Инфоурок Английский язык Научные работыИсследовательская работа на тему "Superstitions in Russia and Great Britain: differences and similarities"

Исследовательская работа на тему "Superstitions in Russia and Great Britain: differences and similarities"

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The Desire of the person to protect itself from an unknown power or create for itself prettier fate has brought to thousands and thousands superstition in the world. At our days, in spite of development of the technology, sciences and cultures exist such notions as superstition and sign. The Life is unpredictable, but occasionally person notices some coincidences, separate events, after which follows lucky or unlucky event.

      The Person always searches for the explanations on that or other cause is afraid of anything, dreams about anything. Liability to psychological dependency, manipulate by consciousness follows to superstition. Real life is unpredictable; there are many laws, principle and rules.

      The Superstitions are reflected in culture of society (the custom, rites) and reveal itself in the forms of superstition.

      The Study of superstition in English and Russian language presents for us enormous interest due to specific regularity of the conservation and issues them from generation to generation.

      This subject is dedicated to study superstition in English and Russian cultures.

      The objects of the study are the most known and commonly used superstitions in Great Britain and Russia.

      Why was this theme was chosen by me?

      About sign and superstition people argue for a long time, and the people absolutely different professions, miscellaneous nature and temperament.

     The Problem about superstition  have much disputes, after all when considering these questions are touched such subject, as religion, psychology, cultural and spiritual life of the people, questions about predetermination of the fate and uncleanly power.

     The Second reason is the interest to culture and custom of the other country, in particular Great Britain. For people, studying English and have interest for culture this subject is particularly curious. The Knowledge of tradition, superstition of Great Britain help better to understand the English a literature, reasons that or other event in the course of histories.

     In my opinion this subject is not so good studied.



What is the superstition

Superstition is a credulous belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge. The word is often used pejoratively to refer to folk beliefs  deemed irrational, which is appropriate since irrational means "not based on reason". This leads to some superstitions being called "old wives’ tales". It is also commonly applied to beliefs and practices surrounding luck, prophecy  spiritual beings, particularlythe irrational belief that future events can be foretold by specific unrelated prior events”[1]

Thousands of people believe in them although a lot of people think of superstitions as nonsense and not based on reason. Where does the word “Superstition” come from? The word “Superstition” comes from two Latin words: “Super” and “Stare”. Super means "above" and stare means "to stand". It is anything that people believe that is based on myth, magic, or irrational thoughts. They are beliefs that are steeped in lore or tradition, and it is usually difficult to pinpoint the exact origin. Superstitions are also known as old wives' tales, legends, and traditions. They may involve animals, graveyards, ghosts, inanimate objects, or even other people.

Often, superstitions are born from casual coincidence. For example, if an athlete wears a particular pair of socks on a day he performs particularly well, he may continue to wear the same pair of socks in the belief that the socks were responsible for the success. Future successes reinforce such a belief. In some cases, it is certainly possible that the simple belief in success or failure can influence the outcome. The athlete who cannot find his "lucky socks" may, due to lack of confidence, perform poorly, further reinforcing the belief in the power of the socks.

We tried to choose the most wide-spread superstitions both in Russia and Britain and compare them, point out their similarities and differences. 









Good Luck Superstitions in England

Millions of people all over the world believe in superstitions, especially good luck superstitions. Nevertheless a lot of other people think of them as nonsense, beliefs not based on reason or solid logic. The origin of the word superstition is from two Latin words: “Super” and “Stare”. Super means above and stare means to stand.

We know the source of some of the superstitions are ignorance, but others are based on the prevailing beliefs of those times when they were originated and may have some truth to them, even if a big stretch of the imagination.

Do you know anyone who does not have at least one superstitious belief? Most people, more or less, believe in them. Even though they deny superstitions, people cannot help believing in them or maybe are just cautious to be on the safe side.

So here the list of some world-widely known omens in England:

 Lucky to meet a black cat. Black Cats are featured on many good luck greetings cards and birthday cards in England.

 Lucky to touch wood. People touch; knock on wood, to make something come true.

 Lucky to find a clover plant with four leaves.

 White heather is lucky.

 A horseshoe over the door brings good luck. But the horseshoe needs to be the right way up. The luck runs out of the horseshoe if it is upside down.

 Horseshoes are generally a sign of good luck and feature on many good luck cards.

On the first day of the month it is lucky to say "white rabbits, white rabbits white rabbits," before uttering your first word of the day.

 Catch falling leaves in autumn and you will have good luck. Every leaf means a lucky month next year.

 Cut your hair when the moon is waxing and you will have good luck.

 Putting money in the pocket of new clothes brings good luck.


Bad Luck Superstitions in England

“Nobody gets justice. People only get good luck or bad luck.” That is what Orson Welles said..Faith can manifest itself in strange ways. This is not to say that faith in itself is irrational and devoid of any logic.  However, a strange quirk of faith can be an inexplicable belief in superstitions that just can’t stand the test of science and reason.While a lot of educated and progressive people discard superstitions as bizarre and foolish, there are many who think that their firmly held superstitious beliefs dictate the reality of their life. Misleading notions and superstitions have existed since times immemorial and continue to be so.

The most widely believed superstitions in England are bad luck superstitions. It is unlucky to walk under the ladder, even if it just stepping into the busy street. If it’s necessary for you to walk under a ladder, you can avoid bad luck just crossing your fingers and keep them cross until you have meet a dog.

Another common superstition that is unlucky to open an umbrella in your house. It will bring a bad time for the person that did it or to the household. If you open an umbrella in fine weather- it will bring rain.

It’s unlucky to spill salt. If you do it,  just throw it over your shoulder to avoid the bad luck.

The number thirteen is unlucky. It is unlucky to have thirteen at a table or in a company. The number 13, in the Christian faith, is the number of people at the Last Supper, with the 13th guest at the table being the traitor, Judas.

The unlucky number 13 is often left out when numbering houses, flats and hotel rooms.

Friday the thirteenth is a very unlucky day. Friday is considered to be an unlucky day because Jesus was crucified on a Friday.

It is bad luck to see one magpie. However, it’s lucky to see two magpies. In some parts of the UK meeting two or three Ravens together is considered really bad.





Good Luck Superstitions in Russia

Every culture has its own quirky superstitions and beliefs, and Russia is no exception.It is quite funny that people of the country, which sent the first man in space, are quite superstitious. Some superstitions are the same worldwide, some are unique to Russians.

As in all other countries, we believe in superstitions and signs that bring bad or good luck. To say more – Russians firmly believe that their destiny is only partially under their control, but there are other external factors which they cannot control and which make a big impact on their wellbeing.

So here the list of some good luck Superstitions in Russia.

Signs of happiness and luck: Found rusty nail to bring home-so you bring into the House of well-being.

 Fly in your glass is not the most pleasant, but loyal omen that you catch a profit.  Bird in my house-flies luck in Window

Got up from the bed, without thinking, with the right foot-everything will be laditsja.

 Stumbled your left foot is the evil spirits are confusing you on the right path, you need to go further, not looking back. 

 To be a responsible meeting, but on the street it's raining-will win.

   Four leaf clover or lilac flower of 5 sheets will bring good luck, if you eat it.  Meeting with a person with full buckets, broadcasts about what time will be well spent. 

Cat crossing the road in front of you has a three-color color? The day promises to be beneficial!

 Found 5 pennies lying on the road, will bring up plenty of coat of arms

If a seat facing the road, luck will focus around the departing person. 

  The frog will bring prosperity in the House. 

Most of Russian superstitions are difficult to explain because they date back to the pre-Christian era. For instance, an unmarried girls has never to sit at the corner of a table because she will not marry for seven years. This superstition comes from the fact that in ancient Rus old maids and poor relatives sat at the corner, which was the humblest places at the table.



Bad Luck Superstitions in Russia

Over the centuries people of all over the world  have been plagued by bad luck superstitions. It just seems that both good luck and bad luck omens have been around since ancient time. Because of these beliefs and charms for warding off bad luck have evolved. Although many don’t believe or follow most superstitious beliefs, many people participate in perpetuating them, even if they know better. Some learned people have said that our beliefs make reality or cause things to “happen” so bad luck superstitions may actually make someone unlucky if they truly believe in them. Here are some Bad luck superstitions in Russia:

 Broken glass. It may be a broken window, a broken mirror or mug with breakaway handle. Do not keep them at home, because broken glass symbolizes the gap in protection.

   Old stuff. Worn clothes, newspapers or magazines that you don't already read — all this in the past and in a landfill.

   If the blouse, which you so you never road not fit and throw her hand does not rise — it is better to give it to charity.

  Fine debris in your pocket or purse. Small starts great. It is unlikely that all those candy wrappers and tickets — happy?

  Photos that you don't like. Negativity, that you experience, looking at the photo, over and over again absorb your image. Thus you can even randomly yourself Jinx.

  Watches that cost. Stopped time is a very bad sign. Or take them to a repair or discard without thinking.

According to Russians there are many things that you can do to bring bad luck upon your home. Whistling inside your home or office will cause you to lose money. Remember there’s a financial crisis at the moment and anything you can to do to prevent economic breakdown is worth trying. In the same vein if you want to give someone a wallet or purse as a gift, remember to put some money in it or you’ll be bringing poverty upon them!Also be careful not to leave bags or purses on the floor, you’ll lose your money (or someone will probably just steal it). One of the most popular superstitions in Russia regards returning home when you’ve forgotten something. It may sound illogical but, if you’ve forgotten something you shouldn’t go back. If you really need to go back, just make sure to look in a mirror before you leave the house again and you should be ok.


Differences between superstition in England and Russia

One of the most important differences between the English and Russian superstition is the interpretation of omens, when black cat runs across the road. If in Russia this means fail, then in England black cat symbolize just the opposite-happiness and luck. Verbatim is a sign from the point of view of the British is: "If a black cat crosses your path, you will have good luck." Perhaps this is why many famous people Uk choose the black cats as pets. Cats in Russia such a coloring always feared. This religious superstition about the black cat, unhappiness, there was many thousands of years ago. When people believe in the existence of witches, they identified a black cat with witch. They believe that black cats were disguised as witches. Kill the cat did not mean to kill the witch, because the witch to take the kind of cat nine times. From here went the myth that cats have nine lives.

  There are also in England the superstition that if you left hand itches it is to lose money. "If you scratch your left hand, you will give money away". In Russia, it is believed that when the left hand itches, then it is, by contrast, promises great profit. You should also say that in Russia the spiders were associated with anything other than with the evil forces and disease. In England there is a superstition: "If you see a small spider, you will get a lot of money  If in Russia the black Ravens were associated with something bad, then in England they believe birds, bringing good luck. It is therefore not surprising that in the famous London Tower keep exactly the Ravens.

  In Russia, there is a superstition that if amanuensis at a time when the sew on his clothes, you can sew your memory and all you forget. In England the same saying: "If you mend your clothes on your back, you will leave much money to lack.   There are also a lot of will in the UK that have no counterpart in Russia. For example, this sign: «If you walk under a ladder, you will have bad luck».

  I should also like to recall the British and Russians talismans differ. For example, in the UK it is considered that the rabbit foot brings good luck. The rabbit is a symbol of kindness, comfort, and protection. In Russia such a talisman is considered a bear claw. Bear-King of the forest, the evil spirits of his fear, a man wearing a bear claw with him, takes power this beast.

  Would also like to stop attention to superstitions associated with two of the most celebrated holidays in the UK-Halloween and Christmas. For example, it is believed that on the eve of all Saints Day young girls in a dream will see her husband, if under the pillow will put an Apple. On this day, try to steal gates, furniture and other things to present it in such a way that it is the work of evil forces.


Similarities between superstition in England and Russia

Many hotels have no floor numbered 13-Bill goes from 12-th straight to 14, as well as no rooms numbered 13, and many people never will invite 13 people for lunch.

 Oddly enough, but there is no single generally accepted explanation of the origin of the superstition associated with the number 13. There are many different opinions about this.

Some experts believe that the number 13 was unpopular with those times when people started to learn to read. Using 10 fingers and two feet as separate units, he managed to 1-2-12. But should an unknown number 13, which the scarecrow person.

  In religious circles, the number 13 and was raised around the superstition associated with beautiful last supper, attended Christ and the 12 Apostles is only 13, and the thirteenth was Judas. 

  Superstitions about happy and unhappy days of the week also distributed widely, as superstitions about numbers, and most of them linked to Friday. Neither the United Kingdom nor Russia are no exception in this superstition.

  Superstitious people believe that a combination of unfortunate number 13 with unhappy day Friday give absolutely bad day!

  And in England, and in Russia, superstitions associated with mirrors. The most widespread superstition says that if you break a mirror, you will be accompanied by seven years of failure. Verbatim in English it reads: "If you break a mirror, you will have seven years of bad luck." it is believed that if you break a mirror, the evil spirits that inhabit the looking glass, will haunt the person making it and retaliate for what he evicted them from home.

  Of particular importance in both countries is given to omens and superstitions on wedding ceremonies. First of all, this is the time of the wedding. The English say: "If you merry in Lent, you will live to repent, which corresponds to the Russian take that marry during Lent is not for good, that the newlyweds would constantly bicker, sorry about the marriage, and there will be no happiness for their family.

   Perhaps the most widespread wedding superstition says that girl, which caught the bouquet at a wedding necessarily next will marry. "If a girl catches the bride's bouquet after a wedding, she will be the next to marry." so the young English and Russian girls are trying to catch the bride's bouquet to the wedding.

  Also in England and Russia there is a sign that at the wedding for the bride and groom need to b rosat rice grains. Although this superstition is not so often, it also arose a very long time. The wedding ceremony, as well as many other important events in life, is full of characters. This means that we perform certain ceremonies as symbols of that wish, avoiding direct expressions. 

   It was believed that evil spirits are always present at weddings, and throwing rice at newlyweds trail, cajole people perfume, those not doing evil newlyweds.

  In all countries there are signs associated with various animals, fish, birds and insects, not to mention plants.

  Superstition that everyone knows from childhood is a superstition that ladybugs bring good luck. For this to happen, you need when Ladybird sits on hands or clothes, say something like: "Ladybird, Ladybird sky, bring me bread, black and white, but not burnt. Not all believe in it, but just in case, and especially children, say this another proverb--. Children growing up in the UK saying so: "Lady bird, fly to the sky, give me happy time". It is not known where did this superstition, but there is a version that the Ladybug is a mediator between God and man, so when we're talking this through another proverb--Ladybug we try to ask for happiness with God.

Another sign, popular in Russia and in England linked to the cuckoo. These birds are starting to sing in mid-April. It is said that at this time you need to keep a silver coin in hand-then the whole year will be happy.

 And, finally, the most numerous superstitions associated with getting good luck, amulets and Talismans. For example, the British have often seen such a sign: "If you touch wood, your good luck will continue. In Russia, too, there is a belief that if you touch the tree, then you will be not only successful, but also will not hurt this year. And, incidentally, in the UK, and in Russia it is considered that, knocking on wood, distilled evil people and evil spirits.



It is easy to understand that superstitions are important for us. They will exist for a long time as our costumes or habits.Studied some superstitions of Great Britain and Russia, I have opened for myself something new. The Knowledge of the culture, tradition and superstitions help me closer to get acquainted with disposition of the other country.

Also I got acquainted with culture, historian, spiritual life of the inhabitants of Russia and Great Britain.

Are we really fully enlightened, having left superstitions behind? I think the discussion of this subject will leave no doubt that the answer must be ‘no’, because superstitions are still very much with us, and it is even possible that some forms of them may be on the increase.Long history of the superstitions makes interesting to study them. But as it is clear from these superstitions, to believe in them too deeply, as some do, and allow them to prey upon the mind is foolish. But understanding them and searching for their true meanings and origins gives us a deeper knowledge of human nature.

So, what a superstition is? Superstition is a belief that some objects or actions are lucky and some are unlucky, based on old ideas of magic. Every culture in the world believes certain superstitions.

But it is probably impossible to know all superstitions in the world. In different countries there are different beliefs. However, there are some common superstitions connected with weather, animals, professions, holidays, which mostly have the same roots. These superstitions have passed on through generations, from one country to another for years, even for centuries. That’s why we should treat them carefully and consider them as treasures of world culture.

To sum up, it should be said no matter whatever superstitions are, bad or good, we should always try to believe in good ones to make our life happy and be positive.













The list of literature

1.                  Radford, Edward & Radford, Mona Augusta Encyclopaedia of superstitions (1961).

2.                   http://sueveriya.ru/

3.                  «Большая энциклопедия примет и суеверий», Лондон, Великобритания, 1991 г.

4.                  Barbin A.V.  The Superstitions. M.:  Eksmo , 1999

5.                  Биболетова М.З., Денисенко О.А., Трубанева Н.Н. Английский язык: Английский с     удовольствием (Enjoy English): Учебник английского языка для 7 класса общеобразовательных учреждений. – Обнинск: Титул, 2010

6.                  Барбин А. В., «Приметы. Суеверия. Знаки»

7.                  Лаврова С. А., «Культура и традиции Великобритании».


















Questionnaire  (Анкета)

1.            Do you believes in omens or superstitions?

o   Yes, I do

o   No, I don’t

o   Sometimes ( this is about the great variable)

2.            Do you practice any superstitions in your life?

o   Yes, I do

o   Not often

o   No, I don’t

3.            Manifestation of superstitions is:

·        It’s a stupidity , I can not believe

·        It’s a normal phenomenon

·        It’s a weakness of character

4.            What superstition do you believe in? Cicle your answer

·          Black cat crossing the road will bring you bad luck

·          It is lucky to find a clover plant with four leaves

·          Catch falling leaves in autumn and you will have good luck .Every leaf means a lucky month next year.

·          It’s unlucky to spill salt. If you do, you must take a pinch and throw it over your left shoulder

·          The number 13 is very unlucky and Friday 13 is very unlucky date.

5.            Do you wear amulets or charms? For what? Write your answer below.

o   Yes, I do____________________________________________

o   No, I don’t__________________________________________




Application 1










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