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NAME:………………..................................................................................      DATE:…………………………


CLASS: …………………………………………………………………………………   MARK:…………………………...



A      Read the following text and mark the statements as T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn't say).

A Symbol Of Paris

Being one of the most popular sites in the world, the Eiffel Tower attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists every year. In fact, the structure, received its two hundredth millionth guest in 2002. Located on the Champs de Mars by the Seine River, visitors can make their way to the top and admire the breathtaking view of Paris.

The Tower was the inspiration of French engineer Gustave Eiffel. A very famous personality in his time, Eiffel had also done important work for the internal structure of another famous monument, the Statue of Liberty in the USA. Work on the Eiffel Tower began in 1887 and lasted until 1889, when the building was opened to the public during the Paris World Exposition. Until 1930 and the construction of the Chrysler Building in New York, the Tower remained the highest structure in the world.

Many people, especially artists, criticised the structure saying that this distasteful structure did not fit in with the beauty of Paris. One of these critics was the French writer Guy de Maupassant, who ate at one of the tower's restaurants almost every day, because it was the only place in Paris from where the tower was not visible, and so he wouldn't have to see it!

A lot of effort and money go into keeping the Tower in good condition. Every seven years, sixty metric tons of paint are used to repaint it. Different shades of the same colour are used on the top and darker ones on the bottom in order for the building to have an unvarying appearance.


1     Over two million people have climbed the Eiffel Tower.                                              .........

2     Gustave Eiffel also built the Statue of Liberty.                                                             .........

3     It took five years to complete the Eiffel Tower.                                                            .........

4    Guy de Maupassant didn't like the Eiffel Tower.                                                 .........

5    Different colours are used to repaint the Eiffel Tower.                                                  .........



  B    Rewrite the following statements in reported speech.


"You are not allowed to take pictures," the museum guide said................................................



"This has been my best holiday ever!" the boy told his friends...........................................................................



"Sheila will return from Moscow next week," Brian said.........................................................................



"We didn't take many photos during our trip," Sue and Jack told me..................................................................



"You can collect your passport tomorrow," the travel agent told me................................................



"You must call the hotel to confirm our reservation," Mary said to her husband..............................................



"I'm trying to decide where to go on holiday," Sara said.........................................................................



"We're meeting some friends at the airport later today," they said............................................................



"I spent last summer travelling through Africa", Ted said.................................................................







C     Fill in the missing word. There are two answers you do not need to use.

   ● native   ● set aside    ●local cuisine     ● unique     ●majestic     ● snaps       ●symbols

   ● landmarks     ● guided tour    ● lift      ● book       ● set off



I was cleaning out my room and found some old
........................... from our childhood holidays.


We should ............................ on our trip before
sunrise tomorrow, if we want to reach

our destination by noon.


You should ............................................ a hotel
room now; July is a very busy month, and if you

 leave it too late you won't find the dates you want.


We had a(n) ................................. view of the
ocean from our hotel room.


Whenever I travel abroad, I always visit the most

 popular museums and taste the...........................


The Clock Tower, more commonly known as

Big Ben, is one of the most famous.............................            
in London.


If you're planning on seeing everything in such

a short time, I would suggest taking a(n)
........................They cover a lot of sights
in little time.


Backpacking through Europe after graduation

was a(n) ............................... experience

for meand my friends.



Did you know that the.............................. .. people
of Australia are called Aborigines?


Can you please give me a(n) ....................................
to the airport tomorrow morning? I'd rather not

take a taxi.



D        Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech using the introductory verb in brackets.

 e.g. "Could you tell me where the History Museum is?" the man said. (ask)

        The man asked where the History Museum was.



"Excuse me, what time does the next train leave?" the man said. (ask)..................................



"Do not forget to renew your passport," Suzie said to Tommy. (tell)..................................................................



"Send me a nice postcard from Paris," Carl said to Jenny. (tell)......................................................



"Call me from your hotel as soon as you arrive," Mum said to me. (tell)............................................................



"What time are we leaving tomorrow?" John wondered. (ask)..................................................



"How old is the Taj Mahal?" a tourist wanted to know. (ask).............................................................................



Everyday English                                                                                                                     

E     Complete the exchanges with the phrases below.

● It was fantastic.    ● Thank goodness!    ●Sounds good!    ● Good for you!     ● What a shame!


A: I lost my passport, but it was found and returned to me two days later.

B: ..........................................................................


39 A: I spent my whole holiday in bed with the flu.

 B: .........................................................................



A: Did you enjoy your trip around Europe?

B: ..........................................................................


A: She's planning to spend three weeks on a Greek island this summer.

B: ...................................................................   


A: We didn't let the rain stop us from seeing the sites.

B: .......................................................................




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