Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыЛексико-грамматический тест при проведении промежуточной аттестции

Лексико-грамматический тест при проведении промежуточной аттестции

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Лексико-грамматический тест по английскому языку

ученика(цы) 8 класса



Variant 1

1. Listening

Вы услышите 5 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1–5 и утверждениями, данными в списке AF. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

A Christmas

B Mother's Day

C St.Valentine's Day

D Victory Day

E Easter

F New Year's Day











II.Read the text and write if the statements below are true (T) or false (F). (5 points).

A Good Lesson

Once a rich Englishwoman called Mrs Johnson decided to have a birthday party. She invited a lot of guests and a singer. The singer was poor, but he had a very good voice.
The singer got to Mrs Johnson's house at exactly six o'clock as he had been asked to do, but when he went in, he saw through a door that the dining-room was already full of guests, who were sitting round a big table in the middle of the room. The guests were eating, joking, laughing, and talking loudly. Mrs Johnson came out to him, and he thought she was going to ask him to join them, when she said, "We're glad, sir, that you have come. You will be singing after dinner, I'll call you as soon as we're ready to listen to you. Now will you go into the kitchen and have dinner, too, please?"
The singer was very angry, but said nothing. At first he wanted to leave Mrs Johnson's house at once, but then he changed his mind and decided to stay and teach her and her rich guests a good lesson. When the singer went into the kitchen, the servants were having dinner, too. He joined them. After dinner, the singer thanked everybody and said, "Well, now I'm going to sing to you, my good friends." And he sang them some beautiful songs.
Soon Mrs Johnson called the singer.
"Well, sir, we're ready."
"Ready?" asked the singer. "What are you ready for?"
"To listen to you," said Mrs Johnson in an angry voice.
"Listen to me? But I have already sung, and I'm afraid I shan't be able to sing any more tonight."
"Where did you sing?"
"In the kitchen. I always sing for those I have dinner with."

1. Mrs Johnson asked a singer to come to her birthday party.

2. There were a lot of guests at her birthday party.

3. The singer had dinner with the guests in the dining-room.

4.The singer sang to the servants after dinner.

5.The singer taught Mrs Johnson and her rich guests a good lesson.



III.Complete each sentence with one of the words or phrases below. Use each one once only. (11 points).

Under the threat of, was fond of, made him, was full of, great wisdom, quit,


lack of, believed in, patient, succeeded in, had to.

Isaac Newton is one of the greatest men in the history of science. He was born in a small village in England. His father, a poor farmer, died when Isaac was only 14. Newton had to 1)… school. The family suffered from a 2) …..money. His mother 3)…..help her on the farm. However, Isaac didn't like farming. He 4) …..poetry and mathematics. So he was sent back to school. He 5) ... in his studies and entered Cambridge University after school. In autumn 1660 6) ... plague (чумы) Cambridge University was closed. Isaac Newton 7) ... return to his village and stay in his village for a year and a half. At home he went on with his studies. He was 8) ... and hardworking. He 9)…science and 10)... ideas. When he was 21, Newton created the binomial theorem (теориюбинома). Isaac Newton was a man of 11).... He died in 1727. There is a monument to Isaac Newton in Cambridge with the words "Newton, Who Surpassed (превзошел) All Men of Science".

IV.The word in capitals in the right column can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank space (4 points

1.The kiwi is the … bird and emblem of New Zealand.


2. Neil Armstrong was the first … on the Moon.


3.  … newspapers are published on every day of the week except Sunday.


4. Teenagers should learn to be … as they should learn to be confident in their adult life.


V. USE OF ENGLISH. (15 points).

1. My parents…allow me to go out.

a) doesn’t b) don’t c.) not to

2. The film…last year.

a) is shown b) were shown c) was shown

3. Our new English textbook ….next year.

a) will be published b) is published, c) was published

4. Look! That young sportsman is swimming very......

a) quickly b) quick

5. He swims ... than the Canadian sportsman.

a) fastest b) fast c) faster

6. The boy works ... at his English.

a. hardly b) hard

7. If I were you, I…wear jeans.

a) would b) would have c) will

8. How many countries…..they….by that time?

a) did …visit b) were visiting c) had visited

9. ... "Romeo and Juliet?"—Not yet.

a) Did you see b) Do you see c) Have you seen,

10. He makes me ....

a) laugh b) to laugh c) laughing

11. I ... my book on the desk a few minutes ago.

a) lay b) have laid c) laid

12. The news ... so shocking.

a) are b) was c) were.

13. She ... when I came.

a)works b) work c) was working

14. They ... by 5 o'clock.

a) returned b) had returned d) has returned.

15. The doctor said he ... be all right soon.

a) should, b) will, c) would.


Лексико-грамматический тест по английскому языку

ученика(цы) 8 класса



Variant 2

1. Listening

Вы услышите 5 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1–5 и утверждениями, данными в списке AF. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

A Christmas

B Mother's Day

C St.Valentine's Day

D Victory Day

E Easter

F New Year's Day











II.Read the text and write if the statements below are true (T) or false (F). (5 points).

A Good Lesson

Once a rich Englishwoman called Mrs Johnson decided to have a birthday party. She invited a lot of guests and a singer. The singer was poor, but he had a very good voice.
The singer got to Mrs Johnson's house at exactly six o'clock as he had been asked to do, but when he went in, he saw through a door that the dining-room was already full of guests, who were sitting round a big table in the middle of the room. The guests were eating, joking, laughing, and talking loudly. Mrs Johnson came out to him, and he thought she was going to ask him to join them, when she said, "We're glad, sir, that you have come. You will be singing after dinner, I'll call you as soon as we're ready to listen to you. Now will you go into the kitchen and have dinner, too, please?"
The singer was very angry, but said nothing. At first he wanted to leave Mrs Johnson's house at once, but then he changed his mind and decided to stay and teach her and her rich guests a good lesson. When the singer went into the kitchen, the servants were having dinner, too. He joined them. After dinner, the singer thanked everybody and said, "Well, now I'm going to sing to you, my good friends." And he sang them some beautiful songs.
Soon Mrs Johnson called the singer.
"Well, sir, we're ready."
"Ready?" asked the singer. "What are you ready for?"
"To listen to you," said Mrs Johnson in an angry voice.
"Listen to me? But I have already sung, and I'm afraid I shan't be able to sing any more tonight."
"Where did you sing?"
"In the kitchen. I always sing for those I have dinner with."

1. Mrs Johnson  wanted a singer to sing at her birthday party.

2. There were few guests at her birthday party.

3. The singer had dinner with the servants in the kitchen.

4.The singer sang some beautiful songs to the guests after dinner.

5. The singer taught Mrs Johnson and her rich guests a good lesson.


III.Complete each sentence with one of the words or phrases below. Use each one once only. (11 points).


Under the threat of, was fond of, made him, was full of, great wisdom, quit,


lack of, believed in, patient, succeeded in, had to.

Isaac Newton is one of the greatest men in the history of science. He was born in a small village in England. His father, a poor farmer, died when Isaac was only 14. Newton had to 1)… school. The family suffered from a 2) …..money. His mother 3)…..help her on the farm. However, Isaac didn't like farming. He 4) …..poetry and mathematics. So he was sent back to school. He 5) ... in his studies and entered Cambridge University after school. In autumn 1660 6) ... plague (чумы) Cambridge University was closed. Isaac Newton 7) ... return to his village and stay in his village for a year and a half. At home he went on with his studies. He was 8) ... and hardworking. He 9)…science and 10)... ideas. When he was 21, Newton created the binomial theorem (теориюбинома). Isaac Newton was a man of 11).... He died in 1727. There is a monument to Isaac Newton in Cambridge with the words "Newton, Who Surpassed (превзошел) All Men of Science".

IV. The word in capitals in the right column can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank space (4 points

1. It’s a … day, isn’t it?


2. You have probably already heard about such a profession as an … .


3. Who is your favourite TV … ?


4. He has got the third ... letter from the stranger.


V. USE OF ENGLISH. (15 points).

1. Yesterday we….five lessons.

a) had b) have c) am having

2. My parents…allow me to go out.

a) don’t b) doesn’t с) not to

3. English…by many millions of people.

a) is spoken b) are spoken c) speak

4. The film…yesterday.

a) was shown b) were shown c) is shown

5. Our new English textbook ….next year.

a) was published b) is published c) will be published

6. Look! that young sportsman is swimming very.......

a) quick b) quickly

7. He swims ... than the Canadian sportsman.

a) fast b) faster c) fastest

8. The boy works ... at his English.

a) hard b) hardly

9. If I were you, I…wear jeans.

a) will b) would c) would have

10. He………his work by that time.

a) finished b) was finishing c) had finished

11. They... yet.

a) didn't arrive b) haven't arrived c) hadn't arrived

12. A young man asked if we ...the film.

a) see b) saw c) have seen

13. She made her husband ... the tree.

a) to cut down b) cut down c) to have cut down

14. I ... glasses since I was a child.

a) wear b) am wearing c) have been wearing

15.They took a rest after they ... the yard.

a) had cleaned up b) were cleaning up c) have cleaned up

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