Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыПлан конспект открытый урок "Christmas"

План конспект открытый урок "Christmas"

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Составили: учитель английского языка МОУ СОШ 20, Кудинова И.М., Сыч А.Ю..

Тип: обобщающий урок по теме «Рождество»

Форма организации учебной деятельности: индивидуальная, парная.





•  Формирование коммуникативной культуры школьников.

•  Развитие речевого умения (монологическая и диалогическая форма речи).

•  Развитие навыков аудирования.




•  Пополнение знаний по страноведению.

•  Обучение навыкам: планирования деятельности, работы в оптимальном темпе, подведения итогов.

•  Формирование чувства ответственности, коллективизма, сотворчества, самореализации.



•  Развитие познавательного интереса через вовлечение учащихся в творческую деятельность.

•  Развитие способностей к сравнению и сопоставлению, к логическому изложению, к формулированию выводов из услышанного.



•  Компьютер, экран, проектор, раздаточный материал, иллюстрации, наглядные пособия.


Метапредметная цель: формирование у учащихся способностей к самостоятельному выявлению и исправлению своих ошибок.

Применяемые технологии

  • Здоровьесберегающая, в том числе игровая
  • личностно-ориентированное обучение
  • информационно-коммуникационная
  • обучение в сотрудничестве

Формы организации познавательной деятельности

  • фронтальная
  • индивидуальная

Оформление доски

The date. Class work.

Планируемые результаты


- переводить с английского на русский язык предложения новыми словами и словосочетания с новой лексикой

- понимать речь учителя

-составлять собственные предложения

- отвечать на вопросы на английском



(действия целеполагания, оценивание учебной деятельности своих одноклассников и своей деятельности)


(планирование учебного сотрудничества с учителем и сверстниками)

Познавательные, общеучебные (смысловое чтение, поиск и выделение необходимой информации, построение устного речевого высказывания); логические (анализ, синтез и классификация)


Личностные (действия смыслообразования, учебно-познавательный интерес)

Метапредметные связи

История, страноведение, музыка


Content of the lesson:

1)    Introduction

2)     Warm-up

3)    Looking back

4)    New Year’s resolutions

5)    Film

6)    The results of the lesson. Homework.


Ход урока:


1) Introduction.

- Hello everyone. We are very glad to see you today at our lesson. We hope you are too.  And at first I want to ask you what is on the 25th of December? Who knows?


Of course it’s Christmas. So today we are going to talk about Christmas and its traditions, sing and play.


2) Warm-up.

Answer the questions.

1) What does New Year’s Day mean for you? Do you enjoy Christmas time?

2) Have you already finished your Christmas shopping?

3) Do you have a Christmas tree? Who decorated it?

4) How long do you usually keep your Christmas tree after Christmas?

5) Have you ever celebrated Christmas / New Year in a foreign country?



-  Well done! Now let`s sing a song! We wish you a Merry Christmas.


3. Looking back

As you know, every year people talk about the outgoing year: it was better or worse than the previous one, what key events occurred, what year will be remembered, and so on. Tell us please. Who wants? ПРОВЕРКА ДЗ.



4. New Year’s resolutions

Many people make a list of things to do, goals and promises to themselves on New Year's Eve. Why not do it in English? We invite you to make a list of New Year's resolutions for your classmate using the templates and your own ideas. You can look at the board and write down smth. like that. New Year brings new changes, new wishes and goals. So the task is to do it for your classmate sitting next to you.

1) Exercise: do more/join a gym /take up a sport/your own answer

2) Health: lose some weight/eat less chocolate/stop smoking/your own answer

3) Hobbies: start a new hobby/join a club /learn a new skill (how to cook, paint, play an instrument, etc.)/your own answer

4) Friends: make new friends/write to friends more/spend more (less) time with friends/your own answer

5) Studies: study more/do more homework/read more/your own answer

6) Money: get a Saturday or holiday job/save more money/spend less/your own answer

7) Stress: worry less/relax more at the weekends/go to bed earlier / your own answer

8) Work: find a job/find a better job/work more (less)/your own answer

9) Travel: plan a trip to …/spend vacation in …/ visit …/your own answer


Now let`s play with Christmas vocabulary. Here are some suggestions for how you can show these words.

  • Snow- Move your fingers up and down as your hands drift slowly to the floor. To make it distinct from the mime for “rain”, make your hands drift from side to side as they fall.
  • Reindeer- Use your hands to represent horns on your head, then maybe mime butting the students with your horns to add some “frightened” screams to the excitement
  • Bell- Make an upside down bell shape with your hands and swing them between your legs, or put your bent arms at some distance from the sides of your body (like a gorilla) and swing your whole body from side to side
  • Xmas card- Like opening a book (two palms folded together then opened), but look at the inside and smile
  • Xmas Present/ gift -Make a box shape by putting your forearms out in front of you with arms bent at 90 degrees and upper arms touching the side of your body (like a robot), then move your arms to make the other two sides of the box with the two forearms crossing horizontally in front of your body one foot from each other, repeat many times, or just mime unwrapping a present
  • Star - Spread both hands and touch the insides of both wrists then bend both hands back so you are showing the palms and ten spread fingers to the class, or make an X shape with your whole body
  • Sock/ Xmas stocking -Mime putting on and taking off socks, maybe miming ‘smelly’ (waving your hand in front of your nose) when you take them off, or mime hanging a sock up on the fireplace
  • (Christmas) tree-  Draw a big triangle in the air with both index fingers, or make the shape with your whole body by standing up very straight with your legs together (at attention) and putting your straight arms at a 15 degree angle to your body
  • Santa Claus/ Father Christmas- Mime a big beard with both hands, and/ or mime a big stomach or carrying a sack
  • Snowman- Draw two circles in the air with index fingers or cupped hands, or mime making a snowman from snow on the ground
  • Candle- Hold one hand in a tube as if you are holding the candle and the other hand cupped above it as if you are protecting the flame from the wind, then take the top hand away and blow the flame out
  • Chimney- Stand up very tall and straight, then wave your hands round and round above your head as they get higher to suggest smoke coming out of the top of your head
  • Cracker- Mime pulling either on or both sides of a cracker, then jump back in shock when it breaks and explodes
  • Holly- Intertwine the fingers of both hands and make your fingers stick out like thorns. You could then get the students to touch your thorns and mime having their fingers hurt (jumping back and sucking their fingers)
  • Mistletoe- Mime holding it above someone’s head with one hand and giving them a kiss
  • Turkey- Do a waddling walk while flapping wings like a chicken but also mime the bit hanging down from under your chin with one hand, or make the outline of a big turkey in front of you with two hands and then mime carving it



-         Now let`s watch a part of a movie. What film is it?


The end of the year is the time to look back and plan ahead! Discuss your progress in English learning with your teacher and make plans for next year. Use the headings below to help you.

1) My greatest achievement.

2) Areas where I feel confident.

3) Areas where I need to improve.

4) Topics I enjoyed most.

5) Topics I particularly want to study.


-Now, let`s communicate and work in pairs and we will give you some notes with questions, you should answer them. Ok, who wants? 

1) How do people in your culture celebrate the New Year? Is it usually a family celebration or more of a party with friends?

2) Does your family have any traditions to celebrate New Year’s Eve? 

3) What is usually on television on New Year’s Eve? On New Year’s Day? Do you enjoy watching TV around this time of year?

4) In your culture, do people give cards or gifts at the New Year? If so, to whom do you send cards or give gifts?

5) Do you associate any special foods with the end of the year? What are they?

6) What are your plans for New Year’s Eve?

7)Who will you spend the time with?

8) What do you intend on doing differently in the next year?

9) Which year has been the best of your life so far? What made it so good?

10) Can you make any predictions about 2020? What significant events will happen?

11) What products or companies will be successful?

12) What trends or fashions will be popular?

13) What two things would you like to see or do this year?

14) Are you good at choosing presents? Do you look forward to receiving presents? Which gives you the most pleasure — giving presents or receiving them?

15) Some people who feel that Christmas is too commercial donate their Christmas present money to charity and, instead of sending presents, send their friends a card telling them how much has been donated to charity on their behalf. What do you think of this idea? How would you feel if you received such a card?

16) Do you tell people what you want for Christmas or do you prefer it to be a surprise?

17) If you could ask Santa for a gift, what would you ask for?

18) What are the things you are looking forward to this year?


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