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Методическая разработка на английском языке на тему "Английский юмор"

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Brilliant English Humour

Nowadays no one can deny that everybody likes to smile. It makes our life more pleasant and longer, adds zest (изюминка) to it. One could say that humour changes mere existence into real and exciting life. Can we imagine our life without humour, laughter or funny moments? Neither can I. Some funny story of joke, ready-witted phrase, delicate irony- some of these will cause your smile in any case and maybe even laugh. Let us give a definition of the term of ‘humour’. Humour is any art, any kind of activity which is directed to causing laughter and positive emotions of the surrounding people. In a wider conception it is all life situations, occurrences (случаи), as well as any thoughts, ideas, fancies which are able to cause these emotions. Humour frequently is not universal and it is difficult to transfer it from culture to culture. But what actually makes British people laugh? And why is their humour often difficult for foreigners to understand? Why is English humour always called subtle?

It is believed that English character has three distinctive hallmarks: stiffness, arrogance and, of course, humour. There are the legends of English wit. Englishmen consider humour to be their outstanding national feature. The main idea of English humour is ‘Take it easy!’. You can find it everywhere: in books, films and everyday life. Firstly, irony and heavy sarcasm are the bedrock of British humour. More often, jokes are based on puns and double-meaning. The whole communication in ‘Foggy Albion’ is full of subtle humour. Subjects of humour typically involve mockery of failure, both yours and theirs but mostly yours. The English like when a person can laugh at himself. They themselves do it several times a day playing jokes at each other in family, at work, in transport.



Native Britons are really proud of this and irritated with negative opinions of foreigners.

Moreover, the typical English jokes and anecdotes differ in calmness, despite of improbability of describing circumstances.

British haven’t got any boarders in humour. They laugh at everything that make your smile. There is politics and government, weather and even the Queen’s family. The English like when a person can laugh at himself. It teaches you not to take yourself too seriously through its strong theme of self-deprecation.

 It might seem insensitive and if you were anywhere outside Britain. But joking about your dead grandfather or your cousin’s dyslexia is completely acceptable in the country of tea and scones. It’s very important in this day and age not to be depressed when life turn back to you. It makes light of tough situations, which is a good thing because when things look grim, it definitely helps to laugh. But most of all, the very nature of British humour does not encourage over-sensitivity or self-entitlement, two things our generation, Generation Y could learn to live without.


The character of English humour is based on doing accent on small details against the backdrop of the absurdity of the situation. That is why the English humour is called subtle humor.


Features of British humour

The English humour has several varieties:

       the elephant jokes – pretty silly humour

       dry sense of humour – sarcasm or irony;

       banana skin sense of humour  —  actually, humour with ‘banana skin’. That British usually say about American jokes;

       shaggy-dog stories – comic stories based on improbable situations.

Another one feature of English humour is puns. It’s a favorite entertainment that are not available for foreigners who have weakly knowledges of the language. In English there are a lot of double-meanings words. English prefer calling musical groups, clubs and companies with such words. (Англичане очень любят такими словами называть музыкальные группы,  клубы, компании и т.д.) The greatest example is the Beatles. That title mixes two English words. On the one hand - beat is rhythm, on the other hand - beetles means bugs.

And of course it should be noted that British people really like black humour (Macabre)which sometimes can be mixed up with natural rudeness.

****I tried water polo but my horse drowned.

I’m on a whiskey diet. I’ve lost three days already.***


Humour in books

Before now, people considered that Britans don’t flaunt their humour and loud laughter, instead they hide it behind the irony and hardly  noticeable smile.  (Хотя и громогласные персонажи в книгах английских авторов были всегда. Например, персонажи Чарльза Диккенса, Ивлина Во, Генри Филдинга запоминаются своим чувством юмора.)

But now Englishmen prefer joking in book’s names:‘Teach your wife to be a widow’, ‘Knitting with dog’s wool’(«Новогвинейские солитеры и еврейские бабушки. Рассказы о паразитах и людях»,) ‘It’s better sweater from the familiar and loved dog, than from the ship which you’d never met’. This is absolutely real names of books where is some of black humour.

English humour in series and films

We can value English jokes because there are not have swear words which is so specific for Americans.  However the time of Charlie Chaplin,stiff-faced gentlemen with walking stick has already over.

(In our days world-famous ‘Mr.Bean’ Сейчас на весь мир известен «Мистер Бин» в исполнении Роуэна Аткинсона, который не отличается умом и сообразительностью и постоянно попадает в нелепые ситуации. Чуть раньше было популярно «Шоу Бенни Хилла», в котором иногда встречался черный юмор и пошлые шутки.)

How to become one’s own in England?

To understand English humour is quiet complicated so Научиться понимать английский юмор довольно сложно, как и широкую русскую душу. Многие англичане шутят при каждом удобном случае. При этом важно не растеряться и по возможности подыграть шутнику.

Если во время проливного дождя вам абсолютно серьезно говорят: «Отличная погодка сегодня, не так ли?», можно кивнуть и ответить: «О да. Надеюсь, завтра будет еще лучше».

      Англичане гордятся своим чувством юмора, а потому спорить, что у других наций тоже есть чувство юмора, не стоит. Кивайте обреченно и продолжайте разговор.

      Англичане преуменьшают многое. Если кто-то спросит, как погода в Африке, лучше ответить «Чуть жарче, чем здесь».

      Учитесь самоиронии. Кто больше смеется над собой, тот и молодец.

      Если с вами затевают спор в непринужденной обстановке, не воспринимайте всерьез. Наверняка кто-то вас проверяет на прочность.

Одной из основных особенностей англичан считается жизнь по принципу «будь проще». И пусть их «проще» намного отличается от нашего, усложнять не стоит.

Чтобы принимать в этой беседе активное участие, нужно или родиться англичанином, или прожить там длительное время. Или стремиться понять все тонкости и особенности английского юмора, постоянно совершенствуя свое знание языка, традиций и культурных особенностей англичан.


 В этой нашей Великобритании две девушки решили, что можно математическими формулами описать такую вещь, как юмор. И, не мудрствуя лукаво, Хэлен Пилчнер и Тимандра Харкнесс выдали на обозрение честному британскому люду такую вот формулу:


где с — соль шутки; m — комический момент, который является произведением силы действия кульминационного пункта на длину шутки; nO — количество посмеявшихся множится на внезапность; p — количество каламбуров или игра слов. Правда, эти умнички не уточнили, да и не собираются, наверное, в каких же единицах измерять данную «соль».



Allusion, understatement

British sitcoms and comedy shows such as ‘Are You Being Served?’ and ‘Round the Horne’ have also made extensive use of innuendo


Disrespect to members of the establishment and authority

Laughter is not an essential component of satire. In fact there are types of satire that are not meant to be "funny" at all. Conversely, not all humour, even on such topics as politics, religion or art is necessarily "satirical" Even light-hearted satire has a serious "after-taste"

"first make people laugh, and then make them think"


ridiculous, awkward

a form of humour predicated on deliberate violations of causal reasoning, producing events and behaviours that are obviously illogical

Constructions of surreal humour tend to involve bizarre juxtapositions, non-sequiturs, irrational or absurd situations and expressions of nonsense.


Black humour, in which topics and events that are usually treated seriously are treated in a humorous or satirical manner

Humour inherent in everyday life

When you leave for England, be careful, because you will be joked everywhere and in the sudden moment. Your main problem is not to be at a loss and play along. In this situation you are having sympathy, profitable partnership or mutual love.


There is a several advice to take life easier:


1. If stranger comes to you and talk anything about the weather, you will need to support the conversation. And if the downpour outside and someone says :’The weather is fine today, isn’t it?’, you will nod and smile then answer:’ Of course , I hope it will be better tomorrow!’.

2. British honestly believe that humour is their national feature and the other nations practically can’t understand it. It’s almost true, after all, humour has definite time and place usually, but in Great Britain it pervades all spheres of life. Don’t argue with this.

4. Also people in England prefer self-irony. Who is make fun of himself, the one will get ‘the price’.

**5. Если с вами затеяли спор в пабе – знайте: это – всего лишь развлечение, к словам нельзя относиться слишком серьезно. Бармен сказал вам, что больше не нальет? Ответьте, чтобы пошевелил поршнями и принес еще пинту. Взаимные улыбки обеспечены.** (If you have a dispute in shop, so know that it is just for fun. It isn’t need to take seriously.)



Подводя итог, можно сказать: главный принцип англичан – take it easy. На этом основан их юмор, традиции, обычаи. И, вероятно, они правы.


British class system

The British class system, especially class tensions between characters; and pompous or dim-witted members of the upper/middle classes or embarrassingly blatant social climbers

But the most important thing to remember about the British class system is that it doesn't matter.




Nowadays no one can deny that everybody likes to smile. It makes our life more pleasant and longer, adds zest (изюминка) to it. One could say that humour changes mere existence into real and exciting life. Can you imagine at least one day without laughter , even through short one? Can we imagine our life without humour, laughter or funny moments?) Neither can I. Some funny story of joke, ready-witted phrase, delicate irony- some of these will cause your smile in any case and maybe even laugh.


Regardless of the widespread opinion, humour is not only a pleasant addition to our everyday life. It also has a great plenty to use variants. In skilful ‘hands’ humour may be a powerful tool of self-expression and influence on people. One can offend and humble (унизить)somebody by some rude joke or peppery words. A bad mood can be quickly improved by means of a good joke. In general, humour is a very different in its usage. (using)


But what is humour in itself? What is the reason of our laughter? And it’s really so simple as it can seem? Indeed, there are more than one way of humour expression and making comic effect.


To begin with, let’s give a definition of the term of ‘humour’. Humour is any art, any kind of activity which is directed to causing laughter and positive emotions of the surrounding people. In a wider conception it is all life situations, occurrences (случаи), as well as any thoughts, ideas, fancies which are able to cause these emotions.


The main instrument of humour is a joke. A suitably invented joke can, for example, take away ones dejection(уныние) and fear. However, if a joke is adвressed to somebody, it also can be an act of aggression, as someone can see a malevolent(злорадный) affront (публичное оскорбление). This is why laughter can be both evil and kind. The same can be mentioned about a joker.


The main and the most widespread humour kinds are a funny story and an anecdote. There are the easiest to understand, sometimes there are very funny , and not too difficult to memorize. But telling of anecdotes can’t be called the higher degree of humour art possesion.


There is the next stage of humour mastery. One’s language skills are increased incredibly when one starts to use something interesting and unusual. He plays upon words, he uses puns. So it makes him more conversable, more interesting and outstanding person.


But if humour deeply intertwined (twisted; переплелись) with the culture of the country which language you study- it’s a great advantage. The better your education is and the more you are experienced in the culture and history of this country the higher your level of humour understanding is and, consequently, in greater extent you posses a foreign language.


It’s difficult to surmount (преодолеть) the language barrier more than usual when we deal with foreign humour. The English humour seems something strange, unfunny and hard to understand  to foreigners, especially to the Russian. Nevertheless (тем не менее), the English manner of joking is the long exciting parlance (манера говорить) which absolutely natural for Englishmen.


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