Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыОткрытый урок " Земля - наш общий дом"

Открытый урок " Земля - наш общий дом"

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        Открытый урок  английского языка в 7 классе

                   Тема:  « Земля – наш общий дом»

Тип урока: урок комплексного применения знаний, умений и навыков учащихся

Цели  урока:


·        Совершенствовать разговорные навыки (монологической и диалогической речи), чтения и аудирования;

·        Активизировать лексический и грамматический материал (modal verbs)  


·        Развивать умение выражать аргументированное отношение к поставленной проблеме;

·        Развивать языковую догадку и речевую реакцию учащихся.


·        Формировать ответственное отношение к природе и проблемам окружающей среды;

Воспитывать экологическую культуру. Планируемые результаты:


- знать слова по теме «Земля - наш общий дом»;

- уметь отвечать на вопросы о видах дома и способах оформления; читать текст с полным пониманием содержания; вести дискуссию; понимать на слух речь учителя и одноклассников.


- формировать у детей положительный настрой к обучению английскому языку; воспитывать культуру общения учащихся друг с другом.


- развивать способности самооценки и самоконтроля; способность сотрудничать с учителем и сверстниками при решении учебных проблем, принимать на себя ответственность за результаты своих действий.

Коммуникативные УУД:

- слушать и понимать речь других; учиться работать в группе; выполнять различные роли (лидер, исполнитель); формирование умения сотрудничать со сверстниками, умения принимать коллективное решение

Оборудование: ноутбук, интерактивная доска, аудиоприложение, компьютерная презентация “ Save our planet", видеоклип Michael Jackson  «Earth Song», песня «Well save our planet»



                                          Ход урока

I. Начало урока

1.Организационный момент

T: Good afternoon, children, good afternoon our guests. I see, my dear children, you feel fine, don’t you?

Ps: Yes, we do.

T: I’m glad to hear that. So we can start our lesson. The theme of the lesson is “Save our planet”. You will speak about ecological problems and exchange your opinions. You will have to answer, if you are friends of our planet and how to protect it. The epigraph of our lesson is “The Earth does not belong to man; man belongs to the Earth”, “To take care of our planet is to take care of our own house” Dalai Lama (the sage of Tibet)

Учащиеся переводят содержание высказываний.

2.Речевая разминка

Введение в иноязычную атмосферу

T: To begin with, let’s remember the words associated with this topic: litter, pollution, air pollution, water pollution, environment, fragile, to destroy, destruction, deforestation, ozone layer, greenhouse effect, global warming, to dump waste, to damage, to save, to protect, to reduce, to reuse, to recycle.

T:  Look at the blackboard. You can see two words: “Nature” and “Ecology”. What is “nature”?

P1: Nature is: water, sky, river, forest, grass, birds, animals and people.

T: What is ecology?

P2: Ecology is: litter, air pollution, water pollution, environment, chemical, to damage, protect.

T: Ecology is a natural balance. What does word environment mean?

P1: Environment means everything that is around us.

P2: The air, we breathe.

P3: The land on which we stand and walk.

P4: The water, we drink.

P5: The forest, the field, the mountains.

T: Let’s listen to a poem about our plan



        A pupil recites the poem

The Earth is a garden,

It is a beautiful place

For all living creatures

               For all human race.

                       Helping Mother Earth,

We can peacefully roam,

We all deserve a place,

We can call our home.

T: Children, do you like poem? Why?

P1: Yes, I like it. It is about our planet.

P2: It is about our Mother Earth.

T:  And do you like our planet?

P1: Yes, I do, it’s so beautiful. I like to wake up when the sun is shining.

P2: I like the sound of birds singing.

P3: I like to go to the forest to gather mushrooms and berries.

P4: I like the sea. I am a good swimmer.

P5: I like to listen to the sound of the sea.

II Основная часть урока

T: Yes, our planet is huge and beautiful. Look at the amazing landscapes. The world we live in is wonderful: blue oceans, seas, long rivers, snow-capped mountains and fields with romantic flowers. But can you imagine that there might come a day, when all this beauty will disappear. Of course, you can’t. But our planet is fragile and its so easy to destroy its natural balance. Today our Mother Earth is in danger. Let’s watch a video clip “Environmental problems”.

T: What can you say about this video? Describe your impressions.

P1: I’m shocked to see what has happened.

P2: I’m sad. It’s a pity!

P3: I’m angry. It’s awful!P4: I’m shocked, because people kill the planet.

T: The saddest thing is that killing the planet we kill ourselves. Dear children, what ecological problems did you see in this video?

P1: Air pollution.

P2: Water pollution.

P3: Destruction of forests.

T: How do you understand the word “pollution”?

P4: It’s making water, air, soil dirty and dangerous for people and animals?

T: What are other ecological problems?

P5: Destruction of ozone layer.

P6: Greenhouse effect.


Opinion talk “The most important ecological problems”

T: Let’s discuss these problems. The first is destruction of forests. Why do people cut the trees down?

P1: For furniture, paper, card boards.

T: What will happen if people continue to cut the trees down.

P2: Forests control the weather and produce a lot of oxygen.

P3: And oxygen is very necessary for people’s health.

T: Greenhouse effect. What is it?

P1: The greenhouse effect is the problem of temperature rise in the atmosphere.

P2: It leads to global warming.

T: Another problem is water pollution. What can you say about it?

P: The water today is dangerous because it is polluted.

P2: Oceans and seas are used as a dump of industrial and nuclear waste.

T: Why is it dangerous for water?

P3: Because this waste is the poison that kills fish and sea animals.

P4: People can’t drink this water and eat the fish because they may die.

T: Air pollution. What causes air pollution?

P1: Most of the pollution in big cities comes from cars and buses.

P2: Most of the pollution comes from plants and factories.

P3: Nuclear power stations can cause nuclear pollution

T: Acid rains are the result of air pollution too. Now we shall read and translate the text about Acid rains at

P1,2,3,4 (2 pupils read and 2 pupils translate)

T: Look at this slide, what do you see?

P1: We can see litter everywhere.

P2: Sometimes we can see a lot of litter in the street.

P3: We can see plastic bottles, paper, rubbish in the forests, in the park.

P4: Our planet is a beautiful place and we must not spoil it.

T: Another problem is that many animals are in danger of becoming extinct. Now we shall watch the presentation about animals, prepared by ….

P1: Rhinos. Rhinos live in Africa and Asia. There are only 11000 rhinos left in the world. They are killed for sport. They are hunted for their horns. In some countries people believe that rhinos’ horn has magical power. Their horn is used as a medicine.

P2: Pandas. Pandas live in China. They have beautiful black and white coats. They eat bamboo16 hours a day. Bamboo forests in China are cleared for farming and there is less bamboo for pandas. Pandas are also killed for their coats. There are only about 2000 pandas left in the world.

P3: The African elephant. The African elephant is the largest mammal on earth. Elephants are killed for their tusks. The tusks are used for making  jewellery. Besides this the growing population of Africa makes it difficult for elephants to find areas to live and eat.

 III. Физминутка

T: Dear children, you have listened to the information about rhinos, pandas and elephants. Now look at the blackboard and do the exercise. Match to make up sentences.

1.     The African elephant is killed for                     

2.     Rhinos are killed for

3.     Pandas are killed for

4.     Rhinos are hunted for

5.     Rhinos’ horn is used

6.     Tusks are used for


a.      as a medicine

b.     making  jeweler

c.      their horns

d.     their coats

e.      its tusks

f.       sport



P1,2,3,4,5,6 read the sentences.

T: We discuss ecological problems. They make us think about the future of our planet. What are your thoughts about our future?

P1: I think the future will be bad. The seas and air will become more polluted .

P2: As for me I’m optimistic about the future of our planet. There many ways to save it. One way is to remember three Rs [a:z]: reduce, reuse and recycle.

P3: As for me, I have joined the echo-helpers club not long ago.

P4: Oh, I’ve heard about that. And what do you do there?

P5: We built nesting boxes, plant trees and flowers, collect rubbish for recycling: glass and plastic bottles, old books, newspapers.

Speaking on the problem “How can we save our planet”

T: And now let’s discuss the problem how to save our planet. What steps can be taken to solve ecological problems?

P1 Factories must stop polluting air, rivers and lakes.

P2: We must always put litter into a bin

P3: We must not throw litter into the water, lakes, rivers.

P4: We must pick up litter after picnics.

P5: We must plant trees.

P6: We must not cut the trees down.

P7: We must not hurt animals.

P8: We must recycle rubbish.

IV. T: Now it’s time to work on a project: “How to protect our planet”

T: Do you agree with me that “The Earth is our home and it depends on us. It is not too late to solve the problems. If you worry about our planet, join echo clubs, support green world organizations which try to prevent many disasters.

These organizations are:

Greenpeace Гринпис

Friends of the Earth Друзья Земли

People and Planet Люди и планета

World Wide Fund for Nature Всемирный фонд охраны дикой природы

All this will help our planet to be clean and safe for us and future generations.

V. Заключительная часть урока

T: Dear friends! Our lesson is coming to an end. Please, write down your homework: ex. 1 and ex. 2 at p.84. You will review the worlds of the topic once again.

VI.Подведение итогов урока

T: And now let’s sum up the lesson. Thank you, dear children, for this lesson. You were active, attentive and bright. I enjoyed your work today. Your marks for the lesson are… Our lesson is over. You are free.


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