Инфоурок Английский язык Тесты8 класс английский язык, промежуточная аттестация

8 класс английский язык, промежуточная аттестация

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1.      Complete each sentence with one of the words or phrases below.

     whenever         wisdom                  tabloids                                     

                     book               broadcast               proved                       confess

1.    … contain a lot of photographs  and have a more sensational reporting style.

2.    I’d like to … tickets for a group of students to London.

3.    … you ask for help, I’ll help you.

4.    Mikhail Lomonosov was known as a man of great … .

5.    Some journalist …, that their job is very dangerous

6.    During the World War II Russians … their courage many times.




2.      Complete the sentences with correct parts of speech.











1.Complete the gaps the correct form the verb to be (Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple)

Hello! Му name ________  Alan. I________  thirteen. My friend’s name ________  David. He ________   thirteen, too. We  ________   from Belarus. Last summer we ________   at the seaside. The weather ________  sunny. There________  many people on the beach. We had a good time. I hope next summer it ________  sunny and warm, too. There________   a lot of nice days.. Some day in future I ________   lucky to visit London!

2.Complete the gaps the correct form the verb (Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple)

1.I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock every day. 2. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock yesterday. 3. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock tomorrow. 4. I (not to go) to the cinema every day. 5. I (not to go) to the cinema yesterday. 6. I (not to go) to the cinema tomorrow. 7. You (to watch) TV every day? 8. You (to watch) TV yesterday? 9. You (to watch) TV tomorrow? 10. When you (to leave) home for school every day?  11.   When you (to leave) home for school yesterday?  12. When you (to leave) home for school tomorrow?  13. My brother (to go) to work every day. 14. You (to have) a PT lesson yesterday? — No, I... . 15.He (to read) newspapers tomorrow.

3.      Write the following sentences in reported speech

1.    “Don`t eat  hamburgers.”- said the doctor.

2.    The boy said: “My grandfather works in this hospital.”

3.    Mother: “Help me to set the table!”

4.    Reporter: “ When will you buy the newspaper?”

5.    Father: “Did you understand my answer?”

6.    Angela: “I will book the tickets tomorrow.”

7.    Jane:  “ Why haven`t you done your homework?”













"Television, computers, books"

1.     Fill in the gaps 1-5 with the following words a-e.

a) knowledge;   b) atmosphere;  c) information;  d)centuries;    e)computers;

А) As far as books and computers are concerned, I can say in my firm confidence that computers will never replace books. First because they fulfill different functions. It's true that both books and computers contain (1)_______. But one computer is worth the whole library. So perhaps, computers will replace reference books because it's quicker and easier to find the necessary information in the computer than in reference books.

В) But I'm sure computers can't be compared to fiction. Historical novels, adventure books, detective stories, science fiction, romance, poems, recommended by teachers create a special (2) _______. They take us into the imaginary world of high human emotions, exciting relations.

С)  A computer can help you in reading these books without turning the pages but working on the computer demands certain effort. You are to sit straight, not to stoop; you keep your finger on the keyboard. Besides (3) ______ have a harmful impact on the eyesight. In my opinion, it's impossible to read "War and Peace" on the screen. We'll lack something important: the invisible contact with the writer who speaks with us from the past (4) ________.

D) As to TV, its role is expressed in the proverb, "It's better to see than to hear". Paraphrasing it we can say it's good to see after you have read. Screen versions of literary masterpieces add much to our understanding the author and arouse unforgettable emotions. But books are the greatest wonders in the world, which brings us (5) ________ and bring us up. Through centuries and distances we can keep in touch with the greatest minds in the universe.


2. Match the headlines 1-5 with the parts of the text A-D. One headline is unnecessary.

1. Disadvantages of computer reading

2. First read, then watch

3. Source of information

4. Magic world of books

5. My favourite book





3. Choose the right answer.

1. The author doesn’t believe that books will be ever replaced by computers.

a) True b) False c) Not Stated

2. Computers are easier to find necessary information.

a) True b) False c) Not Stated

3. Reading on a computer is comfortable and healthy.

a) True b) False c) Not Stated

4. Many children prefer reading on the computers.

a) True b) False c) Not Stated

5. It is good to see before reading.

a) True b) False c) Not Stated



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