Инфоурок Английский язык Другие методич. материалыИтоговая годовая контрольная по английскому языку (8 класс)

Итоговая годовая контрольная по английскому языку (8 класс)

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вариант 1

класс:  8 «_»  

Ф.И. учащегося:_________________________

дата: _._._____

1. Заполните пропуски.

Present Simple это ______________________, действие совершается ________________,

формула _____________________________, спутники ___________________________.

Present Continuous это______________________, действие совершается ________________,

формула _____________________________, спутники ___________________________.

Present Perfect это ______________________, действие совершается ________________,

формула _____________________________, спутники ___________________________.

Past Simple это ______________________, действие совершается ________________,

формула _____________________________, спутники ___________________________.

Past Continuous это______________________, действие совершается ________________,

формула _____________________________, спутники ___________________________.


2. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. John … this book yesterday.

a) reads           b)read             c) is reading                d) has read         

2. Mary … an exam at the moment.

a) passes           b)is passing       c)passed                    d) has passed

3. I   … a certificate already.

a) get               b) was getting          c) got                  d) has got

4. Sally … a novel from 6 till 8 o’clock yesterday.

a) writes        b) wrote                        c) is writing          d) was writing         

5. They … voluntary work every weekend.

a) do          b) does         c) were  doing                     d) did

6. He … to the radio at 5 o`clock yesterday.

a) listens    b) was listening   c) are listening           d) is listening

7. His team … a prize last Monday.

a) win        b) is winning        c) won                          d) has won

8. Kate … her homework yesterday in the evening.

a) do       b) is doing                c) did                          d) was doing

9. The children… the sweets in the room now.

a) were eating       b)ate        c)eats       d)are eating                                                         

10 They …. on an expedition this week.

a) went            b)go                 c)have gone           d)were going


3. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в правильной форме. Запишите перевод.

1. Jess (study) English twice a week. ___________________________________________


2. I (not watch) TV at the moment. _________________________________________________


3. He (find) a telephone yesterday? _________________________________________________


4. Brian (read) a book from 6 till 7 o`clock yesterday. __________________________________


5. He (not pass) an exam yet. _____________________________________________________


6. Your sister (walk) in the park every day? __________________________________________



4. Выберите some /any / much/ many / a lot of/ too / enough

1. She hasn’t got some/any/ much shoes. ____________________________________________

2. This car too/ some/ many slow. __________________________________________________

3. This exercise is not easy many/ any / enough. _______________________________________

4. How many/ much/ some money have you got? ______________________________________

5. Are there many/much/some people in the room? _____________________________________

6.  We have got any/ much/ a lot of flowers in the yard. _________________________________

7. There are much /any/ some apples on the table. ____________________________________


5. Прочитайте текст.

a) Отметьте, верны ли утверждения, если нет, то исправьте их.

b) Задайте 3 специальных и 2 общих вопроса по тексту. На общие вопросы дайте краткие ответы.

Surfing superstar

The 13-year-old Bethany Hamilton was lying on her surfboard about 300 metres from the beaches. She was waiting for the next big wave, and her arms were hanging in the water. Suddenly a tiger shark bit her left arm and shook her. Bethany held onto her board and the shark swam away. It happened so fast that Bethany didn’t even scream. She was one of the best teenagers in the world, and she was planning to become a professional surfer. Only ten weeks later she was surfing again in a competition. Less than a year after the accident she won first place in a surfing competition in Hawaii. Before the accident a lot of professional surfers thought that Bethany was going to be the women’s world champion. Very few of them have changed their opinion.


1. The shark bit Bethany’s right arm. ______________________________________________

2. Bethany was planning to become a swimmer. _______________________________________

3. She wasn’t surfing again in competition. __________________________________________

4. Bethany won first place in Hawaii. _______________________________________________

5. Many professional surfers thought that Bethany was going to be the world champion.______





6. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Sheila, who writes:

Last week we had a sports competition at school. I was the third … from the end of the list! I’ve decided to join one of the sport clubs at school. Do you have any sports clubs at school and do you play sports in your free time? Do you think everyone should do sports? What does sport mean to you personally?

Write a letter to Sheila. In your letter

a) answer her questions.

b) Write 100-120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.




вариант 2

класс8 «_»  

Ф.И. учащегося:_________________________

дата: _._._____

1. Заполните пропуски.

Present Simple это ______________________, действие совершается ________________,

формула _____________________________, спутники ___________________________.

Present Continuous это______________________, действие совершается ________________,

формула _____________________________, спутники ___________________________.

Present Perfect это ______________________, действие совершается ________________,

формула _____________________________, спутники ___________________________.

Past Simple это ______________________, действие совершается ________________,

формула _____________________________, спутники ___________________________.

Past Continuous это______________________, действие совершается ________________,

формула _____________________________, спутники ___________________________.


2. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. I   … a certificate last Tuesday.

a) get               b) was getting          c) got                  d) has got

2. Mary … an exam already.

a) passes           b)is passing       c)passed                    d) has passed

3. John … this book yesterday in the evening.

a) reads           b)read             c)was reading             d) has read         

4. Kate always… her homework in the evening.

a) does       b) is doing                c) did                                  d) was doing

5. Sally … a novel last year.

a) writes        b) wrote                        c) is writing          d) was writing         

6. The robber…. away now.

a) went            b)go                 c)have gone           d)is going

7. The children… the sweets yesterday.

a) were eating       b)ate        c)eats       d)are eating

8. They … voluntary work at the moment.

a) do          b) does         c) are  doing                       d) did

9. His team … a prize today.

a) win        b) is winning        c) won                          d) has won

10. My granny usually… to the radio in the morning.

a) listens    b) was listening   c) are listening           d) is listening


3. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в правильной форме. Запишите перевод.

1. Jess (study) English from 6 till 7 o’clock yesterday. _______________________________

2. I (not watch) TV yesterday. ____________________________________________________


3. I (not find) a telephone yet. _____________________________________________________


4. Brian (read) a book every evening. ______________________________________________


5. He (pass) an exam at the moment? _______________________________________________


6. They (not walk) in the park now.  ________________________________________________



4. Выберите some /any / much/ many / a lot of/ too / enough

1. This telephone too/ some/ many old. ______________________________________________

2. Do you drink many/much/some coffee? ____________________________________________

3. I have got much /any/ some magazines.___________________________________________

4. How many/ much/ some books have you got? _______________________________________

5. There are got any/ much/ a lot of sweets on the table. _________________________________

6.  We have got many/any/ much milk. _____________________________________________

7. These shoes aren’t big many/ any / enough. _______________________________________


5. Прочитайте текст.

a) Отметьте, верны ли утверждения, если нет, то исправьте их.

b) Задайте 3 специальных и 2 общих вопроса по тексту. На общие вопросы дайте краткие ответы.

Surfing superstar

The 13-year-old Bethany Hamilton was lying on her surfboard about 300 metres from the beaches. She was waiting for the next big wave, and her arms were hanging in the water. Suddenly a tiger shark bit her left arm and shook her. Bethany held onto her board and the shark swam away. It happened so fast that Bethany didn’t even scream. She was one of the best teenagers in the world, and she was planning to become a professional surfer. Only ten weeks later she was surfing again in a competition. Less than a year after the accident she won first place in a surfing competition in Hawaii. Before the accident a lot of professional surfers thought that Bethany was going to be the women’s world champion. Very few of them have changed their opinion.


1. The shark bit Bethany’s right arm. ______________________________________________

2. Bethany was planning to become a swimmer. _______________________________________

3. She wasn’t surfing again in competition. __________________________________________

4. Bethany won first place in Hawaii. _______________________________________________

5. Many professional surfers thought that Bethany was going to be the world champion. ______




6. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Jackie, who writes:


I’m having a busy time at the moment as I have to write lots of Christmas cards to all my friends and relatives.

Do you celebrate Christmas in Russia? What holidays are celebrated in your country? What is your favourite holiday? How do you celebrate it?


Write back to Jackie. In your letter

a) answer his questions.

b) Write 100-120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.




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