Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыПлан занятия по теме "Лондон"

План занятия по теме "Лондон"

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Name: Eleonora Karabatova

Perm Petroleum College

Date: 19.09.2014

Group: Geologists

Level: A1-A2

Course: 2

Lesson: 2

Length: 90 mins

Approach: Task Based Learning

Situational presentation, Teaching from examples


The UK, London

Aims: By the end of the 2 lesson, students will have:

Main Aims:

learnt about the UK;

learnt about London

Subsidiary Aims:

had the opportunity to improve their speaking skills (pair and group work);

had the opportunity to improve their listening skills

Personal Aims:

to reduce teaching time and practice more;

to make the lesson more SS-centered

Class Profile:

There are 16 students aged 16-17. Nobody tends to dominate.

Sources of materials:

Teacher`s own activities and materials

Anticipated Problems and Solutions:

Problem                                                                                                          Solution

SS may not know much about the UK and London           tell SS and show pictures and video


SS can understand the video and answer the questions




Lesson stage/

Time interaction




Lesson stage/

Time interaction




































15 min

































To generate interest and motivation to the topic.

Get SS share their opinions in pairs.







To practice their skills to read for specific information.



To practice Present Simple in questions.

To practice ability to ask and answer the questions.



Provide fluency practice.





T shows the musical presentation about the history of the UK (an English student prepared it for his History lesson) and asks: What information is new for you? Is it true or false?

SS work in pairs and then tell the class.


T shows the presentation and SS choose the necessary information to fill the cards.


SS play the game “Crosses and noughts” in pairs using the information about the UK.





Finally, SS try to remember the information.

SS play the game “Snowball” (they can`t use their notes).

The last S is a winner.





The name of the country


The population of the country


The total area


The density


The political system


The head of the state


The main cities


The climate


The highest point


The natural resources of the country


The main rivers


The famous people


The sights



Crosses and Noughts


The first student asks the question and draws a cross.

The second student answers the question and draws a nought.














Lesson stage/

Time interaction




































5 min































To generate interest and motivation to the topic.





To activate the vocabulary.



To practice their skills to listen for specific information.




Provide fluency practice.



T guesses the word

 _ _ _ _ _ _

SS propose different words with 6 letters.

SS try to guess the word.



SS complete the word map with words from the box.


T shows the video about London.

SS watch and circle the correct answers.

Check answers with the class.


SS discuss and answer the questions in pairs:

Do you agree with the statement: “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life”? Why?

Would you like to go to London? Why?

SS share their opinions with the classmates.



Овал: ?

The Word Map

Овал: Transport

























Taxis    buskers    pubs    restaurants    churches    clubs   

the Underground    cinemas    art galleries    waterbuses   

palaces    buses    discos    theatres    cathedral    museums



When did these things happen?

1.      The Romans built the first bridge over the river Thames in AD


2.      The people of London built the second bridge in


3.      London Underground started in


4.      Madame Tussaud brought her exhibition to London in


Complete the sentences with the numbers

a)      London has a population of about _________ million.

b)      _________ million tourists visit London every year.

c)      Over ________ million people visit Madame Tussaud`s every year.

d)      Harrods has ________ departments.

e)      Harrods has ________ floor.

f)       Harrods has over ________ staff.

g)      Harrods has about ________ customers a day.

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Краткое описание документа:


The UK, London

Aims: By the end of the 2 lesson, students will have:

Main Aims:

learnt about the UK;

learnt about London

Subsidiary Aims:

had the opportunity to improve their speaking skills (pair and group work);

had the opportunity to improve their listening skills

Personal Aims:

to reduce teaching time and practice more;


to make the lesson more SS-centered

Main Aims:

learnt about the UK;

learnt about London

Subsidiary Aims:

had the opportunity to improve their speaking skills (pair and group work);

had the opportunity to improve their listening skills

Personal Aims:

to reduce teaching time and practice more;


to make the lesson more SS-centered


 Task Based Learning

Situational presentation 

Teaching from examples



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Дистанционное обучение иностранным языкам как современный формат преподавания

72 ч. — 180 ч.

от 2200 руб. от 1100 руб.
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10 ч.

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4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 85 человек из 27 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 12 человек


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780 руб. 390 руб.
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