Инфоурок Английский язык Конспекты“Kazakhstan is My Motherland.”

“Kazakhstan is My Motherland.”

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 Theme of the lesson: “Kazakhstan is My Motherland.”

Class: 4

Aims of the Lesson:

a) Educational: To generalize knowledge of the pupils of Kazakhstan and

teach students to know and speak more about Kazakhstan in


b) Developing: To develop the student’s abilities in oral speech and reading.

To enlarge listening, understanding and writing skills. To

develop the student’s imagination and interest in writing

research works;

c) Up-bringing: To interest students to learn English. To teach to love our

Motherland and respect all the nations;

The procedure of the lesson:

  1. Organization moment: T: -Good morning, comrades! How are you? Take your seats, please. Thank you.


2.       New theme:

    -What is the capital of Kazakhstan? (The capital of Kazakhstan is Astana)

    -Who is the head of the state? (The head of the state is president)

    -What large cities of Kazakhstan do you know? (These are Almaty, Karaganda,

-What do you think, what are we going to speak about?

               -Today we are going to speak about Kazakhstan; listen to the text and do some tasks.               

                All of you open your copy-books and write the theme of our lesson- “My Motherland           

is Kazakhstan” 

  1. Phonetic Drill: -As you know each country has its own symbols. Do you know the symbols of the republic of Kazakhstan? (National flag, emblem and anthem)

-Let’s read and translate the information about the symbols of Kazakhstan.

 National Flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a piece of right-angled cloth of sky-blue colour with a picture of a golden sun with its 32 rays in the center, under them - a soaring steppe eagle. Flagstaff has vertical line with national ornament.The picture of sun, its rays, eagle and ornament are of golden colour.

 National Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a picture of a shanyrak on a blue background, from which uyks like sun rays are being radiated in framing of wings of mythical horses. At the bottom of the emblem there is an inscription «Kazakhstan». In colour picture the National Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan are of two colours: golden and blue-and-sky-blue.

  1. Work with the new words: T: - We’ll learn some new words look at the blackboard and repeat after me. Write down these words on your copy-books.

Border  -           граница                     -шекара [ˈbɔːdə ]

Government-    правление                 -бас?ару [ˈgʌvnmənt ]

Independence-  независимый           -т?уелсіз [ˌɪndɪˈpɛndəns ]

Sovereign-       суверенный- егемен [ˈsɒvrɪn]

Freedom-         свобода                    -бостанды?[ ˈfriːdəm]

Population-      население                -хал?ы [pɒpjʊˈleɪʃən ]

Juncture-       стык                       -?иылыс [ˈʤʌŋkʧə]

 Work with the text: “Kazakhstan is My Motherland”

-Look at the video and listen to the dictator.

-Read and translate the text one by one.

“Kazakhstan is My Motherland”

The Republic of Kazakhstan is located on the juncture of two continent- Europe and Asia. It is the ninth largest country in the world.

Kazakhstan borders the Russian Federation, Uzbekistan, Kirgizstan, Turkmenistan and China. The population of the Republic of Kazakhstan is over 15 million people. The official language is Kazakh and Russian is the language of interethnic communication.Monetary unit- tenge.  Today, Kazakhstan is a unitary state with the presidential form of government. The Republic of Kazakhstan gained independence on the 16 December 1991.

The national symbols reflect colours of the blue- sky and gold sun. The central element of the national emblem is shanyrak. There is an ornament, the gold sun and the sovereign eagle on the national flag- the symbols of freedom and independence of the country. About 60 % of the population of the republic live in cities 14 regions. There are 85 in number. The biggest cities of Kazakhstan are Almaty, Astana, Karaganda and Chimkent. A new capital of the independent Kazakhstan named Astana is a 21-st century’s city.

 Fixing the students’ knowledge.

A) Individual work.  Task:Read the sentences and say true or false.

  1. Kazakhstan is a sovereign independent state.
  2. The population of Kazakhstan is over 15 million people.
  3. The Republic celebrates its independence Day on the 25-th of October.
  4. The official language is Kazakh.
  5. Kazakhstan shares its border with France.
  6. Russian is the language of international communication.
  7. The head of the state is Prime-Minister.
  1. Test.

1. What is the capital of Kazakhstan?

    a) Almaty   b) Akmola   c) Astana

2. Who is the head of the state?

a)President   b) Khan   c) Prime-Minister

3. Where is the Kazakhstan situated?

a)Europe   b) Australia   c) Central Asia

4. What is the official language of Kazakhstan?

      a) Russian   b) English   c) Kazakh

5. When is the Independence Day?

a) 16 December   b) 22 March   c) 9 May


  1. The conclusion: A) Giving mark.

B) Giving home work: Learn by heart the new words.
































1. What is the capital of Kazakhstan?

    a) Almaty   b) Akmola   c) Astana

2. Who is the head of the state?

a)President   b) Khan   c) Prime-Minister

3. Where is the Kazakhstan situated?

a)Europe   b) Australia   c) Central Asia

4. What is the official language of Kazakhstan?

      a) Russian   b) English   c) Kazakh

5. When is the Independence Day?

a) 16 December   b) 22 March   c) 9 May


1. What is the capital of Kazakhstan?

    a) Almaty   b) Akmola   c) Astana

2. Who is the head of the state?

a)President   b) Khan   c) Prime-Minister

3. Where is the Kazakhstan situated?

a)Europe   b) Australia   c) Central Asia

4. What is the official language of Kazakhstan?

      a) Russian   b) English   c) Kazakh

5. When is the Independence Day?

a) 16 December   b) 22 March   c) 9 May


1. What is the capital of Kazakhstan?

    a) Almaty   b) Akmola   c) Astana

2. Who is the head of the state?

a)President   b) Khan   c) Prime-Minister

3. Where is the Kazakhstan situated?

a)Europe   b) Australia   c) Central Asia

4. What is the official language of Kazakhstan?

      a) Russian   b) English   c) Kazakh

5. When is the Independence Day?

a) 16 December   b) 22 March   c) 9 May


1. What is the capital of Kazakhstan?

    a) Almaty   b) Akmola   c) Astana

2. Who is the head of the state?

a)President   b) Khan   c) Prime-Minister

3. Where is the Kazakhstan situated?

a)Europe   b) Australia   c) Central Asia

4. What is the official language of Kazakhstan?

      a) Russian   b) English   c) Kazakh

5. When is the Independence Day?

a) 16 December   b) 22 March   c) 9 May


1. What is the capital of Kazakhstan?

    a) Almaty   b) Akmola   c) Astana

2. Who is the head of the state?

a)President   b) Khan   c) Prime-Minister

3. Where is the Kazakhstan situated?

a)Europe   b) Australia   c) Central Asia

4. What is the official language of Kazakhstan?

      a) Russian   b) English   c) Kazakh

5. When is the Independence Day?

a) 16 December   b) 22 March   c) 9 May


1. What is the capital of Kazakhstan?

    a) Almaty   b) Akmola   c) Astana

2. Who is the head of the state?

a)President   b) Khan   c) Prime-Minister

3. Where is the Kazakhstan situated?

a)Europe   b) Australia   c) Central Asia

4. What is the official language of Kazakhstan?

      a) Russian   b) English   c) Kazakh

5. When is the Independence Day?

a) 16 December   b) 22 March   c) 9 May


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