Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыОткрытый урок по теме "Открой для себя Англию" 6 класс

Открытый урок по теме "Открой для себя Англию" 6 класс

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Учитель: Атаева Юлия Андреевна


Предмет:  Английский язык  


Класс: 6


Тема урока: "Открой для себя Англию"

Тип урока: урок актуализации знаний и умений.

Автор УМКО.В.Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева; Москва "Просвещение" 2013


Ø совершенствование речевых умений в рамках темы "Великобритания";

Ø закрепление изученной лексики по теме;

Ø обобщение и систематизация материала по теме "Англия".



1. Образовательная: совершенствование навыков работы с текстом: находить, выделять и систематизировать запрашиваемую информацию, обрабатывать ее и применять в новой ситуации.

2. Развивающая:  развивать  речемыслительные и познавательные способности, память, логическое мышление.

3. Воспитательная: воспитывать толерантное уважительное и доброжелательное отношение к культуре другого народа.

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, карточки с тренировочными и проверочными заданиями.



Ход урока.

I. Оргмомент

T.: Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you.Sit down, please! How are you today, …? What about you, …? Are you hungry, …? Are you sleepy, …? Are you ready to work, children?Then let's start!


II. Определение темы урока учащимися по проблемному заданию, ознакомление учащихся с целями и задачами урока

Donald Trump, American President, once said: “We live in a big world, and it is important for us to be aware of culture other than our own. Learn something new, whether you think you’re interested or not.”And I can agree with him, it’s very important to know other countries and cultures and that’s why I want to invite you to make a trip to … Look at the screen and try to name the country. You are absolutely right, it’s England! Let’s read a short poem together and start our journey.


P.: We travel East, we travel West

To know so much is the best,

If South is warm, North is cold,

We start our trip and off we go!


III. Активизация ранее изученной лексики по теме «Великобритания» 


T.: Great, thank you! Of course, you’ve read a lot about Great Britain, let’s see what you remember about it. Right now you will hear and see on the screen 5 statements. Agree or disagree with me. If you think I’m right say “I agree”, if you think I am not right say “I disagree” and correct the statement.

1.     The UK consists of 4 countries. – I agree.

2.     The Union Jack is the nickname of the American flag. – I disagree, it’s the nickname of the British flag.

3.     The Tower of London is famous for its white swans. – I disagree, it’s famous for its ravens.

4.     The Great Fire of London broke out in 1666. – I agree.

5.     England can be divided into 6 regions. – I disagree, it can be divided into 5 regions.


IV. Обобщение и систематизация знаний.

Т.: Good job! Thank you. And can you name regions of England?

P.: The Southeast, the Southwest, East Anglia, the Midlands, the North of England.

T.: Excellent! Now look at this poster. What can you see here? Right, its outline of England. And I have 5 regions of England. Let’s define the names of them and put them into the right place on the map. Facts on the screen will help us. (Ученики определяют регион и приклеивают его на правильное место на карте)


1. Another farming region with a lot of small family farms, dairy products, used to be known for pirates, the principal cities – Bristol, Bath, the famous Stonehenge, the most westerly point of Great Britain. (The Southwest)


2. A highly populated region, a lot of industry near the Thames, important historical cities, the main passenger ports and airports, attractive countryside, the garden of England, world famous resorts. (The Southeast)


3. The heart of England, the largest industrial area, the birthplace of William Shakespeare, the university city of Oxford, the industrial cities of Birmingham, Manchester and Sheffield, the big sea port of Liverpool. (the Midlands)


4. A very flat area with a lot of farms, Oliver’s Cromwell’s birthplace, the main national roads, more than half of the area is surrounded by the sea, the famous University of Cambridge, the Fens. (East Anglia)


5. An area with a lot of busy industrial cities and many wild and lonely parts, rich in coal, the Lake District, the ruins of Hadrian’s Wall, beautiful valleys, rivers, waterfalls and mountains. (The North of England)



T.: Well done, pupils. Thanks. Now we have the handmade map of England. Find Worksheets 1 on your tables. In the 1st column you can see the names of regions of England, and in the 2nd one the distinctive characteristics of them. Work in pairs, match distinctive characteristics with the regions. (ученики работают на рабочих листах, парами, каждой паре выдается отдельный регион).

 Now, let’s check your answers. (Проверяем и наклеиваем правильные ответы на карту)


1. The North of England: rich in coal; many wild and lonely parts; beautiful valleys, rivers, waterfalls and mountains


2. East Anglia: a farming region; a very flat area; more than half of the area is surrounded by the sea


3. The Midlands: the largest industrial area; the heart of England


4. The Southeast: a highly populated area; a lot of industry; a lot of roads and motorways

5. The Southwest: a farming region; used to be known for pirates; the most westerly point of Great Britain

Физминутка. Now let’s have a rest. Please stand up. And repeat after me. (слайд 4)

The Thames is long, (руки в стороны)

And I am strong. (Силу показываем)

Up, down, up, down. (руки вверх, вниз)

Which is the way to London Town? (шагаем на месте)

Where? Where? (руку к глазам, повороты влево, вправо)

Up in the air, (смотрим вверх).

Sit down please!!!


T.: Thank you! Great job! Now pay attention to the third column. Here are the names of English cities. Let`s match cities and the regions of England.

Bristol – The Southwest

Oxford - The Midlands

Cambridge – East Anglia

Birmingham - The Midlands

Bath - The Southwest

Sheffield - The Midlands

York - The North of England

Dover - The Southeast

Liverpool - The Midlands

Stratford-upon-Avon - The Midlands

Manchester - The Midlands

Brighton - The Southeast

Newcastle - The North of England

Windsor - The Southeast

London - The Southeast


T.: Very good, thank you! You know, that any country is famous not only by cities and nature, but also by people and sights. Listen to me very attentively now, and name a person or a place of interest that I will describe.

1.     It is the most westerly point of Great Britain. – The “Land’s End”

2.     He was an English general and politician, he was leader of the army against King Charles I, became Lord Protector of England. – Oliver Cromwell

3.     It was built across the North of England by the order of the Roman ruler to defend the Northern border from the Scottish tribes. - Hadrian’s Wall

4.     It is known as the Garden of England. - The county of Kent

5.     This remarkable historic construction was used by ancient druids in their rituals. - The Stonehenge

6.     He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, wrote a lot of plays, comedies and tragedies. – William Shakespeare

7.     It is a beautiful place to rest where there are a lot of lakes. – The Lake District

8.     This part of England consists of miles of flat land with almost no trees or hedges. - The Fens

9.     It is the busiest airport in England which is 33 km west of central London. - Heathrow Airport


 T.: Excellent, thank you! And now tell me, have you ever dreamt of being an Englishman and living in England? Let’s imagine, that you, pupils, are Englishmen and live in England. And a friend of yours would like to move to your country. Look at the screen now, listen to  your friends speaking  and recommend them a place to move to. Use phrases to give recommendations.


Card 1

Pupil 1 – Mary (Tom) Brown, 40 years old,  a farmer, have got  a small family farm, produce cheese, butter and other dairy products; don't like the noise of a city life, (be) interested in history very much, like to visit historic places. (The Southwest)

Pupil 2 - I would recommend you... because...

                I guess ... would be the best place for you because...

Card 2

Pupil 1 - Kate (Mark) Snow, 35 years old, a university professor of British literature, not married; like city life, very active and sociable; like travelling and communication.

Pupil 2 - I would recommend you... because...

                I guess ... would be the best place for you because...

Card 3

Pupil 1 - Nora (David) Bell, 30 years old, married, a naturalist, (be) interested in water animals life; have got a husband (wife), who is an engineer and likes history and rest in the open air.

Pupil 2 - I would recommend you... because...

                I guess ... would be the best place for you because...

Card 4

Pupil 1 - Nick (Sarah) Adams, 27 years old, a businessman (businesswoman), often have to travel on business, use all means of transport, drive a car; like attractive countryside and rest by the sea. (The Southeast)

Pupil 2 - I would recommend you... because...

                I guess ... would be the best place for you because...

Card 5

Pupil 1 - Bill(Ann) Strip,  22 years old, a student of an agricultural College, not married;

would like to live in some quiet isolated area, to have a family, to start up a family business and spend weekends with children by the sea. (East Anglia)


Pupil 2 - I would recommend you... because...

                I guess ... would be the best place for you because...

Card 6

Pupil 1 - Rob (Rebecca) Sills, 28 years old, a photographer, have a son; works for the magazine "Natural Geographic", always seek for a good shot (снимок) of nature; like spending free time in unknown places, by a river, a lake etc. The son is greatly interested in the life of Roman rulers. (The North of England)


Pupil 2 - I would recommend you... because...

                I guess ... would be the best place for you because...

Card 7

Pupil 1 - Linda (Din)Parker, 19 years old, not married, a professional swimmer and windsurfer, a university student; like driving a car, often need to travel by air to take part in different sports competitions; prefer to have rest at some sea resorts.

Pupil 2 - I would recommend you... because...

                I guess ... would be the best place for you because...

Card 8

Pupil 1 - Phil (Mary) Swift, 47 years old, a translator of Shakespeare's plays, married; the wife (husband) is a port engineer; both like busy city life, like literature and history (The Midlands).

Pupil 2 - I would recommend you... because...

                I guess ... would be the best place for you because...

V. Контроль усвоения пройденного материала, обсуждение допущенных ошибок и их коррекция.

T.: Thank you very much, it was very interesting to listen to your recommendations! Now look at the screen again. You already know a lot about England and I want you to help me to fill the gaps with the right pieces of information.

England is the _largest  part of the UK.

Its main parts are: the Southeast, the Southwest, East Anglia, the Midlands, the North of England

The scenery of England is various. There are meadows, fields, hills, valleys, rivers, lakes, waterfalls

The principal cities are London, Manchester, Liverpool, York, Sheffield, Cambridge, Newcastle etc.

The main tourist attractions are the Lake District, Hadrian’s Wall, the Stonehenge etc

The main industrial regions are the Midlands , the Southeast

The main agricultural regions are  the Southwest, East Anglia

VI. Информация о домашнем задании, инструктаж по его выполнению.

T.: Our lesson is coming to an end. I want you to write down your home task for tomorrow. It will be exercises 2 page 97. Your task is to match two columns and  to say what this places are connected with.


VII. Рефлексия (подведение итогов занятия).

T.: Thank you for your work! You all worked great today. I’m very pleased with your work. And now, at the end of our lesson, I want you to evaluate yourself. Find Self-Assessment Sheets on your desks  and put marks opposite the statements







Parts of England


Principle English cities

English sights and famous people

Distinctive characteristics of English regions

Tell about  any  of the English regions

Recommend a place in England that suits a person better

Hear and understand what part of England is being described





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