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Контрольная работа по теме "Technology" ( 9 класс)

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 Module 4                                                                                                                                      9 form


A Complete the sentences with the words below: modem, servers, taking over, service, received, institutions.

1.                  If you continue to have problems, you'll need to call your internet……..provider.

2.                  I haven't……..your email yet. What did you send it?

3.                  The reason why you can't connect to the internet is that there's something wrong with your..........

4.                  Do you think there's a possibility of robots ………the world one day?

5.                  Many universities and other academic…..offer IT courses.

6.                  Try connecting to the Net later, when the ………..aren't so busy.


B Translate into English.

1.                  решить проблему                                    4 соединение с интернетом

2.                  экран завис                                              5 перезагружать компьютер

3.                  стереть файл

 C  Use one of the best ways to express future situations:

1.The students ...(finish) passing their exams by this time. 2. Susan... (to come) to Madrid next Monday.

3.Look! There are many dark clouds in the sky. It ...(to snow). 4. I... (to be) twenty next year.

 5. We ..(to pass) our exams by June.  6. Don`t call me in the morning I ...(to sleep) at 7:00 o`clock.

7.Kate … (finish) her project by the time you arrive. 8.My dad … (call) you back in an hour.

9.He can’t wash his car it …( rain) all weekend. 10. This time next week we … (take) exams


D Use the verb in the Present Simple or Future Simple Tenses:

1. If you (to cross) the road in red, you (to be fined) 2. As soon as he (to come) home from

school, he (to call) me. 3. When she (finish) doing her work, she (to go) for a walk.

4. Before the teacher (to give) the test, he (to explain) the rule. 5. Until the children (to help) their

parents, they (not to get) sweets. 6. Don`t leave until you (to switch) off the light in the  room


E Match to form exchanges.

1 Thanks a lot.                                                                          A Yes, I have.

2 Can you help me?                                                                  B I’ve got a problem with my computer.

3 Tell me if you still have a problem.                                       C You’re welcome.

4 Have you got anti-virus software on your computer ?          D I’ll try.

5 What’s the matter?                                                                 E Ok. I’ll do that.



F Read and translate

Some scientists believe that medical technology is moving so fast that by the end of this century, advanced anti-aging technologies will be available, and it will let people live for hundreds or maybe even thousands of years if they want to. Of course few people would want to live to 1000 if, they had to spend hundreds of years looking and feeling like a 90-year-old. But some researchers think medicine will be able to keep people looking and feeling as beautiful and fit at 500 years old as they were at the age of 25!








Module 4                                                                                                                               9 form


AComplete the sentences with the words below: modem, servers, taking over, service, received, institutions.

1.                  Do you think there's a possibility of robots ………the world one day?

2.                  I haven't……..your email yet. What did you send it?

3.                  The reason why you can't connect to the internet is that there's something wrong with your..........

4.                  If you continue to have problems, you'll need to call your internet……..provider.

5.                  Many universities and other academic…..offer IT courses.

6.                  Try connecting to the Net later, when the ………..aren't so busy.


В Translate into English.

1.                  загрузить музыку                                  4 по ошибке

2.                  сохранить документ                              5 искать информацию в интернете

3.                  антивирусная программа

Use one of the best ways to express future situations:

1.The train... (to arrive) at 5 sharp. 2. They ...(leave) to Moscow tonight. 3. Look! There is a stone on the road. He... (to fall). 4. I think I ...(join) you today in the evening. 5. We ..(to pass) our exams by June.

6.Don`t ring me up in the morning I... (to have breakfast) at 7:00 o`clock. 7 Rita … (finish) her project by the time you arrive . 8.My mum … (call) you back in an hour.9. Dad can’t wash his car it …( rain) all weekend. 10. This time next week we … (take) exams.


D Use the verb in the Present Simple or Future Simple Tenses:

1.If you... (not to listen) to me you ...(to have) some problems. 2. As soon as she... (to come) she ...(ring) you up. 3. When the father ...(finish) doing his work, he... (to watch) TV. 4. Before the guests ...(to come), the mother …(to leave). 5. Until the rain... (to stop), they ...(not to go) for a walk.

6. Please, ...(to switch) off the light before you ...(to leave) the room.



E Match to form exchanges.

1 Thanks a lot.                                                                   A Yes, I have.

2 Can you help me?                                                          B I’ve got a problem with my computer.

3 Tell me if you still have a problem.                               C You’re welcome.

4 Have you got anti-virus software on your computer ?  D I’ll try.

5 What’s the matter?                                                         E Ok. I’ll do that.



F Read and translate

Some scientists believe that medical technology is moving so fast that by the end of this century, advanced anti-aging technologies will be available, and it will let people live for hundreds or maybe even thousands of years if they want to. Of course few people would want to live to 1000 if, they had to spend hundreds of years looking and feeling like a 90-year-old. But some researchers think medicine will be able to keep people looking and feeling as beautiful and fit at 500 years old as they were at the age of 25!



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36 ч. — 180 ч.

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