Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииЭлектричество, альтернативные виды энергии

Электричество, альтернативные виды энергии

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  • Contents What will happen when the oil runs out?...

    2 слайд

    What will happen when the oil runs out?

    Underground power

    Solar power

    Wind power

    Tidal power

    Who discovered the power of electricity?

    Michael Faraday

    Tomas Edison

    What Tomas Edison discovered?

  • What will happen when the oil runs out?The world uses oil to produce energy a...

    3 слайд

    What will happen when the oil runs out?
    The world uses oil to produce energy and to provide fuel for cars and other forms of transport. But oil reserves won’t last for ever. The oil reserves in the Arabian Gulf will only last for another thirty years. After that, we will have to use alternative sources of power. Here are some possible solutions. We have to work out what to do – FAST!

  • Underground powerIt is very hot inside the Earth. Sometimes the heat is near...

    4 слайд

    Underground power
    It is very hot inside the Earth. Sometimes the heat is near the surface and can be used to provide power, called geothermal power. Hot water or steam comes up through holes in the ground, or we can drill holes to find it. There is enough geothermal power in some countries to provide electricity for cities. In Iceland and New Zealand, this is a popular and cheap source of heating homes and water.

  • Solar powerWe can the power of the sun to provide heating and hot water. To d...

    5 слайд

    Solar power
    We can the power of the sun to provide heating and hot water. To do this, we need solar panels on our houses and apartments. Solar panels contain pipes and the pipes contain water. Solar power can’t provide all our energy needs – but it’s available and it’s free!

  • Wind powerWindmills are not new, but many countries are using them in new way...

    6 слайд

    Wind power
    Windmills are not new, but many countries are using them in new ways. In Denmark, for instance, there are fields which contain hundreds of windmills with blades that look like huge aircraft propellers. Some of the windmills are 100 meters high and the blades are 60 meters long. They are producing electricity.

  • Tidal powerWe can also get power from the sea. It is possible to build a dam...

    7 слайд

    Tidal power
    We can also get power from the sea. It is possible to build a dam across the mouth of
    a river which will trap the power of the incoming tide. Tidal power stations do not use any fuel, so they are very cheap to use. Unfortunately, they are very expensive to build. Also, they are only successful if the mouth of the river is very narrow.

  • Who discovered the power of electricity?Electricity is the power that keeps t...

    8 слайд

    Who discovered the power of electricity?
    Electricity is the power that keeps the world moving. Unlike other fuels such as oil and gas, electricity cannot be stored. In other words, we can’t keep it anywhere. We must produce it and use it immediately.

  • Michael Faraday (1791–1867) Michael Faraday was the person who built the firs...

    9 слайд

    Michael Faraday (1791–1867)
    Michael Faraday was the person who built the firs dynamo, the original electricity generator. His work led to the discovery of radio, television and X-rays.

  • Tomas Edison (1847–1931)Tomas Edison only went to school for three months! Bu...

    10 слайд

    Tomas Edison (1847–1931)
    Tomas Edison only went to school for three months! But he was the person that invented the microphone, the gramophone (the first machine which played music records), the electric light bulb and early forms of cinema.

  • What Tomas Edison discovered?One day, a man the worked as a street cleaner in...

    11 слайд

    What Tomas Edison discovered?
    One day, a man the worked as a street cleaner in New York City told Edison about the poor street lighting in the city. Edison had a bright idea! In the next few days, he designed a system that provided street lighting for the city of New York, the first system of its kind in the world. Edison was one of the most successful inventors of all time.

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