Инфоурок Иностранные языки ТестыМотиторинговый по англ. языку тест 9 класс

Мотиторинговый по англ. языку тест 9 класс

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                                   9 form.  Monitoring № 1.


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                                                 The Union Jack

    This is the popular name given to the flag of the Great Britain. Actually it is called the Union Flag and it is a mixture of several flags. It all began in 1606 when Scotland was joined to England and Wales. The Scottish flag, St. Andrew's Cross, blue with a white cross from corner to corner, was joined to the English Flag, St. George's Cross, with a red cross. The flag of St. George can still be seen on churches in England. Later, in 1801, when Ireland was joined to the union, the Irish Flag named St. Patrick's Cross was added, white with a red cross from corner to corner. In this may the English people got the Union Flag which is red, white and blue.

    King James  III (1566-1622) ordered that the Union Flag should be flown on the main mast of all British ships. So the flag was flown at the front of the bowsprit. The end of the bowsprit was called the Jack Star and so the flag  got the name of  Union Jack. A "jack", by the way, is an old word for the sailor. Nowadays the Union Jack is also on the flags of Australia and New Zealand.


1)    The Union Jack is a mixture of several flags.

2)    The Scottish flag, St. Andrew's Cross, is red with a white cross.

3)    The Irish Flag  was called St. Patrick's Cross.

4)    There are four crosses on the Union Jack.

5)    King James  III  ordered that the Union Flag should be flown on the main mast of all British ships.

6)     Sailors were called “jacks” some centuries ago.

7)    The Union Jack is a part of the flags of some other countries.



ГРАММАТИКАВставить глагол:


                  A) do    B) does   C) is     D) are    E) have    F) has


8. What subjects _ she good at?

9. _ your brother got a camera?

10. _ your mother like cooking?

11. What floor _ your bedroom on?

12. _ your parents in France now?

13. Where _ the nearest book-store?

14. _ your friend have any money?

15. Where _ your uncle work?

16. What sports _ they fond of?

17. What bike _ you got?


18. What _ the weather like today?

19. What languages _ you speak?

20. _ you like science fiction?

21. What _ your favourite pop group?

22. What bike _ she got?

23. How many apples _ you got?

24. What subject _ you like best?

25. Where _ the capital of your country?

26. _ you know what time it _ ?

27. How far _ _ London from Liverpool?





Выбрать правильный вариант:

            28. I ___ to the MP3 player now.

                         a) listen                                   b) is listening                             c) am listening

           29. ___ you like reading?

                         a) Does                                    b) Do                                           c) Did

           30. Thank you. You ___ me  greatly yesterday.

                         a) will help                              b) helped                                    c) have helped

           31. Jack  ___  at the music school.

                         a) study                                   b) studies                                   c) studied

           32. All my friends ____ TV every evening.

                         a) watches                              b) watch                                     c) watched

           33. This book ___ in 1985.

                         a) was published                   b) is published                           c) has published

            34. Yesterday we ___ an interesting museum.

                         a) visited                                b) have visited                            c) visit

            35.  All pupils ___ come to school on time.

                         a) can                                       b) must                                      c) may

            36.   Edinburgh is the… .

                         a) Scotland`s capital              b) capital of Scotland             

           37. “ Where ___ you born?” – “ In Perm.”

                     a) were                                        b) was                                         c) did

           38. The concert ___  in the local newspaper a week ago.

                     a) was announced                     b) were announced                 c) are announced

           39. Shakespeare festival … in our school last year.

                     a) is held                                     b)will be held                             c) was held

           40. … Sundays I usually go for a walk with my friends.

                     a) in                                             b) on                                            c) at

           41. Let`s meet … 7 pm tomorrow.

                     a) in                                             b) at                                             c) of

           42. At yesterday concert he ….. my favourite song.

                     a) sing                                   b) sang                                      c) sung

           43. A new road …. now.

                 a) is building                           b)  is being built                        c) is built

           44. He ….. by the doctor at the moment.

                 a) is being examined                  b) is examined                      c) are being examined

           45. The book  … when I came into the classroom.

                 a) is being discussed                b) was discussed                    c) was being discussed

           46. Mum, is there anything to eat?  - Wait a bit, pancakes …. .

                  a)  are being made                  b) were being made                       c)are made

           47. When I was a child a lot of flowers in this garden.

                  a) are being grown                  b)were being grown                       c) were grown

           48. Don`t enter the room. The floor ...   .

                 a) is painted                   b) was being painted                            c) is being painted

           49. This work … now

                  a) is being finished                          b) finished                     c) was being finished

           50. He is  … than Paul.

                 a)  politer                              b)  more polite                   c) the most polite

           51. China has got …..population in the world.

                a)  large                            b) larger                                        c) the largest

           52. The weather was not very yesterday, but it's ….today.

               a) good                                b) better                                    c) the best




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                                   9 form.  Monitoring№ 1.


ЧТЕНИЕ. Прочитать текст, согласиться или нет с утверждениями:


                                                 The Union Jack

    This is the popular name given to the flag of the Great Britain. Actually it is called the Union Flag and it is a mixture of several flags. It all began in 1606 when Scotland was joined to England and Wales. The Scottish flag, St. Andrew's Cross, blue with a white cross from corner to corner, was joined to the English Flag, St. George's Cross, with a red cross. The flag of St. George can still be seen on churches in England. Later, in 1801, when Ireland was joined to the union, the Irish Flag named St. Patrick's Cross was added, white with a red cross from corner to corner. In this may the English people got the Union Flag which is red, white and blue.

    King James  III (1566-1622) ordered that the Union Flag should be flown on the main mast of all British ships. So the flag was flown at the front of the bowsprit. The end of the bowsprit was called the Jack Star and so the flag  got the name of  Union Jack. A "jack", by the way, is an old word for the sailor. Nowadays the Union Jack is also on the flags of Australia and New Zealand.

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