Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыКонтрольная работа по английскому языку на тему " У природы нет плохой погоды" (6 класс)

Контрольная работа по английскому языку на тему " У природы нет плохой погоды" (6 класс)

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Контрольная работа по английскому языку  6 класс за 3 четверть 2017-2018 уч.г.

Variant 1

1.                   Match the sentences with their translation. (Подбери предложения и их перевод)


1.It is windy.

a) Солнечно.

2. It rains.

b) Сыро.

3. It is snowy.

c) Морозит.

4. It is sunny.

d) Тает.

5. It freezes.

e) Снежно.

6. It is wet.

f) Идет дождь.

7. It melts.

g) Ветрено.


2.                  Write what these people are going to do(Напиши, что собираются делать эти люди)

0.      It (be) wet.    -  It is going to be wet


1.        My mum…………..(cook) breakfast.

2.        I……………(skate) in winter.

3.        Polly……..(ride) a bike in spring.

4.        My parents………….(spend) time in the country.

5.        He ………..(play) snowballs when it snows.


3.                  Choose and write down the correct word.  (Подбери и выпиши подходящее по смыслу слово).

0.      It is raining today. The weather is lovely / awful / good.

  1. It is cloudy and wet. It is going to be frosty / foggy / sunny.
  2. It’s 30° above zero. I am freezing / cold / hot.
  3. It is so cold. I am fine / freezing / hot.
  4. I have eaten much jam. Now I have headache / earache / stomachache.
  5. Ruth has got toothache. She should go to the pediatrician / dentist / surgeon.

4. Read  the text.

4.1. What is the text about? Choose the correct answer.


  1. The weather in the USA.
  2. How they forecast the weather in the USA.
  3. How they forecast the weather in the USA in November.


     Many Americans talk about the weather. They have a lot to talk about. People have always tried to forecast the weather. In the old times they only guessed or based it on what the weather was like in the past.

     Today people use radars, satellite (спутниковые) pictures and computers. All these instruments help them to make weather pictures. Some people try to forecast the weather for a whole (целый) year or a whole season. Each November, the United States Weather Service forecasts what the weather will be like. And each year, THE OLD FARMER’S ALMANAC publishes (публикует) a forecast for the whole year.

     Both the Weather Service and the Almanac use information about past years. They combine (соединяют) it with the information from satellites (спутников), balloons, radar stations and ships at sea. Then a computer gives a report. Such reports are very important for many Americans.

     Americans may not like a lot of their weather, but they certainly like to talk about it.


4.2. Write if the sentences are true (+) or false (-).

  1. Americans  do not talk much about the weather.
  2. In the old times they used radars, satellite  pictures and computers to forecast the weather.
  3. Different sources (источники) help Americans to forecast the weather .
  4. The OLD FARMER’S ALMANAC publishes forecasts for a month.
  5. Reports about the weather are important for Americans.




Контрольная работа по английскому языку  6 класс за 3 четверть 2017-2018 уч.г.

Variant 2

1.       Match the sentences with their translation. (Подбери предложения и их перевод)


1. It is dry.

a) Туманно.

2. It melts.

b) Идет снег.

3. It is frosty.

c) Морозит.

4. It is foggy.

d) Сухо.

5. It is humid.

e) Тает.

6. It freezes.

f) Морозно.

7. It snows.

g) Влажно.


2.      Write what these people are going to do(Напиши, что собираются делать эти люди)

0.      It (be) wet.    -  It is going to be wet.

1.      She…………(water) the flowers.

2.      I……….(help) my granny in the garden.

3.      My friends……….(skate) when it freezes.

4.      My family…….(go) to Spain on Easter.

5.      They ………….(visit)  the Tretyakov Art Gallery  on Christmas.


3.                  Choose and write down the correct word.  (Подбери и выпиши подходящее по смыслу слово).

         0.It is raining today. The weather is lovely / awful / good.


1) The spring is fine. It is sunny. It is going to melt / rain / snow.

2) I don’t like this July. Do you know there will be snow / a storm / frost tomorrow?

3) I didn’t go to school because I had cold / a cold.

4) Jack has a sore throat. He must use a plaster / put ice / put a warm compress.

5) Joe’s cat has broken its leg. Joe should take him to the surgeon / vet / pediatrician.

4. Read  the text.

4.1. What is the text about? Choose the correct answer.


  1. How they forecast the weather in the USA.
  2. How they forecast the weather in the USA in November.
  3. The weather in the USA.


     Many Americans talk about the weather. They have a lot to talk about. People have always tried to forecast the weather. In the old times they only guessed or based it on what the weather was like in the past.

     Today people use radars, satellite (спутниковые) pictures and computers. All these instruments help them to make weather pictures. Some people try to forecast the weather for a whole (целый) year or a whole season. Each November, the United States Weather Service forecasts what the weather will be like. And each year, THE OLD FARMER’S ALMANAC publishes (публикует) a forecast for the whole year.

     Both the Weather Service and the Almanac use information about past years. They combine (соединяют) it with the information from satellites (спутников), balloons, radar stations and ships at sea. Then a computer gives a report. Such reports are very important for many Americans.

     Americans may not like a lot of their weather, but they certainly like to talk about it.


4.2. Write if the sentences are true (+) or false (-).

6.      Americans use information from different sources (источников).

7.      Americans talk much about the weather.

8.      The OLD FARMER’S ALMANAC publishes forecasts for the year.

9.      Reports about the weather  are not important for Americans.

10.  Different specialists give information for a full weather report.


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