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Контрольно-измерительные материалы по английскому языку для 5 класса

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Английский алфавит (II). Входная контрольная работа

1. Найди слово с общим значением для каждой строчки.

weather, seasons, months, sports, family

1._________: rainy, sunny, cold, windy, cloudy

2. _________: dad, mum, sister, grandma, grandpa

3. _________: winter, spring, summer, autumn

4. _________: October, November, May, June

5. _________: hockey, tennis, basketball, volleyball

2. Вставь пропущенные слова is или are.

1. There …. a pupil in the classroom.

2. There …. pupils in the classroom.

3. There …. a lot of computers on the table.

4. There ….. a big poster on the wall.

5. There ….. a nice garden behind the house.

3. Заполни пропуски.

I – my

we - …….

he - ……

…… - your

…… - her

.….. – their

4. Составь предложения из слов.

1. play, puzzles, didn’t, Ann, yesterday.

2. Nick, his, father, Did, help?

3. I, ride, bike, my, will, tomorrow.

4. children, The, play, computer, will, games, next, week.

5. didn’t, like, The, child, work, to.

5. Заполни пропуски.




the worst


the most


the largest


the strongest





6. Выбери подходящее вопросительное слово.

1. ….. will have a picnic tomorrow?

a) Who b) How c) What

2. ….. do you go to school?

a) Who b) Where c) When

3. ….. do you skate?

a) What b) Where c) Who

4. ….. will you repair your bike?

a) When b) Who c) What

7. Вставь подходящий вспомогательный глагол.

Do does will did

1. What …… you like to eat for breakfast?

2. When ….. you sing a song tomorrow?

3. What ….. you drink for breakfast yesterday?

4. What ….. he like to eat for breakfast?

8. Выбери среди глаголов неправильные глаголы и напиши их в

прошедшем времени.

Play, read, write, go, cook, watch, talk, cut

9. Прочитай текст. Ответь на вопросы по тексту.

My name is Tanya. My surname is Belova. I am from Russia. It’s a nice country.

The capital of Russia is Moscow. I live in Moscow with my mum and dad. I have

got a pet. Its name is Gosha. It is a parrot. It is red and green. It likes corn.

It can fly and sing.


1. Where does Tanya live?

2. Has she got a pet?

3. What pet has she got?

4. What colour is her pet?

5. What can her pet do?



1.      Weather

2.      family

3.      seasons

4.      months

5.      sports


1.        is

2.        are

3.        are

4.        is

5.        is


1.      our

2.      his

3.      you

4.      she

5.      they


1.        Ann didn’t play puzzles yesterday

2.        Did Nick help his father?

3.        I will ride my bike tomorrow

4.        The children will play computer next week

5.        The child didn’t like to work


1.        The best

2.        Worse

3.        More

4.        Larger

5.        Clean, the cleanest

6.        Strong, stronger

7.        Funny, funniest

8.        More beautiful, the most beautiful


1.    Who

2.    When

3.    Where

4.    When


1.             Do

2.             Will

3.             Did

4.             Does


1.             Read, wrote, went, cut


1.             Tanya lives in Moscow

2.             Yes, she has

3.             She has got a parrot

4.             It’s red and green

5.             It can fly and sing


Числительные. Контроль чтения

My classmate

David is my classmate. His name is Edwards. He is British. He is from UK. His telephone number is 071-372 4681. His address is 9 Green Street, London SW7. His hobbies are reading and drawing. His favorite sport is tennis. He is eleven years old. His favorite subject at school is English. He has a pet. It is a cat. It is clever. It is three years old.

1. What is his name?

2. How old is he?

3. Where is he from?

4. What are his hobbies?

5. What is his favorite subject?

6. What is his favorite sport?

7. Has he got a cat?


My motherland is Kazakhstan. It is in the centre of Asia. It is country of free people. Kazakhstan is a beautiful land. There are mountains, many rivers: the Yrtysh, the Syrdarya and Amudarya, and the endless steppes. Kazakhstan is the country where many nations live in peace. There are a lot of cities in Kazakhstan: Astana, Almaty, Pavlodar and others. I love my Kazakhstan.

1. What is your motherland?

2. Where is it?

3. Do you like your country and why?


London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and cultural centre. It is one of the largest cities in the world. London is situated on the river Thames. The city is very old and beautiful. London has 3 parts: the City, the West End and the East End. The City is the oldest part of London, its financial and business centre. The West End is the most beautiful part of London. There are many factories and the Port of London there. London has many places of interest. They are: Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, Trafalgar square and the British Museum.

1. What is the capital of Great Britain?

2. How parts does it have?

3. What is the most beautiful part of London?

4. What places of interest do you know?

My school day

I get up at 7 o’clock. I have breakfast – milk and biscuits. Then I have a shower and I clean my teeth. I walk to school. At school, I meet and talk with my friends. Then the teacher comes and we go to our first class. We have 5 or 6 lesson every day. After school, I go home and do my homework. Then I play the piano and listen to music. We eat at 7 o’clock. In the evening I don’t watch TV but I like to play computer games. I go to bed at 10.30.

1. What do you usually do in the morning?

2. How many lessons do you have every day?

3. What do you like to do in the evening?


My classmate

1.      His name is Edwards

2.      He is 11

3.      He is from UK

4.      His hobbies are reading and drawing

5.      His favorite sport is tennis

6.      Yes, he has got a cat


1.      My motherland is Kazakhstan

2.      It is in the centre of Asia.

3.      Free answer


1.      London is the capital of GB

2.      London has 3 parts: the City, the West End and the East End

3.      The West End is the most beautiful part of London.

4.      London has many places of interest. They are: Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, Trafalgar square and the British Museum.

My school day

1.      I have breakfast – milk and biscuits. Then I have a shower and I clean my teeth.

2.      We have 5 or 6 lesson every day.

3.      In the evening I don’t watch TV but I like to play computer games.








Контроль усвоения материала вводного модуля

1.      Расставьте реплики диалога в правильном порядке:

  1. Fine, thanks. Goodbye!
  2. Hello!
  3. What’s your name?
  4. Bye!
  5. I’m Mike. How are you?
  6. Hi!
  7. Fine, thanks. And you?
  8. My name is Ben. What’s your name?

2.      Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

Look! This is my room: a door, a window, a yellow table, a yellow chair, a white bed, a black radio and a green lamp. Where is my cat? Is it in my room? No, it isn’t. it’s in the garden. What colour is it? It’s black and white.

1.      What can you see in the room?


2.      What colour is the table?


3.      Where is the cat?


4.      What colour is the cat?


3. Заполни пропуски:

1.      ____ed

2.       ___orse

3.      ___ueen

4.      ___mbrella

5.       ___ouse

6.       ___gg

4. Выпиши грамматически правильное предложение

1. A. What’s is this? B. What’s this?

2. A. It’s is my rubber. B. Its my rubber.





5. Перечисли предметы в твоем рюкзаке, опираясь на картинку:


In my schoolbag I’ve got paints, … .



1.      B,F,C,H,E,G,A,D


1.      a door, a window, a yellow table, a yellow chair, a white bed, a black radio and a green lamp.

2.      Yellow

3.      It’s in the garden

4.      It’s black and white


1.      Bed

2.      Horse

3.      Queen

4.      Umbrella

5.      House

6.      Egg


1.      B

2.      B


In my schoolbag I’ve got paints, a copybook, a ruler, scissors, colored-pencils


Школа! Контроль аудирования

The Fox

Is the fox a big animal? Not very big, it’s about sixty centimeters long, with a tail thirty centimeters long. The tail is very thick. When it is cold in winter, the fox sleeps in the snow; the tail is then a blanket for the fox.

Foxes eat birds and small animals and they like chickens very much too.

Foxes live in holes and like to come out at night. They run very quickly.

How long do foxes live? They live about ten or twelve years.

They are very good parents to their children.

Listen to the text and choose the correct item to complete the sentences.

1.    The fox is .

A.    not very big

B.     not very small

C.     very big

D.    very small

2.    It’s about centimeters long.

A.    fifty

B.     seventy

C.     eighty

D.    sixty

3.    The tail is .

A.    thin

B.     long

C.     thick

D.    short

4.    In winter the fox sleeps .

A.    in the house

B.     under the tree

C.     in the snow

D.    on the snow

5.    Foxes eat .

A.    flowers and grass

B.     birds and small animals

C.     insects

D.    berries and mushrooms

6.    Foxes live .

A.    under the trees

B.     in the house

C.     near the farms

D.    in holes

7.    They run .

1.    very quickly

2.    not very quickly

3.    not very slowly

4.    very slowly

8.    They live about .

A.    nine years

B.     ten or twelve years

C.     twelve or fifteen years

D.    twenty years


1-a, 2-d, 3-c, 4-c, 5-b, 6-d, 7-a, 8-b


Граждановедение. Контроль усвоения материала модуля 1

1.      Translate:

1.   Атлас

2.   Карандаш

3.   Тетрадь

4.   Ластик

5.   Блокнот

2.      Match the words:

1.   Information              a. Education

2.   Physical                    b. break

3.   School                      c. Technology

4.   Lunch                      d. subjects

5.   Pencil                       e. case

3.      Complete with a\an

1.   Pencil case

2.   Atlas

3.   Pencil sharpener

4.   Eraser

5.   Ruler

4.      Fill in: is, are, then answer the question:

1.   ……. Laura new to the school? Yes, ……

2.   …….. Tim in year five? No, ………

3.   ……… Paul and Steve at secondary school? Yes, ……

4.   ……………..Jane and Claire in Year 7? No, ………..

5.   …………………Laura and Jane at primary school? Yes, …..

5. Choose the correct response:

1. A: Good morning, Paul

    B:  a. Good morning, Ann

          b. And you?

2. A: How are you?

    B:  a. I’m fine, thanks

         b. Thank you

3.  A: Goodbye, Tony

     B: a: How are you?

         b: Goodbye, Sally. See you later

4. A: See you later!

    B: a. See you

        b. Fine, thanks




Контроль усвоения материала модуля 2.

1.      Translate:

1.      Баскетбольный мяч

2.      Сумка

3.      Перчатки

4.      Кроссовки

5.      Часы

6.      Шарф

7.      Шлем

8.      Велосипед

9.      Кепка

10.  Гитара

2.      Write the nationalities:

1.      Russia

2.      France

3.      Japan

4.      The USA

5.      The UK

6.      Canada

7.      Australia

3.      Write the numbers:

1.      99

2.      32

3.      48

4.      60

5.      43

4.      Fill in has, hasn’t, have, haven’t

1.      …..they got a computer? Yes, they….

2.      ……. he got a sister? No, he….

3.      ….. Tom got a pen in his school bag? Yes, he….

4.      …………you got a computer? No, I…..

5.      Circle the correct word:

1.      That\this boy over there is John

2.      This\these books are Tony’s

3.      This\ these is our friend, Pete

4.      Those\ this gloves  are from my mum

6. Write the plurals:

1.             Child

2.             Man

3.             Fox

4.             Leaf

5.             Watch

6.             Boy

7.             Party

7. Match the exchanges:


1.             How about this key ring?     a. I want to buy a doll

2.             Can I have two, please?        b. it’s 2

3.             How can I help you?            c. Sure, that’s 4

4.             How  much is it?                  d. Yes, it is

5.             Is this your new scarf?          e. That’s  a good  idea


Моя комната. Контроль аудирования

A Farmer and His Sons

An old farmer was very ill. He was not happy, because his sons were always quarrelling. He decided to teach them a lesson before he died. He said to one of his sons, “Try to break this bundle of sticks.” His son could not break the bundle. He asked all his other sons to do it, but they could not break the bundle. “Now untie it and try to break one of the sticks.” All the sons could do it easily. “You see now, smiled the old farmer, that you must stop quarrelling and help each other. Separated you are weak like the stick, united you will always be strong.”

Listen to the text. Are the following statements about the text true or false? Change the false statements to make them true.

1.      The young farmer was very ill.

2.      He was happy, because his sons were not quarrelling.

3.      He decided to teach them a lesson.

4.      He gave his son a bundle of sticks to break.

5.      His son broke the bundle.

6.      The other sons broke the bundle.

7.      All the sons could break separate sticks easily.

8.      Separated people are weak like the stick, united people are strong.


1. False. The old farmer was very ill.

2. False. He was not happy, because his sons were quarrelling.

3. True

4. True

5. False. His son could not break the bundle.

6. False. The other sons could not break the bundle.

7. True

8. True


Контроль усвоения материала модуля 3.Контроль говорения

1.      Fill in is, isn’t, are, aren’t.


1) There…three chairs.

2) There … a table.

3) There … two windows.

4) There … a carpet.

5) There … five paintings.

6) There … two beds.

7) There … a lamp.

2. Cross the odd word out

1. wardrobe, bed, sink, chair

2. bath, book, sink, toilet

3. sofa, armchair, lamp, washbasin

4. coffee table, garage, carpet, chair

5. lamp, carpet, wardrobe, garage

3. Write an original numbers.

1. 4th;2. 8th;3. 2; 4.11th; 5. 20th.

4. Fill in: under, on, in, behind, in front of.

1. The books are … the bookcase.

2. The carpet is … the table.

3. The bookcase is … the wall.

4. The beds are … the window.

5. The paintings are … the wall.

6. The beds are … the table.

5. Match the exchanges.


1 Which floor is your flat on?

2. What’s your new flat like?

3. Where’s the lamp?

4. Is there a TV in your room?

a. It’s nice!

b. It’s on the table.

c. Yes, there is.

d. The 6th



Контроль усвоения материала модуля 4

1.      Look at the family tree and complete the sentences:

William                                Betty



Sue                        Brian                                               Jane                       Paul



Andrew                 Sarah                                                         Simon

1. Betty is Brain`s ...
2. Sarah is Andrew`s ...
3. William is Simon`s ...
4. Betty is Sarah`s ...
5. Sue is Andrew`s ...
6. Brian is Jane`s ...

7. Paul is Simon’s…

2.      Write the opposite

1.    Short

2.    Thin

3.    Big

3. Fill in the gaps with can/can't .

1 A:...........Mary cook well?

B: Yes, she...............

2 A:..........Bill dance?

B: No,he..................

3 A:..........Sue play football?

B:Yes, she..............

4 A:...........your brother speak French?


5 A:...........Tony and Steve paint?


4.      Circle the correct answer.

1. This is my mother. Look at her/she
2. Mrs Richards is our/us math teacher 
3. John is my best friend. I tell he/him everything. 
4 .U2 is my favourite band. I love their/them songs. 
5. My/Me grandpa is very funny.

5. Make sentences using the imperative:


1. Close the window- Отрицательное предложение.
2. Come here- Утвердительное предложение. 
3. Be quiet- Утвердительное предложение
4. Open the door- Отрицательное предложение.
5. Take my CDs- Отрицательное предложение.

6. Match the questions to the answers:

1. What's her name? A. She's very nice.
2. Where's she from? B. No she hasn't.
3. How old is she? C. Alice.
4. Has she got any brothers or sisters? D. She,s 13.
5. What's she like? E. She's from Japan.



Контроль усвоения материала модуля 5. Контроль аудирования

1.      Complete the names of the animals.

1.g- - - - -e

2.e- - p- - - -

3.m- n - - y

4.p - - r- t

5.b - - r


2. Put the animals under the correct heading.

(bear, cow, beetle, ant, sheep, budgie, guinea pig, peacock, giraffe, crocodile)


farm animals


zoo animals


3.Circle the odd one out.

1.elephant – fur – trunk – tail

2.feathers- beak – insect – wings

3.lion – paw – tail – feather

4.giraffe – tail – neck – wings

5.tiger – bear – zoo – penguin


4. Put the words in the correct order to make full sentences.

1.plays/on/football/He/Mondays. __________________________________________

2.Brazil/in/lives/He. ____________________________________________________

3.live/threes/in/Monkeys. ________________________________________________

4.plants/Rhinos/eat. _____________________________________________________

5.A/likes/cat/milk. ______________________________________________________


5. Use the prompts to write questions and answers as in the example.

(you/like/tigers( -) * (Do you like tigers? No, I don’t.)

1.she/eat/vegetables? (+) _________________________________________________

2.they/like/the animals? (+) _______________________________________________

3.tigers/live/in Brazil? (-) ________________________________________________

4.Elephants/eat/meat? (-) ________________________________________________

5.birds/eat/insects? (+) __________________________________________________


6. Use the sentences to complete the dialogue.

Vet: Hi, Kelly. 1) …

Kelly: It’s Ben, my dog. He doesn’t look happy.

Vet: 2)…

Kelly:I think he’s got a broken leg.

Vet: 3)…

Kelly: I don’t really know.

Vet: OK. 4)…

What’s wrong with him?

Let’s have a look at him.

Really? How?

What’s the matter?


Подъем! Контроль чтения

Which Heart Is Better

Once there lived two brothers. They were very much alike, but they were quite different people. One was happy when other people were happy and sad when others were sad. The other brother never took care of other people. “You never help people, you only take care of yourself,” said the first brother. “Yes, I take care of myself,” said the second brother, “because I want to live a long and happy life.” One day the two brothers parted. One brother lived long. His heart never troubled him. The other brother went to many places and everywhere he went people said: “He has left a bit of his heart with us.” Many years passed and two brothers met again. When the second brother saw his brother, he thought:”Is this young man my brother? How can it be? He is so young; his hair is not white as my hair is.” It was true. The first brother looked young and his heart was stronger than before. Do you understand why it was so? Because the first brother shared the joys and sorrows of his fellow men and it made his heart stronger and stronger. The second brother did not say anything. He went slowly home. He was old and unhappy.

Read the text. Are the following statements about the text true or false? Change the false statements to make them true.

1.      Once there lived three brothers.

2.      They were much alike.

3.      They were different people.

4.      They took care of other people.

5.      They never parted.

6.      The first brother went to many places and helped people.

7.      The first brother was young and strong.

8.      The second brother was young and happy.


1. False. Once there lived two brothers.

2. True

3. True

4. False. The second brother never took care of other people.

5. False. One day they parted.

6. True

7. True

8. False. The second brother was old and unhappy.




Контроль усвоения материала модуля 6

1. Fill in: watch, get, go, have, or work

1. __________ a DVD                       4. ____________ up

2. __________ a cup of tea                5. ____________ to bed

3. __________ on my computer

2. What time is it?

1.      13:30

2.      15:00

3.      19:15

4.      11:45

5.      21:15

2.      Write the jobs:

1.      Hospital

2.      Bakery

3.      Garage

4.      School

5.      Café

3.      Put the words in the correct order to make full sentences:

1.      Usually \ we \ shopping \ at \ weekend \ the \ go

2.      Goes \ to\ he\bed\sometimes\late

3.      TV\watches\never\the\in\Samatha\morning

4.      Usually\I\dinner\eat\seven\at\past\half

5.      His\dad\often\Tim\meets\after\school

5. Complete the sentences with the present continuous

1.      My dad…………….(paint) the house today

2.      A: What……. (you\do), Sam?

B: I……. (write) an email to my friend

3.      The children …….. (not watch) TV now. They (do) their homework

4.      A: …… (John\repair) his car?

B: yes, he is

6. Use the prompts to fill in the gaps:

·         Sorry, I’ve got a lot of  homework

·         It’s quarter past five

·         Have you got the time, please?

·         Let’s go to the cinema!

1.      A: Excuse me, what’s the time, please?


2.      A: Why don’t we go shopping this afternoon?


3.      A:

B: Sounds great!

4.      A:

B: It’s seven o’clock


Контроль усвоения материала модуля 7

1.      Write the seasons. What season is it now?

1.      s_____________r

2.      w_____________

3.      s______________

4.      a______________

2.      Circle the odd word out

1.    Cold, leaves, warm, hot

2.    Boots, gloves, scarf, shorts

3.    High heels, caps, shoes, trainers

4.    Alaska, may, July, April

3.      Complete the gaps with the correct word

Like, terrible, jumper, freezing, hot, suits

1.      A: What’s the weather…………. In Edinburgh today?

B: It’s very…………………..and sunny.

2.      A: How do I look in this……………………….?

B: You look lovely. It ………….. you perfectly

4. Write sentences using the present simple and present continuous.

1)she/usually/wear trainers-wear high heels

2)he/usually/wear trainers-wear high httls

3)they/usually/wear blue shirts-wear green ones

4)we/usually/go swimming-have a picnic

5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets:

1.      I …………….(not\want) to go out tonight as i……..(study) for a test at the moment

2.      My brother ……………..(play) football every Sunday but this Sunday he…… (go) camping

3.      Rose……..9talk) to that French tourist at the moment. She……… (speak) French well

4.      Tom ………………(watch) a film on television now. He……. (not\often\do) this.

6. Use the prompts to the dialogue

45 pounds, How can I help you?, how much is it?, What size are you?

A: Good morning, madam 1)…………………………..

B: I’m looking for a skirt, please.

A: The skirts are here. 2)…………………

B: I’m a 12. I like this one. 3)………………………….

A: it’s 4)…………………………………

B: thanks. I’ll take it.



Контроль усвоения материала модуля 8

1.      Match the words to form collocations

1)have a) bonfires
2) dress b) gifts
3) exchange c) up
4) light d) special food
5) decorate e) street parades
6) cook f) the house

2. Find ten foods\drinks

P   W   A   M   E   A   T   C   R   B

I    M   Y   T    L    L   A   S   T   U

N   G   T   U    S    K   K   N   P   T

E   C   A   B    B    A   G    E   I   T

A   A  Z    A   Z    A    P     J   E  E

P    S  M    I    L    K   M    G  S  R

P    C  R   Q    B    U   R     G  E  R

L    P  A    S    T    A   C    Z    J   J

E    U  E    R    I     C   E    E   E  A

C    H  I    C    K    E    N   M   S  Z

3. Fill the missing letters

1. A c____n of milk 
2. A b____e of olive oil 
3. A b__l of sugar 
4. A g___s of orang juice
5. A p____t of past 
6. A b__ of cereal

4. Choose the correct word.

1. a/some potatoes
2. some/an eggs
3. a/an apple
4. some/a milk
5. some/a biscuits
6. a/some rice
7. an/a banana
8. Some/a sugar

5.      Fill in the gaps with some, any, much or many:

1)How ...... potatoes have we got?
Not ..............
2)There are .... peas, but there arent ......... onions.
3)Are there ..................apples?
Yes, but not ...............
4) Are there ................. bananas?
No , there arent .........

6. Use the prompts to complete the exchanges.

- Can I take your order?
- How about pizza?
-There is some.
-Enjoy your meal.
-That would be nice.

1.A: Would you like a glass of orange juice?
B: I’d like a cheeseburger, please.

B: I don’t think so.
B: Thank you.
5.A: Is there any milk?
B: …..


Оживленные места Лондона. Контроль чтения

Miss Evans

On a beautiful afternoon in a year now long gone, a big ship set out on its first voyage from England to America. It was a new ship called the Titanic. For two days the Titanic went on its way over the sea. Then it entered an ice field and a big iceberg hit it. Everyone came out of their rooms. Men were putting the life boats over the sides of the ship down into the water. Then all the men helped the women and children get into the life boats. There wasn’t very much time left. The iceberg was on one side of the ship. It was like a high white wall. A woman came to the side of the ship. Her two children were in one of the life boats and she was very much afraid. “My children are on the life boat. I must go with them,” the woman called to the people in the life boat. “There’s no more room,” someone called out. “If we take one more the lifeboat will sink.” There was a young woman in the lifeboat called Miss Evans. When she heard the woman calling, she stood up on the life boat and touched one of the men on the arm. “Let me get back on the ship,” she said. “Let that woman take my place. I have no children.” “The ship is sinking,” said the man. “You know that?” “Yes,” said Miss Evans. “I know that.” There was no time to talk. People helped Miss Evans get back onto the ship. Very soon after that there was a great noise and the Titanic went down under the water.

1. Read the text. Are the following statements about the text true or false? Change the false statements to make them true.

1. A big ship set out on its first voyage from America to England.

2. It was an old ship.

3. When the Titanic entered the ice field, a big iceberg hit it.

4. The women helped the men and children get into the life boats.

5. The woman wanted to get into one of the boats, because her children were there.

6. She had three children.

7. There was no room in the boat for this woman.

8. Miss Evans let this woman take her place in the boat.

9. Miss Evans had two children.

10. Miss Evans got back to the ship.

11. Soon the Titanic went down under the water.


1. False. A big ship set out on its first voyage from England to America.

2. False. It was a new ship.

3. True

4. False. The men helped the women and children get into the life boats.

5. True

6. False. She had two children.

7. True

8. True

9. False. Miss Evans had no children.

10. True

11. True


Контроль усвоения материала модуля 9. Контроль аудирования

1.      Match the products to the shops

1.      Magazines a. shoe shop

2.      Aspirin       b. Music shop

3.      Boots          c. Chemist’s

4.      Trousers      d. Toy shop

5.      CDs             e. Newsagent’s

6.      Dolls            f. Clothes shop

2.      Circle the odd word out

1.      Zoo, concert hall, theme park, film

2.      Packet, corner, jar, bar

3.      Comedy, greengrocer’s, animated, action

4.      Art gallery, jigsaw, stuffed animal, board game

5.      Chocolate crisps, jam, square

3.      Complete the sentences using the Past Simple

1.      Where………..(he\go) last Sunday?

2.      She……..(not\watch) TV last night

3.      We …….. (play) basketball last weekend

4.      Mum…….(make) a cake yesterday

5.      She………….. (tidy) her room yesterday afternoon

6.      We……(see) two white tigers at the zoo

7.      Bill…………..(buy) a pair of jeans two days ago

8.      The children….. (eat) all the lasagna. They were very hungry

4.      What do the signs mean? Use must\mustn’t

1.      http://www.clipartbest.com/cliparts/aiq/67e/aiq67e49T.jpg………………………………………………………………………………….



2.      http://www.victorystore.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/700x700/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/n/o/no-animals-allowed-stock-corrugated-plastic-sign-18x24.jpg……………………………………………………………….



3.      http://www.safetysignstore.com/products/bimages/GS122-A4V-36613319.jpg……………………………………………………………….



4.      http://www.tenthdotministries.com/wp-content/gallery/road-signs/keep_left_page.jpg………………………………………………………………….


5.      http://www.portland-port.co.uk/public/images/Induction/No%20bikes.png………………………………………………………………..


6.      http://www.signmart.com/assets/images/petsigns/pet(6).jpg………………………………………………………………………..


5.      Complete the exchanges

·         Yes. There’s one Alma Street

·         On the 3rd floor

·         It’s sixty pence

·         Yes, I did. I saw Iron Man 2.

·         It’s opposite the cafe

1.      A: Where is the toy department?


2.      A: Did you see a film last weekend?


3.      A: Excuse me, is there a supermarket around here?


4.      A: Can you tell me where the bakery is?


5.      A: How much is this bottle of cola?



Контроль усвоения материала модуля 10

1.      Fill in the right word

1. I will go on a s_ _ _ _ _ holiday this winter

2. Bob likes e_ _ _ _ _ _ sports; he goes bungee jumping every day

3. I love c_ _ _ _ _ _ holidays where we stay in a tent.

4. I think we'll go on a coach t _ _ _ all around Scotland next summer


2. Match to form names of sports and activities

1. Rock...........................a. surfing

2. jet ...............................b climbing

3. scuba………………...c biking

4. Mountain……………d seeing

5. sight…………………e diving

6. wind………………...f skiing

3.Match 1-4 with a-d.

1. I've got toothache

2.I've got stomachache

3.I've got a temperature.

4.I've got a sunburn


a.Stay out of the sun!

 b. See a dentist!

c.See a doctor!

d.Take an aspirin!

4. Fill in can or can't

1. ............ I listen to some music? No,you ....... . Dad is sleeping.

2.Excuse me,you ............. smoke in here.

3. You ...... hire jet skis from the hotel

4. We ............ take the bus to the beach. There's one every hour.

5. Circle the correct word

1. I will/ won't go to the schook today. I'm ill.

2.Will you get/getting the tickets for me?

3 I thinl she Is/will come to the party later.

4. "Why don't you come for lunch?" "Okay, I won't/will"

5. Don't stay in the sun or you Will/are get sunburn

6."She will be late for work." No, she Will/won't"

7. I will / won't go sopping now. It's too late.

8. "Will you help me,please?" "Of course I won't/will

9. One day I won't/ will be famous!

6. Complete the exchanges

•A: Hello,can 1)..........?

  B: Yes. I 2)......... rent a car,please.

• A:Will you come hiling with me?

  B : L'm sorry but 3)..................... .

• A:4)............. is it per day?

   B: It's €24.

•A:What's 5).............

  B:I’ve got a temperature.


Итоговая контрольная работа

1.Write the plurals.

1. child……………………..

2. man………………………

3. box………………………

4. leaf……………………….

5. watch…………………….

6. boy……………………....

2. Fill in has, hasn`t, have, haven`t

1. ……… they got a computer?

Yes, they……………………….

6.      ………………….he got a sister?

No, he………………….

3………………Tom got a pen in his school bag?

Yes, he…………………..

4………………. You got a computer?

No, I………………..

3. Match the exchanges.

1. Which floor is your flat on?

2. What`s your new flat like?

3. Where`s the lamp?

4. Which is my bedroom?

5. Is there a TV in your room?

a. It`s on the desk.

b. It`s nice.

c. Yes, there is.

d. The 5th.

e. This one here.

4. Fill in: is, are,isn`t, aren`t  then answer the questions.

…………….. Laura new to the school?


2.……………… Tim in year 5?


3.………………Paul and Steve at secondary school?

Yes, ………………..

7.      ………………Jane and Claire in Year 7?


5……………..Laura and Jane at primary school?


5. Circle the correct answer.

1. This is my mother. Look at her/she.

2. Mrs Richards is our/us maths teacher.

3. John is my best friend. I tell he/ him everything.

4. U2 is my favourite band. I love their/them songs.

5. My/Me grandpa is very funny.

6. Put the animals under the correct heading.

Bear, cow, beetle,ant, sheep, budgie, peacock, giraffe, crocodile


farm animal


zoo animals

7. Circle the odd word out.

1. cold- leaves-warm-hot

2. boots- gloves- scarf- shorts

3. high heels- caps- shoes- trainers

4. Alaska- May- July- April

8. Choose the correct word.

1. a/some potatoes

2. some/ an eggs

3. a/an apple

4. some/a milk

5. some/a biscuits

6. a/some rice




1.      Children

2.      Men

3.      Boxes

4.      Leaves

5.      Watches

6.      Boys



1.      Have, have

2.      Has, hasn’t

3.      Has, has

4.      Have, haven’t


1.      D

2.      B

3.      A

4.      E

5.      C


1.      Is, she is

2.      Is, he isn’t

3.      Are, they are

4.      Are, aren’t

5.      Are, they are



1.      Her

2.      Our

3.      Him

4.      Their

5.      My




farm animal


zoo animals



beetle, ant,

bear, peacock, giraffe crocodile


1. leaves

2. shorts

3. caps

4. Alaska


1. some

2. some

3. an

4. some

5. some

6. some


6б класс

Кто ты? Входная контрольная работа

1.Write the plurals.

1. child……………………..

2. man………………………

3. box………………………

4. leaf……………………….

5. watch…………………….

6. boy……………………....

2. Fill in has, hasn`t, have, haven`t

1. ……… they got a computer?

Yes, they……………………….

8.      ………………….he got a sister?

No, he………………….

3………………Tom got a pen in his school bag?

Yes, he…………………..

4………………. You got a computer?

No, I………………..

3. Match the exchanges.

1. Which floor is your flat on?

2. What`s your new flat like?

3. Where`s the lamp?

4. Which is my bedroom?

5. Is there a TV in your room?

a. It`s on the desk.

b. It`s nice.

c. Yes, there is.

d. The 5th.

e. This one here.

4. Fill in: is, are,isn`t, aren`t  then answer the questions.

…………….. Laura new to the school?


2.……………… Tim in year 5?


3.………………Paul and Steve at secondary school?

Yes, ………………..

9.      ………………Jane and Claire in Year 7?


5……………..Laura and Jane at primary school?


5. Circle the correct answer.

1. This is my mother. Look at her/she.

2. Mrs Richards is our/us maths teacher.

3. John is my best friend. I tell he/ him everything.

4. U2 is my favourite band. I love their/them songs.

5. My/Me grandpa is very funny.

6. Put the animals under the correct heading.

Bear, cow, beetle,ant, sheep, budgie, peacock, giraffe, crocodile


farm animal


zoo animals

7. Circle the odd word out.

1. cold- leaves-warm-hot

2. boots- gloves- scarf- shorts

3. high heels- caps- shoes- trainers

4. Alaska- May- July- April

8. Choose the correct word.

1. a/some potatoes

2. some/ an eggs

3. a/an apple

4. some/a milk

5. some/a biscuits

6. a/some rice




7.      Children

8.      Men

9.      Boxes

10.  Leaves

11.  Watches

12.  Boys



5.      Have, have

6.      Has, hasn’t

7.      Has, has

8.      Have, haven’t


6.      D

7.      B

8.      A

9.      E

10.  C


6.      Is, she is

7.      Is, he isn’t

8.      Are, they are

9.      Are, aren’t

10.  Are, they are



6.      Her

7.      Our

8.      Him

9.      Their

10.  My




farm animal


zoo animals



beetle, ant,

bear, peacock, giraffe crocodile


1. leaves

2. shorts

3. caps

4. Alaska


1. some

2. some

3. an

4. some

5. some

6. some


Контроль усвоения материала модуля 1. Контроль говорения

1.Complete the pairs.

1 father – m_ _ _ _ _

2 brother – s _ _ _ _ _

3 husband – w _ _ _

 4 grandpa - g _ _ _ _ _ _

5 uncle - a _ _ _

6 son – d _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2.      Fill in the missing words.

1 Spain – _____________

_____________- Britain

3______________- Polish

4 Brazilian - ___________

3.      Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs be and have.































1.      ……………Laura got a camera? No, she……………

2.      ……………Steve and Tony got cameras? Yes, they…………… Their cameras……..old

3.      …………….Paul got a red football? Yes, he………… but it ………….red. It………..

4.      Laura and Steve ……………………..got skateboards

5.      Laura and Paul’s watches…………… big

4.      Fill in the gaps with the possessive pronouns or adjectives.

1 This is John and this is …………………brother.

2 That is Mary's car. It's………………………….

3 You can have this book. It's……………………

4 Ann and Fiona are sisters surname …………..is Harris.

5 I love…………………………………………… family.

5.      Write the opposites.

old man ,  tall boy, big eyes, short hair, straight hair

6.      Match the questions to the answers

1.      What's your name?

2.      How old are you?

3.      Where are you from?

4.      What nationality are you?

A.    Brazil

B.     Paul

C.     Twelve

D.    Brazilian

Контроль усвоения материала модуля 2. Контроль чтения

1.      What time is it?

1                    8:25

2                    11:15

3                    1:45

4                    12:00

5                    7:30

2.      Circle the odd word out.

1                     bank - baker's - vase - library

2                    fireplace - sofa - armchair - bathtub

3                    newsagent's - toy shop - supermarket - aspirin

4                    spring - May - autumn - winter

5                    first - two - ninth – sixth

3.      Look at the picture and complete the sentences with prepositions of place.


1 The window is …………………………….the sofa.

2 The coffee table is…………………… the armchair.

3 The lamp is ………………………..the coffee table.

4 There's a fireplace ………………………..the room.

5 There's a small table……………………….the sofa.

4.      Choose the correct word.

1 Is there a/some baker's?

2 There are any/some shops in that street.

3 There aren't some/any supermarkets here.

4 My birthday is on/in 5th November.

5 Meet me on/at 8.30!

5.      Fill in: at, in or on.

1                    …………………...1st May

2                    ………………………1991

3                    ……………...the weekend

4                    …………………..8:30pm

5                    ………………the morning

6.      Match the questions in column A with the correct answers in column B.

1 What's the date today?

2 How old are you?

3 When is your birthday?

4  What time is it?

5  Where do you want the vase?

a Place it over there.

b It's on 5th May.

c It's half past three.

d I'm 12.

e It's 17th August

В движении. Контроль аудирования

Too Dear for the King

Many years ago an English King who knew very little about his people left London to travel in the country. He wanted to see how people in villages lived and what they did. During his trip he made stops in different places to spend the night or to get some food.

One day he came to a little village and stopped there to have breakfast. He asked for some coffee, bread and butter and some eggs.

A farmer prepared his breakfast and the King ate bread and butter and two eggs and drank a cup of coffee. Then he asked, “How much should I pay for my breakfast?” The price was very high and the King didn’t like it.

“What?!” said the King. “So much for a little bread and butter, a cup of coffee and two eggs? Isn’t that too dear? There must be very few eggs in your village.”

“Oh, no,” answered the man, “there are many eggs in our village, but these days there are few kings here.”

Listen to the text and choose the correct item to complete the sentences.

    1. An English king knew .
      1. everything about his people.
      2. very little about his people
      3. nothing about his people
    2. The king left London to travel and see .
      1. how people lived
      2. the beauty of his country
      3. some old castles
    3. One day he stopped in a little village .
      1. to spend the night
      2. to have some rest
      3. to have breakfast
    4. He asked for some , bread and butter and some eggs.
      1. tea
      2. milk
      3. coffee
    5. The king ate .
      1. three eggs
      2. one egg
      3. two eggs
    6. He drank a cup of .
      1. tea
      2. coffee
      3. milk
    7. The price was .
      1. very high
      2. very low
      3. high
    8. The king .
      1. didn’t like it
      2. liked it
      3. didn’t look at it
    9. The king said that the price was .
      1. not very dear
      2. too dear
      3. cheap
    10. The king said,” The must be in the village.”
      1. very many eggs
      2. a lot of eggs
      3. very few eggs

11. The price was very high because there were in the village.

A. few eggs

B. few kings

C. little food



Key: 1-b, 2-a, 3-c, 4-c, 5-c, 6-b, 7-a, 8-a, 9-b, 10-c, 11-b


Что означает красный цвет? Контроль чтения

The Magic Wishing-Tree

The sun shone on the tree in the garden, the wind blew gently through its branches and the leaves whispered, “Wish-wish-wish.” It was a magic tree. And whoever stood beneath it and wished would have their wish come true.

In the house next to the tree there lived a fat old man. His name was William Smythe. He sold soap in the shop in the village, and he didn’t like boys and girls.

One day he stood underneath the tree and said, “I wish all the children who live near me were on the moon!” As soon as he said it, all the girls and boys were on the moon. It was very cold and lonely up there and some of the younger children began to cry.

A blackbird looked down at Mr. Smythe and said, “I wish all the children were back again!” Mr. Smythe said, “I wish they were all on the moon.” And the blackbird said, “I wish they were all back again.” The children didn’t know where they were.

Mr. Smythe stamped his foot and said, “I wish…”, but he didn’t get any further, because the blackbird said very quickly, “I wish Mr. Smythe was good.”

And Mr. Smythe, who had just been going to say, “I wish all the children were on the moon,” suddenly changed his mind and said, “I wish all the children would come to tea this afternoon, and we’ll have cakes and lemonade for tea. And I’ll stop selling soap and open a sweet shop instead. Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!”

The sun shone on the tree in the garden, the wind blew gently through its branches and the leaves whispered, “Wish-wish-wish.”

1. Read the text. Are the following statements about the text true or false? Change the false statements to make them true.

1. It was a magic tree. And whoever stood beneath it and wished would have their wish come true.

2. William Smythe was a thin young man.

3. He sold fruit in his shop.

4. He didn’t like girls and boys.

5. Mr. Smythe wished all the girls and boys were on the moon.

6. The children liked the moon.

7. A blackbird wished all the children were back again.

8. The children wished Mr. Smythe was good.

9. Mr. Smythe wished the children would come to coffee this afternoon.

10. Mr. Smythe decided to open a toy shop.


1. True

2. False. He was a fat old man.

3. False. He sold soap in his shop.

4. True

5. True

6. False. The children didn’t like the moon.

7. True

8. False. The blackbird wished Mr. Smythe was good.

9. False. Mr. Smythe wished the children would come to tea this afternoon.

10. False. Mr. Smythe decided to open a sweet shop.


Контроль усвоения материала модуля 3. Контроль аудирования

The sailor and the monkeys

A ship stopped at the coast of South Africa. One of the sailors left the ship and went to a town near the coast. He had some blue caps made of wool in a bag and wanted to sell them in the town. The sun was hot and the sailor decided to have a rest in the forest. He sat down under a big tree, took one of the caps out of his bag and put it on his head. He slept for some time.

When the man woke up, he took his cap off and wanted to put it into his bag with the other caps. But he saw that there were no caps in it now. Where were they?

“Where are my caps?” he cried.

Then the sailor heard a great noise in the trees above his head. He looked up and saw monkeys, and each monkey had a blue cap on its head!

“Give me back my caps, you monkeys!” he cried. But the monkeys didn’t listen to him. They only jumped from tree to tree and made a great noise.

“Give me back my caps!” he cried again and again. But nothing helped. The monkeys only looked at him.

Then the sailor was very angry. He took off the blue cap, threw it on the ground and cried, “You have taken all my caps! You can have this cap too!”

The monkeys saw him do that. Then each monkey took off the cap and threw it on the ground. The sailor picked up his caps, put them into his bag and went to town.

1. Listen to the text. Are the following statements about the text true or false? Change the false statements to make them true.

1.      A ship stopped at the coast of North Africa.

2.      One of the sailors went to a village near the coast.

3.      He had some blue caps made of wool in a bag.

4.      The sailor decided to have a rest in the hotel.

5.      He put one cap on his head and went to bed.

6.      When he woke up, he couldn’t find his caps.

7.      The sailor heard a great noise in the trees above his head.

8.      He saw monkeys with blue caps on their heads.

9.      The monkeys were funny in the caps and the sailor was happy.

10.  He took off the cap and threw it on the ground and the monkeys did the same.

11.  The sailor left the caps to the monkeys.




1. False. A ship stopped at the coast of South Africa.

2. False. One of the sailors went to town near the coast.

3. True

4. False. He decided to have a rest in the forest.

5. False. He put one cap on his head and slept under a big tree.

6. True

7. True

8. True

9. False. The sailor was very angry.

10. True

11. False. The sailor picked up his caps and went to town.


Контроль усвоения материала модуля 4

1.      Use the prompts to complete the sentences.

• on • off • up • about • out

1 Stop worrying ………………..your exams!

2 What time shall we meet………………… ?

3 I want to find…………………….. the truth!

4 Put ……………………your jacket! It's cold!

6         What time do you usually set……………..for the Scouts Club?

2.                  Write the opposite.

interesting* delicious * nice* , love * wonderful*

3.      Circle the odd one out.

1pizza - hamburgers - tennis - fish

2 boring - dull - great - awful

3 sitcom - reading - news - drama

4 football - quidditch - skiing - homework

5 weekend - always - never – sometimes

4.      Put the words in the correct order and write full sentences.


1 Sundays/he/goes/on/often/to the park

2 she/late/is/never

3 how/you/go/do/often/to/cinema/the?

4 he/bed/always/to/late/goes

5 we/go/sometimes/camping

5.Form questions. Then, answer them.

1 you/go/school?

2 your father/work/in an office?

3 your mother/help/you/with/your homework?

4 your teacher/shout/in class?

5your friends/watch/TV/after school?

6.Use the sentences to complete the dialogue.

• What about a pop concert, then? • Would you like to join me? • I think so, why? • Count me in!

A: Are you free tonight?


A: There's a new thriller on at AMC. 2)


B:No, thanks. I hate thrillers.

A: 3) …………………………………

B:That's a great idea! 4)………………

Контроль усвоения материала модуля 5

1.                  Fill in make or do.

1                    …………………….a special dish

2                    ……………………..the shopping

3                    …………………..your homework

4                    …………………..the decorations

5                    …………………..the washing-up

6                    ……………………………….tea

7                    ………………………the dusting

2.                  Match the words to form collocations









b.the house


d.a costume


f.the fireworks


3. Fill in the sentences with the words below.

 • up • out • over • fun • round • in

1Children usually have…………… dressing …………………

2Come ……………..here and join……………………the game.

3 Can I pop…………………………………. to borrow some sugar? It's run…………………

4. Fill in the gaps with the present continuous

1A: What (Lizzie/do) right now?

B: She (make) tea.

2A: Hey! You (not/watch) the fireworks!

B: Yes, lam! I (take) some pictures as well.

3A: (the twins/cut) the bread?

B: No, they are washing the dishes.

5.      Use the prompts to fill in the gaps.

 • Who are they for? • Nothing special. • Not bad at all. • It's awful. • I don't like them.

1A: What are the toffee apples like?

B: …………………………………

2A: Is the festival good?

B: ………………………………..

3A: What do you think of my costume?


4A: How do you like the food?

B: ………………………….I really don't like it.

5A: ………………………………………

B: My mother

Контроль усвоения материала модуля 6. Контроль аудирования

1.Form compound nouns.

|1| house

|2| wind

|3 | basket

|4 | news

|5| birth

a day

b paper

c surfing

d work

e ball

2.Complete the gaps with the words below.

• interested • keen • mad • fond • good

1Tony is …………about football. He never misses a match on TV!

2Are you…………….. in history as well?

3Jane's little daughter is very……………. at dancing!


4I'm quite…………………of comedies. What about you?

5Anthony is not……………………….on classical music

3.Circle the odd word out.

1dull - tiring - awful - fun

2dominoes - painting - backgammon - billiards

3good - fond - keen - bad

4rarely - quick - never - always

4.Write sentences using the present simple and present continuous.

1.walk to work / take bus

 > I walk to work every day but today I'm taking the bus.

2.eat vegetables / eat meat

3.play volleyball / play basketball

4.go windsurfing / go skiing

5.play darts / play chess

6.read a book / meet friends

5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1.I can't go out tonight because I…………………..(study) for my maths exam.

2.I ……………………..(not/want) to leave yet. I……….. (have) such a good time.

3.Christine……………………. (not/watch) much TV because she …………………(prefer) to read.

6.Use the prompts to complete the dialogues.

• I don't mind • That's not right! • Like what? • How about a board game?

1.A: We never do anything fun at the weekends!

B: ……………………………………………….

2.A: Can I close the window?


3.A: Let's do something for your birthday!


4.A: …………………………………………

B: That's a great idea!

Они были первыми. Контроль чтения

The Woodman and Mercury

A woodman was cutting down a tree on the bank of a deep river. By chance his axe slipped from his hand, dropped into the water and sank to the bottom.

“Oh! I have lost my axe,” he cried. “What shall I do? The river is very deep and I am afraid to dive into it. What shall I do? Who can help me?”

Mercury, whose river it was, heard the poor man’s cries and appeared before him. “What is the matter, poor woodman?” he asked. “What has happened that you are so sad and unhappy?”

Mercury listened to the man’s story and then said, “I’ll try to help you.” At that he dived into the river and brought up a golden axe. “Is this your axe,” he asked. “No, that is not mine,” was the answer. Mercury dived a second time and this time he brought up a silver axe. “Is this yours?” he asked. Again the answer was ”no”. So Mercury dived a third time and this time he brought up the very axe that the woodman had lost. “That is my axe”, cried the man joyfully and held out his hand for it. “Yes, this is my own good axe. Now I can work again.”

Mercury was so pleased with the fellow’s truthfulness and honesty that he at once made him a present of the other two axes and disappeared before the fellow could even say “thank you”.

The woodman cut down his tree and then went home very pleased with his good fortune. He told his friends all about it and one of them decided to try whether he could not have the same good fortune. Going to the same place, as if to cut down a tree, he dropped his axe into the river and pretended to be very sad and unhappy because of his loss.

Mercury appeared as before, and when he was told that the cause of the fellow’s unhappiness was the loss of his axe, he dived into the river. Again he brought up a golden axe.

“Is this your axe?” he asked.

“Yes, yes, it is,” said the second woodman. “You are not telling the truth,” said Mercury. “You will neither have this axe nor the one that you so foolishly dropped into the water.”

Read the text. Are the following statements about the text true or false? Change the false statements to make them true.

1.      A woodman was cutting down a tree on the bank of a river.

2.      His axe dropped into the water.

3.      The woodman decided to dive into the river to take his axe.

4.      The woodman dived into the river and saw Mercury.

5.      Mercury wanted to help the woodman and brought up the golden axe.

6.      The woodman took the golden axe.

7.      Mercury brought up a silver axe.

8.      The woodman didn’t take the silver axe.

9.      Mercury brought up the woodman’s axe and the woodman didn’t take it.

10.  Mercury gave the woodman three axes.

11.  The woodman’s friend also got three axes from Mercury.



1. True

2. True

3. False. The woodman was afraid to dive into the river.

4. False. Mercury heard the man’s cries and appeared before him.

5. True

6. False. The woodman didn’t take the golden axe.

7. True

8. True

9. False. The woodman took his axe.

10. True

11. False. The woodman’s friend didn’t get any axes from Mercury.


Контроль усвоения материала модуля 7

1.Write the opposites:

Ugly, crowded, busy, polluted

2.      Match the words to form collocations.






a buildings

b newspaper

c an idea

d town

e a home

3.Fill in the gaps with the right word.

1.I felt p……………. when the man spoke to me in Chinese.

2.He never smiles. He's such a m……………………. man.

3.She's leaving for Paris tomorrow. She's so e………………… .

4.Karen hasn't come back from work yet. I'm getting w …………….

5.After working all day in the garden, Tim felt very t……………….. .

4.Rewrite the sentences in the past. Use the words in brackets.

1.We go to the cinema on Sundays, (last Sunday)

2She has a cold, (a week ago)

3It's a beautiful day today, (yesterday)

4I see Carol on the bus every day. (last Tuesday)

5They often travel to London, (a month ago)

5.Write five sentences about what you did yesterday.






6.Match the questions to the answers.

1.When was Einstein born?

2.When did Einstein die?

3.What was Einstein famous for?

4.Where was Einstein from?

a Germany.

 b In 1955.

c In 1879.

d He was a famous scientist

Контроль усвоения материала модуля 8. Контроль аудирования

1.Fill in the right word.

1.Students usually stay in University halls of r……..

2.I love staying in a t…………. when I go camping.

3.John lives in a block of f………in the city centre.

4.The king was in a c……………………. by the lake

2.Match the words to form phrases








b. pool

c. tickets


e. store

f. appliances

3. Write the opposites.

clean, new, neat, quiet, safe

4. Write the correct comparative.

1.A: This top is too big for me. I need a (small) one.

B: I'm sorry, this is the (small) size we have.

2.Tom is always smiling. He is the (friendly) person I know.

3.This book is (difficult) than the one we did last year.

4.When the traffic is heavy, it is (easy) to walk to work than drive my car.

5.Circle the correct word.

1.You must / mustn't / can't eat in the classroom. It's not allowed!

2.Students can't / have to / don't have to take the rubbish out. The cleaners will do it.

3.You mustn't / must /can't enter the building after 10 o'clock. The entrance is closed.

4.You can't / must / mustn't get permission to invite friends in your room.

5.You can / must / can't sit on the grass! You will destroy the flowers.

6.I rent / rented / rents a flat yesterday.

7.How much did / do / are you pay per month?

8.We go / are going / went out last night.

9.You can't / couldn't / don't have parties in your rooms! It's not allowed.

10.Look! They are dancing / dance / danced

6.Complete the exchanges.

1.A: How…………. going to the cinema on Tuesday evening?

B: I'm ……………..I can't. I have a French class.

2.A: don't we visit Ann tomorrow?

B: Sure! Brilliant …………….!

3.A: I'm going out. Would you like to come?

B: I'd ………………………not.

Контроль усвоения материала модуля 9

1.                  Translate









2. Circle the odd word out.

1.breakfast - lunch - dinner - dessert

2.lemon - jam - honeysugar

3. boil - fry - order - bake

4.starters - drink - main courses - desserts

5.bread - fibre - iron – vitamin

3.Write the correct word. A

1.a b………………. of olive oil

2.a b……………….of cereal

3.a p………………. of biscuits

4.a b……………….of rice

5. a j………………. of jam

6.a I………………. of bread

7.a b………………. of chocolate.

4.Underline the correct word.

1.There is some/any milk in the fridge.

2.Are there any/some bananas left?

3.There are a lot of/much biscuits in the box.

4.There wasn't many/any coffee left.

5.Is there much/many rice left? T

6.here are much/many dishes to choose from.

7.I want a few/a little sugar in my coffee.

8.We've got a little/a few oranges here.

5.Put the verbs in brackets in the present simple, present continuous or simple past

1……………………..(you/bake)a cake for your birthday last week.

2.He………………… (eat) pasta twice a week.

3.We …………………(have) lunch together yesterday.

4.Mum……………… (bake) a cake now.

5.Where ……………..(you/go)? To the supermarket.

6.Sheila……………... (not/like) spicy food.

6. Match the questions to their answers.

1.Can I have the menu?

2.Would you like anything to drink?

3.Are you ready to order sir?

4.How about some creamy mushrooms?


a No, I'm on a diet.

b Here you are, sir.

c A glass of mineral water, please.

d Yes. I'd like the chef's salad, please.

Контроль усвоения материала модуля 10

1.      Translate









2. Write the adjective





3. Match the words






A a performance

B souvenirs

C a party

D local food

E art galleries

4. Circle the odd word out.

1.boots - trainers - shorts - shoes

2.cloudy - shabby - hot - windy

3.go: skiing - diving - camping – swimming

5. Circle the correct answer.

1        She's tired. She will / is going to sleep early tonight.

2        The doorbell is ringing. I will / am going to answer it.

3        Dr Brown is travelling / will travel to Paris tomorrow morning.

4         I am seeing / will see my dentist on Wednesday.

6.      What is\isn’t Pete going to do while on holiday?

1.picnic -

2.shoping +

3.pictures +

4.eat out +

5.camping –

7. Complete the exchanges.

1.Can I borrow your hat? Yes,

2.May I use your camera? No,

3.I'm Can I use your pen? Yes,

4.that's . Could I borrow your coat? No, ..

Итоговая контрольная работа


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