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Методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме "Mass Media" ("Средства массовой информации")

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1. Answer the following questions.

1. Look at the picture below. Name the types of mass media you see there. How often do you use them? Which of them do you use the most often?


                         Readings At Mass Universalis Home Page

2.     Why do we need mass media?

3.     Can you imagine your life without mass media? Why?

2. Read the following international words and word combinations. Translate them without using a dictionary.

to inform

to comment



to report objectively












smart device




3. Study the following words and expressions. Learn them by heart.

mass media (pl.)



to influence

to shape the views

to be fair

reliable information







to dull smb.'s senses

to prefer

to provide smb. with information

to broaden one’s mind

source of information


tablet computer

средства массовой информации (мн.ч.)




формировать убеждения

быть справедливым

надежная информация

катастрофа, бедствие






притуплять чувства


обеспечивать информацией


расширять кругозор

источник информации




4. Read and translate the following text into Russian.

Mass Media in Our Life

The mass media play an important part in our lives. Newspapers, radio and especially TV inform us of what is going on in this world and give us wonderful possibilities for education and entertainment. They also influence the way we see the world and shape our views.

Of course, not all newspapers and TV programmes report the events objectively, but serious journalists and TV reporters try to be fair and provide us with reliable information.

It is true that the world today is full of dramatic events and news mostly seems to be bad. But people aren't interested in ordinary events. That is why there are so many programmes and articles about natural disasters, plane crashes, wars, murders and robberies. Good news doesn't usually make headlines. Bad news does.

Some people say that journalists are given too much freedom. They often intrude on people's private lives. They follow celebrities and write sensational stories about them which are untrue or half-true. They take photos of them in their most intimate moments. The question is — should this be allowed?

The main source of news for millions of people is television. With its help we can see everything with our own eyes. It gives us an opportunity to “travel” all over the world. TV gives us food for thought. It has the power to educate and broaden our minds. It helps us to relax after a hard day’s work and to escape from reality. There is always a great variety of programmes on TV: news and sport programmes, talk shows, documentaries and feature films, concerts and theatre performances. But nowadays there is much violence on TV. As George Mikes, a British writer, once said, “TV teaches us how to kill, to rob, to shoot and to poison”. We watch films and programmes where people are killed before our very eyes. It dulls our sensitivity and when we learn about one more tragedy or catastrophe, we perceive it as something quite natural, just like an everyday affair.

Some people become TV addicts and they won’t give up TV for anything in the world. Nowadays some children are so addicted to TV that they are not interested in anything else: they don’t read books, communicate with adults and other children, they move less, speak less and they even think less. Though there are a lot of excellent educational programmes for children and programmes designed for schools. They help children to extend their knowledge about many things, skills, people and events.

Still, many people prefer the radio. It's good to listen to in the car, or in the open air, or when you do something about the house.

Newspapers don't react to events as quickly as TV, but they usually provide us with extra detail, comments and background information.

The discovery of Internet can be called the biggest invention in mass media. Internet has opened up several new opportunities for mass communication which include e-mail, websites, e-forums, e-books, blogging, Internet, TV. Internet has started social networking sites which have redefined mass communication all together. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have made communication to the masses all the more entertaining, interesting, and easier.

With the advent of mobile phones communication has become possible at anytime, and from almost anywhere. Nowadays, a smart device like a mobile phone is not only used for communication, but also for other technical purposes. It is used to get new information from the Internet, to read books, to make and exchange photos, etc.

5. Translate the following words and word combinations into English.

Информировать, давать прекрасные возможности, образование и развлечение, влиять, докладывать о событиях объективно, обеспечивать надежной информацией, драматические события, заголовки, свобода, знаменитость, разнообразие, видеть собственными глазами, узнавать, воспринимать, киноман, важное преимущество, основной, изобретение, переопределять процесс коммуникации, цель, художественный фильм, документальный фильм.

6. Match the parts of the expressions. Translate the expressions you have formed into Russian.

1.     important

2.     to shape

3.     to report

4.     to provide people

5.     dramatic

6.     to intrude

7.     the main source

8.     smart

9.     to get information

a.      device

b.     events

c.      from the Internet

d.     of news

e.      on people's private lives

f.       part

g.     people's views

h.     the events objectively

i.       with information


7. Make up the words of different parts of speech. Use the following suffixes:

Noun: -tion, -ity, -ence, -y;

Verb: -ize, -ate;

Adjective: -able, -ive, -al.





to inform






to rely















8. Match the beginning and the end of the sentences.

1.     The first printed mass media appeared in

2.     First TV-sets were used

3.     The first iPhone was released in

4.     People started using Internet in

5.     Mobile phones became popular from

6.     The history of film began

a)     about 1990.

b)    about 2000.

c)     from about 1900.

d)    in the 1890.

e)     the late 15th century.

f)      2007.


9. Answer the questions and comment on the statements. Use the following introductory expressions:

I think/ suppose/ consider/ believe/ guess…
To my mind…
In my opinion…
As far as I remember/ know/ understand…
The matter/ trouble/ problem is…
Frankly speaking…
To tell the truth…
I'm inclined to think…

1.       Why are newspapers, radio, TV and Internet so important for us?

2.       People aren't usually interested in ordinary events.

3.       Why is television considered as the main source of news for millions of people?

4.       What did George Mikes, a British writer, once say about TV? Do you agree with him?

5.       Radio is still popular today.

6.       The discovery of Internet can be called the biggest invention in mass media.

7.       Such devices as mobile phones and tablets have a plenty of functions.

10. Make a list of the enumerated items. Comment on them.

§  your favourite magazines/ newspapers

§  your favourite book

§  the book you're reading at present period

§  your favorite feature film/ soap opera/ programme/ TV show

§  social networking sites you visit very often

§  devices that help me to get information

11. Comment on the following pictures using the given words. Speak about yourself as well.

Model:  She spends 4 hours a day on the Internet.

             I spend about 2 hours a day on the Internet.

Picture 1.

PharmaMed Лайф формула компьютер-айз 30 табл в Новосибирске от компании Vitamina

To be addicted to the Internet; to be often glued to the screen; to visit different sites; to communicate on social networks.

Picture 2.


A TV-addict; to relax after a hard day of studies; to watch news, sport programmes, talk shows.

Picture 3.


To listen to the radio, loud music, the latest news; some useful and interesting information.

Picture 4.


To be full of gossip; background information; articles about natural disasters, plane crashes, murders and robberies; to get unreliable information; to feel depressed.

12. Translate the sentences into English.

1.     Такие средства массовой информации, как газеты, радио, телевидение и интернет играют важную роль в нашей жизни.

2.     Журналисты не всегда предоставляют нам достоверную информацию.

3.     Многие люди слушают радио в машине.

4.     Как часто ты посещаешь социальные сети интернета?

5.     Что ты предпочитаешь читать: газеты, журналы или книги?

6.     Какой главный источник новостей лично для тебя?

7.     Телефоны и планшеты имеют массу важнейших функций. Используя их можно читать книги, смотреть фильмы, искать информацию в интернете, общаться с друзьями и т.д.

13. Look at the following pictures. What ideas do they express?

Start with the following introductory expressions:

I think/ suppose/ consider/ believe/ guess…
To my mind…
In my opinion…
As far as I understand…

   1.                                                                                     2.

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   3.                                                                                      4.

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                                               "Something somewhere went terribly wrong".


14. Work in pairs. Make dialogues and act them out. Choose one of the suggested situations:

1) two friends are discussing the gadgets they use the most; they are talking about their advantages and disadvantages, their price, places they use them, their functions.

2) two people are arguing on the topic "What do you like better: games, TV, books or social networking sites?"

You may also suggest your own ideas or situations for the dialogues!

15. Complete the crossword with the following words.

Catastrophe, documentary, event, imagination, information, Internet, knowledge, programme, disaster, show, television, violence.




1.       A sudden event such as a flood, storm, or accident which causes great damage or suffering.

2.       A terrible event in which there is a lot of destruction, suffering, or death.

3.       A film or television or a radio programme that gives detailed information about a particular subject.

4.       A computer system that allows millions of computer users around the world to exchange information.

5.       Facts or details that tell you something about a situation, person, event etc.

6.       Something that happens, especially something important, interesting or unusual.



7.       The information, skills, and understanding that you have gained through learning or experience.

8.       The ability to form pictures or ideas in your mind.

9.       Behaviour that is intended to hurt other people physically.

10.   Something that you watch on television or listen to on the radio.

11.   A piece of electronic equipment shaped like a box with a screen, on which you can watch programmes.

12.   A programme on television or on the radio or a performance for the public, especially one that includes singing, dancing, or jokes.




1. Choose the correct variant of the verb translation in each sentence.

1.     Они сейчас смотрят фильм.



2.     Люди сегодня не часто покупают газеты.




3.     Вчера я слышал отличную новость.




4.     Он слишком много времени проводит в социальных сетях.



5.     Я вчера весь вечер готовился к презентации.


6.     Где ты покупаешь журнал "Охота и рыбалка"?


7.     Завтра я пойду в кино с друзьями.

a)     is watching

b)    watch

c)     are watching


a)     doesn't often buy

b)    don't often buy

c)     didn't often buy


a)     heard

b)    hear

c)     hears


a)     spend

b)    is spending

c)     spends


a)     was preparing

b)    were preparing

c)     prepared


d)    did ... buy

a)     are ... buying

b)    do ... buy


a)     will be going

b)    go

c)     will go


2. Open the brackets using the correct tense-forms of the verbs. Pay attention to Indefinite and Continuous Tenses into Active Voice.

1.     What book you (to read) now? - I (to read) White Fang written by Jack London.

2.     TV (to influence) the way we see the world?

3.     Reporters always (to provide) us with reliable information?

4.     We (to watch) a new film the whole last evening.

5.     What devices you (to use) usually to get information?

6.     He (to prefer) documentaries rather than feature films.

7.     What (to be) the most famous writers of today?

8.     Where you (to buy) this tablet-computer? - I (to buy) it in "Telemax".

9.     You (to tell) me the latest news? - Sure, I ...

10. Internet (to play) an important part in my life.

3. Write an appropriate question for each answer.

A. ...

A. ...

A. ...

A. ...

A. ...

A. ...

A. ...

A. ...

A. ...

A. ...

B. I bought it yesterday.

B. No, I won’t.

B. I visit social networking sites every day.

B. My favorite book is "Harry Potter".

B. I visit "Twitter".

B. Yes, she does. She usually listens to it while driving the car.

B. I will be watching "The Pirates of the Caribbean".

B. None.

B. No, I don't.

B. He is playing computer games.



1.     Выборова, Г. E. Easy English (I, II levels) / Г. Е. Выборова, К. С. Махмурян, Мельчина О. П. – М.: АСТ-Пресс-книга, 2006. – 160 с.

2.     Bryant, J. Media Effects: Advances in Theory and Research / Jennings Bryant, Dolf Zillmann, Lawrence Enlbraun. – Newbury: Express Publishing, 2002. – p. 662.

3.     Gane, N. New Media / Nicolas Gane, David Beer. – Oxford: Oxford Univesity Press, 2008 – p. 302.

4.     Степанова, Ж.Г. Английский язык. Самые распространенные разговорные темы: учебное пособие / Ж. Г. Степанова. – М.: АСТ: Восток-Запад, 2007. – 160 с.



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