Инфоурок Иностранные языки Конспекты«Animals are in a danger»

«Animals are in a danger»

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                                         №4  after name U.A.Gagarin




                                       The theme of the lesson:


                          «Animals are in danger»




                  Teacher:   Kakimova.A.K



                                           2015 year



The theme of the lesson : «Animals are in a danger»

Aims of the lesson: To introduce with the world of animals

                             To teach to protect animals

                             To develop communicative skills and abilities  through different communicative


I.Organization moment

                                   Good morning pupils

                                   Sit down please

                                          Who is on duty today?

                                   Who is absent today?

                                   What was the home task for today?

                                   Write down todays date?

                        What was the home task for today?

                        What date is it today?

                        Today is the 12th of February

Our new theme «Animals are in danger» and grammar the present simple

Grammar: The simple present or present simple is one of the verb forms associated with the

present tense in modern English. It is commonly reffered to as a tense ,although it also encodes

certain information about aspect in addition to present time. I m reading a book.


II. New words

A penguin -пингвин

A ostrich - түйеқұс

A swallow -қарлығаш

A tiger - жолбарыс

A rhino – мүйіз тұмсық

Threaten – қауіп төндіру

An elephant - піл

Ivory tusk –  пілдің  тісі

III. Warm up

«True»  or  «False»

1 .Forests are the lungs of the planet.  T

2. Animals are the eyes of the planet.  F

3. People will die without nature.  T

4. Plants and factories are harmful for nature. T 

5. We hate our planet. F

Pupils , look at the blackboard. There are animals picture. You should name theme.

1. a wolf               4.a fox                         7.a monkey

2. a squrrel           5.a snake                     8.a rhino

3. a rabbit            6.a rat                          9.an  elephant

Pupils work with exercises

Ex 1 p56

a-2        b-1        c-3    

ex 2 p 58

                                                Do you know that……….

There used to be 30 species of elephants; today you can find them in Africa and India. Especially Asian and Indian elephants are in danger .Hunters have been killing elephants  for meat and their ivory  

tusks for a long time. Today many elephants in Africa are dying because they do not have enough food to eat and space to live. Today only 1 million elephants live on the planet. Some day they may disappear. Before the war time tigers had  enough space to live. Today tropical forests became less and less. People have been hunting tigers since the war. They may may disappear ,too.  

People hunt the blue whale for meat, fat and oil.

Thirty years ago there were 100.000 rhinos in Africa .Today there are probably less than 4,000 .  In Kenya ,  Zambia and Zimbabwe rhino horn is a fortune.  

IV.Warm up

                                                Find the letter

H…….nt(u) , ti…..er(g) , s…..allow(w)  , hunte……(r) , …….hino(r)  ,penguin…..(n)

                                        Find the words

rhi                                                                                               no

                        hun                                                                                                ger

ti                                                                          ter


afri                                                                                             ca                          hant



V.Giving the mark:

Plants and tree:


Domestic animals:


A birth, a rose, a snowdrops, a daisy, wolf, rabbit, fox , squirrel, monkey , horse , dog , cat.





VII.Home task: ex 10 p  62

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Краткое описание документа:

The theme of the lesson : «Animals are in a danger»

Aims of the lesson: To introduce with the world of animals

                             To teach to protect animals

                             To develop communicative skills and abilities  through different communicative


I.Organization moment

                                   Good morning pupils

                                   Sit down please

                                          Who is on duty today?

                                   Who is absent today?

                                   What was the home task for today?

                                   Write down todays date?

                        What was the home task for today?

                        What date is it today?

                        Today is the 12th of February

Our new theme «Animals are in danger» and grammar the present simple

Grammar: The simple present or present simple is one of the verb forms associated with the

present tense in modern English. It is commonly reffered to as a tense ,although it also encodes

certain information about aspect in addition to present time. I m reading a book.


II.New words

A penguin-пингвин

A ostrich - түйеқұс

A swallow -қарлығаш

A tiger - жолбарыс

A rhino – мүйіз тұмсық

Threaten – қауіп төндіру

An elephant - піл

Ivory tusk – пілдің  тісі

III.Warm up

«True» or  «False»

1.Forests are the lungs of the planet.  T

2.Animals are the eyes of the planet.  F

3.People will die without nature.  T

4.Plants and factories are harmful for nature. T 

5.We hate our planet. F

Pupils ,look at the blackboard.There are animals picture.You should name theme.

1.a wolf                4.a fox                         7.a monkey

2.asqurrel            5.a snake                     8.a rhino

3.a rabbit             6.a rat                         9.an  elephant

Pupils work with exercises

Ex 1 p56

a-2        b-1        c-3   

ex 2 p 58

                                                Do you know that……….

There used to be 30 species of elephants;today you can find them in Africa and India.Especially Asian and Indian elephants are in danger .Hunters have been killing elephants  for meat and their ivory  

tusks for a long time. Today many elephants in Africa are dying because they do not have enough food to eat and space to live. Today only 1 million elephants live on the planet. Some day they may disappear. Before the war time tigers had  enough space to live. Today tropical forests became less and less. People have been hunting tigers since the war. They may maydisappear ,too.  

People hunt the blue whale for meat, fat and oil.

Thirty years ago there were 100.000 rhinos in Africa .Today there are probably less than 4,000 . In Kenya ,Zambia and Zimbabwe rhino horn is a fortune.

IV.Warm up

                                                Find the letter

H…….nt(u) , ti…..er(g) , s…..allow(w)  , hunte……(r) , …….hino(r)  ,penguin…..(n)

                                        Find the words

rhi                                                                                               no

                        hun                                                                                                ger

ti                                                                          ter


afri                                                                                             ca                          hant



V.Giving the mark:

Plants and tree:


Domestic animals:


A birth, a rose, a snowdrops, a daisy, wolf, rabbit, fox , squirrel, monkey , horse , dog , cat.






VII.Home task: ex 10 p  62

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