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Олимпиада по английскому языку 5-6 класс

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олимпиада по английскому языку

 5-6 классы



Part 1

LISTENING (10 minutes)

Listen to the text and mark the sentences (1–5) as T (True) or F (False). You will hear the text twice.


1. The circus opened in the 18th century. _____

2. The circus didn’t work during the Great Patriotic War. _____

3. Karandash was a very famous clown. _____

4. The circus moved to another area. _____

5. The circus performances are great. _____



Part 2

READING (10 minutes)

Read the article about а саrееr in film and then answer the questions. Аге sentences 1-7 'Right' (А), 'Wrong' (В). If there is not enough information choose 'Doesn't say' (С).



Lana Carter has not worked in film for many years but she has already helped make several movies and worked with а few famous film stars.

Lana's job is to work the lights and the camera during filming. Sometimes she also helps decide where movies аге made. She has worked оn all kinds of full length movies and а variety of advertisements and music videos. She thinks making music videos is the easiest because they don't have to look оr feel real. She says that working оn movies is mоrе difficult because lighting mistakes саn make the whole thing look wrong.

Lana decided she would like to work in film when she was 16. Нег friends and family laughed at the idea, but she found out about courses and did а university course in Film and Video. She says, 'You shouldn't worry about making mistakes at university. Тrу new ideas and don't just do the same as everyone else.' She thinks that people who want а саrееr like hers should choose а course that lets them do as much filming as possible. 'Courses that just ask students to do а lot of writing аге not useful to anybody.'


1. Lana has met some famous actors.

A. Right

B. Wrong

C. Doesn’t say

2. Lana likes planning where to make films most of all.

A. Right

B. Wrong

C. Doesn’t say

 3. Lana believes that music videos are harder to make than movies.

A. Right

B. Wrong

C. Doesn’t say

4. Lana’s family wanted her to have a career in film.

A. Right

B. Wrong

C. Doesn’t say

5. Lana was one of the best students on her course at university.

A. Right

B. Wrong

C. Doesn’t say

6. Lana thinks it is fine for film students to make mistakes.

A. Right

B. Wrong

C. Doesn’t say

7. Lana thinks that writing is more important on courses than making films.

A. Right

B. Wrong

C. Doesn’t say







Part 3

USE OF ENGLISH (10 minutes)

For questions 1 – 10 read the text below and decide which word (A or B) fits the space best. There is an example (0) done for you.



To the top of the world

               The coldest walk in the (0)__A__ is probably the one Alan Chambers and Charlie Paton did a few years (1)_____ when they walked to the North Pole. To prepare for the trip they (2) _____ a day in a freezer at a temperature of – 30 ° C. But they were more comfortable there than at the North Pole (3)_____ they weren’t tired or hungry.

                They began their 1,126 km walk (4) _____ 8 March 2000 and (5)_____ at the North Pole 70 days later. A plane took them straight home from there.

                Charlie had his 30th (6) ____ during the trip and he was surprised when Alan gave him (7)_____ small cake with a candle on it. Alan said the (8)_____ moment for him was Charlie’s face when he (9)_____ that cake.

               The strange thing is that more men (10)_____ walked on the moon than on the  North Pole.


0      A world                  B planet

1     A ago                      B since

2    A passed                   B spent

3    A because                 B but

4    A at                          B on

5    A reached                 B arrived

6    A celebration           B birthday

7    A the                        B a

8    A best                      B better

9    A saw                      B watched

10  A did                       B have




Part 4

WRITING (15 minutes)

You’ve got an email from your teacher. Complete the email to her (write 3 questions) to find out more information.


Dear students,

I’m writing to remind you about our trip to the zoo.

Best wishes,

Mrs. Adamson


Dear Mrs. Adamson,

Thank you for your email about the trip to the zoo. I would like to find out about the following details.

1. How many friends/invite? – How many friends can I invite?

2. When/meet? _____________________________________________________? 3. How long/take? __________________________________________________? 4. How/ get? ______________________________________________________? Have a nice day,

____________________ (Your name)




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