Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыКонтрольная работа по английскому языку 5 класс

Контрольная работа по английскому языку 5 класс

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 Entry Test 

Suvorovite  ___________________________

Variant 1


1.     Write the personal pronoun he, she, it, we, they

1.     Tom - ____________________

2.     Mary and I - _______________

3.     a book - ___________________

4.     Children - _________________

5.     Mum - ____________________


2.     Complete the sentences with is, am, are


1.     My name’s Marie. I…….… from Spain.

2.     You …….… from Bulgaria.

3.     This is Pierre. He……….. a teacher.

4.     This is Natasha. She …….... from Russia.

5.     Tom and Mark …….…in the park.


3.     Write the words in the correct order to make sentences.


1.     am /Ann / I.  _______________________________________________________

2.     from / where / you / are ?  ____________________________________________

3.     your / what / name / is ?   _____________________________________________   

4.     Louise / my / is / name/not_____________________________________________

5.     England / is / he / from     _____________________________________________                


4. Choose the right variant.  

1. It usually ……..... me 15 minutes to get to school.

         1) take           2) takes            3) took

2. The boys .............. in the river now.             

        1) swim         2) swims          3) are swimming

3. They …………... to the cinema last Sunday.

        1) go            2) went             3) are going

4. I think it ………….... snow tomorrow.         

        1) will          2) were             3) did

5. Did you………….... to London?              

        1) go            2) went             3) goes


          5. Choose the right form of adjective.

1.     My sister is (tall, taller, the tallest) than me.

2.     Susan is (good, better, the best) student in our class.

3.     Winter days are (short, shorter, the shortest) than days in summer.

4.     This text is (interesting, more interesting, the most interesting) in the book.

5.     This mountain is (high, higher, the highest) in my country.


6. Прочитай текст и выбери правильный ответ: верно (1 — True);

неверно (2 — False); в тексте не сказано (3 — Not stated)

On Tuesday, it was Nick’s birthday. But he couldn’t go to school and see his friends because he was ill. But Nick’s Mum and Dad gave him a great present — a new computer. He was very happy because he loved computer games. Then some of his school friends came to see him. ‘Happy birthday!’ they said. They gave him Nick’s favourite DVD! The next day he went back to school because he was better again.


1. Nick couldn’t go to school on Tuesday.

            1)True       2)False        3)Not stated

2. His parents gave him a new DVD.

           1)True        2) False       3)Not stated

3. Nick was fond of computer games.

           1)True        2)False        3)Not stated

4. Three of his school friends visited Nick.

           1)True        2)False        3)Not stated

5. They gave him his favourite computer game.

           1) True       2)False        3)Not stated








          63-70 ­– «5»

50-62 – «4»

38-49 – «3»

 0-37 – «2»














Entry Test 

Suvorovite  ___________________________  5 Form

Variant 2


1.     Write the personal pronoun he, she, it, we, they

1.     a hospital - _________________

2.     Liza and Tom- _______________

3.     Sam and I -__________________

4.     a sister- ___________________

5.     a father-___________________


2. Complete the sentences with is, am , are


1.     This is Pierre and his son Riko. They …….… from Monaco.

2.     My friend ………... ten years old.

3.     We ……...shop assistants. We work for TESCO.

4.     You ….….in the room.

5.     They ……..…friends.


3. Write the words in the correct order to make sentences.


1.     old / how / you / are ?        _____________________________________________

2.     17 / am / I                          _____________________________________________

3.     are / from / Brazil / they /not___________________________________________ 

4.     are / how / you / are ?        _____________________________________________

5.     from / where / you / are ?  _____________________________________________


4. Choose the right variant. 

 1. It ... windy yesterday.              

         1) was           2) were            3) is

2. ... Kate play tennis every day?            

         1) Is            2) Do                 3) Does

3. The cake smells ... .                      

         1) nice         2) nicely            3) sweetly

4. It usually ... me 15 minutes to get to school.

         1) take           2) takes            3) has taken

5. The boys ... in the river now.              

        1) swim         2) swims          3) are swimming


5.Choose the right form of adjective.


1.     My sister is (tall, taller, the tallest) than me.

2.     Susan is (good, better, the best) student in our class.

3.     Winter days are (short, shorter, the shortest) than days in summer.

4.     This text is (interesting, more interesting, the most interesting) in the book.

5.     This mountain is (high, higher, the highest) in my country.



6. Прочитай текст и выбери правильный ответ: верно (1 — True);

неверно (2 — False); в тексте не сказано (3 — Not stated)

On Tuesday, it was Nick’s birthday. But he couldn’t go to school and see his friends because he was ill. But Nick’s Mum and Dad gave him a great present — a new computer. He was very happy because he loved computer games. Then some of his school friends came to see him. ‘Happy birthday!’ they said. They gave him Nick’s favourite DVD! The next day he went back to school because he was better again.


1. Nick couldn’t go to school on Tuesday.

            1)True       2)False        3)Not stated

2. His parents gave him a new DVD.

           1)True        2) False       3)Not stated

3. Nick was fond of computer games.

           1)True        2)False        3)Not stated

4. Three of his school friends visited Nick.

           1)True        2)False        3)Not stated

5. They gave him his favourite computer game.

           1) True       2)False        3)Not stated










63-70 ­– «5»

50-62 – «4»

38-49 – «3»

 0-37 – «2»



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