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Контрольная работа 9 класс (лексика+грамматика) 4 четверть

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Лексико- грамматическая контрольная работа №4

Unit 4. Being a Teenager.

Вариант 1.

№1. You will hear five people speaking about their best friends. Listen and match the statements (A-F) with what the people (1-5) say. There is one statement you don’t have to use.

A.    The speaker says his/her best friend is his/her teacher.

B.     The speaker explains that his/her best friend is his/her parent.

C.     The speaker talks about his/her classmate as the best friend.

D.    The speaker considers his/her coach (trainer) to be his/her best friend.

E.     The speaker says his/her best friend is his/her relative.

F.      The speaker says his/her best friend is his/her neighbor.

№2. Use the infinitive or the –ing forms of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.

1.      I absolutely forgot (warn) you about our meeting tomorrow.

2.      We’ll never forget (go) on a sea voyage together with Mr Wilson.

3.      We stopped (talk) to Jane who was walking her dog.

4.      Remember (lock) the door when you leave the house.

5.      Stop (talk), please.  You should listen and put down what I am saying.

6.      I remember (lock) the door and I was really much surprised to find it open.

7.      I shall never forget (meet) you a year ago.

8.      Don’t forget (post) the letter on your way to school.

9.      John is always forgetting (give) my regards to his mother.

10.  They stopped (have) a cup of coffee and a sandwich as they had had nothing to eat in the morning.

№3. Couple or pair?

1.      Breeding ___ lay up to nine eggs.

2.      I would like a new ___ of pyjamas.

3.      Newly married ___tend to spend their honeymoons in some romantic places.

4.      Where is your new ___ of socks?

5.      That day Kate was wearing a ____ of blue jeans and a sweater.

6.      I have a ____ of tickets for the football match.

7.      Jack and Sally are a married _____ .

8.      Your boots are worn out. You badly need a new ____.

9.      When I go away on business I take with me only a ____ of trousers.

10.   I need a ___ of eggs for the cake.

№4. Complete the sentences using these words. There are two words you don’t have to use.

pretty, couple, mad, annoys, shook, can’t help, rebels, notice

1.      It really ___ me when he doesn’t listen to me.

2.      Did you ___ that Mr Morris was driving a new car?

3.      A happy ___ are travelling during their honeymoon.

4.      My brother sometimes ____ and argues our parents.

5.      Your work is ___ good, but it couldn’t be better.

6.      When we met, Tom ____hands with each of us.


Лексико- грамматическая контрольная работа №4

Unit 4. Being a Teenager.

Вариант 2.

№1. You will hear five people speaking about their best friends. Listen and match the statements (A-F) with what the people (1-5) say. There is one statement you don’t have to use.

A.    The speaker says his/her best friend is his/her teacher.

B.     The speaker explains that his/her best friend is his/her parent.

C.     The speaker talks about his/her classmate as the best friend.

D.    The speaker considers his/her coach (trainer) to be his/her best friend.

E.     The speaker says his/her best friend is his/her relative.

F.      The speaker says his/her best friend is his/her neighbor.

№2. Use the infinitive or the –ing forms of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.

1.      Stop (rebel) against school rules.

2.      Andy stopped (take) the suitcase he was carrying in his left hand.

3.      I still remember (visit) Paris with my husband though it was 25 years ago.

4.      Don’t forget (write) to your granny or at least to phone her.

5.       Remember (water) the flowers while I’m away.

6.      He never forgets (do) such trivial things.

7.      I’m sure Jenny will always remember (visit) Italy.

8.      Suddenly it stopped (rain) and the sun appeared in the sky.

9.      The stopped by the shop (look) at the shoes in the shop window.

10.  I shall always remember (speak) at the wedding.

№3. Couple or pair?

1.      He met Miss Bellamy a ___ of years ago.

2.      Where did you buy this ____ of hiking boots?

3.      I decided to put on a ___ of golfing slacks.

4.      The young ___ decided to start their tour immediately.

5.      The birds were flying slowly in ____.

6.      They made a curious____, Martha short and skinny, and such a tall and stout Val.

7.      Does anyone have a ___ of dark glasses?

8.      We watched a ___ waltzing on the dance floor.

9.      They were somewhat an extraordinary ____.

10.  A ____ of village boys helped us with the suitcases.

№4. Complete the sentences using these words. There are two words you don’t have to use.

shaking, pretty, couple, mad, rebels, notice, boring, expect

1.      Your little sister is very____.

2.      My cousins are ____ about football.

3.      I ___ that Tim will pass his exam.

4.      It ___ for me to read books by Pushkin.

5.      Ralph needs a ___ of hours to complete the work.

6.      Rick was ___ with cold when I saw him.




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