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Материалы к уроку английского языка по теме "Лондонские рестораны"

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Restaurants in London


British restaurants are not famous for their good food. Too often they offer only sausages and chips, fish and chips — chips with everything in fact! But there are some wonderful surprises in British cooking, especially the many delicious cakes and desserts, and the British certainly enjoy their food.

There is a fantastic variety of restaurants of all nationalities

in London where you can choose food to your taste: Italy an, French, Chinese, Russian and other restaurants.

Most British families only go to restaurants on special occasions, like birthdays, or wedding anniversaries. The restaurants’ best customers are businessmen, who meet in them to talk business in a relaxed atmosphere away from the telephone. They can eat what they like, because the company pays the bill. But when a boy and girl want to get to know each other better, they often go out to a restaurant together.

For visitors to London, eating out can be fun. Try the Rules, in the West End. The traditional menue and decor are just like they were in Queen Victoria’s day, a hundred years ago.

Or take a walk down the King’s road in Chelsea where there are dozens of small restaurants. But if you want that special London feeling, go to the Ritz in Picadilly for tea any afternoon at about half past four. Too  expensive? Then try England’s favourite food ‘fish and chips’. Take it away and eat it where you like — in the park, in the bus, or while you walk down the street. That’s what Londoners do!



официант - waiter

официантка - waitress

меню - menu

салфетка - napkin/serviette

пепельница - ashtray

тарелка - plate

бокал - glass, wine glass

стакан - glass

вилка - fork

ложка - spoon

нож - knife

вода – water

бутылка воды - bottle of water

с газом – sparkling

без газа - still

хлеб - bread

масло - butter

соль - salt

перец - pepper

сахар - sugar

мед - honey

остыл - ...is cold

соус - sauce

уксус - vinegar

масло растительное - oil

оливковое масло - olive oil

соевый соус - soya sauce

острый - spicy

hot food - еда

кухня (еда)

dish - блюдо

(еда) menu – меню


starters, appetizers - закуски

main dishes, entrees - горячие блюда


hot – горячий

cold - холодный

warm – теплый

iced - со льдом

meat - мясо, мясной

fish - рыба/рыбный

vegetarian - вегетарианский

vegetables - овощи

vegetable - овощ, овощной, растительный

seafood - дары моря

fresh - свежий

boiled - вареный

marinated - маринованный

spicy - со специями, острый

egg-plant – кабачок

herbs - зелень

mushrooms - грибы

cucumbers - огурцы

tomatoes - помидоры

onion - лук

garlic - чеснок

corn - кукуруза

green peas - зеленый горошек

beans - различные виды фасоли

carrots - морковь

paprika - сладкий перец

pumpkin - тыква

nuts - орехи

almonds - миндаль

walnuts - грецкие орехи

raisins - изюм

peanuts - арахис

melon - дыня

water-melon – арбуз

sweat and sour sauce - кисло-сладкий соус (кит.)

served with boiled rice - подается с вареным рисом

salmon - лосось/лососина

trout - форель

prawns - крупные креветки

shrimps - мелкие креветки

crabs - крабы

tuna - тунец

cod -реска


caviar – икра

fried eggs - яичница-глазунья

scrambled eggs - яичница-болтунья

bacon and eggs - яичница с беконом

ham and eggs - яичница с ветчиной

hard-boiled egg - яйцо вкрутую

soft-boiled egg - яйцо всмятку

poached egg - яйцо в мешочек

toasts – поджаренный

 хлеб, гренки, тосты









1. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following:

1. Английские рестораны не славятся хорошей едой.

2. В Лондоне есть удивительное (fantastic) разнообразие ресторанов всех национальностей.

3. В этих ресторанах вы можете выбрать еду по своему вкусу.

4. Большинство британских семей ходит в рестораны только по особым случаям — например, в дни рождения или свадебные юбилеи.

5. Бизнесмены встречаются в ресторане, чтобы обсудить дела в непринужденной обстановке, а юноши и девуш ки — чтобы лучше познакомиться друг с другом.

6. Для тех, кто приезжает в Лондон, еда вне мест проживания (eating out) может доставить удовольствие.

7. B ресторане «Рулз» традиционное меню и обстановка очно такие же, какими они были во времена королевы Виктории.

8. На улице Кингз Роуд есть десятки (дюжины — dozens) маленьких ресторанов.

9. Вы можете есть рыбу с чипсами где угодно — в парке, в автобусе или во время прогулки по улице.


2. Answer the questions:

1 Are British restaurants famous for their food? , 

2 What do they often offer a customer (посетителю)?      

3 What do you know about some wonderful surprises in British cooking?

4. Where can you choose food to your taste?    

5. Are there Russian restaurants in London?     

6. When do most British families go to restaurants?

7. Why do businessmen go to restaurants?

8. Do the businessmen pay the bill? Why?

9. In what cases do a boy and girl go out to a restaurant?

10. Where can you find dozens of small restaurants in London?

11. What is the Rules restaurant famous for?

12. What is England’s favourite food and where can you eat this food?


3. Retell the text “Restaurants in London”.       



            Read these conversations and translate them:



Михаил: Dishes of the Day, please.

Кассир: Nine dollars. That’s nine fifty six with tax.

Михаил: There you go. И дает банкноту в 20 долларов.

Кассир: Do you have anything smaller?

Михаил: Sorry, no.

Кассир: Out of twenty. Eleven fourty four change. Its coming right up.



Johnson: Shall we have dinner in this restaurant? They serve very good meals here, and the prices are quite reasonable.

Johnson: Well, you lead. You should know better, Mr Johnson:

In the Restaurant.

J.: What shall we have? A full course, I suppose? I’m awfully hungry.

C.: So am I. And I’m thirsty, too.

J.: Then let’s have a glass of mineral water first or some orange juice.

C.: I prefer orange juice with ice.

J.: Waiter! Iced orange juice and a glass of mineral water, please (To Mr Campbell) Now let’s see the menue. And here is the wine card, too. How about some hard drinks?

C.: I wouldn’t mind having a brandy.

J.: So it’s one brandy. And it’s whisky and soda for me. Now comes the hors d’ oeuvre. What do you suggest?

C.: A salad would do, I think.

J.: And I think I’ll have shrimps. Now  for the soup.

C.: Shall we have chicken broth?

J.: I’d better take tomato soup. For the fish and meat courses they have broiled salmon, lamb chops and roast beef.

C.: I shan’t have any fish course. I’ll just try the roast beef.

J.: And I don’t want any meat. I’d rather order perch. Now what is there for dessert? (Reads) Apples, pears, strawberry ice-cream, rice pudding... What do you say to ice-cream?

C.: Well, I don’t mind.

J.: So, that’s settled: two ices.

After dinner.

J.: Well, how did you find the dinner? C.: It was really fine. J.: Waiter, how much is our bill?




Waiter: Good evening. Two for dinner?

Oleg Rodimov: Yes, that’s right.

Waiter: Where would you like to seat? 

O.: Could we have a table near the window, please?

Waiter: Come with me, please.

The waiter is leading Oleg and his wife Vera to a table for two.

O.: Could we have the menue?

Waiter: Certainly.

Thе waiter brings the menue and the wine list.

O.:   Do you want an appetizer, Vera? Oysters, lox, smoked herring?

V.: Does it come with the dinner?

О.: No, it is a la carte.

V.: Let’s see... the dinner includes salad, an entree, vegetables and potatoes, a dessert and coffee. That’s more than enough.

0.: Okay. We’ll order a dinner without an appetizer. What about the entree? What would you like — veal, roast beef, steak, or chicken?

V.: As for me I’d like to have a steak.

О.: So would I. Waiter: Are you ready to order now?

О.: Yes. Can we begin with the salad?

Waiter: Certainly, sir. What kind of dressing would you like?

О.: Just olive oil and vinegar for both of us.

Waiter: And for entree?

О.: Two steaks, please.

Waiter: Rare, medium or well done?

О.: Medium, please.

Vera: Is there a choice of vegetables and potatoes?

Waiter: No, ma’m. We serve a daily special. Today you can have mashed potatoes. The vegetable of today is asparagus.

О.: It’s all right with me. What about you Vera?

V.: It’s okay.

Waiter: Would you like to see the wine list?

О-: we’d like a carafe of Chablis.

Waiter: Fine. Will you order your dessert now?

О-: Can we order it later?

Waiter: Of course.


After dinner.

J.: Well, how did you find the dinner? C.: It was really fine. J.: Waiter, how much is our bill?



Waiter: Good evening. Two for dinner?

Oleg Rodimov: Yes, that’s right.

Waiter: Where would you like to seat? 

O.: Could we have a table near the window, please?

Waiter: Come with me, please.

The waiter is leading Oleg and his wife Vera to a table for two.

O.: Could we have the menue?

Waiter: Certainly.

Thе waiter brings the menue and the wine list.

O.:   Do you want an appetizer, Vera? Oysters, lox, smoked herring?

V.: Does it come with the dinner?

0.: No, it is a la carte.

V.: Let’s see... the dinner includes salad, an entree, vegetables and potatoes, a dessert and coffee. That’s more than enough.

0.: Okay. We’ll order a dinner without an appetizer. What about the entree? What would you like — veal, roast beef, steak, or chicken?

V.: As for me I’d like to have a steak.

0.: So would I. Waiter: Are you ready to order now?

0.: Yes. Can we begin with the salad?

Waiter: Certainly, sir. What kind of dressing would you like?

0.: Just olive oil and vinegar for both of us.

Waiter: And for entree?

0.: Two steaks, please.

Waiter: Rare, medium or well done?

0.: Medium, please.

Vera: Is there a choice of vegetables and potatoes?

Waiter: No, ma’m. We serve a daily special. Today you can have mashed potatoes. The vegetable of today is asparagus.

0.: It’s all right with me. What about you Vera?

V.: It’s okay.

Waiter: Would you like to see the wine list?

0-: we’d like a carafe of Chablis.

Waiter: Fine. Will you order your dessert now?

0-: Can we order it later?

Waiter: Of course.



Jasmine Janice

Tim Jane

Tim - This is Katya Diakova, from Moscow.

Katya - How do you do. Nice to meet you all.

Tim - I'm Tim, so you're Katya, from Russia.

Katya -That's right.

Tim - Katya, what will you drink, wine, beer?

Katya - Beer, please. Barry, sorry, I can't eat with sticks. Everything is so delicious.

Tim - It's a simple place, but the food is excellent. What would you like for dessert?
Katya - I want to taste some fried bananas.

Tim - They serve it here with caramel sauce and vanilla ice-cream.

Tim - Katya, we will take you to the hotel. And we meet tomorrowfor business. I'll show you our new samples.

Катя      - Well, thank you so much for this evening. Everything was really wonderful. Good night.

Tim -  Good night. See you tomorrow. I'll come to the hotel and fetch you. Do you think, you'll be ready by 9:30?

Katya -I will. Thank you once again. Good night.

Tim - Good night.


2. find in the dialogues the English equivalents for the following sentences:

1. Здесь подают очень хорошую еду.

2. Цены вполне приемлемые.

3. Я ужасно голоден и хочу пить.

4. Давай сначала выпьем по стакану апельсинового сока.

5. Вот карта вин, как насчет крепких напитков?

6. Вот закуска, что ты предлагаешь?

7. Я думаю, что возьму креветки.

8. По-моему, неплохо бы заказать салат.

9. Куриный бульон будем заказывать?

10. Я, пожалуй, возьму томатный суп.

11. На второе я, пожалуй, возьму ростбиф.

12. Как насчет мороженого?

13-Я не возражаю.

14- Где бы ты хотел(а) сесть?

15- Ты хочешь закуску, Вера?

16. Закуска входит в стоимость ужина?

17 Нет это порционное блюдо.

18.Ужин включает в себя салат, основное блюдо (второе  гарнир из картофеля и овощей).

19. Мы закажем ужин без закуски.


Translate this dialogues into English:


Б.     - Что вы будете пить, вино, пиво?

К.    - Пожалуйста, пиво, Барри, я не могу есть палочками.

К.    - Все так вкусно!

Б.     - Это простое место, но готовят здесь отлично.Что вы будете на десерт?

К.    - Я хочу попробовать жареные бананы.

Б.     - Их тут подают с соусом «карамель» и ванильным мороженым.


Б.    - Катя, я отвезу вас в гостиницу. И мы встретимся завтра утром,

чтобы заняться делами. Я покажу вам наши новые образцы.

К.    - Большое спасибо за это вечер. Все было так здорово! Спокойной ночи.

Б.    - Спокойной ночи. Увидимся завтра. Я заеду за вами в гостиницу.

Как вы думаете, вы будете готовы к девяти тридцати?

К.    - Буду. Еще раз спасибо. Спокойной ночи.

Б.     - Спокойной ночи.


4.Memorize the contents of some of the introductory conversations (1-6) and retell them.


5. Describe the procedure of checking-in.


6. Make up a short dialogue on “Hotel reservation.”. Use the expressions from the Topical Phrase List.


Topical Phrase List.


У нас заказан столик на троих на фамилию...

-   We have a table for three reserved in the name of...
Мы еще не решили (что заказывать).

-   We're not ready to order yet, thank you.
Какое у вас фирменное блюдо?

-   What is the chef's specialty?
Из чего приготовлено это блюдо?

-   What does this dish contain?
Суп остыл, подогрейте, пожалуйста.

-   This soup is almost cold, could you reheat it, please?
Можно еще хлеба?

-   Could we have some more bread, please?
Можно воды со льдом?

-   Could I have some iced water?
Принесите другую вилку, пожалуйста.

-   Could I have another fork?

-Who ordered the prawn cocktail?

-    Кто заказывал салат с креветками?
Я заказывал,/заказывала.

-    That's for me.


And whose is the prawn cocktail?

-Чей салат с креветками? Мой...

-   That's mine.
Sorry, what did you order?

-   Извините, что вы заказывали?
Ты хочешь это попробовать?

-    Do you want to try this?

Ну, начинай(те).

Please, start.                                                                                              

l Ьшь(те), пожалуйста.

Выглядит здорово, (о каком-то блюде)

-          It looks really good.

I'll be right back with your coffee.

-   Я сейчас принесу ваше кофе.
Ну, приятного аппетита!

-   Well, enjoy your meal!
Передай/те мне, пожалуйста, хлеб.

Could you pass me the bread?

Can you pass me the bread?

May I have the bread?
Вот- There you go.

Пожалуйста-   Here it is. Can I get you a drink?

-          Вам/тебе взять что-нибудь попить/выпить?

   Простите, a еще есть хлеб?

-           Excuse me, is there any more bread?

-  Конечно, есть. Сейчас принесут.

-           Sure, there is. Coming right up.

-  Простите, а у вас есть еще сахар?

-           Excuse me, is there any more sugar?

-  Isn't there any on the table?

-           А на столе нет?

-  Да, есть. Извините, я не заметил/а.

-           Yes, there is. Sorry. I didn't notice.


Еще салата?

-   More salad?
Пожалуйста, берите.

-   Help yourself.

Вам/тебе что-нибудь положить?

-    Can I pass you anything?
Вы хотите еще салата?

-    Would you like some more salad?


Да, пожалуйста. - Yes, please.                                                            

Только попробовать. - Just a taste.

Капельку. - Just a drop.

Да, положите еще немного. - Just a little more, please.

С удовольствием, но я больше не могу.                                            

I'd love some, but I couldn't manage any more.
С удовольствием, но я на диете.

-    I'd love some, but I'm on a diet.

-    Очень вкусно -This is delicious That's delicious.

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