Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыЗачетные задания для специальностей "Бухгалтерский учет", "Финансы", "Банковское дело"

Зачетные задания для специальностей "Бухгалтерский учет", "Финансы", "Банковское дело"

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Exam paper 1


1)    Read and translate the text

The UK and the USA are highly developed countries. To get this life level people have to work a lot, follow the law and respect the state authorities, who, in their turn, protect the citizens. People work a load but still most of them have a five-day working week from Monday to Friday. The standard working day in the UK and the USA starts at nine a.m. and lasts till five p.m. with lunch time from one p.m. to two p.m. Overtime is quite common but it’s paid as a premium to the basic rate of pay. Most people in the UK work not only for the state organizations but also for their own business. There are following ways to operate the business in the UK: a sole trader, a partnership, limited liability company and a branch of a foreign company. The sole trader is one of the oldest forms of business with an one-man owner. The partnership is a firm with a few partners. The most common type of company now in the UK is the limited liability company. A branch of a foreign company is a part of a company incorporated outside the UK but acting under the law of the UK.


2)    Are the following sentences True or False, according to the text above.


1.      People should work a lot in the UK and the USA to make their countries developed one.

2.     The authorities don’t protect their citizens.

3.     The usual working week lasts six days.

4.     In the UK and the USA people have an overtime quite often.

5.     The partnership is a firm with several owners.



3)    Put four types of questions to the sentence.


The stockholders of the company share the profit.








Exam paper 2


1)    Read and translate the text

The UK and the USA are highly developed countries. To get this life level people have to work a lot, follow the law and respect the state authorities, who, in their turn, protect the citizens. People work a load but still most of them have a five-day working week from Monday to Friday. The standard working day in the UK and the USA starts at nine a.m. and lasts till five p.m. with lunch time from one p.m. to two p.m. Overtime is quite common but it’s paid as a premium to the basic rate of pay. Most people in the UK work not only for the state organizations but also for their own business. There are following ways to operate the business in the UK: a sole trader, a partnership, limited liability company and a branch of a foreign company. The sole trader is one of the oldest forms of business with an one-man owner. The partnership is a firm with a few partners. The most common type of company now in the UK is the limited liability company. A branch of a foreign company is a part of a company incorporated outside the UK but acting under the law of the UK.


2)    Are the following sentences True or False, according to the text above.


1.      People shouldn’t work a lot in the UK and the USA to make their countries developed one.

2.     The authorities protect their citizens.

3.     Usually employees work without lunch time.

4.     In the UK and the USA people never get the premium.

5.     The most common type of company in the UK is the public limited company.



3)    Put four types of questions to the sentence.


An executive is liable for the debts of the company.








Exam paper 3


1)    Read and translate the text

The UK and the USA are highly developed countries. To get this life level people have to work a lot, follow the law and respect the state authorities, who, in their turn, protect the citizens. People work a load but still most of them have a five-day working week from Monday to Friday. The standard working day in the UK and the USA starts at nine a.m. and lasts till five p.m. with lunch time from one p.m. to two p.m. Overtime is quite common but it’s paid as a premium to the basic rate of pay. Most people in the UK work not only for the state organizations but also for their own business. There are following ways to operate the business in the UK: a sole trader, a partnership, limited liability company and a branch of a foreign company. The sole trader is one of the oldest forms of business with an one-man owner. The partnership is a firm with a few partners. The most common type of company now in the UK is the limited liability company. A branch of a foreign company is a part of a company incorporated outside the UK but acting under the law of the UK.


2)    Are the following sentences True or False, according to the text above.


1.     To get a high level of life people should work a lot in the UK.

2.     People shouldn’t break the law to get a high level of life.

3.     Usually employees don’t have lunch time during the working day.

4.     In the UK and the USA people often get the premium if they have an overtime.

5.     The most common type of company in the UK is the partnership.



3)    Put four types of questions to the sentence.


An executive of a joint-stock company appoints the deputy.















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