Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыАнализ стихотворения М.Лермонтова "Тучи"

Анализ стихотворения М.Лермонтова "Тучи"

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Mikhail Lermontov is one of the leading Russian Romantic poets and authors of many famous novels and poems which had a profound influence on later Russian writers and an exponent of the best traditions of Russian literature.

         His youthful lyric poetry is filled with passionate craving for freedom and contains calls to battle, agonizing reflections on how to apply his strength to his life's work, and dreams of heroic deeds.

Civic and philosophical themes as well as subjective, deeply personal motifs were closely interwoven in Lermontov's poetry. He introduced the intonations of "iron verse," into Russian poetry, noted for its heroic sound and its energy of intellectual expression. His enthusiasm for the future responded to the spiritual needs of Russian society. Lermontov's legacy has found varied interpretations in the works of Russian artists, composers, and theatrical and cinematic figures. His dramatic compositions have played a considerable role in the development of theatrical art, and his life has served as material for many novels, poems, plays, and films.      

The theme of the work is the eternal theme of freedom and captivity.
The subject of the poem is vividly reflected in the next several key words and phrases: "
изгнанники" "кто вас гонит", "вечно свободные", "родина".The main idea is the desire for freedom and free life at home, the desire to be free not only externally, but also internally, spiritually. The main lexical layer in the poem are the words of the semantic group: "изгнанники," "судьба", "вечно свободные", "нет у вас родины", "нет вам изгнания ".

From the morphological point of view, the poem “Clouds” is interesting because it is widely used personal pronoun "вы" in different forms - вы, вас, вам, на вас, у вас. These pronouns stress treatment, the internal conversation of the poet with the clouds.

         Alliteration carries some special emotional meaning. Repetition of the sound of "c" in the words "небесные", " странники," степью," "мчитесь", "с милого  севера," "судьба," "зависть," "преступление," "наскучили" "бесплодные," " страсти "" страдания, "" свободные " - is not soft, but some cool sound Therefore, the poem turns hissing from beginning to end. This sound conveys not only the whistling of the wind, which drives the clouds, but the mental state of the lyric hero.

Contextual antonyms "изгнанники" and "вечно свободные" also help to understand the main idea of ​​the poem. If at the beginning of the first stanza the poet describes the clouds, by comparing them with each other, "изгнанники", "вечные странники", in the third stanza he rejects this idea. In contrast to the lyrical clouds "чужды страданияичужды страсти", they are free in their movement. It is opposed not only words but also lyrical clouds. In nature, everything is harmonious, but men are not free in their actions and desires. Its lyrical hero is an outcast. The clouds have no their own homeland, so they do not care where they are being driven by the wind.

Along with the vocabulary of the subject Lermontov uses such means of artistic expression, as a comparison, "как я же изгнанники," epithets "степь лазурная," "сторона южная ", "милый север", a personification "вечные странники" that help to understand the sadness of the lyric hero, because he was separated from his home and at the same time a feeling of tender love for his homeland.

The talented poet uses the syntax to express his thoughts and feelings. From the syntactical expressive means Lermontov makes extensive use of inversion to identify with those words that are relevant to the poet. (“мчитесь вы”;”как я же изгнанники”)
         The poem begins immediately with the rhetorical appeal to the clouds. In the first stanza, the poet draws our attention to the main image of the poem. A rhetorical question contains in the second stanza. Thanks to these techniques we can see personification of clouds: they appear as a living companion. (“
вечные странники”, “изгнанники”)
         Repetition of the words «
чужды», «вечно», «нет» in the third stanza, strengthens tension in the hero's soul. The clouds do not look like him; they are free forever- "вечно свободные".

The poem is profoundly personal. In this monologue lyrical hero coincides with the author. While such a painful poem leaves a feeling of hopelessness, a deep sadness felt here unspoken thought Lermontov: he wants to be free, but would not want to be like those clouds "cold", without "passion", without "suffering" and without a homeland. He is ready to be an outcast, and suffer, if only to a homeland, which inspires him to work.






















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Цели и задачи этой работы -  анализ языковых и стилистических особенностей стихотворения великолепного поэта Михаила Юрьевича Лермонтова «Тучи». Также в работе уделяется особое внимание изучению, анализу использованных автором различных видов фигур речи и троп.

       Эту форму работы целесообразно проводить с учащимися старших классов при выполнении научно-практических работ. Особо одаренных детей можно вовлечь в такой вид работы как перевод произведений известных поэтов, также сочинение собственных рассказов, стихотворений.


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