Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыКонтрольный тест №2, 8 класс (УМК «Английский в фокусе-8», Модуль 2)

Контрольный тест №2, 8 класс (УМК «Английский в фокусе-8», Модуль 2)

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Контрольный тест №2 в 8 классе (УМК «Английский в фокусе-8», модуль 2)



Module 2


№1. What’s the Russian for:


mashed potatoes – …….…….…….…….…….…….

pickled cucumbers – …….…….…….…….…….…….

spicy sauce – …….…….…….…….…….…….

healthy diet –…….…….…….…….…….…….

side dish –…….…….…….…….…….…….

put on weight –…….…….…….…….…….…….

lose weight –…….…….…….…….…….…….

nourishing drink –…….…….…….…….…….…….

to look appealing – …….…….…….…….…….…….


№2. Choose the correct item.


1. Have you ever been to/in London?

2. They spend a little/a lot of money on presents.

3. John has never/ago been in England.

4. The/- Smiths left the/- UK from a/- Heathrow Airport.

5. Money doesn’t/don’t bring happiness.


№3. Fill in the appreciate words:


1.You can buy some stamps ………. ….. You can also send letters or parcels from there.

2. You can buy a packet of aspirin and some other medicines, drops or painkillers ………. ……..

3. You can buy a kilo of sausages ………. ….. and of course all kinds of meat.

4. You can buy a pair of sunglasses ………. …. You can also check your eyesight there.

5.You can buy some prawns as well as all kinds of fish ……. ……


№4. Fill in the missing word. There are three words you don’t need.


demand side scrambled pinch stock cash fussy nourishing


1. Japanese put different food to the obento, so that their kids weren’t ………. …. eaters.

2. She loves telling lies, so take her words with a ………. …. of salt.

3. This dish is very ………. ….  and has a lot of calories.

4. I would like a stake and a ………….. salad.

5. This book is in great ……. ……. and we have no it on sale at the moment.


№5. Put adjectives in the correct order.


1.    I bought red / Chinese / beautiful vase.

2.    Ann wore small / terrible /round glasses.

3.    My sister has golden / tiny /old ring.

4.    My father made square / wooden / modern table.

5.    It was British /huge / old statue.


№6. Put the words into the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.


1. How many souvenirs you have been buying/have bought!

2. We have been shopping/have shopped for two hours…I can’t walk any longer.

3. Why do you look so tired? – I have practised/have been practising tennis.

4. How long have you studied/have you been studying English?

5. What have you been doing/have you done with you hair??? It looks green!

6. Ann ………. …. …(work) very hard last three days. She needs a rest.

7. Tom ………. …. …(go) to shop. She will be back soon.

8. ……………....(you/ever/eat) Chinese food?

9. I ………. ……..(never be) in London.

10. He ………. ……. (clean) the house since 9 o’clock. Can you help him?


№7. Fill in the words: plural or singular.


Scissors, pliers, scales, clothes, jeans, trousers, police, goods, stairs, news, means, luggage, money, information, equipment, food, furniture, advice, billiards, dominoes, Physics, Maths










№8. Much/many/(a) little/(a) few/a lot.

• He isn’t very sociable. He has ______  friends.

• There’s no need to hurry. We’ve got ______ of time.

• She drinks ______  of tea.

• We must be quick! We’ve ______  time.

• I’m not busy these days. I haven’t got ______ to do.

• I didn’t take ______ pictures on holiday.

• I can’t tell you the final decision. I need ______ time.

№9. Read the text and mark the sentences T(true), F(false) or DS (doesn’t say)


There are countless flea markets all around the world, and they are especially popular in Europe. One of the busiest markets in Europe is in the town of Lille, Northern France: La Braderie. With two hundred kilometres of open air stalls, this flea market offers a massive diversity of things to buy at reduced prices. Unfortunately, this amazing event, which has over a million visitors, is only an annual event which happens during the first weekend of September. Another shopper’s paradise is in Russia. Moscow has many  flea markets but the Vernisazh flea market at Izmailovsky Park is perhaps the most famous. There is almost  nothing that you can’t find there, especially if you are a tourist looking for authentic Russian souvenirs to bring  back home.

But flea markets are not just places where tourists can buy inexpensive things. The Annex Antiques Fair and  Flea Market in New York, USA is a trendy market which has been attracting famous Hollywood stars as well as people living in the area ever since it opened. So, as you see, flea markets offer something for everyone!



1.     Europe has the biggest flea markets.….

2.     La Braderie opens two days a year ….

3.     There is one  flea market in Russia …

4.     The Annex Antiques Fair is a Trendy market in UK…

5.     Hollywood stars visit  flea markets…


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