Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыКонтрольные работы к Модулям 1,2,3 Английский в фокусе Ваулина Ю.Е. 8 класс

Контрольные работы к Модулям 1,2,3 Английский в фокусе Ваулина Ю.Е. 8 класс

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Test on Module 1. (Form8)

I. Match the opposites.

1. blush



b)easy- going










II. Use -un,  -im, -in, less-  and write the negative form of the following adjectives

patient –                                                                                        reliable –

sensitive –                                                                                     helpful -

careful -                                                                                          comfortable -                                           


 III. Fill in the missing words: honest, disappointed, reliable, puzzled, confident, acquaintance,  acceptable , sensitive, generous,  stubborn.


1. …..people always know what to do and what to say.

2. I think he won’t change his mind. He’s very ….. .

3. She is quite  …. . Trust her.

4. I’m not surprised he has got a lot of friends. He is rather …. .

5. I haven’t heard him tell a lie. He is the most …. person.

6. The situation was so strange that he looked …. .

7. My granny is very …. . She always cries watching  films about the war.

8. I don’t know him well. He’s only a/an ….. .

9. We speak only on …. topics such as family, sport, films, etc.

10. The lecture was boring and students were…. .


IV. Fill in the correct preposition.


1. They were proud …. her success.

2. The teacher tried to get her ideas … every student.

3. They are very close … each other.

4. I can’t wait to get …. the flu and go out.

5. She didn’t answer my letter and got me …. greatly.

6. Doctors must be especially patient …. the elderly people.

7. She has always been jealous …. her elder sister’s attractive appearance.

8. They are looking forward to getting these exams….. .

9. She’s very nervous  …. her driving test.

10. How are you getting…. with your parents?


V. Use the idioms to complete the sentences.


1. She has strong opinions on all the questions and isn’t afraid to …..  her …  .

2. He is always getting into trouble. He is a …. the …  .

3. She is too talkative. If I were you, I’d  …. my …. .

4. I wish I could …the ….. while meeting new people.

5. She is so stubborn and it …..my…. .

6. He speaks in such a loud voice. It … me …. .



VI. Put the verbs into the correct tense.


1.you (know) this man? .

2. I(write) a letter to you as soon as I( come) home.

3. I(wait) for you since early morning.

4.Bees (  give) honey.

5. Your perfume ( smell) wonderful!

6. Where they ( spend) their last weekend?

7. The film ( start) at 4.30.

8. He never(  arrive) on time.

9. What  you (  look) at?

10. He ( find)an old boot while he ( work) in the garden.

11. Why you (taste) the soup?

12. Look at the sky! It (be )a fine day.

13. What’s that noise? – Our neighbors (  have) a party.

14. How long you ( live) in Moscow?

15. I think he ( be) a famous artist.

16. As he ( drive) to work, he ( have) an accident.

17.We (fly)to Madrid in two days.

18. My parents ( buy) me a laptop for my last birthday.



VII. Complete the gaps with the correct form of the adjectives.

1. Mary is ..(attractive) than her friend.

2. Pete is twice … (clever) as Paul.

3. His house is ..(far) from the school than mine.

4. As time went by, he got … and…. ( impatient).

5. We were bored because the game was the… ( interesting) of all.

6 .The…( long) he talked, the… ( confused) they became.

















                                  Test on Module 2. (Form8)

 I. Underline the odd word out.

1. raw/ roast/ boiled/scrambled  meat

2. pickled/ steamed/creamy/healthy  vegetables

3. appealing/fussy/ nourishing/junk  food

4. spicy/bitter/fried/delicious  taste

II.  Choose the correct word.

1. She has problems with her stomach, so she eats only steamed/ fried chicken.

2. To make this salad you need pickled/ poached cucumbers.

3. Men usually prefer well done meat/side dish.

4. You can buy nearly everything at reduced/ poor prices at the flea market.

5. It’s difficult to please him: he’ s such a poor/ fussy eater.

6. Milk is necessary for children because it is delicious/ nourishing.

III. Write the negative form of the following words.

understand -                                                      interested –

spell -                                                                   behaviour –

place -                                                                  honest –

advantage -                                                        respect –

IV. Fill in the missing word. You don’t need three words.

flea, cup, demand ,stock, raise, cheque, pride, donate, cash

1. I can’t stand listening to opera, it’s not my …. of tea.

2. I’ m sorry but these shoes are out of…. .

3. Male teachers  are in great …   at schools.

4. You can pay  in …. at this shop.

5. Mrs Smith  has always helped us to …. money for  poor families.

6. We take …. in our grandparents and great- grandparents who defended our country.


V. Fill in  the correct preposition:  down with; without; off; up; after; through; with. One word is extra.

1. How can she smile   after  all she’s gone ….?

2. The child has gone  ….. the flu.

3. Why are you smelling the meat? – I think it has gone…. .

4.  Do  you notice that  the price for cigarettes  has gone …. again?

5. This blue shirt goes …. his eyes.

6. He lost his job and his family had to go …. holiday.


VI. Choose the word.

1. He always gives us a lot of  advice/ advices.

2. There was/ were a lot of furniture in the room.

3. The news was/ were awful.

4. The police has/ have been chasing  him for a year.

5. All her clothes look/ looks  fashionable.

6. Where is/are the scissors?


VII. Use  a/the  where necessary

1. They lived in …..Poland and then moved to ….. Czech  Republic.

2. Where is …. cinema? – It is in ….. Tverskaya  St.

3. She spent her last holiday at ….  Black Sea.

4. She cleans ….. flat   twice … week.

5. During the excursion they went to …. church.

6. My granny goes to ….. church every Sunday.


VII. Use the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous of the verbs

1. I ( write ) three long essays this term.

2. He ( work) here since 1990.

3. Be careful!  I ( spill) some water on the floor.

4 .I ( make) some tea. Would you like some?

5. Can I sit down? I (walk) round the city since early morning. I feel tired.

6. I ( not / spend) all my pocket money yet.  Let’ s  go to the café.

7. I ( burn) these cookies a bit. Do you think they are OK?

8. Is Max OK? He (sleep) since morning.

                                         Test on Module 3. ( Form 8)

I. Match the equivalents.



2.to present

b)to make better

3.to capture

c)to raise

4.to improve


5.to lift

e)to catch


f)to show


II. Complete the sentences with the words. Three words are extra.

Full- time    came   overtime    part - time   pay   deadline     research      paid       sound        low        bring

1. When he has  to meet a tough ….  ,  he works hard even at the weekend.

2. Fortunately, her husband returned safe and …. after the war.

3. After discussing the question, they at last  ….to the conclusion what to do.

4. Marie and Pierre Curie are known for their …. into radioactive elements.

5. He is very  hardworking and doesn’t mind working ….. .

6. She would like her employer to give her  …. rise.

7. Highly qualified computer programmers are usually well ….. .

8. As I am still a student, I am looking only for a …… job.


III. Choose the word.

1. Her sister is just learning to walk. She is such a beautiful baby/ toddler.

2. He is a good builder and gets  a  good salary/ wage.

3. The boys found out/discovered unique paintings in  the cave.

4. He liked to go on a picnic with his colleagues/employers.

5. She wears a uniform at  job/ work.


IV. Use the correct preposition.

1. She has always dreamed of being…. charge of her own hotel.

2. I’d like to bring … my children in the countryside.

3. We are going to leave for  London … the end of the year.

4. …. what age did you go to school?

5. Her job brings …. about 30 000 roubles a month.

6. She passed out and we couldn’t bring her …. until doctors arrived.

7. He made a brilliant career …. politics.

8. Few people can work well …. pressure.

9. The meeting with my former classmates brought …  happy memories.

10. We hope this new law will bring … some changes into our life.


V. Put the verbs into the Past Simple/ Continuous/ Perfect/Perfect Continuous.

1. As he  ( drive) to work, he (remember) that he (leave) his phone at home.

2. Mary (ride) her bike when she ( see) a small kitten.

3. They  already (reserve) the table when they went to the restaurant.

4. Greg (work) for the company for twenty years before he moved to the countryside.

5 .Sue (smile) while she ( read) Mary’ s letter.

6. He (  open) the present and ( read) the card.

7. Andy was relieved to hear that he (pass) the exam.

8. She ( feed) children  by the time I (come) home.

9. It ( snow) for three days when the sun suddenly (come)out.

10. He (sit)on the train at this time yesterday.

11. They ( skate) together for five years before they ( enter) the competition.

12. I (get) up and (go ) to work. I ( walk) for 15 minutes when I ( realise) it was Sunday.




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