Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыМетодические рекомендации для самоподготовки к зачету по английскому языку (2 курс, специальность Коммерция)

Методические рекомендации для самоподготовки к зачету по английскому языку (2 курс, специальность Коммерция)

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«Кадуйский энергетический колледж»









по дисциплине «Иностранный (английский) язык»

для студентов  2 курса по специальности

38.02.04 Коммерция (по отраслям)





















методической цикловой комиссией по ООД БПОУ ВО

«Кадуйский энергетический колледж»


Протокол №___от ________2017г.





Настоящие методические рекомендации предназначены для студентов  2 курса специальности 38.02.04 Коммерция (по отраслям)

очной и заочной форм обучения как руководство к подготовке и успешной сдаче устной части зачета  по учебной дисциплине на втором курсе.














Составитель: С.М.Кобрина, преподаватель английского языка













Методические рекомендации разработаны для помощи студентам, изучающим английский язык в среднем профессиональном учебном заведении, при подготовке к устной части зачета по окончанию второго курса обучения.

Зачет по английскому языку по окончании второго курса обучения состоит из двух частей: письменной и устной:

1) Написание грамматического теста (45 минут).

2) Беседа на иностранном языке по одной из следующих тем устной речи:


1.       Trading

2.       Business plan

3.       Inflation and deflation

4.       Management process

5.       Marketing and promotion

6.       Advertising

7.       My future profession

8.       Types of goods

9.       Money

10.   Rules of writing a business letter

11.   Types of business letters


      Методические рекомендации содержат методические указания по самостоятельной подготовке к устной части зачета, перечень тем, выносимых на зачёт, тексты тем и вопросы к ним для самостоятельной подготовки к зачету и список рекомендуемой литературы.











Общие методические указания

по самостоятельной подготовке к устной части зачета


Подготовка студентов очного и заочного отделения к зачету является одним из основных и трудоемких видов учебной деятельности. Эффективность этой деятельности во многом зависит от самостоятельной работы при подготовке к зачету. В часы самоподготовки необходимо самостоятельно изучить материал. При этом самостоятельную работу необходимо понимать не только как «домашнюю» работу по подготовке к практическому занятию, но и как всю совокупность предшествующих ему занятий: - изучение задания и методических указаний к практическому занятию по данной теме; - консультации накануне проведения зачета и получение индивидуальной методической помощи; - изучение рекомендованной литературы, работа со словарями.

Для более эффективной работы с текстом, необходимо:

-          прочитать текст;

-          перевести текст, пользуясь словарем по необходимости;

-          ответить на вопросы, приведенные после текста;

-          по вопросам составить план собственного монологического высказывания по теме;

-          выделить для себя и выучить ключевые слова;

-          пересказать текст не менее двух раз;

-          при первом пересказе постараться пользоваться ключевыми словами и вопросами к тексту;

-          второй раз пересказать текст, не смотря на слова, текст, вопросы. Если это не удается, вернитесь к предыдущему пункту.












Topic 1.  Trading




1.   trade – торговля

2.   worth – стоимость, ценность

3.   wholesaler – оптовик

4.   retailer – розничный продавец

5.   consumer – потребитель

6.   satisfaction of wants – удовлетворение нужд

7.   earning profit – получение прибыли

8.   internal or home or domestic trade – внутренняя торговля

9.         external or foreign or international trade – международная торговля

10.     level – уровень

11.     wholesale trade  - оптовая торговля

12.     resale – перепродажа

13.     producer – производитель

14.     to obtain – получать, приобретать

15.     to purchase goods –покупать товары


Trade refers to buying and selling of goods and services for money or money's worth. It involves transfer or exchange of goods and services for money or money's worth. The manufacturers or producer produces the goods, which then move on to the wholesaler, then to the retailer and finally to the ultimate consumer.

Trade is essential for satisfaction of human wants. Trade is conducted not only for the sake of earning profit; it also provides service to the consumers. It enhances the standard of living of consumers. Thus we can say that trade is a very important social activity.

Trade can be divided into Internal or Home or Domestic trade and External or Foreign or International trade.

1. Internal Trade is conducted within the political and geographical boundaries of a country. It can be at local level, regional level or national level. Internal trade can be further sub-divided into wholesale trade and retail trade. Internal trade involves buying in large quantities from producers or manufacturers and selling in lots to retailers for resale to consumers. Wholesalers act as an intermediary between producers and retailers. Retail trade involves buying in smaller lots from the wholesalers and selling in very small quantities to the consumers for personal use. The retailer is the last link in the chain of distribution. Small scale retailers includes hawkers, pedlars, general shops, etc.

2. External Trade refers to buying and selling between two or more countries. External trade can be further sub-divided into three groups: export trade, import trade, entrepot trade. When a trader from home country sells his goods to a trader located in another country, it is called export trade. When a trader in home country obtains or purchase goods from a trader located in another country, it is called import trade. When goods are imported from one country and then re-exported after doing some processing, it is called entrepot trade. In brief, it can be also called as re-export of processed imported goods.


Questions for comprehension check-up and using as a plan to retell the text:


1. What does trade involve?

2. Why is trade essential for?

3. How can trade be divided into?

4. What does internal trade involve?

5. Can internal trade be further sub-divided into?

6. How do wholesalers act as?

7. What is the last link in the chain of distribution?

8. What does external trade refer to?

9. What do we call export trade?

10. What do we call import trade?


Topic 2. Business Plan




1.   key points

2.   applying for business loans – подать заявку на кредит

3.   to run a business – управлять бизнесом

4.   to optimize growth – оптимизировать рост

5.   start-up plan – начальный план

6.   summary – сводка

7.   mission statement – миссия

8.   market analysis – анализ рынка

9.   break-even analysisанализ безубыточности

10.  layouts and outlines – планы и схемы

11.  forecast – прогноз

12.  legal establishment – юридический статус

13.  company description – описание компании

14.  customer benefits – преимущества для клиентов

15.  profit and loss – выгоды и убытки

16.  cash flow – наличные

17.  balance sheet – бух.баланс

      A business plan is any plan that works for a business to look ahead, allocate resources, focus on key points, and prepare for problems and opportunities. Unfortunately, many people think of business plans only for starting a new business or applying for business loans. But they are also vital for running a business, whether or not the business needs new loans or new investments. Businesses need plans to optimize growth and development according to priorities.

      A simple start-up plan includes a summary, mission statement, keys to success, market analysis, and break-even analysis. This kind of plan is good for deciding whether or not to proceed with a plan, to tell if there is a business worth pursuing, but it is not enough to run a business with.

      A normal business plan includes a standard set of elements. Business plan layouts and outlines vary, but generally a plan will include components such as descriptions of the company, product or service, market, forecasts, management team, and financial analysis. Company description includes legal establishment, history, start-up plans, etc. Product or Service describes what you’re selling and focuses on customer benefits. Market analysis means to know your market, customer needs, where they are, how to reach them, etc. Strategy and implementation include management responsibilities with dates and budget. Management team includes backgrounds of key members of the team, personnel strategy, and details. Financial plan includes profit and loss, cash flow, balance sheet, break-even analysis, assumptions, business ratios, etc.


Questions for comprehension check-up and using as a plan to retell the text:

1. What is a business plan?

2. Are business plans also vital for running a business?

3. Why do businesses need business plans?

4. What does a simple start-up plan include?

5. What does a normal business plan include?

6. What does company description mean?

7. Strategy and implementation include management responsibilities with dates and budget, don’t they?

8. Does market analysis mean to know your market, customer needs, where they are, how to reach them?


Topic 3.Inflation and deflation




1.    average price level – средний уровень цен

2.    purchasing power – покупательная способность

3.   unit of account – единица учета

4.   medium of exchange – средство обмена

5.   fixed money income – стабильный денежный доход

6.   inflation premium – премия за инфляцию

7.   lenders and recipients – кредиторы и получатели

8.   demand-pull inflation – интенсивность спроса

9.      cost-push inflation – интенсивная инфляция

10.   aggregate demand – совокупный спрос

11.   productive capacity – производственная мощность

12.   price expectations – ожидаемые цены

13.   to reduce unemployment – снизить уровень безработицы

14.   adverse effects – неблагоприятные последствия

15.   to increase/to decrease – повысить/снизить


Inflation is an increase in the average price level of the entire economy; deflation is a decrease in the average price level of the entire economy. Prices in some markets can fall even in times of inflation, and prices in some markets (e.g., medical care) can rise even in times of deflation. But it is not the change in individual prices, it is the upward or downward movement in the average prices of all goods and services combined that determines the extent of inflation or deflation.

As the price level rises during inflation, a dollar buys fewer goods and services than before. Hence, inflation reduces the dollar's real purchasing power. As the price level falls during deflation, a dollar buys more goods and services than before. Hence, deflation increases the dollar's real purchasing power. Because money is used as a unit of account and as a medium of exchange in most economies, changes in the purchasing power of money generally have several adverse consequences.

Inflation hurts people living on fixed money incomes and people who have saved fixed amounts of money for specific purposes such as financing their children's education or their own retirement.

In general, the adverse effects of inflation depend on the extent to which inflation is correctly anticipated and the extent to which it is unanticipated. If inflation is correctly anticipated, contracts can be negotiated to include “inflation premiums”. Such premiums are designed to protect lenders and other recipients of future money payments from declines in the purchasing power of the money to be repaid to them.

Inflation can occur for several reasons, and economists sometimes distinguish between demand-pull inflation and cost-push inflation.

Demand-pull inflation occurs when aggregate demand in the economy increases faster than the economy's productive capacity at full employment. Cost-push inflation occurs when higher prices for the factors of production increase costs.

Price expectations and changes in them can also influence the rate of inflation. If consumers think that prices are going to increase, for example, they may rush out to buy before the prices go up.

We have to learn about the process of inflation and about its relation to other macroeconomic problems such as economic growth and unemployment. Focus on reducing unemployment may generate increasing in­flation.


Questions for comprehension check-up and using as a plan to retell the text:


1.    What is inflation and what is deflation?

2.    What determines the extent of inflation or deflation?

3.    What are adverse consequences of inflation?

4.    What do adverse effects of inflation depend on?

5.    When does demand-pull inflation occur?

6.    What happens in case of cost-push inflation?

7.    Can price expectations influence the rate of inflation?


Topic 4. The Management Process




1.   management skills - навыки управления

2.   management process - процесс управления

3.   key ingredients - ключевые ингредиенты, составные части

4.   profit- scholar - ученый

5.   to make profit - получать прибыль; приносить прибыль

6.   work method - метод работы

7.   working knowledge - практические знания, необходимые для работы

8.   to contribute to - содействовать; способствовать

9.   . to form the basis for ... - составлять основу чего-либо

10. work method - метод работы

11. working knowledge - практические знания, необходимые для работы

12. work agendas – рабочие программы

13. to deal with - иметь дело с кем-либо, чем-либо

14. to influence through - влиять посредством чего-либо

15. charitable institutions - благотворительные учреждения

16. health-care facilities - здравоохранительные организации


17. profit -making organizations - прибыльные, ставящие перед собою цель- получение прибыли, организации

18. not-for-profit organizations = nonprofit organizations - не ставящие себе целью извлечение прибыли, некоммерческие организации



Although the four major functions of management form the basis for the managerial process, several additional elements are considered key ingredients of this process as well. The additional elements were identified by management scholars Steven J. Carroll and Dennis J. Gillen on the basis of their review of major studies on managerial work.

The functions of management form the central part of the process. Work methods and managerial roles, as well as work agendas, feed into the management functions. A manager's working knowledge and key management skills also are important factors that contribute to high performance (achieving goals). To understand how management can influence in an organization, we need to define the organization. For most of us, organizations are an important part of our daily lives. By organization, we mean two or more persons engaged in a systematic effort to produce goods or services. We all deal with organizations when we attend classes, deposit money at the bank, buy clothing, and attend a movie. We are also influenced by organizations more indirectly through the products that we use. It is useful to keep in mind that the management process applies not only to profit-making organizations but also to not-for-profit organizations. A not-for-profit organization (sometimes called a nonprofit organization) is an organization whose main purposes center on issues other than making profits. Common examples of not-for-profit organizations are government organizations (e.g., the federal government), educational institutions (your college or university), cultural institutions, charitable institutions, and many health-care facilities. Of course, environmental factors (such as the state of the economy and actions by competitors) also have a bearing on ultimate goal achievement.


Questions for comprehension check-up and using as a plan to retell the text:


1.    What forms the basis for the managerial process?

2. Why do you think organizations are an important part of our daily lives?

3. What feeds into the management functions?

4. What are important factors that contribute to high performance (achieving goals)?

5. When do we all deal with organizations?

6. What organizations does the management process apply to?

7. What are common examples of not-for-profit organizations?


Topic 5. Marketing and promotion




1.   business dealings – деловые отношения

2.    storage - хранение

3.   marketing research – маркетинговые исследования

4.   promotion - продвижение

5.   to persuade -убедить

6.   marketing mix – комплекс маркетинга

7.   to achieve the profit – достичь выгоды

8.   to assess – оценивать

9.   sales – продажи

10.  direct mail – почтовая рассылка

11.  free additions – бесплатные акции

12.  fair – ярмарка

13.  vacation spot – место отдыха

14.  distribution of ideas – распространение идей

15.  pricing – ценообразование

16.  to direct – руководить

17.  customer needs – потребительские нужды

18.  effective demand – эффективный спрос

19.  advantage – преимущество

20.  primary objectives – главные цели


Marketing is an activity that includes different kinds of business dealings with the movement of goods and services from producer to consumer. It is a very complex process. It includes such activities as product planning, storage, buying, pricing, promotion, selling, traffic, distribution of ideas and research. The aim of marketing is to find out what the other person wants, and then manufacture it for him.

So marketing is the management function which organizes and directs all business activities involved in assessing and converting customer purchasing power into effective demand for a specific product or service so as to achieve the profit, target or other objectives set by a company.

Marketing research in this respect helps producers very much. A marketer must determine what customer needs are. It’s done by way of market segmentation. Every market can be divided into segments or, in other words, into separate groups of consumers. First, there are demographic factors like age, income, educational background, occupation, size of family, type of home and neighbourhood, etc. Then there are psychographic factors – the customer’s opinions and interests, hobbies, vacation spots, favourite spots, etc.

The ABC of marketing is the so-called Marketing Mix. It consists of 4 elements: product, price, place and promotion.

Place means the location of certain goods and services and their distribution.

Promotion includes all kinds of communications in marketing, say, advertising, sales, direct mail, free additions and fairs. The primary objectives of promotion are to inform consumers (potential customers) of the existence of certain goods, and services, to demonstrate their advantages and to persuade the consumer to buy them.

The third element of Marketing Mix is Product. It is often connected with research and development of a new product or service, testing it, searching the potential markets and introduction to the market.

Product is the most controllable of the 4 elements of Marketing Mix.

The most changeable element of all the 4 is Price. As prices rise, we can buy fewer things or only things of lower quality; on the contrary, as prices fall, customers can buy more things or things of better quality.


Questions for comprehension check-up and using as a plan to retell the text:


1.    What is marketing?

2.    What is the aim of marketing?

3.    What segments can every market be divided into?

4.    What is the ABC of marketing?

5.    What does Marketing Mix consist of?

6.    What is promotion?

7.    What is the most changeable element of Marketing Mix?


Topic 6. Advertising




1. advertising – реклама

2. mass media – СМИ

3. setting the objectives – постановка целей

4. drawing up a budgetпланирование бюджета

5. appeal – привлекательность

6. total expenditures – общие расходы

7. steady demand – стабильный спрос

8. billboards – рекламные щиты

9. handbills - афиши

10. assessment - оценка

11. prevail - преобладать

12. impact - воздействие

13. goods - товары

14. to persuade - убедить

15. distribution - распределение

16. promoting - продвижение


Advertising is the act of making a product, a job vacancy, an event publicly known. It is a non-personal form of communication through paid means of information distribution with a clearly National source of financing.

In business billions are spent on advertising. Products and services are advertised through mass media (including radio broadcast, television, newspapers and magazines), billboards, handbills, booklets and so on. In big business the whole army of specialists is employed in the field of advertising. They work out advertising programmes, provide means for advertising purposes, discuss and solve many advertising problems with the owner or manager of a company.

Making advertisement is a complicated five-stage process which includes such stages as setting the objectives, drawing up a budget, the appeal, the choice of means of information distribution and assessment of the results.

Informing prevails on the stage of introducing a new product on the market. Persuading forms a special demand for a certain brand of products. Comparative adverts are used to promote such categories of goods as deodorants, tooth paste, tires and cars. Reminding is important to make the consumer remember the product but not to persuade or inform.

The budget can be drawn up according to such principles as “on the level of competitors”, “out of certain objectives and goals”, etc. Any advertiser should keep in mind the four AIDA points – attention, interest, desire, action – consequent stages of the consumer’s response before buying.

The choice of means of information distribution depends on setting the following questions: stating the range of frequency and the impact of the advert, choosing a specific advertising means and the right schedule.

The economics of advertising continue to be subject to much discussion. It is true that the total expenditure on advertising is high. Most of it is spent on promoting “branded goods”. This is almost inevitable: if advertised goods were not branded, the buyer would have no guide to enable him to recognize in the shops the goods he has seen mentioned in an advertisements.

Unless goods were branded, no mass market could be created under modern condition and there would be no steady demand.

Questions for comprehension check-up and using as a plan to retell the text:


1.    What is advertising?

2.    Is advertising expensive?

3.    How can products and services be advertised?

4.    How many stages are there in making advertisement?

5.    What is intorming advertisement?

6.    What is persuading advertisement?

7.    What is reminding advertisement?

8.    What four AIDA points should any advertiser keep in mind?


Topic 7. My future profession




1. to make decisions – принимать решения

2. relationship - отношения

3. trust – доверие, вера

4. assignment – назначение, задание

5. to issue commands – отдавать команды

6. anticipated - ожидаемый

7. avoided - избегаемый

8. stamina - выносливость

9. to take the initiative – взять инициативу

10. sound judgment – здравый смысл

11. to implement - выполнять

12. to obey – соблюдать

13. to be concerned with – заботиться о

14. confident – уверенный в себе

15. integrity - целостность


My future profession is sales manager.

Management is the process of making decisions and issuing commands. The management function of decision-making is aimed at defining the work and behavior of the organisation that is necessary to realise a given mission. Based on these decisions, managers exercise the command function to initiate action on various work assignments.

Managers are people who, collectively or individually, are responsible for running a business or organization.

What makes a good manager? First of all, the ability to communicate, to get your ideas across and to listen to other people. Secondly, a good sense of organization so that working practices are efficient and problems can be anticipated and avoided. Thirdly, managers work long hours and therefore a great deal of stamina is required to avoid stress. A good manager must also be confident in his/her own ability to deal with difficult situations and show qualities of leadership so that others will want to follow. Managers have to take the initiative and bring fresh creative ideas to old problems. But sound judgment is necessary when a choice of possible courses of action is difficult or risky.

Once decisions are taken, a manager has to make sure they are implemented and obeyed. For this, he or she must demonstrate integrity: this includes a sense of honesty, trust and loyalty to the organization and the personnel under his or her control. Managers should also be accountable to their own boss and be able to explain the reasons for making any decision.

New technology, new ideas, new values and new problems make up the decision agenda of today’s managers.

Management is usually broken down into specific parts, e.g. works management, personnel management, marketing management, etc.

Personnel management is concerned with people at work and with their relationships within an enterprise.

Marketing management includes all aspects of making a product available to the public: product development, pricing, advertising, sales, marketing research, transportation, consumer relations.

A good manager is the one who can direct and control people effectively.


Questions for comprehension check-up and using as a plan to retell the text:


1.    What is management?

2.    What are the management functions? What are they aimed at?

3.    What makes a good manager?

4.    What types of management do you know?

5.    What is personnel management concerned with?

6.    What aspects does marketing management include?


Topic 8. Types of goods


1.    consumer products – потребительские товары

2.    convenience goods – товары повседневного спроса

3.    shopping goods – товары предварительного выбора

4.    specialty goods – товары особого спроса

5.    advertisements – реклама

6.    durable goods – товары длительного пользования

7.    luxury goods – предметы роскоши

8.    necessities – предметы первой необходимости

9.    inferior goods – малоценные товары, товары низшей категории

10.    low-quality / high-quality goods – товары низкого/высокого качества

11.    to satisfy one’s needs – удовлетворять нужды


Nowadays most marketing specialists divide the consumer products, into three groups: convenience goods, shopping goods, and specialty goods.

Convenience goods are the products that consumers buy quickly and often and that are readily available, low priced and heavily advertised. Usually they are inexpensive items like toothpaste, soda, razor blades. People use them every day and don't even think about their prices or brands. A very important role in buying this or that item plays a habit to a particular sort of food, brand of cigarettes or whisky, to some familiar shops or supermarkets.

These are fairly important things that a person doesn't buy every day, like a new stereo, a washing machine, a good suit etc. These are shopping goods, products for which a consumer spends a lot of time in order to compare prices, quality and style. Various sources of information are consulted – advertisements, salespeople, friends and relatives.

People use a different approach when they shop for specialty goods, items that have been mentally chosen in advance and for which there is no acceptable substitute. These are things like Chanel perfume, M.Voronin suits, etc – goods the buyer especially wants and will seek out, regardless of location or price.

The English marketing specialists divide goods into almost the same subgroups, but name them normal, durable and luxury goods. Also they define the inferior goods which tend to be low-quality goods – for poor people. For low-quality goods there exist high-quality but more expensive substitutes.

It is also useful to distinguish necessities. All inferior goods are necessities; necessities, however, also include normal goods. Poor people satisfy their needs for food and clothing by buying low-quality goods. As their income rises, they switch to nicer food and clothing.

Luxury goods tend to be high-quality goods for which there exist lower-quality, but quite adequate substitutes. As income rise the quantity of food demanded will rise but only a little. So food cannot be a luxury, but it is not an inferior good either.


Questions for comprehension check-up and using as a plan to retell the text:


1.    What groups do marketing specialists divide the consumer products into?

2.    What are convenience goods?

3.    What plays a very important role in buying goods?

4.    What are shopping goods?

5.    What sources of information should one consult before buying shopping goods?

6.    What are specialty goods?

7.    What are inferior goods?

8.    What examples of specialty goods can you name?

Topic 9. Money



1.    unit of account – единица учета

2.    medium of exchange – средство обмена

3.    store of value – средство сбережения

4.    notes and coins – банкноты и монеты

5.    standard of deferred payment – отсроченный платеж

6.    bank liabilities – банковские обязательства

7.    purchasing power – покупательная способность

8.    overall price level – общий уровень цен

9. carry out transactions – осуществлять операции

10. to make purchases – совершать покупки

11. to assess - оценивать

12. the relative values of different commodities – относительная ценность товаров

13. portable - переносной

14. homogeneous - однородный

15. divisible - делимый


The main function of money is a medium of exchange, but it performs other functions: a unit of account and a store of value.

The use of money as a medium of exchange is as fundamental to the development of economic systems as the invention of the wheel for transport. In all advanced economies the greater part of the supply of money consists of deposits in bank accounts, rather than notes and coins.

To act as an efficient medium of exchange, money must also function as a store of value. With money, the act of purchase can be separated from the act of sale, money then acts as a temporary means of holding purchasing power. When the overall price level is stable, or even falling, money can be more than a temporary store of value.

Even in periods of rapid inflation people continue to hold money in order to carry out transactions, because of the great convenience it allows. There may be better stores of value, but they lack the liquidity (i.e. the ability to be used directly to make purchases) which is the characteristic of money. Other assets may be better stores of value, but they cannot be converted into purchasing power without some cost.

Money also acts as a measuring unit to assess the relative values of different commodities. Money performs this measurement function when it becomes a standard of deferred payment: if I wish to borrow a given sum now an interest charge will be added to it so that I know how much I will have to repay in the future. Inflation erodes the usefulness of money in this role.

One of the requirements for money is that the item should be limited in supply. The supply of the monetary unit should also be relatively stable. From the convenience point of view it is desirable that money should be portable and durable, and also homogeneous. Money should also be divisible into small units for minor transactions.


Questions for comprehension check-up and using as a plan to retell the text:


1. What are the main functions of money?

2. Why do people continue to hold money even in periods of rapid inflation?

3. What is liquidity?

4. Explain the term ‘standard of deferred payment’.

5. Why is it necessary that money should be portable, durable and homogeneous?

6. What is the main difference between banks and other intermediaries?


Topic 10. Rules of Writing Business Letters



1.    pattern/ specimen - образец

2.    set phrases – стандартные фразы

3.    to compose - составлять

4.    to acquire skills of – приобрести навыки

5.    complete - законченный

6.    exact – точный, достоверный

7.    relevant - уместный

8.    favorable – благоприятный

9.    attractive - привлекательный

10.    addition - добавление

11.    to leave space for – оставить место для

12.    to make a draft – составить черновик

13.    to present an idea – выразить идею

14.     to cover the main points – охватывать главные пункты comma – запятая

15.     colon –двоеточие

16.     heading - заголовок

17.     salutation – приветствие

18.     introduction – введение

19.     in a polite form – в вежливой форме


We must know set phrases, patterns, accepted idioms, grammar to use in writing business letters. We should learn to compose letters from different components as well as to acquire skills of translating the specimens of letters presented herein from English into Russian and from Russian into English and documents of different structures as well.

The student must learn “golden rules” of writing business letters:

1. give your letter a heading;

2. decide what you are going to say before you start to write;

3. use short sentences;

4. put each idea in a separate paragraph;

5. use short understandable, easy words;

6. think always about your reader.

So your letters should be: clear, complete, concise, correct, and courteous.

You must give exact, the necessary and concise information. Your letters must be addressed in a polite form and without any grammar mistakes.

When writing letter you must keep in mind that any letter must convey effectively the ideas you want to present and give a favorable impression of the person who wrote the letter.

If the letter is important it is necessary to make a draft first, leaving space for additions, changes and corrections.

Revising your first draft consider such questions:

1. Does the information cover all the main points?

2. Is the information relevant, correct and complete?

3. Are there any grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes?

4. Is the style of the letter attractive?

5. Does the letter sound sincere?

6. Is it the kind of letter you would like to receive to send yourself?

7. Is the letter clear, complete, concise and courteous?

The opening salutation is never followed by an exclamation mark. In Great Britain the opening salutation is followed by a comma (Dear Sir,) in the USA it is followed by a colon (Dear Sir: ). If you know your correspondent well, you must begin with “Dear Mr. Black” or “Dear Miss Well” and end with complimentary close as “Yours sincerely”. If you do not know your correspondent well, you must begin with “Dear Sir”, “Dear Madam” and end with “yours faithfully”. If you write to a partnership, the correct form of salutation will be “Dear Sirs” and complimentary close should be “yours faithfully”. “Dear Madam” refers to the case when the writer of the letter is not sure, if the lady is married or unmarried. “Dear Mrs. Black” refers to married woman. Thus the complimentary close should match the opening salutation.


Questions for comprehension check-up and using as a plan to retell the text:


1.      What are “golden rules” of writing business letters ?

2.      What should be the letters?

3.      What kind of information should be presented in the business letter?

4.      Must business letters be addressed in a polite form?

5.      It is necessary to make a draft first, leaving space for additions, changes and corrections, isn’t it?

6.      Should the style of the letter be attractive?

7.      The opening salutation is never followed by an exclamation mark, isn’t it?



Topic 11. Types of Business Letters



1. appreciation letter - благодарственное

2. gratitude - благодарность

3. congratulations - поздравления

4. letter of recognition – письмо-признание

5. letter of reference – рекомендательное

6. endorsement - одобрение

7. invitation letter -приглашение

8. letter of credit - аккредитив

9. letter of interest – письмо о заинтересованности

10.    business memorandum - меморандум

11.    business introduction – введение бизнеса

12.    donation letter – письмо о пожертвовании

13.    termination letter – уведомление о прекращении действия

14.    resignation letter – письмо об отставке

15.    welcome letter – приветственное письмо

16.    apology letter – письмо с извинениями

17.    collection letter – инкассовое поручение

18.    rejection letter – письмо-отказ


There are different kinds of business letters, used for different purposes. They are divided into two types: the business to business type and the business to client type. Business-to-business types are intended for company to company communication. Examples are:

·         Appreciation letter – a letter of gratitude and appreciation for help extended, or a good business deal.

·         Thank you – is a letter of gratitude.

·         Congratulations – is a letter that praises the recipient for a job well done.

·         Letter of recognition – a written statement of recognized efforts similar to an appreciation letter.

·         Letter of reference – is a character reference letter. It is a letter building up the character of a person to be accepted in a job.

·         Recommendation – is an endorsement letter to hire a certain person.

·         Sympathy letter – is a letter of condolences to a person or family.

·         Invitation letter – is a letter persuading a person or a company to join an event or an occasion.

·         Letter of credit – is a way of endorsing a certain business to be considered a credit loan.

·         Letter of interest – a reply to an invitation that confirms presence on the event/occasion.

·         Business memorandum – notices that are distributed to the staff. They are reminders of company activities, or imminent changes in the company.

·         Business introduction – is done to introduce a new business to the readers.

·         Business letter – a letter that talks about the plans for the business.

·         Donation letter – a letter asking for donations.

·         Termination letter – more popularly known as a resignation letter. It signifies someone's desire to leave a job permanently.

Business-to-Client letters are:

·         Welcome letter – welcomes the client and thanks him for choosing the company.

·         Letter of appreciation – thanks the client for having business with the company.

·         Apology letter – asks the client for reconsideration, and apologizes for failing to deliver.

·         Collection letter – notices outstanding payments due.

·         Invoice letter template – this is asking the clients to state the invoice number of their transactions.

·         Letter of invitation – invites a client to join a certain gathering.

·         Marketing letter – is stating the newest products that the company will provide soon or is presently providing.

·         Rejection letter – is stating the rejection of the client's request.


Questions for comprehension check-up and using as a plan to retell the text:


1.      Are there are different kinds of business letters, used for different purposes?

2.      What are types of business letters?

3.      What are business-to-business types intended for?

4.      What are business-to-client letters intended for?



Список литературы и Интернет-источников

Печатные издания


1.     Агабекян И.П. English for Managers. Английский язык  для менеджеров: учебное пособие. – М.: ТК Велби, Изд-во Проспект, 2006. – 352 с.

2.     Андрюшкин А.П. Деловой английский. Бизнес курс: учебное пособие.- Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2004. – 416 с.

3.     Деловой английский для студентов экономистов: учебное пособие./ Под общ.ред. Макеевой И.Н. – М.: ФОРУМ, 2008. – 184 с. (Приложение 9)

4.     Колесникова Н.Н. Английский язык для менеджеров: Учебник для студ.сред.проф.учеб.заведений. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2004. – 304 с.


Интернет - источники


1.     http://www.4hb.com/letters/business-letter-format.html

2.     http://www.businessballs.com

3.     http://www.free-job-descriptions.net

4.     http://www.humanresources.about.com

5.     http://www.job-descriptions.org/

6.     http://jobs.lovetoknow.com/

7.     http://www.jobsearchtech.about.com

8.     http://www.letter-samples.com/

9.     https://www.usingenglish.com/resources/letter-writing.php

10. http://www.wisegeek.org/what-is-a-business-plan.htm

11. http://www.studfiles.ru/preview/6195735/page:4/

12. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Money

13. http://www.studfiles.ru/preview/5437125/page:13/

14. http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/marketing.html

15. http://en.academic.ru/dic.nsf/enwiki/12030






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