s the most famoua canyon?

What spectacular views can you find there?

What animals live there?

There is a supervolcano there, isn’t there?

When did it erupt last?

What could happen if it erupts?



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