Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыКонспект на тему "English Party"

Конспект на тему "English Party"

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         Ағылшын  тілінен  10-11  сыныптарға  арналған

«English Party »  интеллектуалды ойны

Мақсаты : Коммуникативтік машықтарды дамыту

Негізгі  міндеттері:

а) Білімдік:                                                                                                                              Ағылшын  тілін  түсінуге  үйрету                                                                          Монологтық және  диалогтық сөйлеуге  үйрену                                                        Қарым – қатынас  жасауға баулу

ә) Тәрбиелік:                                                                                                                 Елтану  материалдарына  қызығушылықты  арттыру                                                               Басқалардың  пікірін  тыңдай білу  және  өз  ойын жеткізе  алуға  баулу                   Өз елінің және тілін үйреніп жатқан елдің мәдениетіне қызығушылықты қалыптастыру                                                                                                                                     Қарым – қатынас  мәдениетін қалыптастырып, оны  қолдана  білуге  үйрету

б) Дамытушылық:                                                                                                               Пәнге деген  қызығушылығын  арттыру                                                                           Ой – өрісін  кеңейту                                                                                                        Жылдам  реакцияны  дамыту                                                                                                        Логикалық ойлауды  дамыту                                                                                          Тілдік, зияткерлік, танымдық қабілеттерін  дамыту

Құрал – жабдықтар:

     Интербелсенді тақта


     Сиқырлы  жәшіктер







     Steps  of  competition:

I.                  Introduction.

II.              Greeting and  visit  cards of the teams.

III.           “Baiga”

IV.             A  music  pause.

V.               “Polyglots”

VI.             “Asu”  The  captains’  round

VII.        “ The  magic box”. The  game:  “Understand  me”

VIII.    Lottery game  with  spectators : “ Answer and get a prize”

IX.            Conclusion  of the game. Rewarding of the winners.


The  procedure  of  the  game.

I. Introduction.

    Leader: Good  afternoon, dear  guests,  teachers and  participants ! We  are  glad  to  see     you  at  our  competition game “English Party”. Three teams will take part in our game. They are the team of young teachers and the other two teams of the 10th and 11th grades. Today we’ll  speak  about history,   geography and art. And  I  hope  that you’ll  be  able  to  answer all  the   questions.     Today’s game will be judged by our jury. They are:

With  best  wishes  let’s  start  our  game.

The song: “Diamonds” sung by Aru and

II. The  first  round is “Greeting  and  visit  card”.

     Each  team  introduce their names  and  motto.

 III. The second round is “Baiga”

    Now,  dear  friends, let’s  play  the  first  game. On  the  screen you  see  the table with the points  and the themes of the questions. You  must choose  one  of  them  and  answer the  question  in  it , if the answer is right you’ll get those points. If there is no answer the other teams have a chance to get them.


IV. The next round  is the game  “Polyglots”

     Taking part in this game you have a chance to check up how well do you know   the Kazakh, English and Russian languages. Your task is to give the  right answer and its equivalents in three languages. 5 points for each right answer. If you give the answer in three languages correctly you’ll get 15 points



The  first  team’s questions:                                                                                                           1. Что является источником знаний? (Книга, кітап, book)                                      2 .Тақия толған сөк, Таң атқанда жоқю (жұлдыздар, stars, звезды)                                                  3. What has a face but no head, has hands but no fingers? (a clock, caғат, часы)    4. ..... сыртыңнан мақтар, дұшпан көзіне мақтар. (дос, друг, friend)                   5.  Translate the proverb:  “All is not gold that glitters”( «Жылтырағанның бәрі алтын емес»,  «Не все золото что блестит»)

   The second  teams questions:

1.  Как называется главный город любой страны?(столица, астана, capital) 2. Кішкентай ғана бойы бар, айналдырып киген тоны бар. (қой, баран,sheep ) 3. What belongs only to you and is used more by others than by yourself  (name,  есім, имя)                                                                                                                              4. Жеті жұрттың ....... біл, жеті түрлі білім біл. (тіл, язык, language )                               5. Translate the proverb:  “Custom is the second nature” («Ауру қалса да, әдет қалмайды», «Привычка вторая натура»)

The third  teams questions:

1. .Подберите антоним к слову  «ВОЙНА». (мир, бейбiтшiлiк,peace ).                                                                                            2. Қалын киім ұнатады, шешіндірсен  жылатады (пияз, лук, onion )                            3. When I eat I live, but when I drink I die.  (fire, от, огонь)                                             4. Крылья джигита это  ........   (конь, ат,horse )                                                     5.  Translate the proverb:  “Business before pleasure” («Бейнет түбі- зейнет», «Сделал дело, гуляй смело»)

V. The next round  is “Asu”.  The  captains’  round

   In this round the captains of the teams will choose one the envelopes with the letters “A”, “B”, “C”’. Then I’ll read you questions, the answers will start with the letter “A”, “B” or “C”’. There are 7 questions and 1 point for each right answer.

Letter “A”

1.     The name of the fruit  (apple)

2.     The name of the month. (August)

3.     The name of this country is the name of the continent.(Australia)

4.     The famous Kazakh writer. (Abai)

5.     The first cosmonaut  of our country. (Aubakirov)

6.     We cannot live without it. (air)

7.     One of the oceans (Atlantic)

Letter “B”

1.     The little child. (baby)

2.     The name of the fruit. (banana)

3.     The room where we sleep. (bedroom)

4.     An object in the classroom. (board)

5.     The antonym of the word  “good”. (bad)

6.     The school subject (biology)

7.     The lake in KZ. (Balkash)


Letter “C”

1.     The plural form of  “child” (children)

2.     The place where we watch films. (cinema)

3.     Domestic animal which gives us milk. (cow)

4.     The school subject . (chemistry)

5.     The country with the largest population. (China)

6.     The antonym of  “hot”. (cold)

7.     The sea in KZ. (Caspian)


VI.  The next round  is “The  magic box”,  the game  “Understand me”.  (1-5)

   There  are  three  magic  boxes.  In each  box  there  is  an  object. One  of  the  participants from each team come up  to  the  table and  choose  the  box, open it,  look  into  it and must describe an  object to  his/ her  team, but he / she mustn’t name it. If  they  guess, they take the object as a gift.










 The  jury  count how  many  right  phrases studentss use  in  their  speech.

VII. Lottery game  with  spectators : “ Answer and get a prize”

VIII. Conclusion  of the game. Rewarding of the winners.

















     Күні   түні жүреді

     Қозғалмайды бір елі





  Таңмен көзін ашады

Әлемге нұрын шашады



   Упадет – подскачет

  Ударишь – не плачет



A little old woman with     twelve children,

Some short, some long, some cold, some hot.

What is she?




      The  symbol  of  freedom  in Kazakhstan




 Жер көлемінің кішірейтілген  нұсқасы



    National song of

         each country





 Что вечера мудренее?



   Весна красна цветами,

        а   .....  плодами




Во что играют

на знаменитом

Уимболдонском    турнире?



    Денсаулық -  зор  ........  





  Өз ...... - өлең төсегім



     ......  бар жерде ,

          үміт бар.






       Күш  ...........






























































 “Where  do  you  …..”

    Students  draw  a card with a  preposition and  answer  the  leader’s questions using  the  preposition  they  have  chosen. The answers must  be  given  as  quickly and  logically  right as  they  can.

Овал:   underОвал:    onОвал:     in   





1.     Where  do  you  sleep ?

2.      Where  do  you  keep  your  money ?

3.     Where  is  your  friend  ?

4.     Where  is  your  teacher ?

5.     Where  do  you  usually  play  with  your  friends?

6.     Where  is  our  school  situated ?



IV.  The  Magic  Black  Box.   Game : “Understand  me”

There  are  three  black magic  boxes. In each  box  there  is  an  object. One  of  the  participants come up  to  the  table and  choose  the  box, open it,  look  into  it and must

describe an  object to  his/ her  team, but he / she mustn’t name it. If  they  guess, they take






the  object as  a  gift. 






 The  jury  count how  many  right  phrases  pupils use  in  their  speech.

V.      “When  did  it  happen ?”

There  are  three  cards  with  three  questions  on  them. The  task  is  to  give  full  answers

The  first  card.

1.     When  did  Kazakhstan  gain  its  independence? (in 1991, on the  16th of  December)

2.     When  do  Moslems celebrate the  New  Year’s Day ? (on  the 22nd of  March)

3.     When  do  English people wait  for The  First  Foot ? (on  New Year’s  morning)

The  second  card.

1.     When  did  Astana  become the  capital of  Kazakhstan ? (in 1998)

2.     When  does  English  people celebrate Christmas ? (on the  25th of December)

3.     When  did  Y/ Gagarin first  fly into  the  space ? (on the 12th of April)

The  third  card.

1.     When  did  our  first  cosmonaut  fly  into  the  space and  who  is he? (in 1991 T. Aubakirov)

2.     When  was  our  new  Constitution  adopted? (on the 30th of  August, in 1995 )

3.     When  was our  new  school  opened ? (in  2012)


VI.  “The  captains  speak”

Homework: The  captains speak  about our  country.


VII.        “Polyglots”

The  proverbs  with  missing words in  English , Russian and Kazakh will  be  given.

Students  must  fill  in the gaps with  the  necessary words and give  their  equivalents  in  three  languages.

VIII.     Conclusion



The  first  box.

1.     We  write  with  it  in  our  copybook.(a  pen)

2.     What  season  is  it  now? ( winter)

3.     A person  who  treats people. (a  doctor)

4.     In  this  room  you  sleep. ( a bedroom)

5.     You  are  late  for  classes. What  do  you  say? (I’m  sorry)

6.     What  can  you  see at  the  library? (books,  magazines, newspapers )

7.     Your  mother’s  sister  is  your …..  . ( an  aunt)

8.     Fruit  juice is  made  of …..  . (fruit)

9.     Two  things that  only women  wear. ( dress, blouse)

10. The  president  of  Russia. ( V. Putin)

The  second  box.

1.What  day  of  the  week is  it  today? (Thursday)

2. We  write  on  it  with  a  chalk. (a blackboard)

3. A  person  who  teaches  you  at  school. (a teacher)

4. In  this  room  you  wash your  hands  and  face, take  a  shower.

5. You  friend  has  a  birthday. What  do  you  say ? (Happy  birthday to  you !)

6. What  can  you  see  in  the  sky  at  night? (the  stars, the  Moon)

7.Your  father’s  brother  is  your …….    . (an  uncle)

8. Cheese  is  made  of  ……  . (milk)

9. Two  things  you  wear  in  hot  weather. (shorts, T- shirts)

10. The  president  of  the  USA. (B. Obama)

The  third  box.

1.     What  date  is  it  today? (The  11th of  December)

2.     We  draw  with  coloured  ……   . (pencils)

3.     A  person  who  writes  novels. (a  writer)

4.     In  this  room  you  have your  breakfast, dinner and  supper. (a dining  room)

5.     You  meet  your  friend  in the street. What  do  you  say? (Hello! How  are you?)

6.     What  can  you  see  in  the  zoo? (animals)

7.     Your  mother’s  son is  your  ……  . (a brother)

8.     Sausage  is  made  of  …… . (meat)

9.     Two  things you  wear  on  your  feet. (boots, shoes)

10. The  first  president  of  our  country. (N. Nazarbaev)

IX.  A  music  pause.















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