Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыКонспект урока в 6 классе по теме"Праздники.Рождество"

Конспект урока в 6 классе по теме"Праздники.Рождество"

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Конспект урока по английскому языку в 6-м классе по теме "Праздники. Рождество"

Цели урока:

1. проконтролировать усвоение страноведческого материала лексики по теме;

2. развивать навыки выразительного чтения стихов;

3. развивать навыки артистизма в инсценировке маленьких пьес;

4. повышать интерес к изучению английского языка.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

II. Исполнение песни "We Wish You a Merry Christmas"

III. Конкурс на знание страноведческого материала по теме. Ответы на вопросы.

IV. Исполнение песни "Oh, Christmas Tree."

V. Конкурс стихов по теме.

VI. Инсценировки.

VII. Конкурс на усвоение лексики по теме. Разгадай кроссворд.

VIII. Подведение итогов.

IX. Финальная песня "Jingle, Bells!"

I. Today is the greatest holiday in Great Britain - Christmas Day. Let's begin our party with Christmas song.

II. Song. We wish you a Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas

And a Happy New Year.

III. Now be ready to answer the questions. There are two Christmas trees on the blackboard. Each team will decorate it with red, blue, yellow or white balls which you'll get after your answers.

A red ball is 5. A blue ball is 4. A yellow ball is 3. A white ball is 2. < Фото1 >



1. When is Christmas celebrated in Europe?

2. Whose birthday is celebrated on Christmas?

3. Where does the most famous Christmas tree stand in London?

4. What are names of Santa Claus?

5. Where does he live?

6. What does he look like?

7. How does he travel?

8. How does Santa Claus enter houses?

9. What are the traditional Christmas colours?

10. What day comes after Christmas?

IV. Christmas tree is one of the symbols of Christmas Day. Let's sing a song about it. Oh, Christmas tree, oh, Christmas tree

With faithful leaves unchanging.
Not only green is summer's heat,
But also winter's snow and sleet.
Oh, Christmas tree, oh, Christmas tree
With faithful leaves unchanging.

V. There are a lot of poems about Christmas, New Year and winter. Let's remind them.

1 .The Snow Man

Come in the garden
And play in the snow,
A snow-man we'll make,
See how quickly he'll grow!
Give him a hat and a stick
And make him look gay.
Such a fine game
For a cold winter day!

2. New Year.

Come, children, gather round my knees,
Something is about to be.
Tonight's December 31st,
Something is about to burst.
Look! Here comes another year

3. Winter Months.

Cold December brings us skating
For the New Year we are waiting
January brings the snow
Makes our feet and fingers glow
February snow again
And sometimes it brings us rain.

4 * * * .

I want some crackers,
And I want some candy,
I think a box of chocolates
Would come in handy,
I don't mind oranges,
I do like nuts!
And I should like a pocket-knife
That really cuts.
And, oh! Father Christmas,
If you love me at all,
Bring me a big, red India-rubber ball!

5 .Around the New Year Tree

Singing, dancing merrily,
Round the New Year tree,
Merrily, merrily, merrily,
Round the New Year tree,
Happy New Year, my friends,
Happy New Year today.
Let us dance hand in hand.
I will show you the way.

6. On the Ice

Slide, slide the ice is strong,
Quickly, quickly slide along!
Slide along and don't be slow,
In the cold your face will glow!
Slide along, slide very fast,
It's a same to be the last!

7. New Year

New things to learn,
A new friend to meet,
A new song to sing
New joy to greet.
New things to see,
New things to hear
New things to do
In this glad New Year

8. The Snowman.

Come in the garden
And play in the snow,
Make a white snowman,
And help him to grow!
"What a nice snowman!"
The children will say
"What a fine game
For a cold winter day!"


The cold, white snow falls softly down
On the tree tops bare and brown,
In the still night, when all's asleep
Falling, falling thick and deep,
In the country, in the town,
Falling, falling softly down.
VI. Now we'll see two plays
The first one is "Golden Touch"

The characters are King Midas, his daughter and the magician. Each actor will get one of the balls.


(A myth)

King Midas is sitting at the table and looking at the gold things on the table in front of him. A Magician comes in and stands behind him.

KING MIDAS: Oh, I like gold very much!

MAGICIAN: You have very much gold, King Midas.

KING MIDAS: Yes, I have much gold. But I want more. I want everything I touch to turn to4 gold.

MAGICIAN: Do you want to have the Golden Touch?

KING MIDAS: Oh, yes. Then I shall make as much gold as I like.

MAGICIAN: You are greedy, King Midas. You like gold most of all in the world. All right. Have the Golden Touch! Everything you touch will turn to gold.

The Magician goes out. King Midas's daughter comes in.

DAUGHTER: Father, look at these beautiful flowers! I have brought them for you from the garden. Take them, please.

KING MIDAS (taking the flowers): Thank you, dear daughter! (When he takes the flowers, they turn to gold.) Look at them. They are gold flowers now.

DAUGHTER: Oh, what has happened6 to my beautiful flowers? Oh, oh, I don't like them any more. (She begins to cry.)

KING MIDAS (touching her hair): Why are you so sorry, my daughter? The flowers are gold now.

Suddenly he stops and looks at his daughter in surprise. She stands like a statue.

KING MIDAS: Oh, what have I done! My dear daughter has become a gold statue7. Oh, oh! (He begins to cry.)

MAGICIAN (coming into the room): King Midas! You wanted to have the Golden Touch, and you have it now. You can turn everything to gold. Are you not happy?

KING MIDAS: Oh, no. I am not happy. My dear daughter has become a statue. She was good and beautiful, and she loved me. Now she is cold—she has died. I am the unhappiest man in the world! Please take back the Golden Touch from me!

MAGICIAN: But you like gold best of all in the world.

KING MIDAS: No, no! I love my daughter best of all. I can't' live any more without her!

MAGICIAN: All right. Be it so! You have had a good lesson. Flowers and your daughter are better than gold. Take this water and sprinkle your daughter and the flowers.

King Midas does so, and the daughter and the flowers become real again. The Magician goes out.

DAUGHTER (looking at her father and at her dress with surprise): Father, why are you sprinkling water on my new dress?

KING MIDAS: Oh, my dear daughter! I liked gold best of all, but now I don't like it. Take your flowers and put them into water, please. < Фото 2 >, < Фото 3 >, < Фото 4 >.




The second play is "Аn Unending Story".

The characters are story-teller, the king, his daughter, the Prime Minister, King’s story-teller and a stranger. Each actor will get one of the balls.

Story-teller: Once upon a time there lived a great King who had no work to do. Every day, and all day long, he sat on his throne on soft cushions and listened to stories. He never grew tired of hearing them.

Scene: The King is sitting on his throne on soft cushions. The King's story-teller is sitting before him on a little stool. He has just finished his story. The King's beautiful daughter and the Prime-minister are standing by the King's throne. The King's story-teller stands up and makes a low bow to the King.

King's story-teller: I have finished the story, great King.

King: I liked your story, but it was too short. (Gives a sigh.) Too short, too short. It makes me sad. I am always sorry when a story comes to an end. (The Story-teller bows again.) Be off, man! Your story was too short. What's the use of such stories?

King's story-teller: Adieu, oh great King! (Hurries away.)

King (to the Prime-minister, who is standing by the throne): Listen to me, my true servant. Send word to every city and town and country place and offer a prize to anyone who can tell me a long story, an endless story.

The Prime-minister takes out a piece of paper and writes quickly on it

Prime-minister: I am ready, my King!

King: Read it aloud!

Prime-minister: "To the man that will tell me a story which will last forever, I shall give my daughter for a wife; and he will be king after me. But if any man tries to tell such a story and can't do it he will have his head cut off."

King (clapping his hands): Excellent! Send the paper to all parts of the country at once!

The Prime-minister goes out.

King's daughter: But, Papa, nobody will try to do it. Nobody wants to lose his head.

King: Oh, be patient, my dear! Wait and see! (They go out. The Story-teller enters.)

The Story-teller: The King's daughter is very pretty and there are many young men who want her for a wife. But nobody wants to lose his head.

Again the King is on his throne. His daughter is standing near him.

King's daughter: Oh, dear! Nobody wants to tell us a story! Papa, if it goes on like this, I shall never have a husband.

King: Patience, patience, my daughter! Nobody knows what may happen.

The Story-teller: Hut one day a stranger from the South comes to the King's palace.

The Stranger enters in and makes a bow.

Stranger: Great King, is it true that you have offered a prize to the man who can tell a story that has no end?

King: It is true.

Stranger: And is it true that the prize is your beautiful daughter?

King: That is true too.

Stranger: I think I can tell a story that has no end.

King: We shall be glad to listen to you. Sit down.

Stranger (sits down on a stool): Once upon a time there lived a king. One day he put all the corn of his country into a big barn. Then a swarm of locusts came over the land. They saw the barn, but they could not get in and eat the corn. They searched and searched and at last they found a very small hole in the wall, just large enough for one locust to pass through. So the locusts decided to get in one at a time. First one locust got in and carried away a grain of corn. Then another locust got in and carried away a grain of corn. Then...

Story-teller: So the stranger went on saying "Then another locust got in and carried away a grain of corn." Day after day, week after week, he kept on saying the same words. A month passed, a year passed. At the end of two years the King couldn't stand it any longer.

King: How long will those locusts be getting in and carrying away the corn?

Stranger: O, King, they have as yet cleared only one corner of the bam. There is still very much corn in it.

King: Man, man, you will drive me mad. I can't listen to your story any longer. Take my daughter. Rule my kingdom. But stop telling me about these horrible locusts.

Story-teller: So the Stranger married the King's daughter and they lived happily for many, many years. And the old King never asked again for a long story. < Фото 5 >, < Фото 6 >, < Фото 7 >.




VII. Now each team must do this cross-word.


1 .The day after Christmas

2. An evergreen plant with sharp pointed leaves with red berries

3. What country gave us tradition to decorate the Christmas tree?

4. A Christmas song

5. Traditional Christmas food

6. What do children hand on their beds?

7. The evening before Christmas

8. What do people put into Christmas pudding?

9. An evergreen plant with small white berries

10. What country sends Christmas tree to Londoners?

11. How does Santa Claus travel?

VIII. Let's make conclusion.

The first team has ...

The second teams has ...

Everybody gets present from Santa Claus. < Фото 8 >


IX. Let's finish our party with the song "Jingle, Bells!"

Jingle, bells! Jingle, bells!
Jingle all the way!
Oh what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh

Dashing through the show
In a one-horse open sleigh,
O'er the fields we go,
Laughing all the ways all!

Bells and balls to ring
Making spirits bright!
What fun it is to ride and sing
A sleighing song tonight.


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Конспект урока по английскому языку в 6-м классе по теме "Праздники. Рождество".

Цели урока:

1. проконтролировать усвоение страноведческого материала лексики по теме;

2. развивать навыки выразительного чтения стихов;

3. развивать навыки артистизма в инсценировке маленьких пьес;

4. повышать интерес к изучению английского языка.

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