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МКОУ АГО «Уфимская средняя общеобразовательная школа»






Конструкт урока по английскому языку

Тема: “Mayflower

для 7 класса



Составитель: Крючкова Наталья Николаевна

Учитель английского языка, первая категория.



П. Уфимский, 2014г.

Тема: "На борту корабля «Майский цветок»"

Цель: познакомить учащихся с историей происхождения праздника.


-формировать умения употреблять лексический материал, развить умение неподготовленной речи на основе предложенного текста и обеспечивать  его первичную тренировку в серии речевых и языковых упражнений;

-применять полученные знания в развёрнутом монологическом высказывании для обеспечения коммуникативных потребностей.

-воспитывать чувства доброты, желания доставить радость другим, через формирование толерантного отношения к обычаям других народов.

Универсальные учебные действия:

-Личностные ( смыслообразование)

Регулятивные (умение организовать себя)

Коммуникативные (понимание на слух речи учителя, восприятие основного содержания, воспринимать и понимать текст, с соблюдением правил чтения осмысленного интонирования, осознанно строить речевое высказывание, соблюдая правильное ударение в словах)


Познавательные (коммуникативные (планирование учебного сотрудничества, анализ объектов с целью выделения признаков и синтез как составления целого из частей; подведение под понятие; выдвижение гипотез и их обоснование, вспоминают информацию из текста и создают обобщения )

Планируемый результат

        1.Обучающиеся познакомится с главными историческими событиями из жизни первых английских переселенцев – пилигримов.

        2. Обучающиеся получат возможность структурировать свои знания по данной теме.

        3. Обучающиеся проверят свои знания в области лексические единиц.

        4. Обучающиеся получат возможность планировать учебное сотрудничество при работе в парах, в группе,            получат возможность оценивать свои знания в области лексические единиц и свою деятельность на уроке.

Образовательные ресурсы:

1.Карточки с новыми лексическими единицами (12 шт)

2.Карточки с текстом для чтения (12шт)

3.Карточки для работы в группах (4шт)

4.Карточки для работы в парах (6шт)



Деятельность учителя

Деятельность обучающихся

Формируемые УУД

1.Орг. момент

Good morning, boys, girls. Sit down and make yourself comfortable.

Lets begin our lesson.

Слушают учителя.

Регулятивные (умение организовать себя)

2.Постановка цели и задач урока. Мотивация учебной деятельности учащихся.

Today we are going to speak about the holiday, which American people celebrate in autumn on the fourth Thursday of November. The main guest is a turkey. (Показать вязаную индюшку). Who knows this holiday? It is Thanksgiving Day.


If turkeys thought, they’d run away

a week before Thanksgiving Day.

But turkeys can’t anticipate,

and so there’s turkey on my plate.


We will read text, know about the main symbols of this holiday, and answer the questions.  Do you know that…

-        Americans eat over 75 million turkeys each year, most of them at Thanksgiving time.

-        A male turkey is called a tom. A female is called a hen. Young turkeys are poults.

-        Turkey eggs are twice as big as chicken eggs.

-        The turkey is native to North and South America - the only kind of poultry that is.

-        A wild turkey can fly up to 55 miles per hour.

-        The largest turkey can weigh up to 50 pounds.

Do you want to know about this holiday more?

Слушают стихотворение. Узнают интересные факты об индюшка.

Коммуникативные (понимание на слух речи учителя, восприятие основного содержания))

3.Актуализация знаний

1. Read out words & word combinations which refer to Thanksgiving Day.

Festival, card, thanks, to decorate the house, to colour eggs,  to buy chocolate eggs, don’t go to work, to come together, special dinner, to put presents under the Christmas tree, to eat beans, to eat traditional meals, to relax, the Native Americans, Thanksgiving parade, to send Thanksgiving cards, the Pilgrims, harvest, turkey




to decorate the house

to come together

special dinner

to eat beans

to eat traditional meals

to relax

the Native Americans

Thanksgiving parade

to send Thanksgiving cards

the Pilgrims - “Yankee” - the Englishmen



2. Read the text “Mayflower” with these words. Try to remember sentences with them.

If you go to New Plymouth, a small town in the United States of America, you will see there a rock which reaches the sea. Many thousands of people from different parts of the United States and from many other countries in the world come to this small town and they always go to see the Rock. They take off their hats, stand there and think about the brave men and women who, more than three hundred years ago, were standing on this Rock and looking at the country where they had come to begin a new life.

They had built a small village there, and American people say that out of this small village grew a big country – the United States of America.

It was in 1620, in the time of King James the First. English people did not like their king and they called him “The Foolish King of England”. Many of them even left England and went to live in the other countries.

In November, 1620, a small ship, the Mayflower, left England. There were about one hundred people aboard of the ship, but even for this hundred the ship was too small. For seven long weeks the Mayflower was in the waves and storms of the Atlantic Ocean, and at last the people saw land. It was America.

It was already autumn. It was raining and a cold wind was blowing. Sixteen men left the Mayflower and went ashore. In the evening they came back to the ship and brought some maize with them. They found the maize in the sand on the beach where the Indians had left it. Nobody in Europe had seen maize then, but when the people on board of the Mayflower tried it they liked it very much.

Next day was Sunday and everybody on the Mayflower had a rest. On Monday some men went ashore again and this time they took some women with them. The women had to wash the clothes. Since that time Monday has been a wash-day in America.

During the next five weeks the men from the Mayflower left the ship every day. Sometimes they did not come back for many days; they were looking for a good place to live. The weather was very cold, more and more men fell ill, but at last they found a good place. There was a good harbor for ships there, some fields and forests near it and even a small river. The people began to build a village there.

By January, 1621, there were already two streets in this village, and they called it “New Plymouth”. It was winter now. The people were tired and cold. They did not have enough to eat. More and more of them fell ill. There was a time when only seven men were quite well. Many people died. Sometimes two or three died in a day. When the houses were ready, the life of the people became easier; they had warm houses where they could live.

One day the people of the village suddenly saw a tall Indian who was walking along the street. They were frightened very much, but this Indian came up to them, smiled and said. “Hallo, Yankee! Hallo, Yankee”!

This Indian could speak English a little. He had learnt the language from the sailors of the ship which had come to this part of America a few years before. He called all Englishmen “Yankee”, because he could not say the world “Englishmen”.

A few days later this Indian came to the village again together with some other Indians. They came as friends and helped the white men very much. But white men forgot about this help very quickly; a few years later when many people from Europe came to America, they began to take the land away from the Indians and to kill them.

All the Indians who came to the village of New Plymouth called the Englishmen “Yankee”, and since that time “Yankee” has been the name of a white man in America.

At last spring came. The people of New Plymouth began to plant corn, and the Indians showed them how to plant maize. In autumn the crops were very good and the people of New Plymouth wanted to make a holiday dinner. They asked the Indians to this dinner, and the Indians brought some wild turkey as a present. The turkey was an America bird. Very few people in Europe had ever heard about it, but when they ate it at this dinner they liked it very much. The people of New Plymouth called their holiday “Thanksgiving Day”. Since that time Thanksgiving Day has been a great holiday in the United States of America, and since that day Americans have always had turkey for the Thanksgiving Day.


Читают слова и выбирают только те, которые относятся к празднику.













Читают текст и пытаются запомнить эти слова  в предложении.


Познавательные (коммуникативные (планирование учебного сотрудничества)

Познавательные(устанавливать аналогии)











Коммуникативные (воспринимать и понимать текст, с соблюдением правил чтения осмысленного интонирования)

4.Первичное усвоение новых знаний

Match the words to form word combinations, please.




turkey and pumpkin pies




with turkeys, flowers and vegetables

to come


to eat


to watch


to decorate



to America from England


special dinner

to have

to plant corn, to hunt, to fish,

to build houses



the most popular

for help



Познавательные (вспоминают информацию из текста и создают обобщения )

5.Первичная проверка понимания

Remember sentences with these words.



to decorate the house

to come together

special dinner

to eat beans

to eat traditional meals

to relax

the Native Americans

to send Thanksgiving cards

the Pilgrims - “Yankee” - the Englishmen


Вспоминают предложения   с данными словами

Познавательные (анализ объектов с целью выделения признаков; подведение под понятие)

Коммуникативные (осознанно строить речевое высказывание, соблюдая правильное ударение в словах)

6.Первичное закрепления

Choose the right answer.

1. Friendly Indians taught Pilgrims to plant

a) popcorn                                  b) pumpkins                                  c) bread

2.For dessert there was

a) apple pie                         b) plump pie                                  c) pumpkin pie

3.There are Thanksgiving Days with

a) demonstrations                        b) parades                                c) meetings

4.Shops, classrooms and homes are decorated with

a) flags                                        b) turkeys                                 c) stars       

5.Thanksgiving is celebrated

a) monthly                       b) weekly                              c) annually

6.The Pilgrims ate at the 1st Thanksgiving

a) meat and seafood                         b) vegetables and fruit       c) all of the  above Fill  in the gaps.

One hundred Pilgrims came on board the ship _____________ in ________

to _______________ from ______________.

The Native Americans showed the Pilgrims how to _____________.

In the autumn of 1621 the Pilgrims had a ____________  for ______________.

The members of the family meet together on Thanksgiving Day and have a ______________________.

People eat ______________________________________________ on Thanksgiving Day.

People like to watch a _______________________________ on TV.

There are many decorations on Thanksgiving Day. ___________________________________________________ are among them.

 One of the traditions on Thanksgiving Day is a ________________ in New York City.

People send ________________________________ each other.

Выбирают правильный ответ на вопросы (самостоятельно).            









Вставляют пропущенные слова.

(работа в группах )

Устная проверка при чтении.








Познавательные(анализ объектов с целью выделения признаков и синтез как составления целого из частей; подведение под понятие; выдвижение гипотез и их обоснование )






7.Информация о домашнем задании

 Translate the text from the paper.

Письменный перед дома на отдельных листочках.

Коммуникативные (выражение своих мыслей)


8.Рефлексия (подведение итогов урока)

What does the word “Pilgrims” mean? – (a first small group of people who came to America many years ago for religious freedom.)

What does the word “MAYFLOWER” mean?

What does the word “Turkey” mean?

What holiday do American people celebrate on the fourth Thursday of November?


All together

Let's be thankful for this day,
For our friends and our play.
Let's be thankful, let's be glad,
For our food and the things we have.
Let's give thanks for you and me,
And our home and family.

 Dear children, it’s a pity, but our lesson is over. Thank you for your work. Have you liked our lesson? Tell me, please. Use these sentences.

Now you know that one of the traditions of Thanksgiving Day is to send greeting cards.

And now, try to write down Thanksgiving cards each other.

Отвечают на вопросы.





Вместе читают слова благодарности.




Подписывают открытки друг другу со словами благодарности.

Познавательные(выдвижение гипотез и их обоснование )

Коммуникативные (выражение своих мыслей)



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На данном уроке дети знаокмятся с историей происхождения праздника День Благодарения, с событиями из жизни первых английских переселенцев - пилигримов.

Знакомятся с новыми словами, отрабатывают их в устной речи в серии речевых и языковых упражнений. Работают как индивидуально, так и в парах, структурируя свои знания по данной теме.

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-личностные (смыслообразование)

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-познавательные (планирование учебного сотрудничества)

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500/1000 ч.

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Курс повышения квалификации

Специфика преподавания английского языка с учетом требований ФГОС

72 ч. — 180 ч.

от 2200 руб. от 1100 руб.
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  • Этот курс уже прошли 3 466 человек

Курс повышения квалификации

Концептуальное и методическое обновление дисциплины «Иностранный язык» в условиях реализации ФГОС

72/108/144 ч.

от 2200 руб. от 1100 руб.
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  • Этот курс уже прошли 509 человек

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Немецкий язык: теория и методика обучения иностранному языку в образовательной организации

Учитель немецкого языка

300 ч. — 1200 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 272 человека из 57 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 1 054 человека


Анализ межпредметных связей: связь педагогики с научными дисциплинами

10 ч.

1180 руб. 590 руб.
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6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Управление и стратегическое развитие высшего образования

5 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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