Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыКонтрольная работа по английскому языку за 1 четверть (10 класс)

Контрольная работа по английскому языку за 1 четверть (10 класс)

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Test on English for the 1st Term

 Variant 1.

1.         Fill in the correct word. There are 4 extra words.





Cost (2)






Afford (2)



Pocket money




Household chores

Shopping sprees




1.                Sam is always buying things that __ a lot and that he can’t really _____.

2.                Helen is ____ to win the race.

3.                That new supermarket is really cheap, but they only accept _____.

4.                Can you tell me how much these two books will ____ me?

5.                I’ d like to ___ this bill (счет).

6.                I cannot ____ to go out tonight. I have to look after my little sister.

7.                My parents give me ______ every week.

8.                I want to buy a new car, but I would have to ____ money.

9.                I think children should do ____ to help their parents and ___ a little extra money.

10.          I pay for my rent and my _____ loan.

11.          Ian makes new friends very easily, he is so ____.

12.          I didn’t manage to __ any of my wages last week. I __ every last penny.

13.          Jake loves doing extreme sports, he’s very _____.

14.          Can you _____ me some money? I’m broke.


2.    Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1.                Майк скромный. Он избегает встречаться с одноклассниками.

2.                Авантюрные люди всегда предпочитают заниматься экстремальными видами спорта.

3.                Сьюзан очень отзывчивая. Она не возражает поработать волонтером.

4.                 – Ты уже прочитал книгу о Гарри Поттере?  - Я не увлекаюсь чтением, я предпочитаю посмотреть ТВ.

5.                Я занял деньги у друга. Я собираюсь вернуть их в эти выходные.


3.    Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: V-ing, to-V, V.

1.    He hates ____ (watch) football on TV. He thinks it’s so boring!

2.    Please, remind me ____ (return) the DVD to the video club.

3.    I’m looking forward to ____ (travel) to South America next week.

4.    We’d love ___ (come) and see your new house some time!

5.    Would you like ____ (go) shopping tomorrow?

6.    I cannot imagine ___ (live) in another country.

7.    Let me ___ (help) you with the bags.

8.    I can’t stand ___ (write) compositions. I find them really difficult.

9.    Jane hates ___ (take) the cat to the garage.

10.          Kate must ___ (see) a doctor as soon as possible.

11.           Mum made us ___ (tidy) our rooms.

12.           Do you enjoy ___ (go) to the gym?

13.           I didn’t mind ____ (be) alone when I was a child.

14.          Harry forgot ___ (do) his homework again last night.


4.    Fill in the missing prepositions: off, on, after, of, to, at, from. One is extra.

1.    He was brilliant _____ football.

2.    The scientist is very proud ____ his invention.

3.    Take your trousers ____, I’ll wash them.

4.    My mom objects ____ spending a lot of money ____ clothes.

5.    She takes ______ her father. She acts and looks like him.


5. Form nouns from the words in brackets

1. ________ (depend) Day in America is celebrated on the 4th of July.

2. I felt terrible ______ (exhaust) after such a hard training.

3. The student had brilliant ____ (achieve) in Chemistry.

4. He made a fast ______ (recover) after that injury.

5. We couldn’t agree with her ______ (suggest).





Test on English for the 1st Term

 Variant 2.

1.    Fill in the correct word. There are 4 extra words.









Handing out


Pocket money

Make ends meet

Student loan








Shopping spree




1.                Oh, I can’t ___ this chocolate. Let’s buy some.

2.                I’m happy I’ve ___ enough money to go to a nice holiday this summer.

3.                I will use my ___ card to pay for this toy.

4.                I want to buy a new mirror, but I shouldn’t ___ money on something I don’t really need.

5.                Let me ___ for dinner.

6.                Some people are working two jobs to _____ these days.

7.                He went out on a ___ and got everything he wanted for himself.

8.                We would have to ___ for a long time to afford that car.

9.                Jane finds it difficult to ___ on such a low salary.

10.           The two men were ___ advertising leaflets outside the supermarket yesterday.

11.           My brother took out a ___ to go to university.

12.           If I don’t help around the house, I don’t get any ___ .

13.           When someone is ___ he likes to meet other people.

14.           James writes children’s books, he is very ___.

15.           Could you ___ me some money? I promise to pay you back!

16.           ___ people are very careful about what they do.


2.    Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1.    Я увлекаюсь боевыми искусствами.

2.    Моя сестра тратит свои карманные деньги на плату за автобусный проезд, перекусы и обеды не дома.

3.    Сэм бы хотел заниматься скайдайвингом и рафтингом. Он сильный и смелый человек.

4.    Подростки сводят концы с концами, работая по выходным.

5.    Мои родители выдают мне карманные деньги каждую неделю, но я их коплю, чтобы купить новый телефон.


3.    Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: V-ing, to-V, V.

1.    I’m not too crazy about ___ (do) extreme sports.

2.     My mother made me ___ (clean) my room today.

3.     Rick and Diana enjoy ___ (listen) to pop music.

4.    I don’t mind ___ (watch) this film again.

5.    Will you ___ (help) me find a part-time job?

6.    What do you want ___ (eat) tonight?

7.    I can’t wait ___ (hear) your news.

8.    He went to her birthday party without ___(bring) her a present.

9.    Thanks, I’d love ___ (join) you.

10.          I can’t help ___ (wonder) what is wrong with him tonight.

11.          You should ___ (pay) more attention in class.

12.          Don’t forget ___ (call) the doctor to make an appointment.

13.          Ann is afraid of ___ (tell) her parents about the trip.

14.          He hates ____ (watch) football on TV. He thinks it’s so boring!


4.    Fill in the missing prepositions: on, in, of, out, at, up, from, out. One is extra.

1.    She is interested ________ knitting.

2.    My brother is taking me ________ for my birthday.

3.    I would like to go _____ tonight and explore the town.

4.    Why don’t you take __ a hobby instead ___watching TV every evening?

5.    John is keen ___ animals, that’s why he has got many pets____ home.


5.    Form nouns from the words in brackets

1.    You can try a wide _______ (select) of extreme sports.

2.    He looked at me in _______ (amaze).

3.    Jim decided to get higher ________ (educate) in the University.

4.    I took part in swimming  _______ (compete).

5.    His great _______ (discover) changed the world.




1.cost, afford


2. Determined

9. Household chores, earn




11. Sociable


12. save, wasted

6. afford

13. Adventurous

7. Pocket money

14. lend


1. Mike is shy. He avoids meeting with classmates.

2. Adventurous people alw ays prefer doing extreme sports.

3. Susan is very outgoing. She doesn’t mind working a volunteer.

4. – Have you read a book about Harry Potter yet?  - I am not keen on reading, I prefer watching TV.

5. I borrowed money from my friend. I am going to pay it back on this weekend.


1. (watching)

2. (to return)

3. (travelling)

4. (to come)

5. (to go)

6. (living)

7. (help)

8. (writing)

9. (taking)

10.        (see)

11.        (tidy)

12.        (going)

13.        (being)

14.        (to do)


1. at

2. of

3. off

4. to, on

5. after


1. (Independence)

2. (exhaustion)

3. (achievement)

4. (recovery)

5. (suggestion).




1.    resist

8. save

2.    earned

9. Survive

3.    credit

10. Handing out

4.    waste

11. Student loan

5.    pay

12. Pocket money

6.    Make ends meet

13. Outgoing

7.    Shopping spree

15.          14. Creative


16.          15. borrow


17.          16. Cautious



1. I am keen on martial arts.

2. My sister spends her pocket money on bus fare, snacks and eating outdoors.

3. Sam would like to go skydiving and rafting. He is strong and brave man.

4. Teens make ends meet working on weekends.

5. My parents give me pocket money every week, but I save it to buy a new mobile phone.


1. I’m not too crazy about ___ (doing) extreme sports.

2. My mother made me ___ (clean) my room today.

3. Rick and Diana enjoy ___ (listening) to pop music.

4. I don’t mind ___ (watching) this film again.

5. Will you ___ (help) me find a part-time job?

6. What do you want ___ (to eat) tonight?

7. I can’t wait ___ (hearing) your news.

8. He went to her birthday party without ___(bringing) her a present.

9. Thanks, I’d love ___ (to join) you.

10.        I can’t help ___ (wondering) what is wrong with him tonight.

11.        You should ___ (pay) more attention in class.

12.        Don’t forget ___ (to call) the doctor to make an appointment.

13.        Ann is afraid of ___ (telling) her parents about the trip.

14.        He hates ____ (watching) football on TV. He thinks it’s so boring!


1. She is interested ___in_____ knitting.

2. My brother is taking me ____out____ for my birthday.

3. I would like to go __out___ tonight and explore the town.

4. Why don’t you take _up_ a hobby instead _of__watching TV every evening?

5. John is keen _on__ animals, that’s why he has got many pets__at__ home.


1. You can try a wide _______ (selection) of extreme sports.

2. He looked at me in _______ (amazement).

3. Jim decided to get higher ________ (education) in the University.

4. I took part in swimming  _______ (competition).

5. His great _______ (discovery) changed the world.



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