Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыПлан урока на тему "В отеле"

План урока на тему "В отеле"

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Московский промышленно-экономический колледж  

Преподаватель Денисова H. С.


Lesson PLAN

Topic: «At the Hotel»                    

Practical Task

·         to develop students’ listening and speaking skills using different activities that lead to natural  communication;

·         to develop students’ grammar skills - to review the comparative/superlative forms of adjectives;

·         to give students practice in writing (completing a reservation form).


Language: useful phrases to use at a hotel reception, words connected to staying at a hotel.


Tasks + Aims

TSs Interaction









I. Starting















Warming up




To set up the goals and encourage students to work.











To refresh the key vocabulary - developing a semantic map.






 T   Ss

T         Ss















T   Ss



Setting up the goals and encouraging students to work.

T: Good afternoon. Today we are going to discuss a hotel experience. The language focus is on words and phrases you can use being a guest at a hotel. When staying at a hotel you need to make yourself understood when checking in, checking out and asking for information. We all need more practice and training in this area. We’ll study different hotel situations and learn how to be polite tolerant and friendly. I hope you will enjoy all the activities.

So let’s get down to work and create groups of words which relate to each other.

T - What does the word ‘trip’ remind you of? First, we’ll start with VERBS!

(take /make a trip, to arrange a trip, how was your trip? to cancel a trip, to postpone a trip, to delay the trip, have a great time during the trip... ).

- Now let’s move on to NOUNS and ADJECTIVES!

(a trip abroad, a round-trip ticket, a return trip, a business trip, the worst trip I’ve ever made, ... )

T - What about constructing a lexical group related to the word ‘hotel’? VERBS, NOUNS and ADJECTIVES are possible!

(a five star hotel next to the beach, an appalling hotel, a hotel with a sea-view, the hotel is miles from the beach, to be at the hotel reception, problems during our stay at the hotel, the hotel wasn’t worth the money...)


5 min



















Answering the T’s questions


T   Ss

T   S1

T   S2

T:  Do you mind if I ask some questions to you?

- What must people do two hours /thirty minutes before an international flight? (check-in,  board the plane).

- What should you do if you are going to miss your flight?

5 min



To check students’ understanding of the previously learnt material.



T   S3

T   S4

T   S5

T   S6

T   S7

T   S8

- How do people reserve rooms? (phone or the Net).

- What are the main room types? (double /single room /suite).

- How do people pay? (cash /credit card /traveler’s checks).

- Do rooms in the hotels have a bath rather than a shower? (Yes, they do).

- Having a reservation in the hotel breakfast is included in your booking, isn’t it?  (Yes, it is).

- When and where should people ask permission to take photos?


Group Work



To request information - asking  questions/

answering questions.












Ss Ss





Ss Ss


T:   Some of the students are ‘receptionists’ at the hotel. The rest of the group - guests.

       Each ‘receptionist’ has a question written on the green piece of paper and each guest has just one right answer among three written on the yellow paper. The receptionist’s task is to find a person with the best written response to his question.

      When guests hear ‘wrong’ questions, they try to say something suitable for the situation, and don’t say only ’’I’m not ’your’ guest’’. Be careful and don’t ‘miss’ your receptionist. I hope we’ll be listening to all constructed pairs in 5 minutes. (Teacher distributes the handout).

       Questions for the receptionists (R1,3,5,7,9)

R1:   Good afternoon. Can I help you?

R3:   Could I see your passport, please?

R5:   Could you sign here, please,?

R7:   Would you like the porter to carry your luggage to your room? 

R9:   Would you like to collect your passport later?

        Answers for the Guests (G2,4,6,8,10)

G2   A  Certainly, it's in my bag.

        B  No thanks. I'll take it myself.

        С  Would you mind opening the window?

G4:  A Yes, I asked for a double room with balcony.

        В  That's right. I asked for a non-smoking room.

        С  No, I'll wait here if it isn't going to take long.

G6:  A  Thank you, everything is OK with me.

        В  What do you need my passport for?

        С  Yes, of course. May I use your pen?

 G8: A  For three days.

        В  Yes, I've booked a room. My name is Smith,

        С  That's right. I asked for a non-smoking room.

G10A  Certainly, it's M-U-L-L-E-R.

        В  That's right. I asked for a non-smoking room.

        С  Could you explain what you need it for?

7 min




To develop students’ grammar skills - filling in the gaps (writing).



















(Teacher distributes the handout).

T:   Please, look at the text. A potential guest is phoning a country house hotel to ask about differences between the rooms. I want you to have a bit of writing and fill in the gaps with the appropriate form of adjectives.

HOTEL: Good afternoon, Carlton Court Hotel. How can I help you?

GUEST: Good afternoon. I'm phoning to ask about the three suites you feature in your brochure - the Nelson, the Clive, and the Drake. I'm trying to decide which one would be 1the most suitable (suitable) for me. Are they all more or less the same?

HOTEL: NO, they are all individually designed. I'll start with the Nelson suite - it has a single bed, a sitting-room and an en-suite bathroom. It costs £65 per night, so it's   2_______________________   (cheap) of the three suites, but of course it is also 3____________________________ (small) of the three because it's for one person.

GUEST: HOW much 4 _____________________   (big) are the other two?

HOTEL: About twice the size. The Clive is quite a lot 5    

(spacious) than the Nelson, and has a double bed, en-suite bathroom, a sitting-room, and a small dining-room. It's a little 6 _______________________    (expensive) and costs £85 per night per person, but that does include dinner for two.  It’s the only suite on the top floor, so it has 7_________________ (good) view of the city.

GUEST: And what is the Drake Suite like?

HOTEL: Well, it's £105 per person per night including dinner, so it's our 8___________________________     (expensive) suite, but it's also our 9_________________ (popular) one, and reservations need to be made well in advance. It is 10________________(large) than either the Clive or the Nelson, and it's 11__________________(quiet) than them because it's at the back of the hotel.

GUEST: Thank you very much. I'll be in touch again soon.

(Checking in: students read the text in turn).

7 min






to develop students’ listening skills


(Script -

Приложение 1)


Transcript o




T   SS


T:  Now your task is to listen to Rich and Jack who are talking about hotels. After listening you’ll work out 8 items (phrases) for matching them to the correct definitions. Then you’ll to discuss the problems that Rich experienced at the hotel IN PAIRS.

  1. a wooden structure that is built into the sea and has entertainment facilities on it: (a pier)
  2. the best type of hotel: (a five star hotel)
  3. a person staying in a hotel: (a guest)
  4. a bed for a baby: (a cot)
  5. something you use instead of stairs: (a lift)
  6. an extra payment: (a supplement)
  7. all meals are provided at the hotel: (full board)

8.      the type of holiday where the place has a kitchen so you can cook your own food: (self-catering)

6 min



to develop students’ speaking skills


S1  S2

S3  S4

S5  S6


T:  Summarize the problems that the guest had on his visit to the hotel. Was each problem resolved to his satisfaction? How did Rich respond when things didn’t go quite as smoothly? What would you have done if you had been in his shoes? Discuss your feelings and attitudes to the problems in pairs.

T:   Well done. We were introduced lots of useful language.

7 min




To fill in the gaps with appropriate words














T:   Now it’s time to complete a room reservation form. (Teacher distributes the handout).

(Teacher distributes the handout).

RESERVATION     FORM                                                                                                                            





Guest name:   






Arrival date:      




Number of     



Room type:       single         with bath

                              double          with shower

Method of payment:    cash        

                   traveler's checks 

 Visa         Access        Amex 



Card Number 




4 min


III. Conclusions




Giving some explanations about H/W

T Ss


T:   There are some common questions that you always ask in a hotel if you want some information or if you have problems. What lesson activities do you consider useful and profitable for language practice?  Please, try to explain your choice.

For example: “A Room Reservation Form”, because                                                                                                                              this authentic material has been of much practical value; dialogues from television are good for improving the natural sound of foreigners in speaking the language”.

T:   Your home task is to write a review about a hotel that you've stayed in.

4 min

Saying Good-Bye


1. Robin Walker, Keith Harding. Oxford English for Careers: Tourism 1 (Student's Book).

2. https://premierskillsenglish.britishcouncil.org/skills/listen/podcasts/speaking-skills-hotel

Приложение 1


(bing - reception bell)

Rich: Oh come on!

(bing - reception bell)

Jack: Sorry about that. I was just on the phone with another guest. Welcome to Seaview Hotel. How can I help you?

Rich: Yes, hello. I have a booking for tonight and tomorrow night.

Jack: What name is it under?

Rich: Spencer. S P E N C E R

Jack: Ah yes, I have your reservation here. A single room for three nights.

Rich: Er … no, sorry I booked a double room for just two nights.

Jack: Right. OK, I see. It seems to say that you booked a single room.

Rich: No, I’m sure it was a double room. Look I have my wife and children here. It would be a bit difficult for all of us in a single room. I have my reservation here. I printed it out.

Jack: Ah, yes. I can see that. There must have been a problem with the booking system. I’ll try to find you a double room.

Rich: Thanks.

Jack: I’m afraid the only suitable room left is one with twin beds rather than a double.

Rich: OK, I suppose that will have to do. Does it have a cot in the room?

Jack: No. Would you like us to put a cot in the room?

Rich: Yes, I did book a cot in my original reservation.

Jack: You will have to pay a supplement for that.

Rich: Pay extra, really?

Jack: I think we can overlook the cost this time, sir.

Rich: Yes, good. Thanks. Could you tell me, what time is dinner?

Jack: Dinner? We don’t serve dinner at the hotel, sir.

Rich: But I booked full board. Breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Jack: I’m sorry sir. Neither full board or half board are available. We only have bed and breakfast or room only options. You seem to have just booked the room, but we can certainly add breakfast to your bill.

Rich: To my bill? Really? I think we’ll go out for breakfast. Could you tell us where our rooms are?

Jack: Certainly sir. It’s room 330. It’s on the third floor. I’m really sorry, but you’ll have to take the stairs. The lift is broken but it will be fixed by Monday.

Rich: About right - we’re leaving on Monday.

Jack: Glad to hear it, sir …



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