Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыКонспект урока английского языка You are welcome to Russia

Конспект урока английского языка You are welcome to Russia

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Тема: You are welcome to Russia

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Познавательный аспект – расширение объема знаний учащихся о России еѐ

политической системе, знакомство с великими политическими и государственными деятелями нашей страны и стран изучаемого языка, развитие представления о поликультурности мира, развитие культуроведческой и речевой наблюдательности. Развивающий аспект - развитие творческих способностей учащихся, способности к сравнению и сопоставлению полученных знаний, развитие умения формулировать и излагать логически свои высказывания. Воспитательный аспект – воспитание чувства гордости за свою страну, уважения к ее людям, воспитание потребности и способности понимать менталитет людей своей страны и людей другой культуры, воспитание более глубокого осознания своей родной культуры. Учебный аспект – совершенствование навыков чтения с различными стратегиями; развитие речевых умений на основе прочитанного.

Оборудование – мультимедийный проектор, презентация “ Welcome to Russia”, видеозапись “Click On Russia”, cхемы: “Symbols of Russia”, “Why Travel to Russia”; текст для чтения, моделированные ситуации общения.


I. Начало урока. Организационный момент. Brainstorm activity.

Teacher: Hello, children and guests. Im glad to see you today at our lesson. I think you remember it very well that we often spoke about reasons of travelling to Great Britain and other English-speaking countries, about their most popular places, famous people and even organized virtual sightseeing tours. But today lets invite the foreigners to come on a visit to our country. So our main purpose is to make foreigners interested in our country and acquire a wish to visit Russia.

a) Lets discuss the reasons to travel to Russia. So why travel to Russia?

Учащиеся заполняют Word Web на отдельных схемах.

Why travel to Russia?

- to practice speaking Russian

- to admire the beautiful Russian countryside

- to learn more about the history of country

- to see and buy Russian souvenirs

- to take part in any national celebration or

special occasion

- to meet Russian people and to know more

about mystical Russian sole

- to visit the city of the Olympic Games - 2014


- to watch Russia on the eve of the election

После заполнения Word Web, учащимся предлагается высказать свои мнения,

применяя различные речевые клише:

- To my mind it will be interesting for foreigners to meet Russian people and

to know more about mystical Russian sole

- Im sure foreigners will come to Russia to practice speaking Russian

- Foreigners have always been interested in the history of Russia, thats why they will come by all means.

b) Invite your foreign friends to come to Russia. But your invitation can

consist only from one sentence. So one invitation – one sentence.

For example: You are welcome to Russia – the country of long history and old traditions.

Ответы учащихся могут быть такими:

- Welcome to Russia – the country of ancient culture and rich history.

- Welcome to Russia – the country of amazing nature and rich vegetation.

- Welcome to Russia – the country of the future Olympic Games.

- Welcome to Russia – the country of outstanding writers, scientists and


- Welcome to Russia – the country where you can buy Russian traditional

souvenirs: samovars, matryoshkas, tableware from Khokhloma, painted

boxes in the style of Palekh and others.

- Welcome to Russia – the country of great inventors and inventions.

- Welcome to Russia – the country where people think and act big.

- Welcome to Russia – the country which has always impressed with


II. Актуализация знаний учащихся

Teacher: Imagine that your foreign friends have come on a visit. What would you

tell them about our country first? I think the map and some pictures on the screen

will help you. (Click On Russia, Unit 1)

Pupil 1: The full name of my country is the Russian Federation. Russia is one of

the biggest countries in the world: it is situated in the eastern part of Europe and

the northern part of Asia. The territory of my country is over 17 mln square

kilometers. The size of Russia is really hard to imagine. It stretches from south to

north for four thousand kilometers, from east to west for nine thousand kilometers.

Pupil 2: Russia is a country of long rivers and deep lakes. The longest and the most

popular rivers are the Ob, the Lena, the Yenissei, the Volga and others. Its

interesting to know that the Volga is the longest river in Europe. The Baikal is the

deepest lake in the world and it is known that it contains as much fresh water as all

five Great Lakes taken together.

Pupil 3: Russia is a country of long history and a lot of old traditions. Very often

foreigners come to our country to visit our historical museums and art galleries.

Even in our small town there is a Museum of History and Art. It tells a lot of

interesting facts about our place and our people. And one more thing – foreigners

enjoy visiting our shops and markets so as to buy Russian traditional souvenirs:

samovars, matryoshkas, tableware from Khokhloma, painted boxes in the style of

Palekh and others.

III. Совершенствование навыков чтения с различными стратегиями.

a) совершенствование навыка чтения с целью извлечения полной

информации и построения диалога на основе прочитанного

Teacher: I think that tourists who come on a visit to our country are very much

interested in our history, our symbols and traditions. Really Russian symbols are

worth seeing and telling about. Look at the screen and read the text about the

Russian flag and the Russian emblem…But half of you will read the text “The

Russian Flag” and the other half will read the text “The Russian Emblem”. After

reading youll have to exchange the information youve got.

(диалог-обмен информацией – учащиеся работают в парах, обмениваясь

полученной из текста информацией)

b) совершенствование навыка чтения с целью излечения

отдельных деталей и построения монологического высказывания на основе


Teacher: I agree with you that Russia is a very large country. But we are more

proud for our greatest people. You cant but agree that our motherland has given

the world talented scientists, famous philosophers, well-known inventors,

outstanding musicians, writers, artists and, of course, creative politicians. They

make the national property of our country. You have Word Webs before you.

Write everything you remember about Peter the Great.

Учащиеся заполняют словесные паутины, опираясь на свои знания из

истории и общие знания, обмениваются информацией друг с другом.

Teacher: Look at the screen, find the text about Peter the Great, read it and fill in

the Word Webs again. Compare your clusters and read all the new information

youve got.

После этой работы учащимся предоставляется возможность подготовить

монологические высказывания о Петре I, используя заполненные словесные

паутины, как план.

монологические высказывания учащихся могут быть такими:

Every country is proud of their people and

especially people who did much for the

improvement and development of our Motherland.

I’d like to tell you about Peter the Great who was

a great personality. He was the tsar of Russia for

43 years. He was the first Russian emperor. It

was Peter the Great who “opened the window into


Teacher: One of the topics which has always been interesting for tourists is the

question of the political system and democracy in Russia. The questions which

they more often ask are the following:

- Is Russia a democratic country?

- What political and social rights do citizens in Russia enjoy?

- What do you think of the voting system in your country?

And its not a secret at all that those who come to Russia from abroad want to

find some drawbacks with our democracy and political system.

Can you name any contemporary outstanding politicians in our country?

учащиеся называют Путина В.В., Медведева, Зубкова,

Teacher: Can you name the qualities any politician should have? Fill in this Word

Web “What a Real Politician Should Be?” and roleplay the following situations.

Презентация проектных работ учащихся с использованием мультимедийных


Teacher: Your hometask was to make a miniproject under the title “Welcome to

Russia” and be ready to defend your ideas. Lets do it now. Look at the screen and

present your works. Учащиеся по очереди представляют свои проектные

работы. Во время их защиты они сообщают источники, которыми они

пользовались во время подготовки.

IV. Заключительный этап урока. Подведение итогов, выставление

оценок, комментирование.We would be very happy if we could

convince the foreigners to come to our country.

Look at the message from Nick, a French boy studying in Canada. Read it

and say what he finds interesting and boring about the school.

После прочтения и выполнения задания данного перед текстом, учащимся

предстоит заполнить следующую таблицу и провести параллель, сравнив

школу Ника со своей.

a) Find in the text the following facts and complete the table.

Nick school in Canada Your school

1 The size of school very big and old very big and not so old

2 The type of school a boarding school a secondary school

3 Timetable 6 lessons; sports every day 6 lessons; 3 P.E. a week

4 Favourite subject English English and History

5 Problems in studying English consonants Pronunciation

6 Punishment Stay away from school A message to parents

7 Attitude to school Fantastic, interesting I like my school

b) Now compare Nicks opinion with the situation in your school.

e.g. 1) Nick says that his school is big, my school is rather big too.

2) Nick says that from 2 oclock to 4 they usually do some sports, but we

have P.E. only 3 times a week.

Моделированные ситуации общения

Hi there! I am Nick. I go to the best school in Canada. I really like my school. The

building is big and very old. It is boarding school – that means we live here. There

are two dormitories: one for boys and one for girls. Every day we have about 6

lessons. From 2 oclock to 4 we usually do some sports. I like football best of all.

Then we have tea and some rest.

My favorite subject is English. It is fantastic. At the lessons we play a lot, sing

songs and even dance sometimes. Our teacher is very good. We can agree or

disagree with him whenever we want to. At the beginning of the lesson we listen to

the tape recorder and answer questions. If we dont pronounce English sounds well

we work at them at home. I have some problems with consonants. But all the

exercises are interesting to me. If we do not know what to do, we always ask:

“What do we do now?”, “Shall we do this?”. I always get „excellent for my

English classes. Well, not always – sometimes…

I hate it when somebody makes crib sheets, they are so small that you cant read the

letters, so they dont help really. If a teacher finds them, he will give you detention.

I myself got detention when I tried skiving off. It was because of one of our sneaks.

She told the teacher about me. So I had to stay away from school for a week. That

was horrible. I had nothing to do at home.

I wont skip classes any more … I hope…

1. Your pen-friend from Great Britain has started a new magazine for

youngsters. He’d like his magazine to be popular. So he studies the

interests and preferences of teenagers from different countries. Tell

him about your personal interests and hobbies.

2. You are staying at the International Summer Camp. Your friend from

Great Britain wants to know about current interests of young people

from Russia. Answer his questions and find out about interests and

preferences of the British youth.

3. You are staying at the International Summer Camp. Your friend from

Great Britain wants to know about current interests of young people

from Russia. Answer his questions and find out about interests and

preferences of the British youth.

4. You are a member of a tourist group. Ask your group leader about the

programme of your visit to Great Britain. Answer his questions about

the country, its capital, its cities and national traditions.

5. At the International Summer Camp there are a lot of young people from

different countries. They all can speak English. But your friend’s English

is poor at present. Help him: introduce him to other people, speak about

his family, his interests and favourite activities. Be his interpreter.

6. Many young people have problems with their parents. Ask your friend

from the USA about the situation in his country. Answer his questions

about your relationships with your parents and about the problems

between young people and parents in Russia.

7. Many young people have problems with their parents. Ask your friend

from the USA about the situation in his country. Answer his questions

about your relationships with your parents and about the problems

between young people and parents in Russia.

8. Imagine you are a member of the International Ecological Conference.

Answer the questions of other members about the ecological situation in

your country. Ask your questions about their countries and about their

suggestions for improving the ecological situation on the planet.

9. Imagine you are a TV journalist. Your task is to prepare the material for the

programme “SOCHI – 2014”. Try to find interesting facts and convince

your foreign colleagues that Sochi is the best place for Winter Olympic



1. 1. Сафонова В.В. Учебник для 10 класса школ с углубленным изучением

английского языка. М.; Просвещение, 2003.

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