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Методическая разработка по развитию навыков говорения

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Методическая разработка по развитию навыков говорения для 10-11 классов общеобразовательной школы


Тема :  “ Современный мир профессий, рынок труда”


Тематический (опорный) текст


The Hurricane Hunter


‘There's no such thing as an average day in my job!’


Stanley Karras works as a meteorologist in Tampa, Florida. It's his job to follow hurricanes by plane and provide information about them to scientists.


How did you get the job? I was working for the National Meteorological Office in Bracknell, near London, in the autumn of 1955, and I saw a documentary with my family called Stormchasers. It was about hurricane hunters and I thought, ‘Wow, that's an interesting job!’ As it happened, two months later I came across an ad for a meteorologist to work in Florida with the same people who had made the documentary. I applied, was interviewed over the phone, moved to the US, and started work here in Tampa in May 1996.

What do you like most about it? I love the travel.

I've been all over the world chasing hurricanes. It's exciting to end up in different cities and different countries day after day. If you're a meteorologist, you have to love flying. I also love working with top scientists. I've learned so much from them. For me, it's like a classroom in the sky.

What's an average day like? There's no such thing as an average day in my job! It all depends on the weather, and you can't control that. We often take off at a moment's notice to chase storms. I'm the one who decides whether we fly low through a storm. I don't want to take us into a hurricane that could be particularly nasty.

Have you made any sacrifices to do this job? Yes, one big one. I'm away from my family. They all live in the UK. My wife's with me, of course, but her family is also in the UK, so we're pretty cut off from all of them.

What would you like to do next? I'd like to join a space programme and be the first meteorologist in space, but I haven't come up with an experiment to do in space yet. There aren't any hurricanes!

What advice would you give to someone who wanted to do your job? Study maths and science and get a degree in meteorology. I've taken the hurricane hunter path, but you could be a weather forecaster or do research. It's a fascinating subject and the pay's pretty good.



The Trapeze Artist


‘You only live once so why stay in a boring job?’


Linda Spelman was a lawyer who found a new career in a circus. She now works as a trapeze artist, travelling with circuses throughout Canada, Europe, and East Asia.


How did you get the job? That's quite a long story. My father's a lawyer, so I thought I'd become one, too. Studying law was really, really hard work, so I took up gymnastics in the evenings to help me relax. When I finally passed my exams, I thought, 'I need a break. I want to travel and learn a language.' I'd heard of the Ecole Nationale du Cirque in Montreal, so I thought, 'I'll join the circus.' I went to Canada and did a trapeze course and, amazingly, I was good at it.

What do you like most about it? The excitement and the travel. I always wanted to travel and learn languages and I've done all of that. Also, I get on really well with circus people. They're all nationalities. I've learned so much about life from them.

What's an average day like? Everyone has to help in the circus, so you begin the day in a new town handing out flyers. In the afternoon, you work in the box office and rehearse. Then you do the act in the evening. At the end of a week, I'm so tired I spend a day in bed. Last month I twisted my shoulder and couldn't work for a week.

Have you made any sacrifices to do this job? No, I haven't, not really. I gave up doing something that I hated and I'm doing something that I love. I do miss my family sometimes, but that's all. And of course I earn a lot less than a lawyer.

What would you like to do next? I'm 34 now. I'd like to carry on doing this until I'm at least 50. There are Russian trapeze artists still going strong in their fifties.

What advice would you give to someone who wanted to do your job? You need to be fit and strong and have a good head for heights. But generally, I'd say to anyone with a dream, 'Go for it! You only live once, so why stay in a boring job?'



The Cowboy in the sky


‘Many of today's ironworkers are descendants of the men who built New York's first skyscrapers.’


Michael Doyle is an ironworker in New York City. He's one of 100 or so ironworkers currently erecting the steel frame of a new 4O-storey building in Times Square. These ironworkers are known as 'cowboys in the sky'.


How did you get the job? Ironwork is a trade that is still handed down from father to son. Many of today's ironworkers are descendants of the men who built New York's first skyscrapers. My great-grandfather came over from Ireland in 1930 to work on the construction of the Empire State Building. My father and grandfather were also ironworkers.

What do you like most about it? To me, ironworkers are the kings of construction. We make the skeleton that the other workers build on. We have real pride in our work - you look at the New York skyline and think 'I helped build that.' Also, we work hard, we play hard. We get on well together. We ironworkers depend on each other for our lives. Oh, and the pay is good!

What's an average day like? You never stop in this job. Eight hours a day, from seven in the morning until three in the afternoon. You're moving all the time. The crane lifts the iron girders and you have to move them into place. There's always danger. It's a fact of life for us.

Have you made any sacrifices to do this job? Yes, one big one - physical health. The wear and tear to the body is enormous. I've fallen three times. My father fell two storeys, lost a finger, and broke his ankle.

What would you like to do next? I'd like to work on something really important like my great-grandfather did. Or like my father did, who helped build the World Trade Center. It's weird - he helped build it and I helped take it away.

What advice would you give to someone who wanted to do your job? You need to be strong, really strong. You have to be OK with height. It usually takes about a year to get used to it. You can't work and hold on with one hand all the time. Many guys try it once, then back off and say, 'This is not for me.'


Questions for discussion.


1. What should you take into consideration choosing your future career?

2. What should a person do if he/she wants to get a good job?

3. Why is it difficult to make a positive career choice?

4. What is a well-paid job for you?

5. What kinds of jobs require a lot of training and experience?

6. Which of the jobs do you find most interesting? Why?

7. Would you be able to make a sacrifice to do your job? Why? Why not?

8. When/In what situations is it reasonable to forget about work-life balance?

9. Do we work to live or do we live to work? Why?

10. What is your dream-job? Why?



Useful words and phases


a job

to have a boring/ interesting / specific / full-time /part-time / white-collar job

to be / become a white -collar

to get a good job / the job of one’s dream

to keep one’s job

to stay in a (boring) job

to find a well-paid job

to choose one’s future job

to properly perform one’s job

to make a sacrifice to do your job

to be handed down from father to son

to have a real pride in one’s work


a career

to make a positive career choice

to find a career in

to get a promotion

a choice

to make / have a choice


an employer

an employee

to convince your employer

to know your employer’s requirements

to employ

employment / unemployment


to apply

to be interviewed (over the phone)


salary / wages

to earn / to pay

the pay is pretty good/bad


a candidate

to be the best candidate for


to be good/bad at

to get a degree in


technical /personal competences

to be competent

skills and qualifications

training and personal development

kind of knowledge

to demand perfect knowledge/work experience/a range of transferable skills

traits of character

such qualities as efficiency, punctuality, practicality, creativity, sociability


to take into consideration one’s interests, abilities, opportunities

to get on well together / with smb.

to maintain good relationships with

to avoid mistakes

to arrive and to leave on time

to be appropriately dressed

to follow chain of command

to adapt to new environments


to depend on

to be away from

to be cut off from (one’s family)

to suffer from the conflict between work and family

to work in different countries and cultures

to work effectively

to function in global context

to develop intercultural competence

the mass globalization of business

the development of cross-cultural contacts

to take into consideration / account (all details)

training and personal development

to overwork

to remember / forget about work-life balance

to have time for rest, pleasure, spiritual development


This is (not) for me. / It’s ( not ) my cup of tea.


Proverbs and sayings


Business is the salt of life.

Business first, pleasure afterwards.

A bird is known by his note, the man by his work.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

He works best who knows his trade.

Busiest men find the most time.




“Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.”– Aristotle

“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”-                          


“Work is a necessary evil to be avoided.” – Mark Twain


Задания для учащегося (экзаменуемого)

С3 Task 1 (3-3.5 minutes)

Give a two minute talk on your future profession


Remember to say:


-the importance of education /qualification for choosing the job,

-What job do you want to do in the future? Why?

-Do different jobs need different traits of character? Why / why not?

-What is your dream-work? Why?


You will have to talk for 1.5-2 minutes.


C4 Task2 (3-4 minutes)


Your friend and you are planning  your future. You can choose from:

-         entering the institute just after school

-         take a gap year

-         enter a local college

-         find a job


Discuss with your friend  and choose the best option for each of you.

Remember to :

- discuss all the options

- take an  active part in the conversation and be polite

- come up with idea

- give good reasons

- find out your friend`s attitude and take them into account

- invite your friend to come up with suggestions

- come to an agreement









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