Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыКонтрольная работа по учебнику "Information Technology", book 2 (units 1-7) для студентов СПО

Контрольная работа по учебнику "Information Technology", book 2 (units 1-7) для студентов СПО

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Test Information Technology, book 2 (Units 1-7)

A.   Reading

Read the text and answer the questions

Programming languages

 Let's assume that we have studied the problem, designed a logical plan (our flowchart or pseudocode),                  and are now ready to write the program instructions. The process of writing program instructions is called coding. The instructions will be written on a form called a coding form. The instructions we write will be  recorded in a machine-readable form using a keypunch, key-to-tape, or key-to-disk, or entered directly into     computer memory through a terminal keyboard.

The computer cannot understand instructions written in just any old way. The instructions must be written according to a set of rules. These rules are the foundation of a programming language. A programming language must convey the logical steps of the program plan in such a way that the control unit of the CPU can interpret and follow the instructions. Programming languages have improved throughout the years, just as computer hardware has improved. They have progressed from machine-oriented languages that use strings of binary Is and Os to problem-oriented languages that use common mathematical and/or English terms.

There are over 200 problem-oriented languages. The most common of them are COBOL, FORTRAN, PL/I, RPG, BASIC, PASCAL.


COBOL was the most widely used business-oriented programming language. Its name is an acronym for Common Business-Oriented language. COBOL was designed to solve problems that are oriented toward data handling and input-output operations. Of course, COBOL can perform arithmetic operations as well, but its greatest flexibility is in data handling. COBOL also was designed as a self-documenting language. Self-documenting languages are those that do not require a great deal of explanation in order to be understood by someone reading the program instructions. The self-documenting aspect of COBOL is made possible by its sentence like structure and the very generous maximum symbolic field-name length of 30 characters. With a field-name length of up to 30 characters, the name can clearly identify the field and its purpose.


The FORTRAN IV language is oriented toward solving problems of a mathematical nature. The name FORTRAN comes from the combination of the words formulatranslation. The version of FORTRAN IV has been designed as algebra-based programming language. Any formula or those mathematical relationships that can be expressed algebraically can easily be expressed as a FORTRAN instruction. FORTRAN is the most commonly used language for scientific applications.


PL/I stands for Programming Language I. It was designed as a general-purpose language incorporating features similar to COBOL for data handling instructions and features similar to FORTRAN for mathematical instructions. PL/I is much more than a combination of the good features of both COBOL and FORTRAN, as it has many capabilities that are unique. Yet, although PL/I is one of the most versatile and the most powerful of the programming languages, it is not the most commonly used. COBOL and FORTRAN have been available for a longer period of time than PL/I, and many more users work with those languages.



1.What is the process of writing instructions called? 2. What is a code? 3. How must instructions be written? 4. What is the foundation of any programming language? 5. How was the development of programming languages progressing throughout the years? 6. What are the most common problem-oriented languages? 7. What is COBOL? 8. What functions was COBOL designed for? 9. What does FORTRAN serve for? 10. What capabilities has PL/I?

B. Vocabulary

Choose the best variant for each sentence


1) The computer has a _____________ of 64 bits.

A. bit size


C. bus speed


2) Increase the virtual memory to store data on the ____________


B. hard drive



3) Install additional ___________ into the motherboard.

A. hard drive

B. bus speed



4) This coffee shop has a _______________ so customers can go online.

A. hotspot


C. wireless router


5) Contact your ____________ to get in touch with tech support.


B. upgrade

C. hotspot


6) You need a ______________ to get a WI-FI network.

A. antivirus software

B. wireless router



7) The new ______________ lines offer greater bandwidth.


B. hotspot

C. T-3


8) Using ____________ blurs a photo’s detail.


B. optical zoom

C. digital zoom


9) Digital cameras need a _________________to capture an image.


B. digital zoom

C. optical zoom

10) Did you  ____________ the file yet?

A. freeze

B. upload

C. driver


11) Computers _____________ when too many programs are open.

A. driver

B. freeze

C. capacity


12) Tap on the ______________ to access its features.

A. bluetooth

B. voice activation

C. touchscreen


13) A _____________ lets me leave or listen to an electronic message.

A. text message

B. voicemail

C. Bluetooth


14) Inside the phone is a small powerful ________________.

A. ringtone

B. Bluetooth

C. lithium-ion battery


15) __________ technology lets you communicate with computers and other devices through your phone.

A. Bluetooth

B. 4G network

C. apps


16) A ________________ scans see-through objects.


B. calibration

C. transparency adapter


17) A _______________ uses a beam of light to create an image.

A. inkjet printer

B. laser printer

C. flash memory


18) A(n)  ______________ loads papers to be scanned.

A. inkjet printer

B. automatic document feeder

C. digital camera


19) Set up a (n) _________________ to combine drives.

A. array

B. data compression



20) Without  _____________ no more data will fit on that drive.

A. memory storage density

B. data compression

C. array

C. Writing

Fill the text with the suitable words


Are you looking for a 1)_______________________?

This camera comes with 2) ___________________ to provide focus for all of your pictures.

Images are stored on an 3)_____________________________which can hold as many as 500 4)_________________. Other features of this camera include 5)_________________ software.














































Keys for Test Information technology book 2 (units 1-7)


1.     The process of writing program instructions is called coding.

2.      machine code is any low-level programming language, consisting of machine language instructions, which are used to control a computer's central processing unit (CPU). 

3.      The instructions must be written according to a set of rules. These rules are the foundation of a programming language. A programming language must convey the logical steps of the program plan in such a way that the control unit of the CPU can interpret and follow the instructions.

4.      The rules in which instructions are written are the foundation

5.      Programming languages have improved throughout the years, just as computer hardware has improved. They have progressed from machine-oriented languages that use strings of binary Is and Os to problem-oriented languages that use common mathematical and/or English terms.

6.      There are over 200 problem-oriented languages. The most common of them are COBOL, FORTRAN, PL/I, RPG, BASIC, PASCAL.

7.      COBOL was the most widely used business-oriented programming language. Its name is an acronym for Common Business-Oriented language.

8.      COBOL was designed to solve problems that are oriented toward data handling and input-output operations. Of course, COBOL can perform arithmetic operations as well, but its greatest flexibility is in data handling. COBOL also was designed as a self-documenting language.

9.      The version of FORTRAN IV has been designed as algebra-based programming language. FORTRAN is the most commonly used language for scientific applications.

10.  PL/I is one of the most versatile and the most powerful of the programming languages, it is not the most commonly used.
























1-digital camera

2-optical zoom

3-SD card

4-images (pictures)

5-white balance













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