Инфоурок Иностранные языки Рабочие программыWork and Money The Objective Participial Construction

Work and Money The Objective Participial Construction

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            Учитель английского языка Абжан  Жамиля Абдинагикызы,

школа-лицей № 249  кента Айтеке би  Кзылординской области


Lesson plan of the teacher of English Abzhan Zhamilya, conducted in the 10th “v” grade








The theme of the lesson:


Work and Money

 The Objective Participial Construction

The aims and objectives of the lesson:

a) educational

to  introduce  the  grammar theme, to introduce the active words, to enrich pupils' vocabulary by reading the text and give some information about'' work and money''

b) developing

to develop pupils` reading,speaking,auding,writing habits

c) cultural

to teach pupils to love their future profession and to use money sparingly

The type of the lesson:


The kind of the lesson:

mastering a new theme

The methods of the lesson:

explaining,speaking,discussing,comparing etc.

Visual aids of the lesson:


Interdisciplinary relation:


The procedure of the lesson:

Teacher’s activity

Students' activity

І. Organization moment

 Greeting,checking up absentees




The pupil on duty will answer the teacher`s questions

ІІ. Teacher’s talk with the pupils on the theme ‘Work and Money’










III. Explaining the new material

a)work on new concepts

Learning the new words

-What factors are the most important for you in choosing your future profession?










The teacher will explain to the pupils  the meaning of the words:

1.a sum of money paid above

 the regular pay

2.a payment received for work or services

3.amount of money earned from work

4.fixed regular monthly payment

5.a payment for professional services

6.a sum of money awarded to a clever student

Pupils will answer the teacher’s questions


-interesting,not boring

-useful to society

-good working condition

-flexible hours

-opportunities to meet people

-friendly colleagues

-considerate management

-opportunities to travel

-long holidays

The pupils will find out the words according to the meaning of the words








































































IV. Consolidation of the new lesson





V.Drill exercises
















The intellectual game ''I want to be a millionaire''

New grammar theme

b) tasks for the development of  cognitive abilities






























Group work






























The teacher explains the theme

The Objective Participial Construction


- Complete sentences using the Objective Participial Construction:

1.I smelled …  in the house. (something, burn) 

2.She did not see … closer. (the car,come)

3.Do you notice  …to Ali? (Asan, talk)

4.We heard … at the door. (the boys, knock)

5.We listened to her child to

  sleep. (the mother, sing)

6.She could feel … . (herself, blush)

7.I found … on the table. (my two cats, sit)

8.She jealously watched … with another   girl. (her boyfriend, dance).





-  Paraphrase sentences using the Objective Participial Construction:

1.The tea which is produced in India is nice.

2. When I went to Italy I expected a better  life.

3. I saw the man. He came to the shop.   

4. The cars which are produced in Japan are nice.

5. When she went to London she expected to earn  much money.

6. I saw the woman . She entered  the shop

  Working on the text:

a)to look through the text

b)to find the words from the text using definitions below

a)______ v. to use with or live (someone)

b)______ adj. without help from other people

c)______ n. the price of a ticket on a bus or train.

d)______ n. someone leaning to do something.

e)_____ adj. having no ability, being bad at something.                                                     




Listening to the text try to complete it with the active words:


I study at the university in Astana. I received ... as a good student. My parents’ ... is not much and that’s why I work in a firm to earn money. I receive ... for my service and sometimes I am given... as a reward for my good work. I am a member of the Youth Club and I pay ... monthly. I count my ... and spending every month and try to remit the rest of money to my parents.


The teacher gives the tasks:



-to shorten relative clauses

1.Money which is added to smb’s pay is ....

2.Money which is awarded to a good student is .... 


- to make one sentence out of two

 I saw the man. He received  his wage from the bank.

We saw the girl. She received  bonus as a reward for good work.


-after verbs of "perception" (e.g. see, watch, hear, listen to, smell, feel)


-after verbs of "rest" and "movement" (e.g. run, go, come, stay, stand, lie, sit)


-after the verb have



-instead of a subordinate clause 1.When she studied at the University she received a scholarship.

2.When she worked in this firm she received a bonus for her good work.




The teacher explains how to play the game



Pupils will listen to the teacher then they will copy sentences in their copybooks

The pupils will complete sentences using the Objective Participial Construction:

1.I smelled something burning  in the house. (something, burn) 

2.She did not see  the car coming closer. (the car,come)

3.Do you notice  Asan talking to Ali? (Asan, talk)

4.We heard the boys knocking  at the door. (the boys, knock)

5.We listened to the mother singing  her child to sleep. (the mother, sing)

6.She could feel herself blushing.(herself, blush)

7. I found my two cats sitting  on the table. (my two cats, sit)

8.She jealously watched her boyfriend dancing with another   girl. (her boyfriend, dance).

The pupils will paraphrase sentences using the Objective Participial Construction:

1.The tea  produced in India is nice.

2. Going to Italy I expected a better  life.

3. I saw the man coming to the shop.   

4. The cars produced in Japan are nice.

5. Going to London she expected to earn  much money

6. I saw the woman entering  the shop.





a)  to share - to use with or live (someone)

b) independent-  without help from other people

c) fare-  the price of a ticket on a bus or train.

d) trainee-  someone leaning to do something.

e) useless-  having no ability, being bad at  something.

The pupils will listen to the text and try to complete it with the active words:

I study at the university in Astana. I received a scholarship as a good student. My parents’ salary is not much and that’s why I work in a firm to earn money. I receive a wage for my service and sometimes I am given a bonus as a reward for my good work. I am a member of the Youth Club and I pay a fee monthly. I count my income and spending every month and try to remit the rest of money to my parents.

The pupils do the tasks:

1.Money added  to smb’s pay is bonus.

2.Money awarded to a good student is a scholarship.




The pupils make one sentence out of two

I saw the man receiving his wage from the bank.

We saw the girl receiving bonus as a reward for good work.


He felt his income increasing

I heard my scholarship growing.



The girl sat counting her salary.

The man lay on the sofa looking at his income.


I have the fee paid.

She has her salary remitted



1.Studying at the University she received a scholarship.



2.Working in this firm she received a bonus for her good work.














VІ. Evaluation

 The teacher will explain to the pupils how to write the essay


The teacher will give marks      




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Краткое описание документа:


The teacher will explain to the pupils  the meaning of the words:

1.a sum of money paid above

 the regular pay

2.a payment received for work or services

3.amount of money earned from work

4.fixed regular monthly payment

5.a payment for professional services

6.a sum of money awarded to a clever student

to  introduce  the  grammar theme, to introduce the active words, to enrich pupils' vocabulary by reading the text and give some information about'' work and money''

to develop pupils` reading,speaking,auding,writing habits

to teach pupils to love their future profession and to use money sparingly

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