Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыОлимпиадные задания для 9 класса

Олимпиадные задания для 9 класса

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Задания по олимпиаде для 9 класса




You are going to read Jane’s story. For questions 1 -7, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D


During the baking hot months of the summer holidays my mother and I used to escape to one of the scattered lakes north of Prince Albert. In its magic surroundings we used to spend the long summer days in the open air, swimming and canoeing or just lying dreaming in the sun. In the evening the lake was always a bright, luminous grey after the unbelievable sunset colours had faded.

The last summer before we returned to England was particularly enchanted. For one thing, I was in love for the first time. No one will ever convince me that one cannot be in love at fifteen. I loved then as never since, with all my heart and without doubts or reservations or pretence.

My boyfriend Don worked in Saskatoon, but the lake was ''his place'' – the strange and beautiful wilderness drew him with an obsessive urgency, so I suspected it was not to see me that he got on his motor-cycle as many Fridays as he possibly could, and drove three hundred-odd miles along the pitted prairie roads to spend the weekends at our place.

Sometimes he couldn't come, and the joy would go out of everything until Monday, when I could start looking forward to Friday again. He could never let us know in advance, as we were too far from civilization to have a phone or even a telegraph service. Three hundred miles in those conditions is quite a journey. Besides, Don was hard up, and sometimes worked overtime at weekends.

One Friday night a storm broke out. I lay in bed and listened to the thunder and the rain beating on the roof. Once I got up and stood looking out over the treetops, shivering. I tried not to expect Don that night hoping he would have enough sense to wait until the storm ended. Yet in my frightened thoughts I couldn't help imagining Don fighting the storm. His motorbike, which had always looked to me so heavy and solid, seemed in my thoughts frail enough to be blown onto its side by the first gust that struck it. I thought of Don pinned under it,  his face pressed into the mud.

I crawled back into bed, trying to close my throat against the tears. But when my mother, prompted by the deep sympathy and understanding between us, came in to me, she kissed my cheek and found it wet.

"Don't get upset, Jane,'' she said softly. ''He may still come.''

When she had tucked me in and gone, I lay thinking about Don, about the danger of the roads. You couldn't ride or walk along them safely after heavy rain; your feet would slip from under you. The roads in Northern Canada are not like the friendly well-populated English ones, where there are always farmhouses within walking distance and cars driving along them day and night.

It was hours later, that I suddenly realized the sound of the roaring engine was real. The storm was dying.




1. Every summer Jane used to spend

A.  in the camp

B.   by the sea side

C.   near the lake

D.  in the village


2. The last summer was particularly fascinating for Jane because she

A.  spent it in the magic surroundings.

B.   had a lot of fun in the open air.

C.   enjoyed unbelievable sunsets by the lake.

D.  fell in love for the first time.


3. Jane believes that love at fifteen is

A.  a sincere deep  feeling.

B.   associated with doubts.

C.   full of reservations.

D.  connected with pretence.


4. Don travelled three hundred-odd miles  every weekend because he was

A. desperate to see the author before she left.

B. fond of riding his motorcycle.

C. attracted by the beauty of the lake.

D. fond of spending weekends with his friends.


5. Sometimes Don didn't come to see Jane and her mother on Friday because he

A. thought they were too far from civilization.

B. had given up hope of seeing the author.

C. worked to make some extra money.

D. hated travelling in exhausting conditions.


6. Mother came into Jane's room during the storm because she

A. felt Jane was afraid of the thunder.

B. felt Jane was worried about Don.

C. heard Jane walking in the room.

D. heard Jane crying in her bed.


7. According to the author the roads in Northern Canada were

A.  slippery.

B.   muddy.

C.   lonely.

D.  busy.


Task 1

For questions 1 -15, read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D fits best each space.



What do dogs really like to watch on television? Peter Neville, who studies animal behaviour, thinks he knows and as a (1)………. he has made a video called Cool for Dogs. It is not quite Baywatch, but it is (2)………. to keep pets amused when you leave them at home.

Many owners think their four-legged companion is highly intelligent and (3)……….needs constant mental stimulation. A recent (4)………..of Britain’s dog owners found that over a third of them were convinced that their pet was as (5)………. as a nine-year-old child. There are even owners who think some dogs are brighter than the average university student (6)……….. may say more about our education problems than about dogs. These are just the (7)……….of people who feel their pets need an entertaining dog video when they are at (8)……… .

So what is Cool for Dogs like? Basically it consists (9)………. a series of short clips: rocky coastlines, sunsets, lots of dogs running and things (10)………. that. It is not what Hollywood would call a big (11)………. and moreover it lacks something – a plot. But dogs (12)……….. Dr Neville, are keen TV-watchers and they like nature programmes. (13)……….. we testes it on Laila, our dog. The result? It took several dog biscuits to get nine-month-old Laila to sit in (14)…… of the television. Not a huge success, but who’s to say it won’t (15)……? It has, after all, been passed as suitable viewing for pets of any age.


1     A   conclusion              B  cause            C   result                  D    product

2     A    regarded                 B supposed      C    told                    D    considered

3     A    therefore                 B however       C   owing to             D    because of

4     A    measurement          B  judgement   C   study                   D    revision

5     A     clever                     B  nice             C   naughty              D    kind

6     A     what                       B  that              C  which                  D    whom

7     A     make                      B  sort              C   brand                  D    set

8     A     job                          B work             C   office                 D    employment

9     A     on                           B  of                 C   in                       D    with

10   A     like                         B  such             C  as                        D   though

11   A     entertainment         B  show            C  production         D   performance

12   A     following from       B relying on     C  stated by            D  according to

13   A      While                     B  So                C  Although           D  Yet     

14   A      face                        B opposite        C   front                 D  view

15   A      get over                  B catch on        C  give up              D  go away





Task 2


For questions 16 – 30 read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space.




It doesn’t matter (16)…. you’ve been here five minutes or five days – by now you’ve probably observed the New York is unique among cities. If you (17)… looking for imaginative and beautifully designed (18)… or souvenirs of your trip that soar above the standard “I Love New York” T-shirt level, head straight (19)… the wonderful shops of the Museum of Modern Art. These distinctive items are (20)… in a wide range of (21)…. Visitors of the city will bless the day when the New York Gift Express (22) … invented. This extraordinary retail service brings gift items from Manhattan’s finest shops to your hotel room door. As yet, there is nothing quite (23)… it anywhere; although it’s only a matter of (24)… before this great idea takes root throughout the world. All information and instructions on ordering are provided in several (25)…. New York has a special place for (26)… of us, a wild fantasyland like no other. (27)… are thousands of shops in New York. While it might (28)… exaggerating to say that New York never (29)…, it is true that most major shopping districts stay (30)… for past traditional closing times. A favourite late-night shopping district is Greenwich Village where most shops stay open until midnight.



















Task 3


For Questions 31-37, read the text and then write the correct form of the word in CAPITALS to complete the gaps.


The National Maritime Museum

is set in the (31)…….surroundings of  Greenwich park.            BEAUTY                

Within the complex of the museum there is a wide 

(32)…..of objects, displays and paintings.                                  VARY

The collections relate to the shipping,

astronomy and (33)…… The museum tells the story of            NAVIGATE

figures of great (34)…..to                                                           IMPORTANT

Britain’s history, such as Lord Nelson and

captain James Cook. Galleries and exhibitions are

often updated  to bring back into view (35)….                           DIFFER

parts of the huge hidden collections of the

museum which is (36)….. all over the country.                          FAME

This visit will be an (37)….. experience.                                   FORGET




        Task 4



 Put the following sentences into the correct tense: Simple Past, Simple Present, Present Continuous or Past Continuous, Present Perfect.

1. I ________ (listen) to the radio while Mary __________ (cook) dinner.

2. You __________ (buy) this book yesterday?

3. Last Friday Jill __________ (go) home early because she __________ (want) to see a film.

4. When your brother usually __________ (get) home in the evening?

5. Jane always __________ (bring) us a nice present.

6. What those people __________ (do) in the middle of the road?

7. You __________ (read) this book?

Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form (Present Simple, Present Perfect, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous).

Alice ... (not to take) the bus to school every day.

She usually ... (to walk) to school... (to take) … you the bus to get to school or ... (to walk) you?

Who is this man? I ... (to think) that I ... (to know) him, but I ... (to forget) his name.

The children ... (to have) a good time in the park yesterday. They ... (to give) small pieces of bread to the ducks. Then they ... (to take) pictures of themselves.

Where are the children? They ... (to watch) TV in the room now.Some minutes ago they ... (to play) a game.

Now I am in my class. I... (to sit) at my desk. I always ... (to sit) at the same desk.

Complete the text using the correct tense forms of the verbs in brackets.

My friend Susan __________ (to practise) the piano now. She __________ (to practise) the piano every day after school. Her music teacher ___________ (to tell) her she _________ (to be) an excellent pianist and I ____________ (to think) that she _________ (to play) the piano better than anybody else in the school. Susan ____________ (want) to be a professional pianist when she _________ (to finish) school. That’s why she ___________ (to practise) every day.



I __________ (to write) to you now because I hope that you _______ (to help) me. I ________ (to post) this letter in 5 minutes, so you _________ (to get) it in the evening. Please answer as soon as you can.

А strange thing __________ (to happen) to me yesterday. You probably __________ (to know) my friend Greg. He _________ (to move) to a new flat recently.  I ____________ (to know) Greg all my life. WE ____________ (to meet) in 1997, and we ___________ (to be) friends since that time.

So he ___________ (to phone) me yesterday and ____________ (to invite) me to a party at his new place on Saturday.

I ___________ (to write) his telephone number on a piece of paper that (to lie) on the table. When I ________ (to speak) to Greg, the doorbell _________ (to ring). I __________ (to hang up) and _________ (to go) to open the door. I ____________ (not to notice) that the paper ________ (to fall) on the floor. When I __________ (to return), I could not find it. It ____________ (to disappear). So I (not to know) where he lives. Maybe you __________ (to help) me.

Insert prepositions where necessary.

1.      There's a strange woman standing ____ a tree.

2.      There's a motorbike ____ the car  and a bicycle ____ it , so the car is _____ the yellow motorbike and the bicycle.

3.      There's a bus waiting ___ a bus stop.

4.      There's a briefcase____ the desk.

5.      Can you see a camera ____ the drawer?

6.      There's a large picture _____ the wall___  two  small 

7.      There are two bedrooms ____ the flat.

8.      Santa Monica is ____Southern California.

9.      I've got a poster of Kevin Costner_____my wall.

10. Heidelberg is____the River Neckar.


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