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Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 8 класса . УМК Кузовлев В.П.

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Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 8 классе

1.     Переведите  темы, которые изучили  в  8 классе


My country  at a glance.



Is your country a land of  traditions?



Do you like travelling?



Are  you fond of  sport?



A  healthy living guide.



Changing times, changing styles.


2.       Распределите слова, словосочетания  по темам (поставьте цифру темы)


to unite  religious






money for charity


to keep fit




to lose


a package


the latest craze


to keep up to date with fashion


to smoke


a state


a  holidaymaker


good and bad  habits


to eat regular


synchronized  swimming


celebrating Easter


The United  Kingdom…

3.Выбери  правильный ответ.

1) Какое предложение составлено правильно?

А)   Little is my cat.

Б)    Is my cat little?

В)   My cat little is.

Г)    My cat is little.

2) Отметь номер, которым обозначен: mouth.

А)   1

Б)    2

В)   3

Г)    4



3) В каком слове есть звук [θ]?

А)   three

Б)    chips

В)   duck

Г)    king

4) В каком городе находится Башня Елизаветы?


А)   London

Б)    Moscow

В)   Paris

Г)    Chester


5) Какого из перечисленных предметов нет на картинке?


А)   bed

Б)    table

В)   shelf

Г)    wardrobe


6) Какое предложение составлено правильно?

А)   He is a doctor.

Б)    Is he a doctor?

В)   He an isn’t doctor?

Г)    A he doctor is?

7) Столицей какой страны является Лондон?

А)   the UK

Б)    the USA

В)   Australia

Г)    New Zealand


8) Отметь, что необходимо вставить на месте пропуска:

It  ___ (snow) ___now.

А) snowed

Б) snow

В) is snowing

Г) snowballs

9) Complete the sentence:

The Great Sphinx is in ____ .

А)   China

Б)    Australia

В)   Mexico

Г)    Egypt


10) Whom can you see in the picture?

А)   The Queen

Б)   The King

В)   The magician

Г)    The bird




11) What colour is between green and orange in the rainbow?

А)   yellow

Б)   green

В)   blue

Г)    Purple

12) Find the negative sentence.

А)     He is at home.

Б)     Is there a car outside?

В)     She isn’t working now.

Г)      I like reading.

13) Fill in the gap: “____were you yesterday?” “I was at home”.

А)   who

Б)    when

В)   why

Г)    where

14)  What city is this?

А)   New York

Б)    Sydney

В)   London

    Г) Paris

15) Find the modal verb.

А)     do

Б)     read

В)     eat

Г)      can




16) What astronaut stepped on the Moon first?


А) Yuri Gagarin

Б) Louis Armstrong

В) Howard Wolowitz

Г) Neil Armstrong


17) What does this book tell us about?                                   

А) about huge animals that died out

Б) about what our great grandparents wore in their everyday life

В) about culture, education and sport

Г) about coins from different countries of the world

18) What holiday is dedicated to love?

А)     Victory Day

Б)     Valentine’s Day

В)     New Year

Г)      Easter


19) What winter sport can you do here?


А)   cycling

Б)     tennis

В)    swimming

Г)     ski jumping


Картинки по запросу ski jumping tramplin

20) Describe the girl in the picture.

А)    She has no hair.

Б)    Her hair is straight.

В)    She’s got curly hair.

Г)     She is sad.



21) Continue the line:

I – myself, you – yourself, he – himself, she – ____.

А)   sheself

Б)  oneself

В)  her

Г)   herself

22) What does this sign mean?

А) no fishing

Б) no dogs are allowed

В) no swimming

Г) no smoking


23) What environmental problem does this factory cause?

А)   air pollution

Б)    drought

В)   storm

Г)    famine


24) What country is the second largest in the world?

А)   Columbia

Б)    Canada

В)   Korea

Г)    Somali

25) Complete the sentence: «Romeo and Juliet» is ____ .

А)   a fantasy

Б)    a science fiction

В)   a love story

Г)    a detective

26) What’s one of the most popular sights of Sydney?

А)   Opera House

Б)    Big Ben

В)   Taj Mahal

Г)    Hobbiton

27) What sport is it?

А) skydiving

Б) speed skating

В) surfing

Г) ski jumping


28) What does this sign mean?

А) exit

Б) telephone box

В) no smoking

Г) lost property


29) Who was the best friend of Sherlock Holmes?

А)           Dr. Watson

Б)           Emma Watson

А)           d'Artagnan

Б)           Hermione Granger

30) What place of interest can you see in the picture?


А)   Taj Mahal

Б)    Chichen Itza

В)   Petra

Г)    Alhambra



31).Who are the people in the picture?

А)   Goths

Б)    Punks

В)   Hippies

Г)    Emos


32). A large area of sand with no plants on it.

А)   ocean

Б)    desert

В)   forest

Г)    dessert

4.Составьте  пять предложений с неправильными глаголами в прошедшем времени и переведите их.



5.Запишите названия городов,  используя транскрипцию.

1) __________

2) ______________

3) __________________


6. Прочитай текст и выполни задания.

  At different times, thousands of people say that they have seen a large animal in the famous lake called Loch Ness in Scotland. For many centuries, people have tried to catch it. People who live there always talk about the mysterious animal in the lake, and many of them believe that it is still there today.

In 1933, John McGregor, a local businessman, saw that the lake began to bubble, and a huge animal with two humps came out of it.

After that, scientists examined the lake with underwater equipment and tried to find out what kind of animal lived there. Of course, they haven’t found it yet, because the lake is so deep and so dark.

Tourists from all over the world have visited Loch Ness, they hope to see the monster. They have even given it a nickname “Nessie”. Many people even show photos of the monster, but they are usually photos of the pictures of the monster. Scientists suppose that the Loch Ness monster is a dinosaur, which has survived since the Ice Age.

Задания к тексту.

Exercise 1). Выберите правильную концовку для предложений.

1.      Loch Ness is in …

England b) Scotland     c) Wales

2.      Loch Ness is …

a lake b) a river     c) a village

3.      Scientists examined the lake with

a) underwater equipment   c) computers    d) special ultrasound gadgets

4.      Tourists have given the monster a nickname

Locky b) Nessie   c) Lohnessi

Exercise 2). True or false.

1.      For many centuries, people have tried to catch the Loch Ness monster.

2.      No one believes that the Loch Ness monster is still in the lake today.

3.      In 1956, John McGregor, a local businessman, saw that the lake began to bubble.

4.      The lake is very deep.

5.      Many people show photos of the monster.




 Распределите слова, словосочетания  по темам (поставьте цифру темы)


to unite  religious






money for charity


to keep fit




to lose


a package


the latest craze


to keep up to date with fashion


to smoke


a state


a  holidaymaker


good and bad  habits


to eat regular


synchronized  swimming


celebrating Easter


The United  Kingdom…


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