Инфоурок Английский язык Другие методич. материалыЗагадки по теме "Достопримечательности Лондона" Spotlight 7, Module 1

Загадки по теме "Достопримечательности Лондона" Spotlight 7, Module 1

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Trafalgar Square______  Madam Tussaud’s _____   London Eye ______ Westminster Abbey ______ The Tower of London _____

Tower Bridge________     The British museum _____  Hyde park_______  The Buckingham Palace _____ The House of Parliament _____

The Big Ben _____ Oxford Street ____

A It  is the geographical center of London. There is a monument in the center of this landmark. It is known as Nelson’s Column. This square is used for walking, demonstrations and holidays. It is very popular among tourists and citizens.


B It is the most amazing wax museum in the whole world! It is visited by 2,5 million people every year. Every day you can see thousands of people standing in the queue near the entering to this building. There are many different wax figures. You can see famous actors, singers and politicians. They are very similar to real people.

C It is one the most exciting places in London. Tourists like visiting it very much. The palace is very old. It was built in 1705. Now it is the official residence of British monarchy. There are more than 600 rooms in this building. Many tourists come here because they want to see the Queen Victoria Memorial. It is very beautiful.


D It is a great building. It includes a palace, a fortress, a prison and a palace of execution. It is a big historical museum. It is one of the oldest places in London. There are many beautiful Crown Jewels in the tower.

E  It was created in 1753. It contains one of the richest collections of antiquities in the world. There is also one of the largest library in this museum. There is a reading room, but you can’t lend books. There are 11 departments in this museum.

F This bridge was built in 1894. It is still used in London. It regulates a large part of great traffic of the capital. The pedestrian part is closed. People can’t walk there. The bridge offers amazing views of the city. You can also see a magnificent port which is one of the largest in the world.

G It is located near the Houses of Parliament. It is a place where all British kings and queens are crowned. This place was founded by St. Peter 900 years ago. Every year this church attracts millions of people.

H It is a beautiful park in London. It is a royal place. It has 5000 acres of beautiful green space. So that’s why people like to organize picnics here. There are many sights in this park and tourists also like watching them.

 It is a beautiful landmark of London. It is situated on the bank of the river Thames. It can carry 800 people in each rotation. London Eye can be also used for weddings! Many couples organize wedding ceremonies in this landmark.

J It is the most popular landmark of Great Britain. The official name of this building is the Elizabeth Tower. It was built in 1859 and only after 2012 people started calling it ‘Elizabeth Tower’. There are many places in London where you can buy a small souvenir in the shape of this place of interest.

K  It stands on the riverside near Westminster Abbey. It can be visited by tourists. They start at the Royal Gallery and then they go to the House of Lords. The most famous part of this is St. Stephen’s Hall. It is one of the oldest landmarks in London.

L It is a great place for shopping! It the most famous street in the city. People say that it is the earthly paradise for shopogolics. There are a lot of shops and shopping centers. And there are always a lot of sales.




Trafalgar Square______  Madam Tussaud’s _____   London Eye ______ Westminster Abbey ______ The Tower of London _____

Tower Bridge________     The British museum _____  Hyde park_______  The Buckingham Palace _____ The House of Parliament _____

The Big Ben _____ Oxford Street ____

A It  is the geographical center of London. There is a monument in the center of this landmark. It is known as Nelson’s Column. This square is used for walking, demonstrations and holidays. It is very popular among tourists and citizens.


B It is the most amazing wax museum in the whole world! It is visited by 2,5 million people every year. Every day you can see thousands of people standing in the queue near the entering to this building. There are many different wax figures. You can see famous actors, singers and politicians. They are very similar to real people.

C It is one the most exciting places in London. Tourists like visiting it very much. The palace is very old. It was built in 1705. Now it is the official residence of British monarchy. There are more than 600 rooms in this building. Many tourists come here because they want to see the Queen Victoria Memorial. It is very beautiful.


D It is a great building. It includes a palace, a fortress, a prison and a palace of execution. It is a big historical museum. It is one of the oldest places in London. There are many beautiful Crown Jewels in the tower.

E  It was created in 1753. It contains one of the richest collections of antiquities in the world. There is also one of the largest library in this museum. There is a reading room, but you can’t lend books. There are 11 departments in this museum.

F This bridge was built in 1894. It is still used in London. It regulates a large part of great traffic of the capital. The pedestrian part is closed. People can’t walk there. The bridge offers amazing views of the city. You can also see a magnificent port which is one of the largest in the world.

G It is located near the Houses of Parliament. It is a place where all British kings and queens are crowned. This place was founded by St. Peter 900 years ago. Every year this church attracts millions of people.

H It is a beautiful park in London. It is a royal place. It has 5000 acres of beautiful green space. So that’s why people like to organize picnics here. There are many sights in this park and tourists also like watching them.

 It is a beautiful landmark of London. It is situated on the bank of the river Thames. It can carry 800 people in each rotation. London Eye can be also used for weddings! Many couples organize wedding ceremonies in this landmark.

J It is the most popular landmark of Great Britain. The official name of this building is the Elizabeth Tower. It was built in 1859 and only after 2012 people started calling it ‘Elizabeth Tower’. There are many places in London where you can buy a small souvenir in the shape of this place of interest.

K  It stands on the riverside near Westminster Abbey. It can be visited by tourists. They start at the Royal Gallery and then they go to the House of Lords. The most famous part of this is St. Stephen’s Hall. It is one of the oldest landmarks in London.

L It is a great place for shopping! It the most famous street in the city. People say that it is the earthly paradise for shopogolics. There are a lot of shops and shopping centers. And there are always a lot of sales.





















London is a big and beautiful city. Before you go there you need to find information about its sights. Because there are lots of interesting and historical places which every tourist must see. At first, you can visit the London Eye. The magnificent view of London will open from the highest point of this place. It is very inspiring and unforgettable. After that tourists usually walk to Trafalgar Square. The most important place of this part of London is Nelson’s Column. People like meeting here and walking with friends. There also a beautiful park in London. It is called Hyde Park. There are many flowers and trees. It is very green and nice. After that, it is possible to visit Buckingham Palace. It is a wonderful building! There are more than 600 rooms. It is a great possibility for tourists because they can watch where and how the royal family live. Tourists also can order the excursion with a guide. There is also an interesting place for shopping. It is in Oxford Street. There are many shops with sales. Another interesting place which you need to visit is the river, Thames. Tourist can rent a boat and walk through the river watching a delightful view. London is a very interesting and cultural city! After visiting all these places you will never forget this trip!

London is a big and beautiful city. Before you go there you need to find information about its sights. Because there are lots of interesting and historical places which every tourist must see. At first, you can visit the London Eye. The magnificent view of London will open from the highest point of this place. It is very inspiring and unforgettable. After that tourists usually walk to Trafalgar Square. The most important place of this part of London is Nelson’s Column. People like meeting here and walking with friends. There also a beautiful park in London. It is called Hyde Park. There are many flowers and trees. It is very green and nice. After that, it is possible to visit Buckingham Palace. It is a wonderful building! There are more than 600 rooms. It is a great possibility for tourists because they can watch where and how the royal family live. Tourists also can order the excursion with a guide. There is also an interesting place for shopping. It is in Oxford Street. There are many shops with sales. Another interesting place which you need to visit is the river, Thames. Tourist can rent a boat and walk through the river watching a delightful view. London is a very interesting and cultural city! After visiting all these places you will never forget this trip!

London is a big and beautiful city. Before you go there you need to find information about its sights. Because there are lots of interesting and historical places which every tourist must see. At first, you can visit the London Eye. The magnificent view of London will open from the highest point of this place. It is very inspiring and unforgettable. After that tourists usually walk to Trafalgar Square. The most important place of this part of London is Nelson’s Column. People like meeting here and walking with friends. There also a beautiful park in London. It is called Hyde Park. There are many flowers and trees. It is very green and nice. After that, it is possible to visit Buckingham Palace. It is a wonderful building! There are more than 600 rooms. It is a great possibility for tourists because they can watch where and how the royal family live. Tourists also can order the excursion with a guide. There is also an interesting place for shopping. It is in Oxford Street. There are many shops with sales. Another interesting place which you need to visit is the river, Thames. Tourist can rent a boat and walk through the river watching a delightful view. London is a very interesting and cultural city! After visiting all these places you will never forget this trip!


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