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UNIT 1                    SPORT IN GREAT BRITAIN


1.1.Learn the following names of sports activities.

baseball – бейсбол

basketball – баскетбол

chess – шахматы

cricket – крикет

football – футбол

golf- гольф

handball – гандбол

hockey – хоккей

tennis – теннис (table ~ - настольный ~)

volleyball – волейбол


athletics – атлетика (light~ - легкая~, weight~ - тяжелая~)

boxing – бокс

cycling – велоспорт

diving – прыжки в воду

fencing – фехтование

gymnastics – гимнастика

skating – катание на коньках

skiing – хождение на лыжах

swimming – плавание

wrestling – борьба


1.2.Work in a chain asking the following questions.

- What game do you like?

- I like _______.


-What sports do you like?

- I like _______.


1.3.Name the following sports activities.

a) swimming under water or jumping into water;

b) travelling by bicycle;

c) a game for two players who move their playing pieces across a board

d) the sport of fighting with a long thin sword;

e) a game played on ice by two teams;

f) a game in which a player hits a small ball into holes in the ground;

g) sports such as running and jumping;

h) the sport of moving across the countryside in the snow;

i) an outdoor game between two teams in which players get points running around four bases;

j) an indoor game between two teams in which players throw a ball through a net;

k) the sport of fighting in big leather gloves.


1.4.Match the sport with the sportsman.




Click to viewathlete

horse riding



tennis player

weight athletics



Click to viewgolfer






object111.5. Solve the puzzle.




Click to view




Click to view


Click to view





1.6.Read and learn the dialogues.

A. What sport do you go in for?

B. Well, I’m not much of a sportsman. Just sometimes I play tennis.

A. Are you a fan?

B. Certainly, I am a fan of handball.


                                           * * *

A. What are the popular winter sports in your country?

B. I think it’s skiing and skating. You can see thousands of people leaving big cities for the country on Sunday.

A. And what about summer? Is swimming the most popular?

B.Yes, it is. But some kinds of athletics are popular too. We like running in the morning, cycling in the forest and swimming in the river.


                                           * * *

A. Well, that was a good game, wasn’t it?

B. Yes, the best we have seen this winter.

A. Cardiff has a first-class football team.

B. But the Edinburgh players won because they are faster.


1.7. Translate the following sentences.

1) Я люблю бейсбол.____________________________________

2) Крикет самый популярный в Великобритании._____________

3) Онфанат тенниса.___________________________________

4) Лыжи –это зимний вид спорта.__________________________

5) Вчера была хорошая игра в баскетбол.___________________

6) Дети любят бегать и прыгать.___________________________

7) Гольфэто уличная игра.______________________________

8) Реалпервоклассная команда.__________________________

9) Наша группа ходит на волейбол.________________________

10) Хоккей играется на льду.______________________________


1.8. What national kinds of sport  in Great Britain do you know? Read the text about it.

     Every country has its own mix of favourite sports. What is the British mix? The British are not very good at skiing as in most parts of the country there is only one week of snow. Englishman Chris Boardman won an Olympic gold medal for cycling in 1992, but he is a great exception: Britain isn’t a major country for cycling.

      Schoolchildren play something which seems like basketball. It is netball where the ball is lighter, the court is bigger and there are seven players in each team. There is something very strange in netball: it is never played by boys. It is tradition.

      Lacrosse is another game that is common to English-speaking countries. The lacrosse stick is a sort of a hockey stick with a basket at the end. Both netball and lacrosse are popular, but cricket is a major part of English summer life. You can watch it all day on TV. News programmes keep you up-to-date with the score. Men, when they meet, exchange a few words about the game. One of the reasons that cricket becomes so much a part of life is that the games are so long. The big international games are up to five days long! Even if you don’t

understand the rules, it is attractive to

watch the players dressed in white

playing on the beautiful green cricket

fields. Cricket is played in schools,

colleges and universities and in most

towns and villages. Summer isn’t summer

..\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Clipart\cagcat50\BD00013_.WMFwithout cricket. Every Sunday morning from May to the end of September everybody plays it. To many Englishmen cricket is both a game and a standard of behaviour. When they consider anything unfair, they always say: “That is not cricket”. 


1.9. Learn the following words.

to kick – наносить удар ногой

to head – бить по мячу головой

to flip – подбрасывание в воздухе

goal – гол, цель

team – команда

coach – тренер

goalkeeper – вратарь

forward – нападающий

defender – защитник                     referee – судья


1.10.Read the text about the history of football.

      Millions of people in more than 140 countries play football. Games similar to football were played in China as early as 400 BC. Egyptians played a kind of football too. They played games involving the kicking of a ball. In about 200 AD the Romans played a game in which two teams tried to score by advancing a ball across a line on the field. The Romans passed the ball to one another but they never kicked it. In 1000 London children played a form of football in the streets. During the 1800s the people of England played it but many rules were interpreted differently. Now the sport has grown to a global scale, including men’s and women’s teams and the World Cup and European Championship competitions. Also there is League of Champions and FIFA Cup competitions which take place every year in Europe.

      Football originated with kicking games played by people in ancient times. The modern version came from England. The first World Cup Championship was in Uruguay in 1930. This country won the Cup. Since then it has been played every four years except during World War II. Today football is the national sport of most European and Latin-American countries.


1.11.Who is he?

1) He plays football._________________________________________

2) He tries to stop the ball going into the goal.____________________

3) He defends his team’s goal._________________________________

4) He trains a team._________________________________________

5) He is in charge of a game.__________________________________

6) He is an attacking player.___________________________________


1.12.Read the text about modern football.

    The modern game of football has a simple goal: kick or head the ball into the goal of your opponent’s team. There is only one simple rule: no one except the goalkeeper may use their hands to play the ball. In a football game there two teams of 11 players. They try to score a point by kicking a ball into the opponents’ net. Football is played on a field with a net on each short side of the field. 

    The equipment used in football is also very simple: the field, two nets, a ball. A standard field as regulated by the Federation International de Football Association (FIFA) has a length between 100 and 130 yards and a width of between 50 and 100 yards. A football player has a T-shirt, shorts, long socks and boots. A goalkeeper may wear special gloves to protect hands. There are three officials involved in the game: the referee and two linesmen. Most football games have two 45-minutes times.

     A football game begins with a kick-off in the centre of the field. After the beginning of the game all players try to kick a goal and to stop the ball from coming in their zone. If the ball goes out of bounds, the play is restarted with a corner kick, a goal kick or a throw-in. The referee decides what type to use. Fouls are called when a player does not obey the rules and acts unsportsmanlike. When a foul is called the opposite team gets a penalty kick or a direct free kick.


1.13.Find the English equivalents from the texts.

Гетры, нарушение, команда противника, ворота, введение мяча в игру (распасовка), глобальный масштаб, угловой удар, свободный удар, вбрасывание из-за боковой, пенальти, штрафной удар, тайм, судья на поле, судья на линии.


1.14.Complete the sentences with the following figures.

45-minutes                                                      in 1930

140 countries                                                   3 officials

11 players                                                        100 yards

In 1000                                                            4 years


1.15.Answer the questions.

1) Where did the modern version of football come from?

2) Is football a game of the Olympics?

3) Where did the first World Cup Championship take place?

4) How can you interpret ‘FIFA’?

5) How often is the World Cup and European Championships played?

6) What is the main goal in a football game?

7) What equipment is used in football?

8) What is a foul?

9) What is a standard football uniform?

10)What is the basic rule of the game?


1.16. What British football clubs do you know? Match them with their logos.


Aston Villa



Manchester United









1.17. a) Prepare some information or interesting facts about your favourite football team or football player.

          b) Prepare some information about one British football team.


1.18.Translate the following sentences.

1)Цель игры в футбол – забить мяч в ворота противника.

2) В каждой команде 11 игроков.

3)Игроки на поле не могут касаться мяча руками.

4)Игра начинается с распасовки.

5)Судья решает, нарушает ли игрок правила, и назначает пенальти.

6)Угловой удар, свободный удар, вбрасывание из-за боковой – это результаты ухода мяча за границы поля.


Using the map of a football field describe the rules of the play.







































1.19. Decide which description of traditional English games matches the names.

a) Tombola

b) Darts Challenge

c) Hook-a-Duck

d) Rifle Range

e) Hoopla

f) Guess the weight of the cake


1)     A game of catching floating duck figures with the help of a hook on a long pole.

2)     A traditional fairground game in which prizes are won when a ring is thrown right over them. A player tries to throw a hoop over an object he fancies and so win it.

3)     It is a type of lottery. A game in which people pick numbered tickets to try and win the prize. At a traditional fair, tickets are drawn from a revolving drum.

4)     Many people believe that this competitive game is played mainly by working class men in pubs, but it is equally enjoyed by competing families of groups of friends at a summer fair. All you have to do is to throw darts at a circular board which is used as a target.

5)     An activity in the area of fairgrounds where people practice shooting with rifles.

6)     A game in which people try to win the cake.


challenge – вызов

hook – крючок

hoop- обруч

revolving drum – вращающийся барабан

target – мишень

rifle – ружье


1.20. Read the text about an unusual English Club.

     People all over the world know Wimbledon as the centre of lawn tennis. But most people don’t know that it was famous for another game before tennis was invented. Wimbledon is now a part of Greater London. In 1874 it was a country village, but it had a railway station and it was the home of the All-England Croquet Club. A lot of people played croquet in England at that time. But the national championships didn’t attract many spectators. So the club had very little money, and the members were looking for ways of getting some. ‘This new game of lawn tennis seems to have plenty of action and people like watching it’, they thought.

      In 1875 they changed the name of the Club to the ‘All-England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club’. Two years later Wimbledon held the first world lawn tennis championship. The winner was Gore, a Londoner. There were 22 players and 200 spectators each paid one shilling. Those who watched were dressed in the very latest fashion – the men in hard top hats and long coats, the ladies in dresses that reached to the ground!

      Wimbledon grew. There was some surprise when the Club allowed women to play in the first women’s championship in 1884. But the ladies played well – even in long skirts that hid their legs and feet.

       Today the Wimbledon championships begin on the Monday nearest to June 22, at a time when England often has its finest weather. When the weather is good, it is a very pleasant place to spend an afternoon. The grass is fresh and green, the players wear beautiful white clothes, the spectators are dressed in the latest fashion. There may be members of the royal family among the spectators. There are cool drinks in the open-air cafes next to the tennis courts. And millions of people watch it on television.











UNIT 2                      SPORT IN THE USA


2.1.Learn the words and word combinations.

to compete – состязаться

to defeat – нанести поражение, победить

to go in for – заниматься каким-либо видом спорта

to support – болеть за кого-либо

to score – выигрывать

        to score a goal – забить гол

        to score a point – выиграть очко

        to score a victory – одержать победу

to win (won/won) – выиграть


championship – чемпионат, первенство

competition – состязание, соревнование

tournament – турнир, соревнование

game – игра; партия

match – матч, состязание

set – партия


2.2. Translate the following sentences.

1) When does the national football championship start? 2) Let’s play a set of tennis. 3) Our sports club won the gold medal. 4) I support Spartak team. 5) They compete for the first place. 6) Chicago Bulls defeated the championship last year. 7) Did you watch the swimming competition? 8) Who is the referee in the ice-hockey match? 9) Children go in for light athletics. 10) Which side won the game?


2.3. Read and act the dialogue.

A. I hear cricket is the national game in England. How is it played?

B. It is rather difficult to describe. One set competition may last two days.

A. Two days! That must be very tiring.

B. But the players don’t all play at the same time. Nine players are always waiting for their turn to play.

A. There are eleven players on each side, aren’t there?

B. Yes, but the players on one side go and play in pairs, while eleven on the other side are trying to beat them.

A. So, it’s eleven against two all the time. That sounds rather unfair.

B. No, it isn’t unfair. Cricket is supposed to be the fairest game in the world. But you should see it for yourself.


2.4. Translate into English.

1) Я занимаюсь плаванием.____________________________________

2) Арсенал забил гол Ливерпулю._______________________________

3) Это чемпионат мира по футболу._____________________________

4) Мы болеем за наших хоккеистов._____________________________

5) Ты смотрел соревнование по прыжкам в воду?_________________


6)Евгений Плющенко выиграл золотую медаль.___________________


7) Бейсбол – национальная американская игра.____________________


8)США одержали победу на Летних Олимпийских играх.___________



2.5. Read the text about sports in the United States of America.

   In 1911 the American writer Bierce defined ‘Monday’ as ‘the day after the baseball game’. Times changed and the country, too. Today football is the most popular sport. Baseball is in the second place among the sports people most like to watch.

   What makes football in the USA so different from its European cousins. Rugby and usual football. It is not just the size, speed and strength of its players. It is the most ‘scientific’ of all outdoor team sports. Specific rules state what each player in each position may do and may not do, and when. There are hundreds of possible ‘plays’ for teams on offense and defense. Because of this, rugby has been called ‘an open-

air chess game’. Those who do not understand

a lot of rules and possibilities for plays miss

most of the game. It was appeared in American

University of Harvard in 1871. The game has

four 15-minutes sets and the players may take a

ball with the hands.

     Baseball and rugby have the reputation of being “typically American” team sports. This is ironic because the two most popular sports in the world today are indeed American in origin – basketball and volleyball. Today both basketball and volleyball are played everywhere by men and women of all ages. They are especially popular as school sports.

    There is a great number of live broadcasting of all different types of sports events, professional and amateur, at state, national, and international levels. Americans usually have baseball and basketball, college and professional football games, golf, tennis, motor racing, swimming. Sporting events are discussed in newspapers and magazines.

     A visitor to the USA may be really amazed at seeing how much attention is paid to different kinds of sports. Hundreds of stadiums are built every year. People may go to the cafe to talk about their favourite team or club. It is a very popular way to spend an evening.


2.6.Find the English equivalents from the text.

Европейские братья, сила игроков, уличная игра, командная игра, специфичные правила, возможные игры, защита и нападение, шахматы на открытом воздухе, пропустить игру, 15-минутные периоды, брать в руки, иметь репутацию, по происхождению, школьный спорт, живая трансляция, международный уровень, уделять внимание.


2.7.Look at the pictures and name the most popular American school sports.

















2.8. Almost every city in the USA has a professional (Major League) baseball team. There are two divisions of the Major League: the National League and the American League. Read the text about this popular American game.

     The game starts when a player called the pitcher throws a ball towards home base. Each throw is called pitch. The catcher receives the ball and returns it to the pitcher unless the batter hits the ball first. Having hit the ball, the batter tries to make a run in stages from home base to first, second and third base, and back to home base. A run is scored when a batter completes a circuit of the bases and returns safely to home base. The team that scores the most runs by the end of the ninth inning wins the game.

    There are two teams that play each other in this sport. Each of these teams has nine players. Each of the players “plays” a position. These positions are: catcher, pitcher, first baseman, second baseman, third baseman, shortstop, left fielder, centre fielder, right fielder.

    The batter is a player of the opposite team who tries to hit the ball into the baseball field. Nine players of a team, in order, take turns to bat the ball.

    Baseball games are nine innings in length. An inning is time that it takes for two teams to make three outs. An out is when a batter tries to hit a pitched ball. Home base is the place the batter stands when he hits the ball.          

    The first baseman plays near the first base on the field and protects the right-hand border of the playing field from balls passing by. The second baseman protects the second base, he often picks up baseballs that have been batted onto the ground and throws them to the first baseman. The short stop is a player that is found between the second baseman and the third baseman. Great short stops are known for their skill at catching batted balls quickly.

       There are also special people who know the rules of the sport – umpires. The basic equipment for a baseball game includes a hard ball, a wooden bat, a padded glove for each fielder for catching the ball, spiked shoes and protective helmets for batters.


2.9. Learn the baseball items.

pitcher – питчер, игрок защищающей команды, отбивающий мяч

catcher – кэтчер, игрок, принимающий мяч, поданный питчером

batter – бэттер, игрок нападения с битой

shortstop – игрок защиты, находящийся между 2-й и 3-й базами

umpire – судья в бейсболе (3 на каждой базе и 1 «дома»)

inning – период бейсбольного матча, во время которого команды играют по разу в защите и нападении

out – аут, ситуация, означающая, что игрок нападения выведен из игры в данном периоде


2.10. How do you call the following things? Sign them.







1)_____________               2)_________________       3)_____________







4)______________            5) ________________   6)_____________

2.11. Give the definitions.

1) A baseball game is _________________________________

2) A pitcher is _______________________________________

3) An out is _________________________________________

4) A batter is ________________________________________

5) An inning is _______________________________________

6) A bat is __________________________________________

7) A shortstop is ______________________________________

8) An umpire is _______________________________________

9) A baseman is ______________________________________

10) A catcher is ______________________________________


2.12. Look at the map and speak about the rules of a baseball game.















2.13. What American baseball clubs do you know? Learn the given information and tell everybody it.

  • New York Yankees (1901; Bronx, New York; Yankee stadium; dark blue and white; 40 victories)
  • Detroit Tigers (1894; Detroit, Michigan; Comerica Park stadium; dark blue and white)
  • Texas Rangers (1961; Arlington, Texas; Rangers Ballpark stadium; blue, red and white)
  • Washington Nationals (1969; Washington, DC; Nationals Park stadium; red and white)
  • Chicago White Sox (1893; Chicago, Illinois, white and black)


2.14. Read the dialogue.

A. Is football popular in the USA?

B. Yes, very much, especially in autumn. It’s played by almost every college and university in the country. Besides there are professional football teams in all the major cities in the USA. There are always a lot of people at football matches which are accompanied by uniformed bands and pretty girls who cheer the football fans.

A. What other games are also popular in the USA?

B. Well, basketball. It’s more popular here than in other countries. Basketball is played at schools, colleges and clubs. Many Americans prefer it to football because it’s faster than football.

      A. I hear baseball is popular in the USA, isn’t it?

      B. Of course, it is. Baseball is played in spring and in summer. It’s    

      even called the national pastime.

  1. I’d like to see a game of baseball.
  2. Good idea!


2.15. Translate into English.

1) Американцы предпочитают баскетбол футболу.


2) Красивые девушки поддерживают футбольных фанатов.


3) Нью Йорк Янкиз имеют 40 побед.


4) Бейсбол – это весенняя и летняя игра.


5) Возьми твердый мяч и биту для игры.


6)Крикет в Великобритании, песаполо в Финляндии и лапта в России похожи на американский бейсбол.


7)Бейсбол – это национальное времяпровождение.


8)Профессиональные команды есть во всех американских городах.


9)Бейсболка и форма Детройт Тайгерз синие с белым.


10) Чикаго Уайт Сокс играют в Иллинойсе с 1893 года.



2.16. Read the text about the history of basketball.

     The game of basketball was invented on December 21, 1891. The inventor of the game was a Canadian clergyman, James Naismith. Basketball was first played in the United States. In fact, the first game was played at one training school, now called Springfield College.

     Basketball is a simple game. The equipment used in the game is also very simple. In addition to the field, all that is needed for a game is a ball. The very first ball that was used was a football ball. In 1894 an actual basket ball appeared. The basket ball was slightly smaller, about 30 inches in diameter. The first baskets were two fruit baskets hung from the balcony of the gymnasium.

    In 1893 the basketball backboard was invented. The first backboard was constructed out of wire net, then wood and now it is made out of glass so the backboard doesn’t interfere with watching of the game.

    By 1906 the fruit baskets were replaced by metal baskets with holes in the bottom. This was better than in the early days. Finally, in 1913 a hoop and net appeared. The invention of the hoop and net was a major step in the developing of the game of basketball. Due to the free falling ball, the game’s tempo increased, which allowed the game of basketball to develop even more.

     In 1921 one man called this game ‘basket ball’ and it has been called basketball ever since.

     In the very beginning Naismith introduced thirteen original rules for the game, in which 12 out of 13 were still used up to 1934. The only rule, which changed, was that a player was now allowed to dribble a ball. With these rules Naismith created four fundamental principles. They are: players with the ball must not make progress, the goal is above the head of the players, roughness is eliminated and a player may not receive the ball by use of contact.

    In 1898 professional basketball was played. The league was called the National Basketball League (NBL).it was made up of four teams like New York, Philadelphia, Brooklyn and New Jersey. In 1949 it changed its name to the National Basketball Association (NBA).


2.17. Remember today’s basketball rules.


2.18. Retell the text using the dates:

          1891      1894       1898       1906       1913       1921       1949


2.19. Learn the names of the following games.

dominoes - домино

backgammon - нарды

marbles - шарики

chess – шахматы

draughts – шашки

scrabble - скраббл

darts – дартс

billiards - биллиард

jigsaw puzzle – пазл


2.20. Read about the games which have their origin in the USA.

Scrabble. New York, 1933. Alfred Butts notices how popular crossword puzzles are and comes up with the idea of Scrabble. In Scrabble players pick seven letter tiles at random and then try to make words using their letters. Players get bonus points for using certain squares on the board and using letters like Q and Z. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.


Monopoly. USA, 1934. Charles Darrow invents the Monopoly board game and makes the first 5000 sets of the game himself! The aim of the game is to make as much money as possible. In order to do that players buy, sell and rent property. One by one, the players run out of money and the last player left is the winner. Today, Monopoly is the best selling board game in the world with sales over 200 million sets in different countries.


2.21. What are these games? Give the rules for each of them.

e.g. The goal of the game is … You should … You shouldn’t …






1)_____________       2)______________           3)______________







4)_____________       5)______________          6)______________


2.22. Match the following words.













In what game are they used?


2.23. Read and act the dialogue.

“Your king is in check.”

“I’ll save my king from the check by taking your knight.”

“Now, wait a minute. I didn’t notice it…”

“Now you are a checkmate!”


UNIT 3                         SPORT IN RUSSIA


3.1. Read the names of these countries. Which sports are these countries associated with?


Finland       Italy       Brazil      Germany      Japan     Norway     Greece 

Canada       France       China        Australia       South of Africa     Russia


3.2. Read and say what sports these people are talking of.

1) “A round ball is used in this game. Two teams of 11 players kick it. They are not allowed to handle the ball”.

2) “To keep fit they travel by bicycle every weekend. They have visited a lot of places. It’s their favourite hobby”.

3) “It’s very popular with women. You can do it in a sports centre with music or just follow classes shown on TV”.

4) “You can play this game at home or in the gym. You need a partner, a table, a small ball, a net, and two small bats”.


3.3.Match the sports and the places.

swimming                             stadium

ice hockey                             pool

athletics                                 court

roller skating                         forest

skiing                                    mountains

tennis                                     skating rink


3.4. Just joking. Read and choose the funniest.

A. Jim sees two boys running.

“Why are they running?” he asks Ben.

“The boy who comes first gets the prize”, says Ben.

“Now I see. But why is the second boy running?” asks Jim.


B.“Mr Brooks is quite a linguist, isn’t he?”     

“I never knew it.”

“Oh, yes, he knows three languages.”

“What are they?”

“Boxing, tennis and basketball.”


C.”Can you tell me what is Kate doing?”

“Certainly. If the ice is thick, she is skating, but if the ice is thin, she is swimming.”


3.5. Read the text about sport in Russia.

     Sport has always been popular in our country. There are different sporting societies and clubs in Russia. Many of them take part in different international tournaments and are known all over the world. A great number of world records have been set by Russian sportsmen: gymnasts, weightlifters, tennis players, swimmers, figure skaters, runners, high jumpers. Our sportsmen take part in the Olympic Games and always win a lot of gold, silver and bronze medals.

      Millions of people watch figure skating competitions, hockey and football matches, car races, tennis tournaments and other sports events. Certainly watching sports events and going in for sports are two different things.

     In the past it was never admitted that professional sport existed in our country. The official point of view was that our sport was totally amateur. Now everybody knows that sport can be a profession and a business.But sport can be fun as well. Besides, it helps to stay in good shape, to keep fit and to be healthy.

      Doing sports is becoming more and more popular. Some people do it occasionally — swimming in summer, skiing or skating in winter — but many people go in for sports on a more regular basis. They try to find time to go to a swimming pool or a gym at least once a week for aerobics or yoga classes, body building or just work-out on a treadmill. Some people jog every morning, some play tennis.

     For those who can afford it there are clubs where they give lessons of scuba diving or riding. In spring and summer young people put on their rollerskates and skate in the streets and parks.




3.6.Do you keep fit? Answer the following questions and read the advice.


1)Do you often eat vegetables and fruit?     Yes ____   No ____

2)Do you do sports regularly?                         Yes ____   No ____

3)Do you watch TV for more than 1 hour?  Yes ____   No ____

4)Do you eat chocolate, sweets and chips?  Yes ____   No ____

5)Do you sleep 8-10 hours at night?              Yes ____   No ____

6)Do you how fit you are?                               Yes ____   No ____


Put “one” for each “YES”

What is your total score?

Now read about yourself:

0-3    oh, dear! Forget about sweets and chips. You need fruit and  

          vegetables and lots of exercises.

3-4    do more exercises and eat more carefully.

5-6     you keep fit! Well done!


3.7.Is ice hockey a national Russian game? Read the text about ice hockey.  

Ice hockey is one of the most action-paced of sports, demanding skillful skating, expert stick-handling, and masterly puck control.

The game developed in the frozen expanses of North America, and a hundred years ago became the national winter sport of Canada. It also became very popular in the northern states of the United States, and later spread to Europe, Russia, Japan, and even to Australia.

The game probably arose from boys playing on the ice. The kids probably fashioned pucks from frozen "horse apples" and adapted tree branches as hockey sticks, and played on cleared stretches of frozen lakes and rivers, and backyard  rinks. Soon teams began to play against each other and leagues were formed. The earliest mention of the team ice hockey game is a newspaper description of the game played at the Victoria Skating Rink in Montreal in 1875.

Originally the leagues and national competitions in Canada were amateur. In 1917 the first professional league was formed, the National Hockey League (or NHL), with four clubs — Montreal Canadians, Montreal Wanderers, Ottawa Senators, and Toronto Arenas. Later clubs were formed in American cities, and the NHL spread to the United States. In 1972 a rival professional organisation was formed, the World Hockey Association (or WHA).

In 1893 Lord Stanley, the Governor-General of Canada, presented a silver trophy, the Stanley Cup to the winners and play-offs for the Stanley Cup began, which then became the symbol of professional hockey supremacy.

Canadian-style ice hockey spread rapidly in Europe between the two World Wars. In the northern countries it had to compete against bandy.

Hockey is a team game played on an ice surface, known as a rink. Six players — a goalkeeper, two defence-men, and three forwards — constitute a side.

The game is divided into three periods, each lasting twenty minutes of actual playing time with -10-minute intervals. There are five face-off spots whereby the puck is dropped by the referee between the sticks of two players. After a goal is scored, the puck is brought back to centre ice for another face-off.

The playing area (rink) is 188 to 200 feet long, and about 85 feet wide. The playing area is subdivided into three zones — defensive, neutral and attacking — by two blue lines (called off-side lines) teams defensive zone is that zone where the goal cage, which it is defending, is located. The zone at- the opposite end of the rink is known as the teams attacking zone.

The area between is known as the neutral zone and is divided at the centre by a red line. This line plays an important role in the game's body checking regulations. Players are subject to a variety of penalties leading to their dismissal from the ice for two minutes or more, thus giving the other team a one-man advantage for the duration of the penalty or until a goal is scored.


skilful skating – умение кататься на коньках

expert stick-handlingопытная игра с клюшкой

masterly puck control – искусное управление шайбой

face-off spots – места вбрасывания шайбы

defensive, neutral and attacking zones – защитная, нейтральная, нападающая зоны

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