Инфоурок Иностранные языки ТестыGrammar Rules Reported Speech

Grammar Rules Reported Speech

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Grammar Rules

Reported Speech

Надпись: Direct speech - “I am working hard”, he said.
Reported speech - He said (that) he was working hard.





When we use reported speech, we are usually talking about the past. So all the verbs usually change into a past form.


Present Simple    Past Simple

“I work hard”, he said.  → He said (that) he worked hard.


Present Continuous   Past Continuous

“I am working hard”, he said.  He said (that) he was working hard.


Present Perfect   Past Perfect

“I have worked hard”, he said.  He said (that) he had worked hard.


Past Simple   Past Perfect or can stay the same

“I saw Jane at a party a week ago”, he said.  He said (that) he saw (had seen) Jane at a party a week before.


Note: Past Perfect and Past Continuous usually remain the same in the reported speech.


·   We don’t always need to change the tense of the verb if you say something that is believed to be true.

Jane said “New York is bigger than London”.  Jane said (that) New York is (or was) bigger

      than London.


·   We leave modals must, might, could, would, should, ought to unchanged in reported speech. But we normally change may to might in reported speech.

“You must work harder”, she said.  She said (that) I must work harder.

“You may explain it better”, he said.He said (that) I might explain it better.


·   We change time words and certain words in the following way:


Direct Speech

Reported Speech

tonight, today,

this week/month/year

that night, that day,

that week/month/year


at that time, at once, immediately

now that



last night/week/month/year

the day before,

the previous night/week/month/year


next week/month/year

the following day/the day after,

the following/next week/month/year

two days/months/years etc. ago

two days/months/years etc. before


that/ those







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Краткое описание документа:

When we use reported speech, we are usually talking about the past. So all the verbs usually change into a past form.


Present Simple    Past Simple

“I work hard”, he said.  → He said (that) he worked hard.


Present Continuous   Past Continuous

“I am working hard”, he said.  He said (that) he was working hard.


Present Perfect   Past Perfect

“I have worked hard”, he said.  He said (that) he had worked hard.


Past Simple   Past Perfect or can stay the same

“I saw Jane at a party a week ago”, he said.  He said (that) he saw (had seen) Jane at a party a week before.


Note: Past Perfect and Past Continuous usually remain the same in the reported speech.


·   We don’t always need to change the tense of the verb if you say something that is believed to be true.

Jane said “New York is bigger than London”.  Jane said (that) New York is (or was) bigger

      than London.


·   We leave modals must, might, could, would, should, ought to unchanged in reported speech. But we normally change may to might in reported speech.

“You must work harder”, she said.  She said (that) I must work harder.

“You may explain it better”, he said.He said (that) I might explain it better.


·   We change time words and certain words in the following way:



Direct Speech

Reported Speech

tonight, today,

this week/month/year

that night, that day,

that week/month/year


at that time, at once, immediately

now that



last night/week/month/year

the day before,

the previous night/week/month/year


next week/month/year

the following day/the day after,

the following/next week/month/year

two days/months/years etc. ago

two days/months/years etc. before


that/ those





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Курс повышения квалификации

Особенности билингвального обучения иностранным языкам

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