Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыПлан-конспект урока английского языка на тему ""Кино"

План-конспект урока английского языка на тему ""Кино"

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План урока английского языка в 8 классе по теме «Кино»

Цели:  развитие коммуникативной компетенции учащихся на уроке иностранного языка


образовательная - развитие речевых умений и навыков учащихся

развивающая -  развивать внимание, память, интерес к изучаемому языку 

воспитательная -  воспитывать культуру человека, воспитывать любовь к киноискусству

Ход урока:

1.     Приветствие 

Good morning, boys and girls! I’ m glad to see you. Take your seats.


2.Введение в тему:

Today we are going to speak about interesting topic. But you will guess the theme of our lesson. Answer the questions of the crossword.


The questions: 

1.A person who acts in the film?  (actor)

2 .A film with no sound? (silent)

3. A special natural artistic ability.  (talent)

4.A person who directs a film, instructing the actors, cameramen, etc…?  (Director)

5.A type of funny film in which the story and characters are amusing and which ends happily? (comedy)

6. A device for taking photographs or moving pictures? (camera).


As you can see the theme of our lesson is CINEMA.


Well, in our lesson we’ll learn new words, improve oral speech, develop listening and reading skills


3. Речевая зарядка.

Let’s begin our lesson with brain storm. Think over and say what your associations with the topic “Cinema” are. Students, go to the blackboard and write down all your suggestions. (учащиеся выходят к доске и пишут свои ассоциации)

Is cinema important today? Do you prefer to go to the cinema or watch films on TV?  What role does it play in your life? Can people live without cinema? Why do you go to the cinema? What films do you like?


4 . Введение и активизация лексического материала.

Well, what types of films do you know?



Guess the genre by its description.  What genre is it about?

1.It is full of special effects. It has fights of different types. It is impressive. It has a dynamic story. (action film)

2.It is about real events. It has dramatic situations. It grabs you attention. (historical films)

3.It is entertaining. It makes you happy and smile. It has funny situation. (comedy)

4.It is sensational. It has a lot of music and singing. It is touching (musical)

5. It’s a kind of film where policemen investigate the crime. (detective)

6. It’s a kind of film about love (romantic)

7. It’s a kind of film about different countries (adventure)

8. It’s a kind of film about cowboys (western)

9. It’s a kind of film about aliens and other creatures (fantasy)

10. It’s a kind of film for children (cartoon)


5. Первичное закрепление лексики.  Аудирование.  Монологическая речь.

Task 1.

Are the statements true or false? If they are true -clap 1 time, if false -clap 2 times. Do you understand me? Let’s begin then.

1. Adventure films teach you to be passive.
2. Westerns are about cowboys.
3. Historical films are romances for girls.
4. Action films have fights of different types.
5. Musical films teach you violence.


Task 2.

By the way, do you know the history of cinema?

Let’s listen to the text to learn new facts

Ex.3b, p.229


Let’s discuss the text.

When did cinema appear?

Who invented it?

What do you know about the first films?

Where were they shown?

When did the first sound films appear?

Look at the screen and see the film. (учащимся предлагается посмотреть фильм «Прибытие поезда»)

What is this movie about?  (This movie is about the arrival of the train.)

What is this movie famous for? (It is the first film in the history of cinema.)

Who produced this film? (The Lumier Brothers did.)

Was there a sound? What colors were used in this film? Does it differ from modern film?

6. Физзарядка.

I think we should have a rest. Imagine that you are actors. Stand up, please.

You are musicians. Show me you are playing the piano.

You are soldiers. You are marching.

You are sportsmen. You are playing volleyball.

You are drivers. Drive your car.

You are ballet dancers.

You are painters

You are cleaners. Sweep the floor

You are frogs

You are clowns

You are pilots

( учащиеся показывают движения)

You are good actors. Thank you. Take your seats, please.


7.  Закрепление материала.

Now I suggest you to take part in a cinema quiz

А. Guess the film profession.

1. You tell the actors what to do: you are

a) Director

b) Producer

c) Cameraman

2. Your uncle is financing the film. What is he called?

a) The director

b) The producer

c) The bank manager

3. Your sister created the story and wrote the actors’ words. She is:

a) A scriptwriter

b) An editor

c) A playwright

4. The person who puts all the different pieces of the film together is called:

a) A cameraman

b) An editor

c) A scriptwriter


B. Can you guess the film in the photos?

1.     Титаник

2.     Король лев

3.     Тачки

4.     Полосатый рейс

5.     Гарри Поттер

6.     Хатико

7.     Пираты Карибского моря

8.     Шрек

9.     Один дома

10.  Душа


C. Make up sentences:

1 English, silent, Charlie Chaplin, is, actor, the best, of, comedies.

2  favourite, my, film, is, ”Diamond Hand”.

3  go, cinema, I, like, to, with, the to, friends, my.

( учащиеся выполняют упражнение и сдают на проверку учителю)


D.  Match A and B parts of the film titles:

A                                  B

1) The Sleeping
2) Snow White and
3) The Beauty and
4) The Three
5) The Jungle
6) 101
7) Holidays
8) The Wizard
9) Romeo and

a) Juliet
b) the Beast
c) Book
d) Beauty
e) the Seven Dwarfs
f) in Prostokvashino
g) Musketeers
h) Dalmatians
i) of Oz

E. Choose the right answer:


1) Why… Disney’s cartoons so popular?

a) do
b) does
c) are
d) is


2) In England there is no interval … the two films.

a) between
b) among
c) at
d) on


3) What is on at … “Odeon”?

a) –
b) a
c) at
d) the


4) Many Belarussian films have won international prizes,… ?

a) have they
b) haven’t they
c) are they
d) aren’t they


5) These young actors perform … parts … .

a) there, well
b) there, good
c) their, well
d) their, good


6) Smile! The cameraman … pictures.

a) takes
b) take
c) is taking
d) are taking


7) … your friend a cinema-goer?

a) Are
b) Is
c) Do
d) Does


8) This is your ticket. And where is …?

a) my
b) mine
c) her
d) their


9) … a documentary and two feature films in the programme.

a) There is
b) There are
c) Is there
d) Are there


You must make movie riddle.

But who’ll play the main role in it? Let’s do a casting. You know that actors must speak correctly. Please, pronounce the proverb: “Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you” as quickly as you can.

(Учащиеся произносят скороговорку)- выбирается лучший.

Who was the best? Let’s decide.


8.  Домашнее задание.

For the next lesson I would like you to write down a message about your favourite film genre

9. Рефлексия

You’ve done a great job today. What have we done?

We have revised vocabulary material. What words connected to our theme do you remember?

We have spoken about cinema. What facts did you learn?

What part of the lesson did you like most?


We have some time and I advise you to think the words that begin the first letters CINEMA

comedy, cartoon, character

Interesting, imagination

New, novel

Entertainment, excited, enjoyable, expensive

Musical, moving, movie

Adventure, action, attention, actor/actress


10. Заключительный этап урока.

I hope it was interesting for you. Your answers are excellent.

I want to thank all of you. I enjoyed your work at the lesson today. You are very active, attentive and bright. I wish you good luck. 































































     “Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you”

“Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you”

“Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you”

“Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you”

“Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you”

“Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you”

“Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you”

“Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you”

“Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you”

“Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you”

“Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you”
















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